A Gallagher Girls/ Not If I Save You First crossover scene!

(What follows was first sent to newsletter subscribers in the spring of 2019.)


Its hard to believe its been so long since Not If I Save You First was released and you all met Logan and Maddie! (I heart them so much.)

Well, needless to say, as soon as readers got their hands on a book about the presidents son I started getting questions about whether it was Logans dad who beat out Prestons dad in the presidential race in Dont Judge a Girl By Her Cover.

Sure, I thought! Absolutely. Yes.


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Published on March 14, 2020 13:21
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message 1: by Sumayyah (new)

Sumayyah omg thats so cool to think that mabye all your books could have a lik to one another !

message 2: by L (new)

L I just ordered this book online. Thanks!

message 3: by Maureen (new)

Maureen omg just what i needed today haha

message 4: by Samadrita (new)

Samadrita OMGGG

message 5: by Bookworm (new)

Bookworm Awesome! I'd love to see how these two stories connect!

message 6: by Lydia (new)

Lydia Wulanastri OMGG YES!! was considering to reread the entire Gallagher Girls series all over again so this will definitely be in mind when I've arrived at the said scene ;) can't wait!

message 7: by Lauren (new)

Lauren Craig I love this so much!!!

message 8: by Rachel (new)

Rachel Does anyone know any Literary Agents that I would be able to contact? I'm not a writer, I'm actually looking to make a career as a literary agent. It sounds like something I would be really interested in, but I haven't been able to speak to one yet to get some much needed info about becoming one. I just finished my Associate's Degree and I'm starting in on my Bachelor's in a few months. I need to know what degree works best with being an agent! Please let me know!

message 9: by Kristin (new)

Kristin I like it

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