Alicia Thompson's Blog

August 29, 2009


Woohoo! The book trailer is complete, and looks fantastic (if I do say so myself, and I do).

Anyone who knows me knows I am completely obsessed with IMDB. I like to go on and read the trivia, the goofs, and then I spend hours reading all the comments in the forums. Sometimes I find myself clicking all the way through a thread, even when it's like "I think Zac Efron is sooooo hot!!!!1″ or "does ne1 kno where 2 find the song when they kiss?" And then the next time I'm talking about the...

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Published on August 29, 2009 16:31

August 26, 2009

Back to School

I'm sorry, internet.  It's been over a week since my last blog post.

Monday was the first day back to school, and it's been a whirlwind of all the best — and worst — things about returning to school after a long summer break.  I was always one of those dorky kids who was all like, "Woohoo!  No more boring summer!  Time to get my learn on!"  And it's really no different.  I'm super excited about the semester starting up again.

[image error]

It's kind of ironic that whoever made this image misspelled...

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Published on August 26, 2009 08:13

August 16, 2009

Everything I Know About Film Sets I Learned From Steve Perry

This weekend my husband directed the shoot for a book trailer for Psych Major Syndrome.  Of course he did fabulously in his directorial debut, but I admit I was a little nervous.  I mean, I've never been that close to a film before.  How would it work?  What could I expect?

But then I got on the set, and I immediately felt at ease.  Everything was familiar, comfortable.  But where could I have gotten such extensive knowledge of film sets and been so prepared for this experience?

Oh, right.


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Published on August 16, 2009 20:59

August 13, 2009

Top Five Places I'd Use JetBlue's "All You Can Fly" Pass For

Ever since JetBlue advertised their All You Can Fly offer, I've been obsessed with thinking about what places I'd want to visit if I a) had $600 to spend on a month-long pass, and b) had the time to travel to several different places in a one-month span.  Neither of those things is true, but a girl can dream, right?

1. New York City

[image error]

Although it's true that the last time I flew JetBlue to NYC, they cancelled my return flight and called me to tell me I could either fly out the next day or try to...

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Published on August 13, 2009 21:38

August 12, 2009

Do you know what a slug line is?

I didn't before today.  I googled it and found the answer I was looking for, but not before I found this:

[image error]

I've never heard of this guy or his music, but if he sounds like a young Elvis Costello like Amazon promises, I may check him out.  Elvis Costello — at any age or incarnation — rules.

I also found this:

[image error]

Apparently it also has something to do with traffic, although I still don't fully understand this one.

The slug line I was looking for has to do with shooting scripts, and is the heading...

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Published on August 12, 2009 20:27

August 11, 2009

Zero Day: PSYCH MAJOR SYNDROME is in stores!

Finally, it's here: book release day! I'm running out to my local Borders RIGHT NOW to look at the book on the shelves, although I won't buy one. (I have an author copy, plus I pre-ordered one from Amazon because I got a little overeager . . .)

I'm just worried that TMZ will be outside my door, and will capture me with no makeup on and publish it in a two-page spread called "Yikes! No makeup!"

Since I never wear makeup, I ALWAYS look like the before pictures. But shouldn't they really be...
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Published on August 11, 2009 12:42

August 10, 2009

1. Know When to Ask for an Extension

I figured this was a fitting time to write this blog, considering the fact that I got a little bit behind schedule this weekend.

There will never be a time when writing a paper is more fun than IMing your friends through gchat. That's what they invented discipline for.

Chances are, in your very first semester you'll come up against a deadline you just don't think you can make. Luckily, you've been visiting your professor's office hours (as I advised in my last blog), and so you figure...
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Published on August 10, 2009 12:42

August 9, 2009

2. Hang with Your Professors

Yes, outside of class. And no, I don't mean that you have to go over to their house and fingerpaint with their kids or anything like that. Although if you get invited, I guess it can't hurt.
False. It CAN hurt. You see, if you go over to your professor's house, then you might be forced to sit there on her couch while her four year old daughter licks your foot. And you won't know how to tell the kid to stop it, because this is your professor and you don't want to be a jerk to her kid. And...
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Published on August 09, 2009 16:40

August 8, 2009

3. Find a Study Spot

I knew people who would sit at Perkins for hours nursing a cup of coffee and studying for their exams. I always thought it was kind of stupid. The waitresses would snarl at you for monopolizing the table (even if it was two a.m.), and inevitably you'd need something you'd left at home.

Then there was the Great Laptop Conundrum, which always kept me from enjoying my excursions alone to public places with my laptop. Say you take your laptop to Starbucks. You sign up for the two hours worth of...
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Published on August 08, 2009 16:40

August 7, 2009

4. Be a Joiner

College has a lot of cool opportunities to try different things — and the bigger your school is, the more options you'll have for stuff to do.

Even though my school was small, I still got involved in some awesome clubs during my time there. Instead of advising you (someone I don't know) what you should join, I figured I would just list everything that I did to give you an idea of what it's like.

As if I don't already feel like enough of a narcissist writing this blog, let me talk exclusively...
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Published on August 07, 2009 16:40

Alicia Thompson's Blog

Alicia Thompson
Alicia Thompson isn't a Goodreads Author (yet), but they do have a blog, so here are some recent posts imported from their feed.
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