Riley Hart's Blog

February 8, 2018

Cover Reveal and Other Odds and Ends

Hello! I have a couple exciting things to share with you today!

First up, cover and blurb reveal for EVER AFTER a gay fairy tale I wrote with Christina Lee!

It all began with the cover illustration we saw last summer, created by Jay Aheer. We immediately knew we wanted the design and that we’d be clearing our schedules in the near future to write a tale of two princes. This is our fifth collab but so different than anything we’ve written together and we’re thrilled for you to meet these men.

Release date: February 28th

Cover Design/Illustration: Jay Aheer

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As next in line for the Evergreen crown, Prince Merrick Davendall’s future involves ruling, marriage, and producing an heir of his own. But he’s long been tormented by desires that are far from princely. Especially when the beautiful Cassius is promoted to be his new valet, and Merrick is struck by a longing like never before—a longing to know him far beyond royal and servant.

After his father’s passing, Cassius Havendale’s sole duty is to provide for his family. A promotion to serve a pampered prince is something he endures only for their sake. Surely Prince Merrick has no understanding of true suffering of the common people, nor could he possibly understand what it’s like to desperately desire something he cannot have.

Except the prince is not at all what Cassius imagined. Kind, humorous, and caring to those in need, he also shares Cassius’ affinity for the arts. In fact, Merrick understands his deepest vulnerabilities in a most remarkable way.

As their affection deepens, the underlying tension between them becomes unbearable and they’re unable to ignore it any longer. But when the queen prepares a lavish ball with all the eligible ladies in the land in attendance, Merrick must fulfill his obligations to his country, and Cassius has the needs of his family to consider. They’ve long known their stolen moments would have to come to an end, but are they ready to give up one another and the idea of a happily-ever-after?

***PLEASE NOTE: EVER AFTER is a romantic fairy tale—minus the magic—that features one compassionate prince, one brooding valet, and some angsty forbidden love. It's loosely based on a certain treasured fairy tale in a wintery make-believe setting that wouldn’t be considered contemporary but also doesn't play by any traditional rules or time period.

My second bit of news is in regards to the Wild Side series!

It has now gone wide! For those who don't read on Kindle, I'll be cycling my single author Riley books that release in KU and taking them wide! GONE FOR YOU & TIED TO YOU are now available from other vendors. DEPTH OF FIELD goes wide in April and COLOR ME IN, sometime after that.



My hope is to get to Chance's story later this year.

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Published on February 08, 2018 21:24

November 18, 2017



My relationship with Jared has lasted too long. He’s mesmerizing, beautiful in his devotion, pure in his need. He reaches parts of me I thought no longer existed, places I’d never known were there. His submission is a gift. His cries of pleasure and pain call to the most primal parts of me. I want to inhale him, own him, mark him as mine. He’s my boy and I need to be his Daddy, but my fear holds me back. I’ll fail him like I’ve failed everyone else I’ve loved. Before that happens, I’ll walk away.


I’ve never known security, love, or true pleasure before Kieran. With every touch, every command, every second of blissful, torturous pain, my heart grows and my soul is at peace. He protects me, spoils me, gives me what I need. Still, in some ways, he’s closed off and won’t let me in. But Kieran’s given me strength. I’ve evolved, and won’t accept less than I deserve…and I won’t let Daddy accept less than he deserves, either.

It’s a delicate balance: give and take, pleasure and pain. Together we can break each other down to our purest forms and build each other up again. Kieran always says I’m stronger than I think, but I know that together we’re invincible…if only he’d believe me.

We have two choices: say goodbye or fight for what’s always been out of both our reaches…fulfillment.

Warning: Jared's Fulfillment contains BDSM elements, domestic discipline, spanking, and daddy kink--without age play--between two consenting adults. If any of those things offend you, reading this book might not be a good idea.

