Cynthia Roemer's Blog

September 3, 2024


Have you ever wished the Lord would just send you a message or give you clear direction? When you’re troubled of heart or needing encouragement, wouldn’t it be great to hear or see a tangible directive?

Well, today, for the first time, I feel the Lord did just that–sent me a clear message of hope!

As I walked in our utility room I noticed our calendar hadn’t been switched to September yet (three days into the new month). So I flipped it over and, as usual, read the inspirational words at the center of the picture.

Three words that nearly stole my breath away.


EXPECT ASTONISHING RESULTS. Now, those words can mean different things to different people in various circumstances. But to me–a Stage IV cancer patient who has been praying for God’s healing–my mind went straight to my frail health and rather grim outlook for the future. And I was blown away!

Those words–expect astonishing results–spoke so strongly to me as if the Lord was indeed sending me a message of hope and healing. Time will tell if He intended them the way I interpreted them, but for now, they are balm for my weary soul.

Four years of battling cancer have left my body weak and definitely weary. I shared in my last post (Life’s Journey Part 9) about the Lord restoring my joy. Now, these precious words have restored my hope that one day healing will come–whether it be in this life or the one to come.

But no matter what my future holds, I want to shine a light for Jesus and give Him the glory each day I live. May He be praised for all He has done and all He plans to do.

**What brings you hope when you need it most?



Inspirational Historical Romance set during the Civil War era

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Published on September 03, 2024 13:23

August 26, 2024


It’s a terrible thing to lose your joy. And even worse to lose hope. But earlier this spring and summer, that’s where I found myself.

One week after receiving welcome news of “no new cancer spots” and radiation to my skull and pelvis looking successful, I began having extreme fatigue and, soon after, unexplained pain in my pelvis and a low-grade fever.

I thought, surely it can’t be related to cancer since I just had a CT scan that showed “good news”. But the fatigue, pain, and fever continued to worsen, to the point walking across our yard became a burden. Multiple visits to my PCP and attempts to contact my oncologist proved fruitless. My symptoms were passed off as merely side effects from radiation I’d had earlier in the year.

In the meantime, I grew worse and was living on Tylenol. Eventually, I wound up in the ER with a 101 fever, extreme fatigue and constant pain. I was checked for sepsis, among other things and was told I had bacterial bronchitis. Though I did have a bit of a congested cough, I was skeptical that could be the full problem. I was given fluids and sent home with an antibiotic.

Amazingly, though my fever and pain didn’t go away entirely, the antibiotic did help, But it didn’t last. Three days after stopping the antibiotic, my fever and pain started to worsen again.

Finally, I was able to get in to my oncologist. From my symptoms, she agreed something was going on, so ordered a full PET scan which told a far different tale than the CT scan I’d had six weeks earlier. The cancer had progressed throughout my body–from my skull to my femurs. Apparently my current Stage IV cancer medication I’d been taking had stopped working at some point and the CT scans hadn’t detected it.

Anemia, fatigue, pain, fever, severe night sweat, weight loss. You name it. I had it. I’d never been one to take naps, but at this point, I could do nothing but. I would wear out so easily and need to rest by mid-morning and again for a couple hours in the afternoon.

I was losing the joy of living and any hope for a future.

Then God…

Many were praying alongside my husband and me during this time of trial. The Lord heard our prayers and began to move–starting with my attitude. When I’d all but given up hope, He gently reminded me that no health problem or difficulty can steal my hope of salvation. I am His and He is mine regardless of how short or long I have on this earth. If I left this life, Heaven awaited me. What a glorious thought!

That truth began to light a flame of renewed hope in my heart. I clung to that hope and prayed for wisdom as my husband and I sought the next step.

After seeking three doctors’ opinions, I began iron infusions and a new chemo infusion treatment. On my own, I also made some nutritional and supplemental changes to try to boost my depleted body. Within weeks, I was noticing a difference. My pain had lessened. The night sweats and fever were all but gone. I could walk and do things I hadn’t been able to for months!

Though there were the typical chemo side effects to deal with, by the third week after treatment, I was able to enjoy life again. Better still, I began to sense the Lord was renewing my joy. Partly due to feeling better, but it was more than that. I’d rediscovered where my hope and joy lie–in my relationship with my Lord and Savior.

