Michael Listen's Blog: Ask the author - Posts Tagged "worldbuilding"

Lore and Worldbuilding for a Space Opera

As I completed my novel 'Echo,' I reflected on the extensive notes I had accumulated. These notes contained technical details, lore, and the history of the galaxy where my characters resided. I enjoy constructing things, whether it's homes in Sims 4, parks in Planet Coaster, or the random pirate map. That's why I took great care to create a timeline for my novel and meticulously documented the intricate details of the tool Den Nova used to bypass an airlock door. With so much information at my disposal, I felt compelled to do something with it.

Recalling my passion for the Star Wars universe, where I would voraciously consume any piece of hidden knowledge, I decided to reorganize my notes and share them with some captivating images. I hope this provides others with the same sense of connection and excitement I felt growing up as a fan of the Star Wars and Star Trek universe.

Echo Series: History of the Galaxy.

Echo: Part One
Echo: Part Two
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Michael Listen
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