Release Date: December 1
Cover Design: X-Potion Designs
Cover Image: Eric Battershell
No preorder available

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Published on November 18, 2017 09:26

October 16, 2017

JARED'S EVOLUTION, why BDSM and following your heart

I have a new book release!!! YAY. I will start off by saying I'm incredibly proud of this book. I was scared to write it but passionate about writing it and it feels really good to have followed my heart. Jared and Kieran's journey means a lot to me...that being said, I KNOW it isn't for everyone. If you're not interested in BDSM or Daddy Kink, you likely will not enjoy this book. I put the warning in the blurb, because I wanted everyone to know what they were getting into. I created the "Desires Unleashed Collection" with a logo so people would know what they're getting into. If you see one of my books with the logo and you don't enjoy BDSM or kink, you might want to skip that book. BUT, if you see a new book without that logo, you can expect the Riley you've been used to over the years.

I wrote a little something on my Facebook page, and I thought I'd share it with you guys. It gives you a bit of an idea on how I feel and this book.


I've had a few people ask me why BDSM? Why now?

First, let me start by saying no reader should ever read something they’re not interested in. I get it. I want to read books I think I’ll enjoy and you likely do too…but on the flipside, all writers should also write what they’re interested in, what they’re passionate about. Because someone has never written something before, that doesn’t mean the interest hasn’t always been there…and if it’s a new interest, that’s okay too.

I can’t write something if my heart isn’t into it. Writing comes from love and passion for me so if I write something…I’m passionate about it and not doing it for trends, shock value or anything else. The question on why to write this or that just doesn’t sit well to me, even when I KNOW the people asking mean no offense. But it feels like…why would you write this weird, different thing when you could write vanilla and that reminds me of times myself and good friends have been asked by publishing…since the book isn't about race, why write this black character when they could be white? Or getting asked why write m/m when you could be writing m/f (real questions I've gotten)? The second I’m not writing with my heart, that means I shouldn’t be writing.

From the beginning of my career I’ve always written what is in my heart, and I’ve always believed everyone should see themselves in the stories they read. Even back to my early days of YA before there were hashtags for diversity, I wrote diverse characters. We need books for everyone and I’ve always tried not to limit myself in which stories I tell, even if it’s something new for me. There’s always a need for different stories. And sometimes…a character is black not because it’s a race story…but just because that’s who they are. Sometimes a character is gay not because it’s a coming out story…but just because it’s who they are. Sometimes a character practices BDSM just because that’s who they are too. (actually, I should say most of the time in all of these situations instead of sometimes)

The truth is, I’ve wanted to write this book for a long time. The truth is, this story came from my heart in a big way. Maybe five years ago, I never would have seen myself writing this book but that’s the beauty in being human…and in books, IMO. We grow and learn and change—much like Jared does in the book. I’ve learned SO much about myself through reading and writing. My viewpoints and world has been opened in so many ways. I feel more secure in who I am as a person, in ways I never have before. It’s funny how those things happen when you don’t realize they’re happening…but man, pretty incredible too.

We’re all evolving all the time—or we should be. As writers, our books evolve. As readers, our reading tastes often evolve, which doesn’t necessarily mean leaving the old behind—just expanding to see and share and experience MORE things, which I think is important. Certain topics are being written about and read about more because…well, I think because we’re seeing that we don’t have to keep ideas, thoughts and feelings locked away because they aren’t the popular opinion or because they're "different". We’re seeing it’s okay to talk about and do things that everyone might not understand…but they don’t have to understand, really. That’s okay as long as we respect those differences in people.

So…I wrote this book because it means a lot to me. I wrote it because I’m passionate about it. I wrote it because it explores topics that I feel strongly about. I wrote it knowing that it wouldn’t sell as well and not as many people would be interested in it, because it was important to me. Does that mean I’ll be writing all kink now? Nope! That’s why I started the Desires Unleashed collection. When you see that logo, you know what you’re getting into. If that isn’t your thing, that’s fine. Just keep going and hopefully pick up the next book. If that logo isn’t on a Riley novel, then you know what to expect as well.