Though my circumstances haven’t changed. These treatments are known to help stay the cancer only 8-10 months (not very long), and my options afterward are few (mainly clinical trials), I have a peace in knowing the Lord is in control. I’ll be on this earth not a day longer or shorter than He deems best.

While we continue to pray for His healing hand to rid me of cancer permanently, I’m clinging to the hope and joy of each new day, knowing my life is in the palm of His capable hands.

**What brings you joy and hope in the midst of trial?




Inspirational Historical Romance set during the Civil War era

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Published on August 26, 2024 09:51

July 15, 2024


In April, the Lord blessed my husband and me with thirty years of marriage. We are still awaiting a get-away to celebrate, praying my health will improve enough to be able to enjoy a few days away from home, relaxing and enjoying some new sites.

In recent months, this wasting disease known as cancer has invaded every faucet of my life–emotional, physical, spiritual. Its grip has stolen my ability to function and do the things I love. It has robbed me of joy at times and offered me pain and tears in its stead.

But even as my body is wasting away, I sense my spirit growing stronger. Recently, the Lord reminded me so tenderly that no matter how difficult the day, I can rejoice in knowing I have salvation through Christ. No one or nothing can take that away.


This past week, when I was discouraged by my continual weight loss and likening myself to a holocaust survivor, my husband firmly but gently assured me that no matter if I weigh 100 lbs. or 80 lbs., I was still his wife and still beautiful in his eyes. Tears filled my eyes at his loving words. In our thirty years of  marriage, I have never felt so loved or cherished.

If that sort of deep undying love can be revealed within an earthly marriage, just think how much deeper and richer God’s love for us goes? We can’t fathom in this life how much our Heavenly Father loves us. We can only see small glimpses of that perfect heavenly love.

Whether the Lord chooses to bring healing, or my body continues to waste away, how grateful I am to Jesus for His great sacrifice in giving me the hope and assurance of eternity with Him. There is nothing sweeter or more precious in this life, and I pray you too know that joy.



Inspirational Historical Romance set during the Civil War era

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Published on July 15, 2024 12:01

June 19, 2024


Life is a journey, full of twists and unexpected turns. But when we submit our ways to the Lord, He “makes our paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:6) 

I have a new appreciation for those who endure chronic pain. Something I’ve been dealing with now for about five or six weeks. Pain in my pelvic joints that makes walking and even moving or standing a challenge.

The unexplained pain came on me overnight, along with a low grade fever. The past couple of weeks, my fever has continued to rise and also my pain level. When my fever reached 101.1 by noon yesterday, my oncologist’s nurse suggested a trip to the ER to check for sepsis, a serious condition.

Four hours in the ER and eight vials of blood thankfully cleared me of sepsis, but offered no clear answers for my increased pain or fever or other ongoing issues. I’m trying a different oncologist next week, praying for new insights and clear direction to bring sweet relief to this relentless discomfort. Oh how I pray for answers and for the Lord to guide me to the right team of doctors to bring me through this.


I read a wonderful book by Bill Bright a while back about the final leg of his journey to Heaven and the pain he endured. I loved that he focused our eyes on Jesus and the pain and suffering He went through as He was beaten, ridiculed, and cruelly crucified on a cross. Mr. Bright made a wonderful point that our suffering in this life, no matter how unpleasant, is nothing compared to the physical, mental, and spiritual anguish Christ suffered on our behalf.

My pain is involuntary. I didn’t ask for it, nor do I want it. But Jesus willingly took the hit for us on that cross. Every inch of His body and soul was in agony. All on our behalf. At any time, He could have said “Enough! These people are not worth carrying the burden of sin or the horrific pain I’m in.”

But He didn’t. Can you imagine how much love it took for Him to stay on that cross? How much love it took for our Heavenly Father to watch Him suffer and die?

Pain isn’t pleasant to deal with in this life, that’s certain. But when compared to what Jesus endured, I’d say we have much to be thankful for. Wouldn’t you?

Someday we’ll be free of pain, death, and the troubles of this life that plague us. And because of Jesus, we have a place reserved for us in Heaven if we’ve made Him Lord and Savior of our lives. What a blessing to cling to.



