Brian Whiting's Blog: Galactic Blog

January 15, 2020

Book 5 Progress

This has been an interesting and frustrating experience. I had written about half the book and am still on the lookout for a great editor that can fix my terrible grammar mistakes.

I let the book sit a few weeks with no progress in writing it, as life had got in the way. When I needed to get back into writing I decided to read it first... I was not happy with it, at all. It fells like I paid $120 for a one day Disney ticket and I left the park before lunch.

Needless to say I've still got a ways to go before its ready to publish. But life and work is getting in the way lately. Eventually I'd love to write full time but I am nowhere near being able to do that either.

I believe patience is the only remedy at this point.
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Published on January 15, 2020 06:55

October 11, 2019


If you have posted your rating here. Please take a moment and do so on amazon. There is a disparity between my amazon rating and my good reads rating and I'm hoping to even them up a little bit. 5 stars would be appreciated of course. You guys are amazing !!!

Thank you
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Published on October 11, 2019 19:39

September 1, 2019

Book 4 On Pre Order

Hello Everyone !

Book 4 is now available for pre order !
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Published on September 01, 2019 11:25

July 14, 2019

Next Series ?

I have started story plotting on a couple of different series ideas. One is about a young man that discovers he’s the son of a fallen Angel he is forced to accept beliefs and fight against the demons and agents of darkness. He also confronts angels and argues with God as he fights to prevent end times.

The other is about a young women who is a slave in a kingdom of magic and dragons, in a moment of chance she is imbued with the powers of the strongest mages of have known to exist and must come to grips that she is suddenly the key to changing her world.

Truly, I am on the fence as to which series to start next. I welcome your vote or suggestions.

As far as the Galactic Startup series is concerned. Do not worry, I will write it to conclusion for better or worse. :)
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Published on July 14, 2019 12:45

March 14, 2019

Book 3 Published

Book 3 Shadows is ready to be read !!

Book 4 is is about 70% completed on first draft.
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Published on March 14, 2019 07:42

January 4, 2019

Current Progress

Hello Everyone, so Book three is nearly finished at the editor. I hired a professional editor this go around. so I am hoping for a more polished product. Then, I'll start the beta readers. The book design, cover and layout. I'm on track for an early March release, crossing fingers.

I am very excited about book 4.. I love writing this one, in fact I'm already half done with the first draft. If I keep this pace I'll be done with the first draft before book 3 is published...We shall see. I'd start gushing about it right now but I don't want to spoil book 3's ending, all I can say is the end of book 3 is a total cliff hanger and seems you won't have to wait long to get your fix on book 4.

I appreciate everyone's support and reviews. I recently took sometime to read all of them. Made my week. Thank You!
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Published on January 04, 2019 04:24

October 24, 2018

Audio book # 2 Available + other news

The audiobook for book #2 is available.

Book # 3 is currently at 55K words and growing. As of right now I think it's going to be bigger then book 2. So , I'm aiming for a early march publish. Of course If I can get it published before then I will obviously.

I am on the hunt for a better editor, I dont think ill be using either of the first two.

Im also thinking of producing my own audio versions of my series. Any thoughts on this?
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Published on October 24, 2018 19:21

September 11, 2018


When I thought of my series, I never thought of it as just one book. I pictured the entire series, maybe a bit loose but you get the idea.

When I created my plot points and story archs, I was thinking of the big picture and the long road.

What I didn't anticipate was the balance that exists in which a reader can be satisfied not knowing everything up front, and getting the missing information later down the road.

My series has an awkward relationship between the protagonist and his father. Which at the moment purposefully doesn't make a whole lot of sense. This also rubs into his relationship with his friends. This missing piece of information is purposeful yet hurting my reviews, it seems.

I think I'll adjust my writing in the future books accordingly. Lesson learned, If your a new writer like me, take note. Relationships need to make sense now, not later.
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Published on September 11, 2018 19:56

August 30, 2018

Book 2 launch issue corrected

Kindle Create formatted my book in a fixed format. SHOUT OUT TO SCOTT , Thank You Scott for identifying the problem with great specifics! Id buy you a beer but your kinda far away ! lol...

I had to literally unpublish the book and re publish it to fix it for format issues. Which are now resolved.

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Published on August 30, 2018 17:26

August 16, 2018

Neighbors Book 2 - Available

Its a short pre order, but its available ! The pre-order thing is kinda an experiment thing Im trying out, see how it goes.
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Published on August 16, 2018 04:03

Galactic Blog

Brian  Whiting
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