Like I said, everyone should read what they're interested in. If you think you'd enjoy it, I hope you give it a try. If it's not your thing, I hope you'll give my next book that isn't "Desires Unleashed" a chance. There are SO many stories to tell--kink and not kink. So many stories to read--kink and not kink. How lucky are we to have so many incredible stories to choose from? How lucky am I to be able to follow my muse, wherever she takes me, and to write stories I'm proud of?

My next single author book that isn't part of Desires Unleashed will be the second Last Chance book, coming early 2018.

For now, those who are interested in kink and BDSM, here's a little about Jared.

He wants to dominate me…to discipline me. He wants me to call him Daddy…

I’ve always taken care of myself—worked hard to become king of the courtroom and excel in the cutthroat business of winning cases. I’m fierce…brutal…confident. I’m a lie. Underneath my armor, I’m drowning, losing myself under the weight of life. At thirty-three years old, I should be able to handle the pressure.

My neighbor Kieran sees past my spotless suits and manufactured control to the real Jared. The one who secretly craves being dominated, to serve, and to give up control—not just in the bedroom, but in every aspect of my personal life.

I can’t want this…but I do… When I’m under Kieran’s command—spanked, rewarded and caged—I’m free. With Kieran’s care and guidance, my mind is unburdened as my body soars to new heights, and Kieran becomes what we both need him to be: Daddy.

It’s a journey of dominance and submission—of rules, schedules, security and discipline. He opens my world, teaches me, changes me…but he doesn’t let me in. It’s temporary, Daddy tells me, and I’d be wise to remember that, so I don’t get hurt.

Warning: Jared’s Evolution contains BDSM elements, domestic discipline, spanking, and daddy kink—without age play—between two consenting adults. If any of those things offend you, reading this book might not be a good idea.

Jared’s Evolution is part of the Desires Unleashed collection. Some books in this collection will have darker themes. Please be aware Desires Unleashed are er*tic and not your typical Riley Hart romance. You can expect the mental and emotional journey to be led by the physical/s*xual moments—which will be intense, frequent and kinky.

Available exclusively from Amazon.
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Published on October 16, 2017 22:36

September 7, 2017

LIVING OUT LOUD--now available

Hello!!! I'm excited to announce that my newest Nyrae Dawn collaboration with Christina Lee is now live!!!

You can find LIVING OUT LOUD exclusively on Amazon.

Ben Emerson has lived by his minister father’s rules most of his life. Born into an ultra-conservative church community, he’s finally brave enough to break free and move to San Francisco. Distancing himself certainly helps create a new mindset, but living as an openly gay man takes some getting used to. When he reaches out to Xavier, a childhood friend who lives in the city, Ben isn’t sure how he’ll respond given their thorny history. Ben hopes the familiar connection will help him right some wrongs as well as provide the solace he’s been craving.

Xavier Ramos is who he is, and he doesn’t give a damn what anyone thinks. Whether it’s eyeliner, nail polish, tattoos or his love of hooking up, he uses his body as a form of self-expression but doesn’t let anyone get too close. When Ben reenters his life, Xavier helps him experience the city and feel comfortable in his own skin. Seeing the world through Ben’s eyes, he begins to wonder if he’s also not living as freely as he thought.

When Xavier challenges Ben’s beliefs about sex, it becomes explosive—for both of them. Xavier breaks apart Ben’s sheltered world and shows him what it’s like to live out loud. The more time they spend together, the more Xavier begins to long for Ben in a different way—one that both surprises and scares him. But real life doesn’t fade into the background, so when Ben’s past comes knocking, old habits are hard to break. Testing the foundation of their deepening connection will take a trust that will either bind them…or tear them apart.

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Published on September 07, 2017 10:39

July 19, 2017

Thank you

As you guys know, last week was the release for DEPTH OF FIELD. It's been a crazy, exciting, stressful week!