Inspirational Historical Romance set during the Civil War era

~Available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble
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Published on June 19, 2024 12:45

June 5, 2024


Life is a journey, full of twists and unexpected turns. But when we submit our ways to the Lord, He “makes our paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:6) 

After three months with a white tongue and little taste, I recently visited my radiologist to see what might be done  Truthfully, I didn’t expect much help. More or less, I wanted to prove my dilemma after being told repeatedly “that isn’t an expected result of your radiation.”

As usual, I had to fill out a form which asks for basic questions of changes to my health since my last visit. I had several issues going on and at that point was very frustrated with my team of doctors. I hadn’t felt good in almost a month and was getting very few answers why.

So when I came to the part that asked how I was feeling: worried, anxious, hopeful, peaceful, etc., for the first time I hesitated. In the three and a half years since my original cancer diagnosis, every time I had ALWAYS marked: hopeful. But this time, my fingers just wouldn’t let me place an X by the word. I looked over the other options. None seemed to describe how I was feeling. Finally, I wrote in the word: tired.

I was tired of the fight. Tired of not tasting, of not even having an appetite. At this point, at 5’8″, I was barely tipping the scales above 113 lbs and looking and feeling unhealthy. I’d grown tired of doctor appts, unreturned phone calls and unanswered messages, I’d grown weary of anemia, pain, getting worn out doing the simplest of tasks.

I didn’t feel hopeful. I felt tired. Discouraged.


My sister steered me toward a book by a cancer “victim” with stage IV colon cancer, entitled Notes from the Valley. I promptly purchased it on-line and have been reading through it chapter by chapter. It is so encouraging just to know someone else can relate to the feelings I’m experiencing. I’ve laughed, nodded my head, and said more than once out loud “exactly”!

It’s sometimes unnerving not knowing if I’m going to live or die. If the Lord will ultimately bring healing or take me home to be with Him. But in reading through one of the chapters, I came to terms with the truth that being hopeful has nothing to do with how I’m feeling.

My hope is in Christ. Whether I live or die, my future rests secure in Him. What a blessed truth! And just the encouragement this girl needed!!

I’ve started a “thankful log”, daily writing down ten things I’m thankful for. Things as random as butterflies to shade on a hot day to the blessing of family. How grateful I am my “hope” doesn’t rest in my circumstances. My hope is in Jesus, the One who loves me and you beyond all measure. May that truth alone cause us to rise above the groanings of this life and cling to the treasure and hope we have in Him.

So the next time I come to the “how are you feeling?” on one of those medical forms am I going to mark “hopeful?” You betcha I am!!  And here’s why…

“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” (Romans 8:18)

“We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.” (Romans 8:22-25)

Is something stealing your hope? I pray you’ll be encouraged by these words and in what the Lord has reminded me — that my hope comes from Him and nothing in this world can dim that hope unless I let it.



Inspirational Historical Romance set during the Civil War era

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Published on June 05, 2024 13:33

May 16, 2024

LIFE’S JOURNEY (PART 5) – The Gift of Trials

Life is a journey, full of twists and unexpected turns. But when we submit our ways to the Lord, He “makes our paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:6) 

Have you ever considered a trial to be a gift?

After I was diagnosed with stage II breast cancer in October of 2020, I had the distinct impression of the Lord saying, as He did to Peter in Luke 22, “Satan has asked to sift you like wheat.”

Though a bit unsettling, I thought, Okay, I’ll go through this trial, cling to the Lord, gain new insights, bolster my faith, and move on. Little did I know the “sifting” would not be short-lived. After a year of treatments and a brief six month reprieve, my battle moved to a deeper level. The cancer we thought had been killed out instead spread to my bones and lymph nodes.

Three and a half years after my original diagnosis, I’m still battling, still daily being sifted like wheat. Though cancer meds and radiation have worked to slow the disease, the treatments have taken a toll on my body. My strength is sapped and my body depleted.


Can the Lord heal me? Absolutely! Will He? Only time will tell.

Part of me longs for my old healthy body and to be rid of this relentless, wasting disease. I rejoice any time I have a feel-good, pain-free day. Which, honestly, haven’t been many in recent weeks.

