Jesse Andrews's Blog: aguirre, the wrath of blog - Posts Tagged "research"


hey readers. what is up. i am amped that you are my readers.

i have a second YA book coming out next spring called THE HATERS. revisions are pretty much done and i am proud of it. i can't wait for you to read it.

but this post is actually about my third book, which i am outlining right now. it's been 15 years since i was in high school and it's really important to me to make work that feels real and true. so these are questions i have for people who are in high school right now:

1. at school have you been formally taught anything about climate change? what have they taught you?
2. do you think about climate change much? what do you think about it? do you think it's real? does it cause you any kind of anxiety? what about your classmates?
3. for context, what kind of school do you go to (public/private, big/small) and where?

if you have time/desire to answer those, please go to and put "climate" as the subject.

thanks readers! i promise the third book is mostly not about climate change, i just want to get it right when the characters are talking about it. p.s. earl and greg will probably be in this book, but not as main characters. well, earl is sort of a main character. but it's not his POV. anyway get amped.

see you in eight or nine months because i am not on goodreads all that often,
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Published on July 07, 2015 12:13 Tags: climate-change, jesse-andrews, me-and-earl-and-the-dying-girl, research, the-haters

aguirre, the wrath of blog

Jesse Andrews
i am jesse andrews and i probably will not be using this blog a whole lot
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