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Stories I Only Tell My Friends

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Actor Rob Lowe's memoir presents a wryly funny and surprisingly moving account of an extraordinary life lived almost entirely in the public eye.A teen idol at fifteen, an international icon and founder of the Brat Pack at twenty, and one of Hollywood's top stars to this day, Rob Lowe chronicles his experiences as a painfully misunderstood child actor in Ohio uprooted to the wild counterculture of mid-seventies Malibu, where he embarked on his unrelenting pursuit of a career in Hollywood. The Outsiders placed Lowe at the birth of the modern youth movement in the entertainment industry. During his time on The West Wing, he witnessed the surreal nexus of show business and politics both on the set and in the actual White House. And in between are deft and humorous stories of the wild excesses that marked the eighties, leading to his quest for family and sobriety. Never mean-spirited or salacious, Lowe delivers unexpected glimpses into his successes, disappointments, relationships, and one-of-a-kind encounters with people who shaped our world over the last twenty-five years. Rob Lowe's New York Times bestselling autobiography, Stories I Only Tell My Friends, shares tales that are as entertaining as they are unforgettable.

321 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 15, 2011

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About the author

Rob Lowe

19 books452 followers
Rob Lowe is an American actor. Lowe came to prominence after appearing in films such as The Outsiders, Oxford Blues, About Last Night..., and St. Elmo's Fire. On Television, Lowe is known for his role as Sam Seaborn on The West Wing and his role as Senator Robert McCallister on Brothers & Sisters. He currently appears as a main cast member of Parks and Recreation in the role of Chris Traeger.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 6,839 reviews
Profile Image for Sarah.
643 reviews15 followers
February 12, 2015
Okay, I have to say that I met Rob in Arizona in the early 90's...and I was very surprised then at how charming, self-deprecating and intelligent he was...and, yes, beautiful...This memoir reveals all of that, although thanks to SNL and West Wing, his wit and intelligence have already been revealed. The best review that I read of this book said that it was a love letter to his wife...and it is. He has matured and I very much enjoyed his look back at the journey thus far.

I also listened to the audio, which is basically Rob telling you the stories himself...and the man is a brilliant mimic - you have to hear him do all the famous voices.
Profile Image for Kerri.
1,040 reviews474 followers
November 20, 2022

Raising my rating to five stars after this second read because of my enjoyment and the fact that I have I thought of this book quite frequently in the years since I first read it. Rob Lowe is a wonderful storyteller and his life makes for interesting reading!

He has obviously lived a very interesting life, but he is also very good at telling the stories. He manages to share a lot without being gossipy or undermining those around him, which I appreciate. His encounter with Liza Minnelli was particularly heartwarming.

The descriptions of the darker side of growing up in Malibu have stayed with me since the first reading, and felt even more troubling to read. He recounts many tragic deaths, and his insight into this led to one of my favourite paragraphs from the book:
"Why was hideous and untimely death so commingled with the experience that was Malibu in the mid-'70s? There were drugs, which weren't as understood as they are today, there was also the wild and rough nature of the personalities Malibu attracted. But more important, there was a price to be paid for a culture that idealizes the relentless pursuit of "self". Malibu was a wellspring of counterculture group think. To be counter to the culture, you are by definition willfully and actively ignoring the culture, i.e., reality. And when you ignore reality for too long, you begin to feel immune to, or above, the gravitational pull that binds everyone else. You are courting disaster."

His struggle with the newfound heart-throb status is interesting too. He was mobbed by crowds of girls, in scenes that feel more frightening than flattering. He observes that, "The girls' reactions seemed almost programmed, like they were both the performers and the audience in a teen-angst drama that had nothing to do with me."

A large section of the book is focused on The Outsiders -- the process of auditioning and then the actual production. It's fascinating to read about the various cast members, most early in their careers but who went on to make many more excellent films. Most of Rob Lowe's scenes were cut from the film, and having read the book and loved the way it focuses more on the family dynamic between the three brothers, I would love to see the The Outsiders: The Complete Novel which adds all of this back to the film.

It's interesting to me how a similarly significant role later in his career, as Sam Seaborn in The West Wing ended up echoing this experience in some ways, as he won a coveted part in a show that became groundbreaking, but was never really given any significant storylines. Having watched the first five seasons of the show, I feel he was well cast and well suited to the show, so I am unsure why his character wasn't used more. It felt like a wasted opportunity to me, and I can understand why he left.

His journey to sobriety and marrying his wife, Sheryl, was inspiring reading, as was the way his career progressed once he was in a better place mentally and emotionally.

Something I was frequently impressed with as I read was just how many good, truly good, projects he has been a part of, often playing quite varied roles. He managed to defy the odds against his early "pretty boy" images and carve out a brilliant career for himself, particularly in comedy. That he has lasted decades in an industry that often prefers the next big thing to someone established with a proven track record is wonderful to observe. He does note somewhere in the book that magazine covers used to be reserved for established stars, people who had earned their place, but over time focus shifted to the young actors just starting out. I think in recent years we are starting to see a bit more of a balance between the two, which I personally hope continues.