But another part of me sees the precious gift at the core of this trial–a more Heaven focused mindset. When I look at the sky, I think of Heaven. The beauty of creation makes me wonder what it will be like to stroll amid the perfect creation alongside our Creator. When I experience aches and pains, I wonder what it will be like to have a new body, with no pain or imperfection of any kind. Won’t that be wonderful?

When I hear conversations about things like clothing, decorating, or someone’s latest purchase, especially after my Stage IV diagnosis, I just can’t relate. The things of this world have lost their luster. Don’t get me wrong, I still slip back into earthly thinking quite often. But it’s just different somehow. Not as important.

Family. Relationships. Faith. That’s what’s important.

I find myself eager to make the best use of my time on this earth. Make each day count somehow by speaking words of encouragement to someone or sharing what the Lord is whispering to my heart. What Satan means for harm, the Lord can use for good.

Whatever the future holds, I want to live with Paul’s motto, “For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.” (Philippians 1:21)

**Have you ever experienced a trial that draws you closer to God?



Inspirational Historical Romance set during the Civil War era

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The post LIFE’S JOURNEY (PART 5) – The Gift of Trials appeared first on CYNTHIA ROEMER ~ INSPIRATIONAL AUTHOR.

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Published on May 16, 2024 13:25

May 7, 2024


Life is a journey, full of twists and unexpected turns. But when we submit our ways to the Lord, He “makes our paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:6)

Have you ever felt Satan is hovering over you, zapping you with everything he has? Doing his utmost to discourage, defeat, and destroy?

In February of this year (2024), I had just begun radiation on my two most active cancer spots (base of skull and lower back.) At that time, my weight had fallen to an all-time low. I was told by an oncologist nurse to eat 2,000 calories a day to try to bolster my weight. I was determined to do my best to regain my lost pounds and look and feel better.

Within days of beginning this new “beefing up diet”, I started to notice I wasn’t tasting as well. I mentioned it to my radiology techs, but they just said, “Huh. That’s odd.” I suspected it had to do with the radiation to my skull, but only had a few treatments left, so pressed on.

Days after my final treatment, not only was I not tasting, but I had sores on the roof of my mouth, my tongue was so sore I couldn’t chew, and the back of my throat so raw I could hardly swallow. (Not very conducive to trying to eat extra calories to gain weight!)


In desperation, I started drinking supplemental drinks just to survive. Thankfully, within a few days my throat, mouth, and tongue improved. My taste buds, however, did not. The few foods I could taste, tasted like cardboard.

I noticed my tongue was white and, being told by my radiologist it may be thrush, I made an appointment with my doctor’s nurse practitioner. After two rounds of thrush medicines with no improvement, yesterday (two months after finishing radiation) I went a see about my tongue a third time. This time requesting my PCP.

Upon looking at my tongue, she immediately determined it was radiation burn which hopefully will improve in time, but there are no guarantees. I’d suffered damage to my taste buds and likely my saliva glands. Not what I wanted to hear.

Within the past couple of weeks, I’d also had a severe round of neck pain that made it hard to swallow, extreme fatigue from anemia, lack of appetite, and TMJ with my jaw that made it nearly impossible to chew. It seemed Satan was attacking my ability to eat every angle he could. The two pounds I’d worked so hard to gain, turned to a loss of three within a week. And I just wanted to cry. In fact I did.


Satan is out to discourage, defeat, and destroy with his fiery darts. But we can’t let him win. He likes to hit us when we are down, at our weakest point. I took a prayer walk yesterday to try to gain encouragement from the Lord. And He brought to mind the passage in Ephesians 6 about putting on the full armor of God.

“Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 

Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” (Ephesians 6:10-12, 14-17)

Combating Satan is a spiritual battle, and to win against him we must arm ourselves with godly trappings. Satan has no power to defeat us when we rely on God’s strength to infiltrate our lives. Life is hard. We all face our giants, but how thankful we should be that we don’t face them alone. When Satan throws his darts at us, we need only to saturate ourselves with Scripture, prayer, praise music, and grateful hearts.

I thank the Lord for reminding me my strength comes from Him and that Satan can not and will not defeat me so long as I cling to the Father.

Are you being bombarded by Satan’s arrows of discouragement? May you draw strength from the Lord to see you through.


