Rachel Pudelek's Blog

February 12, 2019

FREE Book!

Freyja's Daughter (Wild Women 1) is FREE for a limited time! Download your copy now. Freyja's Daughter
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Published on February 12, 2019 16:43 Tags: free-book

FREE Book!

Freyja's Daughter (Wild Women 1) is FREE for a limited time! Download your copy now.
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Published on February 12, 2019 16:43 Tags: free-book

February 11, 2019

FREE BOOK & Lilith's Children Release Day!

It's a Happy Release Day for Lilith's Children (Wild Women 2)!!!

As is my style, this book is unique in so many ways, including the powerful folkloric creatures involved. Of course there's the huldra, mermaids, rusalka, harpies, and succubi from the first book, but now you get to meet three new Wild Women groups and...a new supernatural group of men! And then there's something special about those who end up...doing BIG things.��

Here's what early readers have been saying: "Rachel Pudelek has
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Published on February 11, 2019 16:00

December 22, 2018

COVER REVEAL for Lilith's Children!!!

Woohoo!!!! I get to share the cover for Lilith's Children!!!!��

Click here��to pre-order the ebook!��


But first, here's what it's about...

The battle raging between the Wild Women of Seattle and the Hunters has sparked a war.���But will either side survive the new threat that lurks in the shadows?

Hunters are doubling down their efforts, putting Faline's coterie on the run. But war waits for no woman, especially not a fugitive...

Faline���s plans for a surprise attack on an east coast
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Published on December 22, 2018 16:00

December 17, 2018

Holiday GIVEAWAY!!!

I write fantasy and so do my friends. Well, not all of them, but a lot of them do. This year we got together and created a giveaway for our readers which includes a bundle of our fabulous fantasy novels (including Freyja's Daughter) and a freaking KINDLE FIRE. It's our way of saying THANK YOU for encouraging us in our��quest for super weirdness.��To enter, all you need to do is comment beneath this blog post (or on the equivalent post on my page on FB) AND��sign up for��my newsletter.

I will host
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Published on December 17, 2018 16:00

October 10, 2018

Giveaways, Giveaways, and GIVEAWAYS, OH MY!

Hello again! How crazy is it that October is not only here, but rolling full steam ahead?! Before we know it, we'll be gift shopping and holiday party planning.

I shiver at the thought.

So Freyja's Daughter is a part of three giveaways at the moment. Yeah, that's a lot. They all just happened to fall at the same time, which means there's something for everyone.��One of the giveaways is for the full ebook, and the other two are for a preview of the book. BUT here's the thing. The two preview
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Published on October 10, 2018 17:00

September 28, 2018

Empowering Reads

Yesterday, as I sat at work in the back room of a public library, a thought occurred to me: I should post a list��of powerful science fiction/ fantasy��novels��that shine a light on the evils of the oppression and objectification of women. I work in a library, so I'm exposed to MANY titles, and I also write these types of books.��So, here you go, a list of books that'll empower and inspire you to action.��(This post isn't an exhaustive list, but enough to get you started.) Feel free to add your
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Published on September 28, 2018 17:00

August 1, 2018

Freyja's Daughter on Good Day Sacramento's Book Club!

Woohoo!! Freyja's Daughter was on TV! Here's the clip. :)
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Published on August 01, 2018 17:00

May 21, 2018


In 2010 I sent my very first query letter. And today, in 2018, my very first published book released. This whole month I've been giddy, and I expected to feel the same today, only so much more. But rather than giddy, today I am so very grateful. Overwhelmingly grateful.��

In 2009 I wrote my very first full length novel as an adult. It was a historical that I still love to this day, and that received great feedback from agents. But I very quickly realized I didn't want to debut in historical
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Published on May 21, 2018 17:00

May 3, 2018

Book Trailer for Freyja's Daughter

It's May, the debut month for FREYJA'S DAUGHTER!!! I've been super busy preparing presentations and launch events, both on Facebook and at University Book Store Mill Creek (check the��events page of this website). Not to mention working on the second Wild Women book. Eeek, it's gonna be good! While I've been running around, others have been receiving early copies of Freyja's Daughter and loving it. Here's what a few of them had to say:

I'm so thankful for all the support! Truly grateful.
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Published on May 03, 2018 17:00