This was a buddy read with my friend Carolyn, and it allowed for lots of interesting conversations!
Profile Image for Kat.
218 reviews33 followers
May 20, 2011
If there's one thing I dislike about celebrity autobiographies, it's the amount of affectation and pretension that exist within the pages. While Rob Lowe's memoir certainly contains a lot of name dropping, I couldn't really hold that against him — after all, if you're telling the story of how you worked your way up in Hollywood, it'd be hard not to mention the names of other famous people you met along the way.

I haven't seen much of Lowe's work. I've probably seen two or three of his movies, and none of his TV shows. I never crushed on him as so many other women have (and obviously still do). So I came to the book with very little knowledge of him or his life. It was interesting to learn about his childhood. However, I find it hard to believe that a young boy as good-looking as Rob had trouble getting girls to pay attention to him. Maybe it's because he was so serious about acting from an early age, everyone thought he was gay (he does mention that his classmates called him "faggy" for wanting to act).

Lowe manages to tell the story of his climb to superstardom without mudslinging his fellow actors in the industry. I found that refreshing, because so many other celebrity authors tend to bad-mouth people they've worked with or met in the past, all for the sake of selling a book.

Rob Lowe seems like a decent, stand-up guy who owns up to the mistakes of his youth. I think it's true that beautiful people are often judged harshly because people think they get everything handed to them on a silver platter. But Rob has proven that he's earned his position in Hollywood through a lot of hard work, rejections and tough lessons learned on the price of achieving success at so young an age. So while I might've previously dismissed Mr. Lowe as just another pretty boy, I'm now curious to watch his films and see his talent for myself.

Profile Image for Tracy Miller.
1,008 reviews42 followers
May 2, 2011
Just brought this one home yesterday. Yes, I have 4 papers due Monday. Yes, I have a full-time job and two children with many end-of-year activities. But I also have a weakness for celebrity biographies - the trashier the better - and come on. It's ROB LOWE. I'm thinking he's got some stories to tell. Plus, the back cover photo is...well...inspiring. Pure eye candy and the reading is pure mind candy. Awesome.

Well, I'm finished. Rob, what can I say? You dished...sort of. Although the celebrity stories were fun, the "Aw shucks I'm just a geeky guy" thing didn't quite work for me. Dude, you are one of the hottest men ever in life. It's just a fact. And to pretend that your beauty hasn't affected your experience in life is just silly. Sure, I accept that beautiful people can feel insecure and have problems. But I don't buy for one second that it was just happenstance that you ended up where you did. People are drawn to you because you are drop-dead gorgeous. You can't tell me in one sentence that you were such a geek that Malibu high school kids wouldn't let you surf (what? They had access to the whole ocean and the ability to keep you from it?) and then share the story about how you lost your virginity when you were seduced at 14 on that same Malibu beach. Those two things do not compute, Rob.

Typical of most celebrity bios, Rob glossed over some of the more unsavory aspects of his past. He barely discusses Melissa Gilbert, although he does acknowledge that he didn't treat her well. Still, according to her book, he knocked her up and left her, which is bit crappier than he admits to. And he also barely mentions his sex-on-tape scandal from 1988. I didn't know anything about it, so I looked it up on Wikipedia. I wouldn't judge him too harshly for most sexy hijinks - sure, banging two women, one of them a 16 year old, on videotape is undoubtedly unsavory, but I think it was consensual. A 16 year old is young enough that she hasn't outgrown stupid, but old enough to say "yes" and mean it. But the part that is more repugnant is that Rob was having sex with a woman or women with one of his friends taking a turn as well. Not as a threesome but as a bonding experience. That goes past unsavory to flat out wrong.

The sex scandal prompted Rob to go to rehab for alcohol abuse. He claimed to love rehab, which struck me as especially self-involved. Isn't it supposed to be painful to work out your addiction by figuring out what makes you tick? Not for Rob, who enjoys getting to know himself this way. He's just such a fascinating guy after all. In a self-deprecating kind of way.

I'm sounding harsher than I mean to about this book. Rob doesn't seem to be a bad guy. And his stories and observations about the people he came into contact with were interesting. He opens the book by gushing about Robert Kennedy Jr. in such a way that I thought this was an introduction to the book by someone else, written about Rob. I think he was trying to show that he was subject to hero worship and being upstaged by a better looking man just like an average Joe. What it demonstrated to me, though, that he had to compare himself to someone who was not only good-looking but was American's form of royalty to top himself.

I guess I just can't quite forgive him for not being Sam Seaborn.
Profile Image for Charles.
203 reviews
January 30, 2022
Rob Lowe turns on the midwestern charm in this memoir and goes places fast. Stories I Only Tell My Friends achieves early on the intimist voice its title evokes. It left me marveling at Lowe’s literary assurance and playful sense of hospitality.

Reading this brought me back to the days of men's magazines, ages ago, when I'd flip through publications like Esquire and watch guys exactly like him sport all kinds of gear while delivering in-depth interviews. Short of watching every movie and series out there, Lowe and his cohort are faces that I know, and they populate intricate pop-culture tapestries, in retrospect.

I don’t think the actor has ever surprised me as much as when I first saw him in the Austin Powers films. I’d known him before, for a good long time, in fact, but I took notice again, that day. Lowe’s memoir extends for substantial stretches before and after that, covering various locations and casts. The Outsiders, St. Elmo’s Fire, The West Wing, it’s all in there. As he flies from one filming experience to the next, Lowe has a way of introducing other future stars he met on the early sets – or more established ones, later on - using a slow reveal that I found endearing.