Inspirational Historical Romance set during the Civil War era

~Available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble
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Published on May 07, 2024 14:48

April 29, 2024


Life is a journey, full of twists and unexpected turns. But when we submit our ways to the Lord, He “makes our paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:6)

Are you in the “prison years” of life?

Our Sunday school class has been working its way through the book of Genesis and finally made it to the story of Joseph. We all picture young Joseph as a cocky, rather spoiled favorite that earned disgruntled jealousy from his older brothers.

But by the time his story ends, he is a very different Joseph. While in the throes of very challenging circumstances, his heart underwent a transformation that allowed the Lord to use him in mighty ways.

Most of us our familiar with Potiphar’s wife’s false accusation that sent Joseph to prison. He must have felt pretty low at that point–sold into slavery by his brothers, trying to do his best to make things work at his new job in Egypt only to be tossed into prison for a crime he didn’t commit.

And yet, even in prison, the Lord kept His hand on Joseph, blessing his efforts and causing him to find favor. Instead of throwing up his hands or blaming God for his circumstances, Joseph used those “prison years” to fine-tune his faith, forgive his brothers, and serve the Lord the best he could.


As I pondered this, I realized some things about my own life. This cancer journey is much like Joseph’s “prison years”. He had no inkling whether his stay there would be long or short, just as I can not see the outcome of my situation.

The “prison years” can be dark and dreary when we view only our present circumstances. But we never know what God has in store or what He is doing behind the scenes. In the blink of an eye, He might do something totally unexpected. Joseph went from prisoner to second in command in a short span of time. And I truly believe that is because he honored God where he was at and sought the Lord wholeheartedly.

Like Joseph, I want to use my “prison years” as a time to mature in my faith and learn obedience, rather than wallow in self-pity, wondering “why me?” Whether He choses to heal me or not, I long to be transformed into His likeness and fulfill His purpose for me.


A full two years passed passed after Joseph interpreted the cupbearer’s dream before he was released. But Joseph’s time in the dungeon was time well spent. He emerged from the “prison years” not cocky or embittered, but a god-fearing, obedient servant who valued the Lord’s plan above his own.

Oh how I pray that for each of us. May we go through the dark “prison years” seeking the Lord’s plan for our lives, making every effort to drink in His presence and fill our souls with a longing for Him. So when we reach the other side, we might taste the fullness of His good and perfect will.

Are you enduring the dark “prison years” of illness, financial stress, marital decay, brokenness, disaster, trauma? Be patient. The Lord hasn’t left you alone.

“For I am the Lord your God
    who takes hold of your right hand
and says to you, Do not fear;
    I will help you.”

Isaiah 41:13


Inspirational Historical Romance set during the Civil War era

~Available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble
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Published on April 29, 2024 11:43

April 22, 2024

Life’s Journey (Part 2)

Life is a journey, full of twists and unexpected turns. But when we submit our ways to the Lord, He “makes our paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:6)

One truth I can claim as I’ve battled cancer the past three and a half years, is that I’ve always sensed the Lord’s presence. No matter how challenging the procedure, surgery, recovery, infusion, or doctor visit, He has stayed true to His promise never to leave or forsake me.

But while I sensed the Lord’s presence, every time I received more bad news, something deep within me balked at the notion He would make everything right. Whenever someone on the radio or an inspirational speaker made the comment “God never lets us down,” I felt a tightening in my abdomen.

As hard as it was for me to admit to myself or others, I did feel let down. Originally diagnosed as a Stage II breast cancer patient in 2020, I went through three surgeries within a year and a full year of cancer treatments, Assured the cancer was gone, my doctors sent me on my way.


Within six months of completing my treatments, I found a swollen lymph node in my neck after helping my son clean up his yard after a windstorm blew through. I was exhausted. Too exhausted. A call to my oncologist had me up for a visit within the same day.

After examining me and hearing my story, the NP told us, “It’s probably a reactionary lymph node due to over exertion. It will likely go down in a couple of weeks.” Seeing my concern, he added. “Don’t worry. There’s very little chance it could be cancer.”

