Deesha Philyaw's Blog

February 26, 2020

Coming Sept. 1, 2020!

I’m sooo proud of this moment!!‬

‪Sign up for my newsletter for future news about pre-orders and events: ‬

‪#secretlivesofchurchladies #2020Sept1 ‬

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Published on February 26, 2020 10:42 Tags: black, black-women, church, religion, sex

January 9, 2020

New Year, New Book, New Website

Get the latest on my forthcoming book The Secret Lives of Church Ladies (West Virginia University Press, September 2020) at my website:
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Published on January 09, 2020 04:21

April 25, 2014

Co-Parenting 101 at Parenting Expo - Cleveland

This weekend, we're excited to be a part of the Parenting Expo on its 2nd stop, Cleveland!

Today, Deesha stopped by the FOX 8 News morning show to talk about the Expo and co-parenting. Check out the clip above.

For more information about Parenting Expo - Cleveland, including ticket info, click here.

Next stops for the Expo: Columbus, Cincinnati, and Indianapolis.

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Published on April 25, 2014 14:00

April 6, 2014

Does the PTA at Your Child's School Welcome Noncustodial Parents and Stepparents?

[image error]

We are pleased to be presenting a workshop at the National PTA Convention--"Engaging Non-Custodial Parents and Stepparents"--in June. In preparation for this presentation, we want to hear from non-custodial parents, stepparents, and PTA volunteers and leaders about their experiences. In particular, we're interested in the following:

1) If you are a stepparent or noncustodial parent, have you felt welcomed by the PTA at your child’s school?

2) If you are a PTA leader or volunteer, what has been...

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Published on April 06, 2014 10:38

March 28, 2014

Gwyneth Paltrow, Conscious Uncoupling, & Co-Parenting

When I (Deesha) first read that actress Gwyneth Paltrow announced she and her husband Coldplay's Chris Martin were getting a divorce and that she described it as "conscious uncoupling," I rolled my eyes like so many others did. Because given other public statements by Paltrow, it's easy to view her choice of "conscious uncoupling" as an attempt to somehow elevate and distinguish her divorce from all the others. You know, the thoughtless, unconscious uncouplings... In response to Paltrow's st...

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Published on March 28, 2014 05:31

March 23, 2014

"What I Wish My Co-Parents Had Known": Get Counseling When a Parent is Absentee

One of the most common comments we receive about this site and our book is from adults who say, "I wish this had been around when my parents were breaking up." We believe that kids and adults who are (were) co-parented are the real experts on how co-parents can help their children thrive after a break-up. So below is the first in a series of blog posts from the point of view of teens and adults who were/are co-parented or raised by single parents. In this series, we invite guest bloggers and...
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Published on March 23, 2014 11:30

March 19, 2014

"What I Wish My Co-Parents Had Known": A New Series

One of the most common comments we receive about this site and our book is from adults who say, "I wish this had been around when my parents were breaking up." We believe that kids and adults who are (were) co-parented are the real experts on how co-parents can help their children thrive after a break-up. So below is the first in a series of blog posts from the point of view of teens and adults who were/are co-parented or raised by single parents. In this series, we invite guest bloggers and...
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Published on March 19, 2014 08:21

March 2, 2014

"When Divorce Magnifies Adoption's Losses": Deesha's Essay in the NYTimes

In January, Deesha's essay about co-parenting our youngest child, who is adopted, was published in the New York Times' Motherlode column. Here's an excerpt:

To have been adopted and then become a child of divorce has added another layer of complexity to my daughter’s struggles. Some of my friends are surprised that she struggles with adoption issues because ours is an intraracial domestic adoption, and we brought her home when she was 2 weeks old. But from what I can glean from my daughter, sh...

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Published on March 02, 2014 12:24

February 22, 2014

Co-Parenting 101 at Parenting Expo - Pittsburgh!

Monroeville Convention Center, March 8 & 9, 2014

We’re pleased to be presenting a co-parenting workshop at Parenting Expo Pittsburgh on March 8! The Expo is a 5-city, weekend-long event featuring ideas, advice, and new products for parents, and it’s kicking off in Pittsburgh at the Monroeville Convention Center. We’ll be there to talk about helping kids not only survive divorce, but thrive in 2 households. And we’ll have signed copies of our book Co-Parenting 101: Helping Your Kids Thrive in T...

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Published on February 22, 2014 16:03

February 11, 2014

A Co-Parenting Mom's Journey from Fear to Freedom

When Richard left, my emotions were fear, bewilderment and hate. I wanted to block him out, never see him again. I didn't want him to have anything to do with the children. I felt that if he was going to reject me in such a way there would come a time when he would reject our children, become bored with them as he becomes bored with many of his hobbies. I wanted to protect them, but mainly I wanted to protect myself. I couldn't look at him.

I am surprised I never crashed driving away after d...

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Published on February 11, 2014 04:14