Add to this political rallies, romantic interests, family life, a pre- and post-gentrified Malibu and various overseas destinations, and you’re left with an upbeat memoir that knows when to adopt a more sober tone, but clearly tends to prefer turning toward sunny skies. No complaints from me.

I had four books on the go this month, but Stories I Only Tell My Friends is the only one I managed to complete in January. A great start to the new year – and a fun buddy read with Jennifer, to top it all off. Bring it on, February.
Profile Image for Barbara.
1,554 reviews5,164 followers
April 19, 2021

Rob Lowe

Rob Lowe, born in 1964, writes about his personal life and career in this memoir. It's not only an engaging story, it's a good primer for aspiring young actors. The takeaway: be bold, work hard, and avoid scandals.

Lowe has been a devoted husband and father for nearly three decades, but Rob's 'bad boy' antics as a young man almost derailed his career. At the age of 24 Rob made a sex tape with a 16-year-old girl. The videotape went public when Rob's movie 'Bad Influence' was opening and Lowe writes, "The unrelenting media scrutiny and fallout from the videotape debacle overshadowed 'Bad Influence' completely."

Isolation and excessive drinking followed, and - though Rob had worked extensively in Hollywood and had campaigned for many Democratic candidates - no industry or political friends reached out....except for his chum Jodie Foster. Luckily, appearances on Saturday Night Live revived Lowe's career, and a stint in rehab - and support from his future wife Cheryl Berkoff - put him on the right track.

Rob Lowe with his friend Jodie Foster

Rob Lowe with his wife Cheryl Berkoff and their sons Matthew and John Owen

Lowe grew up in North Dayton, Ohio and became interested in acting as a child. Young Rob tried out for everything, and took any parts he could get in community theater and college plays. Lowe looked at each performance as a step on a ladder that would lead him to his future. By then Rob had been traumatized by his parents' divorce, and was doing everything he could to block out the pain.

Young Rob Lowe

Before Lowe started high school his mother moved the family - Rob and his brothers Chad and Micah - to Malibu, California.

Rob Lowe with his mother Barbara and brothers Chad (right) and Micah

Rob soon started hanging out with his neighbors - Charlie Sheen, Emilio Estevez, Sean Penn, and Chris Penn. Even as young teens, the boys made their own movies, which was good experience for the future. To advance his career Rob got an agent, and notes, "I made sure I knew my lines, gave my character a point of view, and kept it honest. I still do that to this day."

At 15, Lowe was cast in the television show 'A New Kind of Family', and Rob's striking good looks made him an instant teen heartthrob.

The cast of 'A New Kind of Family'

Young girls flocked to the show and Rob's first fan letter was from a convict who wanted a photo of Rob in his skivvies. Thinking back to those days Rob recalls, "I don't know it yet but I will come to learn that being charged on the African Savannah by a rhino is only fractionally more dangerous than being bull-rushed by a gang of 14 year old girls whipped into a lather by hormones, group think, and an overdose of Tiger Beat magazine."

Lowe had some fun show biz experiences during the run of the show, and even met Cary Grant. He tells a story about going to visit his friend Jennifer, and being surprised when her father Cary Grant answered the door. Grant gave Rob a glass of milk and some shepherd's pie his wife made, then sat down with the teens to watch Rob's television show. Later Grant complimented Lowe, saying he was reminiscent of a young Warren Beatty.

Cary Grant with his wife Barbara and daughter Jennifer

'A New Kind of Family' didn't last long, and Rob auditioned for lots of parts he didn't get. He observes, "There is very little rhyme or reason as to who gets what in Hollywood. There are plenty of dedicated talented actors destined for jobs they hate, chasing in vain a dream that will never come." About himself, Rob says, "I'd had just enough success to keep me chasing the dream but not enough to insure a career."

Living in Malibu helped Rob's career, but it wasn't all fun and games. Rob had to work mundane part-time jobs between gigs, and wasn't in the 'cool clique' at school. In addition, Malibu had 'malignant undercurrents.' Lowe mentions dangerous roads where truck drivers were killed, two kayakers being eaten by a great white shark, and a surfer who disappeared after a beach party. Rob also recalls his classmate Shane, who snorted rat poison thinking it was cocaine; his acquaintance Sam, who crashed his bike and impaled his head on a tree; a boy who went scuba diving, caught his hand in a lobster trap, and ran out of air; and a teenager who died from a self-inflicted shotgun blast. To add to the drama, AIDS first became a scourge in the 1980s.

When Rob was 17, Francis Ford Coppola decided to make 'The Outsiders', from the book by S.E. Hinton - about the clash between the disadvantaged Greasers and the entitled Socs (pronounced soshes). Lowe got the part of Greaser 'Sodapop Curtis', the brother of the main character.

Teenage Rob Lowe

A large section of Lowe's memoir is about 'The Outsiders', including the try-outs, the filming, and the screening. Lowe notes that every young actor in Hollywood auditioned for the movie, and some came dressed head to toe in full Greaser regalia.