I've dealt with some tough stuff--like one of my books being illegally sold on iBooks--THE iBooks. It still blows my mind. As of this time, I'm still waiting for it to get pulled. There's a long process and lots of negatives for me involved with this but I don't want to get into that right now...what this post is about is how, despite the troublesome things that have happened this week, I'm grateful. I couldn't be more thankful for the support with DEPTH OF FIELD. As I'm writing this blog on Wednesday night, it's sitting at number 53 on Amazon... Fifty-three in the Amazon store! That blows my mind.

Obviously, I couldn't do that without the readers. Without you guys taking a chance on my men. For buying and reading. Reviewing and spreading the word. There aren't enough thank yous in the world.

Every day I sit down at my computer and think about how lucky I am. Writing is my safe place. My solace. There are times I honestly feel like it keeps me sane. People often ask how I write so much, or how I manage it with some of the things I'm dealing with in my personal life, and the answer is, I do it because I NEED it. I need writing like I need air and there is no way I would survive without it.

Thank you for taking this journey with me!
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Published on July 19, 2017 21:22

July 13, 2017

Depth of Field now available!

Book release days always stress me out. But the more I connect to a book, the harder it is. And I loved this book, you guys. I did. Of course, I have to love every book I write but...Every once in a while the perfect idea hits at the perfect time. A book that takes me over. A book I live and breathe and fall incredibly hard for. A book that I know I was supposed to write. As an author, I live for those moments. I never know when they will hit.

It happened with Collide. I had traditional publishing contracts to fill, and deadlines to make but Noah and Cooper needed their story. I needed their story.

It happened with Crossroads. My original plan had been to jump straight into Rock Solid book two (which I hope will eventually come one day!). I struggled with it, as you know. I still struggle with it...but then there was Bryce and Nick. These men who didn't know what was happening to them, but the one thing they did know was they loved each other. Their story consumed me.

And it happened with Depth of Field. Again, my plan was to jump right into Wild Side three (Chance is screaming for his story so it is coming!). But as loud as Chance is...Van and Shane were louder. They needed their happily ever after first because they'd been through so much. DEPTH OF FIELD took on a life of it's own. Van's career took on a life of its own. And yes, the book is hot but it feels like so much more than that to me. It's about second chances. It's about redemption. It's about family. It's about mental illness. It's about love and acceptance and being true to yourself.

I hope you guys love Shane and Van's book as much as I do.

This one is Amazon exclusive for now, and available to read FREE with KU!

You can purchase it HERE.

Shane Wallace has made a decent life for himself in Last Chance. He built his own home on his mom’s property to take care of her, owns an automotive repair shop, and when he wants to get laid, Portland isn’t too far away. Not too shabby for the boy who spent his childhood getting bullied and feeling alone. Shane’s content to leave his past behind him...until one of his childhood tormentors comes back to town.

Maxwell Sullivan never planned to step foot in Last Chance again. Here, he was Maxwell, a teen who suffered in silence while everyone thought he had the perfect life. Now, he’s “Van,” the erotic artist and photographer. He’s only here to help his mom tie up some loose ends after his father’s death and to apologize to Shane. After that, he’s heading back to LA for good.

Shane never thought he’d have anything in common with Maxwell, but there’s a depth to Van that surprises him. Van knows what it feels like to be alone. He sees Shane in ways no one else does. There’s a shared connection neither can deny. Somehow, despite their rocky history, they get each other.

It’s not long before the two are so drawn to each other that they tumble into bed—sometimes with Van’s camera involved. Their chemistry in and out of the bedroom is undeniable. Except nothing is ever black and white. Shane can’t leave his mom and Van’s life is in LA. With two different lives pulling them in opposite directions, their picture-perfect ending might not be in the cards.

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Published on July 13, 2017 09:21

June 22, 2017

Cover Reveal: DEPTH OF FIELD

Hello! I wanted to stop by and show you guys my new cover. I am in love with it...and this book. It's one of my favorite books I've written. I can't wait to share it with you!

