Brian L. Weiss's Blog

November 18, 2008

After a 5-day Workshop at Omega Institute

I love being a facilitator for personal transformation in my patients and students.  There is no greater honor or blessing.  Especially in the longer and more intensive workshops I teach, to watch the moment of insight or the realization of physical or psychological healing  is both exalting and humbling.  At that moment I am as much the student as I am the teacher. This is because there is a process at work, and I can guide and perhaps make minor adjustments or remove obstacles to the process, but the process is mostly independent of me.  It is guided, and I have learned to trust the process because, in the end, the results are always the same.  Miracles and blessings are happening and anyone present only needs to open his or her eyes to see them.
Some people come to the workshops intently desiring a past life experience.  Nothing else will do.  They might feel frustrated early on, as they observe others having past life memories, but they have not.  Sooner or later their insight moment happens.  They see the miracles and healing all around them.  And they understand that the goal is not to experience a past life regression; the goal is to experience.  To witness and to understand.  Then their energy shifts also, and so does mine.  We are all teachers and healers and students in this life’s journey and our roles are constantly shifting.

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Published on November 18, 2008 00:00

Brian L. Weiss's Blog

Brian L. Weiss
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