Rob had a great time hanging out with 'The Outsiders' cast, which included C. Thomas Howell, Matt Dillon, Ralph Macchio, Patrick Swayze, Emilio Estevez, and Tom Cruise. In the evenings the boys would drink, party, and pick up girls - though Rob's girlfriend Melissa Gilbert waited for him back home.

The cast of the outsiders: Patrick Swayze, Emilio Estevez, Matt Dillon, Ralph Macchio, C. Thomas Howell, Rob Lowe, and Tom Cruise

Rob Lowe with Melissa Gilbert

In fact Lowe was a chick magnet throughout his teens and early twenties, and had innumerable one-night stands as well as romances with actress Nastassja Kinski, Princess Stephanie of Monaco, Fawn Hall (of Iran-Contra fame), and others.

Rob Lowe with Nastassja Kinski

Rob Lowe with Princess Stephanie

Rob Lowe with Fawn Hall

Following 'The Outsiders', Lowe was on a roll, and made one movie after another. He notes, "With the reaction to 'The Outsiders', the release of 'Class', and the pedigree of a project like the 'The Hotel New Hampshire' I find myself in the heady, pressure-filled bullseye of the star-making machine. I'm either offered parts or in conversations on most movies, but on the other hand I'm not even considered for certain others because I've already been discovered - and a director doesn't want to use another director's big find." Lowe felt he had to keep pushing because "a career can lose momentum in a minute."

Lowe's next smash hit was 'St. Elmo's Fire', which starred a brigade of young talent. Lowe explains how the movie led a magazine to coin the term 'The Brat Pack.'

'St. Elmo's Fire' was about to open when a journalist came to interview cast member Emilio Estevez, who was an up-and-coming auteur. Estevez invited the St. Elmo's cast and the journalist to the Hard Rock Café for an evening of food, fun, and frivolity. Lowe recalls, "It was a wild time. The place was pretty chaotic, with sexual possibilities everywhere, and lots of food and kamikazes."

The journalist scrapped the article about Estevez and wrote a scathing piece for New York Magazine, focusing on the dinner he'd attended. The writer described "the obnoxious exploits of a pack of interchangeable pampered spoiled vacuous attention seeking actors who were long on ambition and fame, but short on talent or humanity." He called the actors 'The Brat Pack', and the term became an instant classic. The core members of The Brat Pack came to be Emilio Estevez, Anthony Michael Hall, Rob Lowe, Andrew McCarthy, Demi Moore, Judd Nelson, Molly Ringwald, Mare Winningham, and Ally Sheedy.

The Brat Pack: Rob Lowe, Demi Moore, Emilio Estevez, Mare Winningham, Judd Nelson, Ally Sheedy, and Andrew McCarthy

Brat Packer Molly Ringwald

Most performers have ups and downs in their careers, and - in the late 1980s - Lowe experienced months with no decent movie offers. He observes, "When this happens you need to find a way to stay in the conversation and reinvent yourself." Thus Rob agree to participate in a musical number that opened the 1988 Academy Awards - in which he'd sing and dance with Snow White. For various reasons, the routine was a train wreck.....and was soon followed by the sex tape debacle.

Rob Lowe with 'Snow White' at the 1988 Academy Awards

Lowe was a full blown alcoholic by then, and his career might have ended badly. However rehab - and marriage to makeup artist Cheryl Berkoff - helped Rob reinvent himself. Lowe went on to appear in many television shows and movies, and finally landed the role of Deputy White House Communications Director Sam Seaborn on the political drama 'The West Wing.'

Lowe elaborates on that experience and relates many stories about the smash hit, which he left after four years because of a salary dispute and creative differences. Lowe went on to do other work, including steady roles in 'Californication', 'Parks and Recreation', and other programs.....but that's outside the scope of this book.

Rob Lowe as Sam Seaborn on 'The West Wing' with Martin Sheen (left) and Richard Schiff

Rob Lowe in 'Californication'

Rob Lowe in 'Parks and Recreation'

In the memoir Lowe writes about his family troubles - explaining that his mother was chronically ill with (what she thought were) allergies and his father was geographically distant and relatively uninvolved.

Rob Lowe and Chad Lowe with their mother Barbara

Rob Lowe with his father Chuck Lowe

Rob also mentions his political activism and the many famous people he's met, who hail from all ranks of government and show business. Lowe makes it clear that the best things in his life are his wife and two sons, who bring him great happiness and joy.

On the downside, Lowe glosses over the sex tape peccadillo and doesn't even mention the nannygate accusations that made the news. Everyone has a right to privacy, though, so nuff said.

Lowe is a good writer and I enjoyed the book. Recommended to fans of celebrity memoirs.

You can follow my reviews at https://reviewsbybarbsaffer.blogspot....
Profile Image for Emily.
738 reviews2,453 followers
June 30, 2015
Before I read this book, this was my entire conception of Rob Lowe:

so I was definitely surprised to run across an excerpt of this book in Vanity Fair and realize that Rob Lowe used to be a bona fide star in the 80s. WHAT.