Shane Wallace has made a decent life for himself in Last Chance. He built his own home on his mom’s property to take care of her, owns an automotive repair shop, and when he wants to get laid, Portland isn’t too far away. Not too shabby for the boy who spent his childhood getting bullied and feeling alone. Shane’s content to leave his past behind him...until one of his childhood tormentors comes back to town.

Maxwell Sullivan never planned to step foot in Last Chance again. Here, he was Maxwell, a teen who suffered in silence while everyone thought he had the perfect life. Now, he’s “Van,” the erotic artist and photographer. He’s only here to help his mom tie up some loose ends after his father’s death and to apologize to Shane. After that, he’s heading back to LA for good.

Shane never thought he’d have anything in common with Maxwell, but there’s a depth to Van that surprises him. Van knows what it feels like to be alone. He sees Shane in ways no one else does. There’s a shared connection neither can deny. Somehow, despite their rocky history, they get each other.

It’s not long before the two are so drawn to each other that they tumble into bed—sometimes with Van’s camera involved. Their chemistry in and out of the bedroom is undeniable. Except nothing is ever black and white. Shane can’t leave his mom and Van’s life is in LA. With two different lives pulling them in opposite directions, their picture-perfect ending might not be in the cards.

Release Date July 13, 2017
Cover Image: Kevin Hoover Photography
Cover Design: X-Potion Designs

Add to Goodreads HERE
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Published on June 22, 2017 20:01

March 12, 2017

WORKING IT now available

It's book release time! WORKING IT, the second book in the Metropolis series, co-written with Devon McCormack is live! We had so much fun with Cody and Hayden. Their story is a little sweeter than the first...but has some really sexy surprises thrown in too. We loved catching up with the Metropolis gang and giving Cody and Hayden their happily ever after. Hope you guys enjoy them too!

Available from Amazon

After his boyfriend dumps him, Hayden is in need of a place to live. Thanks to his buddies, he has a great lead to room with a guy named Cody in Metropolis, the hottest condominium in town. But things get a little uncomfortable when Hayden shows up for the interview and discovers he and Cody share an awkward up close and personal experience from their past.

Cody doesn't have a problem living with Hayden. He's had his share of help when he was down and out, and he wants to do the same for this guy. It's not long until Cody realizes how great it is having someone around. Sometimes, they watch movies together...and other times, they help get each other off--one of the perks of living with a guy who's as laid back about sex as he is. They hit off so well Cody even decides to act as wingman for Hayden while he gets used to hitting the town again.

Before they know it, they're spending more time with each other than with anyone else. But Hayden just got out of a relationship and should be spending his nights having fun and working it around town, not jumping into something serious again. Cody's always just gone with the flow, believing if it's meant to happen, it will. But life doesn't always work that way, and if they don't fight for what's right in front of them, Hayden and Cody might be over before they have the chance to even get started.
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Published on March 12, 2017 21:41

January 18, 2017

New Release and newsletter

I have a surprise! I released a new book with Devon McCormack today! FAKING IT is the first book in a new series. We're having so much fun with it! We hope you guys enjoy it!

Buy from Amazon

There’s never a dull moment at Metropolis…the condominium known for having the hottest openly gay tenants in town. The boys of Metropolis are always on the prowl for a good time. They like their drinks heavy and their tricks easy.

Gary should be living it up in his South Tower unit of Metropolis, but he’s having a hard time adjusting to his newly single status. It’s not easy to walk away from five years with his ex, who he discovered was cheating on him with some North Tower twink. After a night out partying, licking his wounds, he goes to bed alone. When he wakes the next morning, there’s a naked guy in his bed. Not just any guy. A stud from North Tower. But hot as he is, what the hell is he doing in his room?