But the lymph node didn’t go down. I kept hoping and praying, but the more time that passed, the more concerned I became. About that time, I noticed a raised area in my chest about the size of a goose egg in length and width. I went to my PCP to have it checked. “I wouldn’t worry about that. I think you’ve awakened a muscle,” she told me. On one side?? I wasn’t convinced, but she was the doctor.


After three months with no real concern or answers, I finally got a doctor to take me seriously. A surgeon I was seeing on a separate issue. One look and feel of the lymph node heightened her concern. She quickly suggested a biopsy. I told her I had an appt. with my oncologist in a couple of weeks, should I just wait? “I wouldn’t,” came her somber reply.

I left the room stunned, knowing by her response it likely wasn’t good news. She ordered a biopsy and within a few days, I received a call from my oncologist no one wants to get. Especially a second time.

A PET scan showed cancer had spread to my bones and lymph nodes. Basically, it lit up like a Christmas tree. I was now a Stage IV cancer patient. My husband and I were stunned and heartbroken, trying desperately to process the grim news. (Read how we handled this in my post, Being Thankful in the Hard Places)

I didn’t understand. After all the precautionary surgeries, treatments, and “clear margins,” how could I wind up with Stage IV cancer in a matter of months? Not only had the medical world let me down, I felt let down by God too. So many prayers had been offered on my behalf. Why hadn’t He answered them?


After some prayer and soul searching, I finally came to the realization that, for whatever reason, I’m right where the Lord wants me to be. He doesn’t make mistakes. He calls the shots, not satan.

Remembering God is in control somehow gave me peace. Maybe He is going to somehow use this trial for His glory or to help and encourage others who are struggling or so He can display His power in a miraculous way. I pray so on all those counts. Whatever His reason for allowing me to be in this difficult place, I have to believe He has a purpose and a plan, I have joy in knowing that He does care and is still in control.

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me.” (Psalm 23:4)

If you’re walking a dark, difficult road, please know you are not alone. God is with you and has a plan for your life. If you’ve walked a difficult path and seen the Lord’s hand at work, I would love to hear your victory story!


Inspirational Historical Romance set during the Civil War era

~Available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble
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The post Life’s Journey (Part 2) appeared first on CYNTHIA ROEMER ~ INSPIRATIONAL AUTHOR.

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Published on April 22, 2024 08:04

April 15, 2024


Life is a journey, full of twists and unexpected turns. But when we submit our ways to the Lord, He “makes our paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:6)

The past four months have been a blur. Radiation to my skull and lower back had zapped my energy and put me behind schedule writing my sixth novel, Beyond Shattered Dreams. I spent every spare minute trying to complete it.

I was sooo thankful to finally finish the manuscript (though three weeks after my deadline.)  At last, I would have time to enjoy some other outdoorsy pursuits.

After hitting SEND to my publisher, I experienced almost a lost feeling. My life had been so steeped in writing the past few months. I needed a break. Now suddenly, I had time to spare.

But before I could enjoy this new freedom, a fit of coughing caused a fracture in my rib near my spine due to weakened bones from my Stage IV cancer. Then a week later, a second sharp pain in my neck made it hard to turn my head or even swallow. Ugh!

There went my hopes of gardening, working in my flower beds, and going on a 30th Anniversary trip with my husband. So disappointing. What was the use of more time when I was too laid up to do what I enjoyed?


I felt a tug on my spirit to seek more time with the Lord. Reading Scripture, taking prayer walks, enjoying creation. This, I could do. And I soon found, when we open our ears to listen, the Lord is faithful to speak.

It’s no coincidence that the theme verse for Beyond Shattered Dreams is Jeremiah 29:13 – “You will seek Me and find Me when you search for me with all your heart.” 

That’s what I sense the Lord wanting me to do with my extra time. Seek Him with my whole heart. Already, I feel my hunger for Him growing. And I look forward to receiving more and deeper insights from Him as I journey through this time of limitations and seek to know Him on a deeper level. If you’re willing, I invite you to share in this journey with me as I convey the godly truths He whispers to my heart.

I am so grateful, with all the limitations and hardships cancer has brought, I am still able to write! I pray you’ll be blessed in reading these upcoming posts (hopefully once a week). May they draw you closer to the Father, and may we all seek Him with all of our heart.


Inspirational Historical Romance set during the Civil War era

~Available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble
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Published on April 15, 2024 12:32