This book is downright hilarious for any number of reasons, but it is also surprisingly fun to read. The section on the making of Francis Ford Coppola's The Outsiders takes up about 1/4 of the book, and it's absolutely fascinating. If you aren't interested in reading this whole book, I'd really suggest reading the excerpt published in Vanity Fair. Child actors, the Brat Pack, teenage Tom Cruise turning down roles because the part "doesn't work for him" - it's awesome.

As for the rest of the book, Rob Lowe is a decent writer, and he has some great stories to tell. He tries to paint himself as a winning, sincere kid from Ohio who never really gets into the politics of show business, a characterization that falls somewhat flat given that he spent his teenage years next door to the Sheens and the Penns in Malibu. It seems like he wants to resist name-dropping, but he li-ter-ally cannot help himself. (When he gives in, he knows how to name-drop in one way: "My agent sets up a meeting with a girl who's tearing up Broadway. We talk. Sarah seems nice. I know she'll have great success. I say goodbye ... to Sarah Jessica Parker." BOOM. Rob Lowed.) As the book progresses, you get the sense that he blames studio politics - never himself - for the gradual decline of his acting profile. He also brings up this sentiment a few times too many:

When you hear a star is "difficult" or a "diva" or "demanding," there are a few possible scenarios. The most likely, however, is that he or she has been surrounded by people who don't give a shit about the project at hand, and whose sole creative agenda is to cover their asses and save a nickel whenever possible. The star is the only one with the power to stand in the way of mediocrity and expedience, and often when they do, they are scapegoated.

So even though he skips over some of the more interesting chapters in his life - like the fact that he was one of the first stars to have a leaked sex tape! - I felt like I got a pretty good sense of Rob Lowe from this book. He's earnest, mildly grating, and well-connected. The pacing of this book might be totally out of whack (West Wing fans will be disappointed), but you can't argue with midnight Paris hangouts that include Bill Murray. I also laughed out loud every time Tom Cruise reappeared. For example:

I do manage to spend time with Cruise, who is shooting Risky Business in town, but since both of us are so busy, it isn't the same. Also, Tom has a new perspective on his acting style, telling me, "I want to spend time hanging with you but Joel [his character] doesn't."

Finally, here's a gif of Rob Lowe from his sex symbol days.

Profile Image for Diane.
1,082 reviews3,048 followers
May 15, 2014
This was a surprisingly enjoyable read. I generally avoid celebrity memoirs, but I saw a nice excerpt from Rob Lowe's latest one, "Love Life," about how emotional he was when his son went away to college, and decided to give his first autobiography a chance.

I am a child of the 80s, so I grew up with Lowe's movies and those of the so-called Brat Pack. The Outsiders was popular when I was a kid, ("Stay gold, Ponyboy") and I also loved St. Elmo's Fire and About Last Night. Lowe's book had good behind-the-scenes stories about those movies and others, and he was frank about his womanizing and drinking problem back then. One sobering story occurred when Rob was about 14 and he met John Belushi at a party. When Belushi heard that Rob wanted to be an actor, Belushi said, "Stay out of the clubs." Rob wrote, "I should have listened. Instead, I got my first agent."

Lowe also describes how he got his start in acting, and his early friendships with Charlie Sheen, Emilio Estevez, Tom Cruise, C. Thomas Howell, and every other 80s movie star you can think of. One of my favorite chapters was about making The Outsiders, and how close the cast became during a long shoot in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Unfortunately, a lot of Rob's scenes were cut from the 1983 movie, but 20 years later, Francis Ford Coppola made a director's cut that restored a lot of that footage, and was more faithful to the S. E. Hinton novel.

Rob admits he had a reputation for partying in the 80s, but his redemptive moment came after he met Sheryl, the woman who has been his wife since 1991. He went to rehab and maintained his sobriety, and he has continued to do good work in movies and TV. (I thought he was great on The West Wing and Parks & Recreation.)

Overall, this was a nice, diverting read -- an excellent start to summer.

My rating: 3.5 stars rounded up to 4
Profile Image for Regina.
1,139 reviews4,187 followers
June 17, 2017
What a nice surprise! This was one of the funniest audiobooks I have ever listened to. Lowe tells stories about his experiences with others in the industry, using voices to mimic Tom Cruise, Francis Ford Coppola, Michael J. Fox and others. Not sure how it would read on the page, but I definitely recommend the audiobook to any child of the 80s.
Profile Image for Terrie  Robinson (short break).
511 reviews1,021 followers
November 18, 2020
"Stories I Only Tell My Friends: An Autobiography by Rob Lowe was an enjoyable listen!

This is Rob Lowe narrating to you about his life as if he is standing right there, in the same room, having an intimate conversation with friends. He begins with his early adolescent life in Dayton, Ohio where the acting bug bit and he gains experience with Summer Theater. With a family move to California, the Lowe's settle in Malibu, where his new group of friends includes neighbors Charlie Sheen and Emilio Estevez. He wants to be an actor, now two of his closest friends are Martin Sheen's kids! WOW! How cool is that!

His early career begins with TV, then on to movies beginning with Francis Ford Coppola's The Outsiders, and a rise to fame as a member of the notorious Hollywood Brat Pack. With Hollywood comes lots of alcohol, drugs and sex! Pretty exciting stuff when you're only 20 years old, right? But, what you think is 'over-the-top-exciting' can only last for so long before it all goes horribly wrong into dependency. And, that's what happens to Rob Lowe. With the love and support of his beautiful girlfriend (and future wife!) Cheryl, he makes it to the other side of dependency to recovery and life as it should be lived!