Travis doesn’t get why Gary’s freaking out. So he went home with Gary’s roommate and accidentally crawled into the wrong bed. It’s not the first time he’s woken up in a strange place. Maybe Gary would loosen up a little if he gave it a try as well. Travis has more important things to deal with though…like his meeting with an investor who could give him the money to start his massage parlor.

They’re both sure that’s the last time they’ll have to deal with each other until a mix-up leads Gary’s ex and Travis’s investor to think they’re an item, which Gary and Travis use to their benefit by posing as a couple around town. Soon, they discover the chemistry between them is off the charts. Travis brings out a sexual confidence Gary didn’t know he had—one Travis enjoys exploring with him. But as the two keep up their boyfriend hoax, Gary realizes Travis isn’t as shallow as he thought. Gary’s starting to develop feelings for him. But Travis doesn’t do relationships, and Gary should know better, considering they’re just faking it…

Also, I have a new, more official newsletter! Enter your email address below to keep up with my new book releases. There will also be exclusive newsletter content--giveaways, teasers and more sent out every now and then :)

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Published on January 18, 2017 11:03

January 12, 2017

Cover Reveal: GONE FOR YOU

Hello! I'm really excited to share the cover, blurb, and excerpt for GONE FOR YOU. The first book in the Wild Side series (previously rambled about by yours truly under the title West Hollywood Boys).

I'm loving this series. I've already started book two. I love the branding of Wild Side, which will be on each cover and matches the signage on the bar in the series. I've also been working on a special surprise in this book...something you guys will see when you read it and I hope you love it as much as I do. It's different and fun and GAH, I'll stop rambling now!

Here is the cover :)

Series: Wild Side
Release Date: February 6, 2017
Cover Design: X-Potion Designs
No preorder at this time.

Oliver Hayes wears his heart on his sleeve, and his friends never let him forget it. Every Friday night spent at Wild Side, their favorite West Hollywood bar, Oliver’s lack of hookups becomes the hot topic. It’s not that he doesn’t want a good time. He just wants it to mean something, which is a lofty goal when he’s still pining after his childhood crush, Matt, who left ten years ago to start a new life in New York City.

Matt Daniels has always felt most at home seated at a piano. He might not have entirely fit in with his family and friends, but he was always able to find himself in music. Or at least he did before he gave up his dream a lifetime ago. Now, he has a successful modeling career and should be enjoying every second of it. Yet nothing feels right, and Matt fears he’s losing himself.

Just when Oliver decides to get over Matt for good, Matt waltzes back into LA. As Matt struggles to understand what he’s missing in his seemingly perfect life, he falls right back into leaning on Oliver for support. Things aren’t what they used to be between them, though. They tumble into bed together, and it’s hard not to continue ending up there. For the first time in years, Matt’s inspired to compose again, reigniting a spark he thought long extinguished.

But as always, Oliver can’t keep his heart in check, and soon Matt realizes he’s gone for Oliver too. The biggest question is, can he fully give himself to someone if he still hasn’t figured out how to love himself?


“What are we doing?” he asked when Matt’s skillful mouth traveled down his throat.

Matt sucked on the spot where his neck met his shoulder, before he replied, “I don’t know, Ollie. I just know…know that I need you right now.”

He could hear Matt warring with himself, hear it in the rough edge to his voice. Feel it in the way his body tensed up when he said the word need. It wasn’t easy for Matt to need anyone or anything, but Oliver would take on the fucking universe to make sure Matt had it. There wasn’t a time in his life when he wouldn’t but this moment right here? He couldn’t pretend this was just for Matt. Couldn’t pretend he wasn’t greedy for him, that the fire searing through him for Matt was based on anything more than his primal hunger for the man. To have him, take him, fuck him, even if it was only once. He’d wanted Matt for years, loved him since he was a kid and as they stood in the middle of his room, Matt’s hand running up and down his back, his cock pressed against Oliver’s leg, he damn sure planned to have him. In that moment, he didn’t give a shit about the consequences.
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Published on January 12, 2017 03:00