Head over to Esquire to read an excerpt from Stephen King’s You Like It Darker

When a famous writer dies at ninety, his son investigates the defining friendship of his life. Turns out the old man kept his friends close—and his secrets closer.

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Published on May 21, 2024 07:37
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message 1: by Troy (new)

Troy Freeman You aren't 90 yet, Stephen.

message 2: by Anne (w/ an E) (new)

Anne (w/ an E) He's not dead , yet, either. What's your point?

message 3: by Susan (new)

Susan Vrabel-Williams I'm right in the middle of this story now. It's excellent! Thank you Steve King!

message 4: by Owen (new)

Owen Bridson My copy arrived yesterday, about to crack it open now. Cannot wait to read the Cujo sequel!

message 5: by Roni (new)

Roni Shane Just finished You Like it Darker and LOVE it!!!!!!

message 6: by Mic (new)

Mic Michelle bought this book and am so excited to read it!

message 7: by Dale (new)

Dale Ammerman Please Stephen, don't ever die. I can't face not reading your books!!!!

message 8: by Edwin (new)

Edwin Pepple Troy wrote: "You aren't 90 yet, Stephen."

This is such a pointless comment I am embarassed it has drawn a respnse out of me.

message 9: by Edwin (new)

Edwin Pepple Hi Stephen, I trust you are well. Thank you for not retiring.

I am only 37 and you've always been my favourite authour. Even though I have been reading your books for 20 years, I have only just finished writing my first novel (after 2.5 years, it's 110,000 words long).

I'm going to start submitting to Publishers and Publishing Agents today. Looking forward to sending you a copy (whether you receive it or not is up to the powers that be).

Thank you for being so cool about everything.

message 10: by Steve (new)

Steve B Always very happy to receive a new Stephen King book. He is absolutely my favorite author and has been since he scared the sh*t out of me with Salem's Lot, and back in college when I stayed up all night reading Christine. "Just one more chapter, just one more chapter..." until the sun came up. Now, I savor more, and race through these books less. It's far more rewarding. This Constant Reader thanks you for the new one.

message 11: by Anne (w/ an E) (new)

Anne (w/ an E) I am waiting on my copy of this book. My mom is getting it for me for an early birthday present.

message 12: by [deleted user] (new)

this is a verrrrrrrrry dubious post...

message 13: by Pastry (new)

Pastry You know, for a book site, there's a non-zero amount of people who assumed this was about Mr. King and not the summary of the excerpt.

message 14: by THGhost (last edited Jun 19, 2024 05:33AM) (new)

THGhost Anne (w/ an E) wrote: "He's not dead , yet, either. What's your point?"

I believe it was a joke about how Stephen King really likes writing about writers, which he is himself, therefore he likes writing about himself.

message 15: by mandi welsh (new)

mandi welsh We definitely like it darker. Thank you for knowing what your constant readers want. Rattlesnakes was my favorite in this collection - in part because I absolutely love Duma Key - it's definitely a quintessential SK. But each story was a pleasure to read.

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