This is an autobiography told with clarity, love of family and excitement for the future told by someone who has made it to sobriety with determination in a prideful and lasting way. He shares his memories of not feeling like the other kids, being teased and called names were common occurrences through his youth. His quiet, introverted-self would never know quite what to say, so he just simply didn't speak-up. This inability to find his voice continued to plagued his early career. He describes his "pretty boy" looks as a disadvantage rather than an advantage. All he wanted to do was act and excel at the one thing he loved.

I liked this book and enjoyed Rob's stories of his life thus far, of those individuals around him both famous and not so famous. There are no surprises in this book, no pieces of dirt, no mean gossip about others. You can feel how this book was a cathartic journey for him. He certainly has a knack for writing, but I would be remiss if I didn't add that his voice impersonations were a highlight to the audiobook. Honestly, this book is just Rob Lowe talking to the reader!

3.5 stars rounded up to 4 stars.

Profile Image for C.  (Comment, never msg)..
1,464 reviews187 followers
October 22, 2020
I love autobiographies of people I admire and who impart insight. I thought Rob Lowe would discuss alcoholism but he only described his rock bottom day. I cheered at the momentousness of calling his phone number for help. I am usually compelled by personal stories but am impressed by the fine author Rob is. His observations are meaningful, funny, and he launches his story creatively: via a connection with someone he and his Mom admired. Storytelling is another art and Rob excels at that too, building introductions to the point of shock, about people at pivotal times. I will not spoil anything. I praise this 2011 bestseller highly: “Stories I Only Tell My Friends”!

I only know a few of his films. The veteran experience we glean and hurdles he overcame are extraordinary. After his parents divorced in Ohio, where Rob wedged his foot into some doors; their Mom moved to Malibu, California, where talent lined the streets. Imagine making movies for fun with the Estevez-Sheen and Penn families? Can we fathom what it was like to break into the big time, alongside Patrick Swayze and Tom Cruise? How difficult must it be, to shake frivolous perceptions when you want to do serious work?

Rob is uniquely young enough to cover 40 years as a gifted leading man; navigating politics that differ from films, television, genres, and decades. I cherish that no matter how successful he has become, he values genuine connections if he has time to talk or write to fans. I have acquainted Rob well enough now, that I would love to converse with him about this book. I have never tried audio books but want this one, to hear him imitate the legendary and normal Cary Grant: “Would you like a glass of milk, young man”?

* My glee and observations were enhanced by reading this great book with my friend, Kerri.
Profile Image for Kelli.
894 reviews420 followers
April 26, 2016
Color me surprised! This autobiography kept my attention and brought me to the edge of tears on at least three occasions. There was an air of nostalgia to it with talk of growing up in the seventies and so many eighties movies I had long since forgotten about, but it was also genuinely interesting and surprisingly well-written. Rob Lowe, an actor worth $30 million, comes across as humble, hardworking, grateful, and relatable...no small feat. He eluded to his big videotape scandal a few times without ever really directly speaking about it, which I thought odd because he could've handled it in a sentence or two with the same wisdom and class used throughout. Maybe I just missed that part. This makes me want to read The Outsiders and find the original movie, the one with all Rob's later cut scenes. 3.5 stars
Profile Image for Jennifer Welsh.
289 reviews307 followers
March 7, 2022
Rob Lowe is a charming storyteller, and a humble host in this coming-of-age-in-Hollywood memoir. He maintains an earnest focus on the art of acting, while sharing some wild stories – some of them amusing, and some shocking. Lowe takes us through his journey as he experiences it, with all the simultaneous over-confidence and insecurity that only adolescence breeds – with all its fears, hopes and first-times. I loved learning about the strange, yet inevitable impact of fame on a young life, how the power structures of film and television differ, how jealousies and politics affect the famous against the famous, along with details of the industry like how Francis Ford Copolla auditioned and rehearsed, and how close it got to too far. Lowe also amuses with perceptions and imitations of his star-studded cast as he meets them for the first time. His impersonation of Christopher Walken was my favorite, not only because of the spot-on cadence, but also because of the hilarious dialogue that felt true word for word.

After reading Bryan Cranston’s memoir, where he was likable without depth, and Matthew McConaughey’s, where he was less likeable with pseudo-depth, I thought I’d given up on actors’ memoirs. But I’m grateful to my buddy-reader, Charles, for initiating this enjoyable read. It seems that the real Rob Lowe was never much like the bad-boy I fell in love with during St. Elmo’s Fire (Lowe talks about how he also fell in love with this character, and how he tried to become him in real life because of how he differed from his nerdy self). But overall, what I might have liked most was how, in the midst of everything, this story seemed to be about how Rob Lowe learned to love.
Profile Image for Melissa.
129 reviews4 followers
June 26, 2011
I really gained a lot of respect for Rob Lowe through reading this book. He's genuine, honest, he talks openly about his talents, his escapades, his addictions, and his insecurities. I listened to the audio version, read in his own voice and I feel like that made it more personal. I listened to it at the same time as I was reading Patrick Swayze's The Time of My Life and while I enjoyed that one also, it wasn't nearly the read that this one is. I did however, enjoy the parallels between their two careers, as well as the level of respect with which they both speak of each other.

