
Weather is becoming ever more a mystery. It's chilly this morning in the California desert. There is snow on the nearby mountains. I can't recall it ever being this cold in late April. How bizarre.

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Published on July 29, 2010 17:53
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message 1: by Potter lover (new)

Potter lover You and I, we are born on the same day, October 4th. I wonder how much else we have in common other than the things you write about and the places where they are written about, are my most treasured interests. I am currently learning French.

message 2: by Kelley (new)

Kelley Reid the biography is confusing saying that she was born Howard Allen Frances O'Brien. I believe good reads intended to say she was born to Howard Allen and Frances O'Brien.

message 3: by Adrian (new)

Adrian Lawrence Yes I think the word "and" was missed and it wasn't picked up in the proofreading.

message 4: by John (new)

John H Nope, that was her name. Check out the "Early Life" section of her Wikipedia entry.

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