Rob Lowe is clearly an intelligent guy. A GORGEOUS guy, who's image and appearance took any spotlight away from his intelligence (at least from the public's perspective) for many years. He's articulate, well-thought, and dynamic. I was never a swooning fan over him in his heyday -- but I am now.

I highly recommend this memoir. I didn't want it to end, and would read anything else he writes.
Profile Image for Char.
1,799 reviews1,709 followers
February 10, 2022
This is one of the better audio autobiography/memoir I've listened to.

Rob tells his family history and how he got started with acting. There's name dropping all over the place, but it's not to please or to look good, it's just that he came of age with Emilio Estevez, Chris Penn and C. Thomas Howell. He relates dealings with directors, producers and other actors.

He tells all this humbly and with humor. I learned more about who he is and what happened behind the scenes of one of my all time favorite television shows The West Wing.

I liked this book, and I think the fact that Rob Lowe narrated it himself made the audio better than it otherwise would have been.

Thanks to my local library for the free audio download. Libraries RULE!
Profile Image for Twobusy.
47 reviews4 followers
May 17, 2011
Um... yeah. So I read the Rob Lowe autobiography.

Why? Perfectly fair question. The answer lies in the fact that Vanity Fair ran a long excerpt from it a month or two ago, featuring the segment where Lowe talks about his experiences auditioning for and then appearing in Francis Ford Coppola's The Outsiders. And when I read it, I was surprised to find... it was good. Really, really good. Well-executed, thoughtful, and offering tremendous insight not only into what was going through Lowe's head at the time but also into what happens behind the scenes when one of cinema's greatest directors brought together a slew of the finest young actors of the 80s. It was totally engaging and fascinating — enough so that I ordered the book in spite of the fact that I've never been a big Lowe fan.

Unsurprising discovery: the excerpt was the best part. While the rest of the book is also very smoothly and competently written, it also doesn't come close to matching the insight of The Outsiders section anywhere else over the course of his career — he ends up glossing over much of his film career, barely touches on his sex scandal, and even the chapter on his (very publicly troubled) history with The West Wing goes to great lengths to be bland and positive (presumably so as not to ruin his chances of ever working with Aaron Sorkin or the rest of the cast again). Which leaves us with a celebrity autobiography that had a legitimate chance to be great... but instead settled for vanilla. Well-rendered and flavorful vanilla, but vanilla nonetheless.
Profile Image for Ashley Cruzen.
367 reviews595 followers
February 7, 2017
I often forget how old Rob Lowe is, and subsequently how popular he was in the 80's. I listened to this on audio, which I highly recommend, and found it really enjoyable. Apparently Tom Cruise has always been a bit of a weirdo, no surprise there.
Profile Image for MissBecka Gee.
1,853 reviews859 followers
April 14, 2020
If I had not already thought Lowe was a very cool feller, this book would have changed my mind.
He flows seamlessly through the highs (and of course lows) of his life and career.
Also having him narrate this didn't hurt one bit :P
Much love to that lady Jane for the rec!!!
Profile Image for Shannon.
86 reviews23 followers
September 26, 2011
A fun, quick read. Great stories with cameos by Cary Grant, Dick Wolf, Demi Moore. Lots of time spent on the making of the Outsiders...but breezes through the West Wing and stops there. Where's the dirt on Sally Field and Calista Flockhart and the week-after-henious week of bizarre plots on Brothers & Sisters, which drove him into a persistent vegetative state, which sounded like a good deal if it meant getting off that show?! Lyon's Den, anyone?

One item of note: you'll perhaps be unsurprised to learn that Rob Lowe has had a lot of sex. Like, a lot. The book is usual celebrity mix of extremely selective, self-serving and self-justifying stuff about how life as a hot star is, well, hard. Really, Really Hard. But he's a good enough writer (who thinks he's a great writer) without being mean-spirited or a gossip. I would have liked to get much more dirt on, say, the sex tape, Princess Stephanie, and the West Wing behind-the-scenes drama, instead of one-sided half-analyses from which he emerges sounding reasonable, balanced, gracious, humble, and never possibly the cause of the problems. Just the victim. Yet it was more charming than I expected. He loves his kids, he loves his wife (and is still married after 20 years) and he's humble and forthright about his addiction and sobriety, which I always respect. All in all, a fun read. But really, you don't need to read it, because as it turns out, there are pictures of him throughout. And in many of them, he's shirtless. So, you know.
Profile Image for Kayla.
166 reviews7 followers
May 18, 2011
Rob Lowe's life sounds so insanely cool that it's hard to believe it all actually happened to one man. I mean, before I even reached chapter ten he'd already befriended the Sheens and Penns, been on the set of Star Wars and seen the taping of The Muppet Movie. Then he goes on to make some of the greatest films of all time, receive random gifts from Bill Murray and got to work for Aaron Sorkin (genius). If it weren't for the acoholism and numerous deaths of family and friends, it'd be a perfect run.

He's one of my favourite actors and so I found it extremely thrilling and interesting to have this glimpse into his life. But I'm so impressed with how well it was written. I want to read it again already.

Also, the photo on the back? Um, yeah. Insanely good-looking.
204 reviews
June 6, 2011
Bought this on a whim and really ended up enjoying it. Lowe is funny, witty, and at times even eloquent (mostly when he talks about lessons learned from fatherhood, or being a recovering alcoholic). You can tell why he called this "Stories I only tell my friends," since much of the book is: "One day, I was walking down the street, and I met this girl, and she was really pretty, and really nice, and she told me she was into acting, and I said I was too. Oh and by the way, she was [insert famous name here]". After about the 30th time this scenario plays out, you start to think "if this guy wasn't Rob Lowe, I probably would never believe this." But it IS Rob Lowe, and he really did grow up next door to Martin Sheen and shoot home movies with Sean Penn and Sean Penn's brother. He really did talk his way into Liza Minelli's hotel suite in Ohio when he was five and act with a very young Janet Jackson in a short lived TV series. And of course, he really was Sam Seaborn on the West Wing. So you can't help but belive it all and surrender to the hilarious anecdotes of a life in show business.

What's great about the book is that it doesn't feel like he's dropping names for the sake of it. He grew up in film, and this is his community. Just as you might write about someone at your job (assuming you want to get fired...) he writes about the people in his industry. His friends and confidants. Only his have enormous mansions and make million dollar incomes (where do I get me some of those friends?)

Mainly he manages to pull of the "Celebrities are people too" thing, without being annoying. His self deferential, accepting of the absurdities of Hollywood, serious about his craft, surprisingly lacking in ego when talking about the ups and downs of his career, and yes, he has some funny stories to impart. Final word: definitely better than your run of the mill celebrity story. Funny, down to earth, and really entertaining. Also, c'mon, it's Sam Seaborn!
Profile Image for Linda.
738 reviews29 followers
April 30, 2016
Rob Lowe was a heart throb of my generation, though he wasn't my heart throb. Emilio was my brat pack crush. Which may be why I procrastinated on listening to this highly rated memoir.

Rob Lowe tells a great story, and I'm so happy to be among his friends that he shares with. I was captivated with his unfolding of his youth, including the details of casting, shooting and immediate stardom of The Outsiders. He affectionately describes his friendships and his mentors. The book is beautifully paced, not uneven like some memoirs.

I highly recommend - Nay, I insist that you choose the audio version of this book. Not only is Rob a great storyteller, but who knew he was a talented mimic? He voices icons that he meets in his life with respect and some accuracy, including Cary Grant, Martin Sheen, Michael J Fox, Christopher Walken, Andy Warhol, Matt Dillon and many more.

I have emerged from this book with admiration for Rob Lowe, in spite of his admitted youthful philandering assholery. All grown up now, his intelligence, candor and insightful sharing are top notch.

Also, there's lots of Emilio!
[Emulating a friend, I'm going to stop giving star ratings for memiors, because rating someone's life story doesn't seem right. But I enjoyed and recommend this book.]
Profile Image for Holly.
1,485 reviews1,400 followers
April 18, 2016
I confess that I am not the biggest follower of Rob Lowe. In fact, if you had asked me prior to listening to this audiobook what shows or movies he has been in I couldn't tell you, but I could pick him out of a lineup. I've never even seen the West Wing. But listening to this was still very interesting to me. His voices for other celebrities like Tom Cruise, Patrick Swayze, and Christopher Walken were funnily spot-on. But as entertaining as it was to hear how he met multiple people before they were famous, that wasn't the most interesting take away for me. Instead, I really enjoyed the insightful look into the casting process, a brief overview of how the various roles behind the scenes really determines the success or failure of a project, along with how much work is still involved in keeping up an acting career even after you get your first big break. The only other celebrity memoir I have read/listened to is Amy Poehler's Yes Please and I liked this one a lot more.
Profile Image for Debra.
2,797 reviews35.9k followers
March 10, 2014
3.5 stars

I really enjoyed this book. I thought he did a good job writing it. He has some interesting stories to tell but mainly keeps the stories about himself and really doesn't dish on other celebrities except to say positive things about them. He does gloss over some things like the sex tape with the underage girl but for the most part he opens up about his insecurities, his addiction and his career.
Profile Image for Laura.
769 reviews186 followers
January 2, 2022
Mixed emotions on this book. He's an articulate writer and I enjoyed reading about his early experiences. It started to drag the last third. So much name dropping. It was also annoying to read about his feelings of being objectified while he was indeed doing quite a bit of that himself. There may be a fine line between growing in confidence or conceit.
Profile Image for Christy.
680 reviews
August 13, 2019
I knew ZERO about Rob Lowe before this audio book, except that I really liked his character on Parks & Rec. I had several people recommend it so decided to give it a go! I really enjoyed this one, and he does a great job narrating the book.
Profile Image for Trudi.
615 reviews1,657 followers
September 21, 2011
I don't read celebrity gossip rags or keep track of who's marrying / divorcing / screwing who at any given time (not that there's anything wrong with that people!). I definitely didn't pick up this memoir of one of Hollywood's all-time pretty boys hoping for a salacious tell-all about who wears women's underwear or who includes small animals in their sex play.

So why the hell did I pick up this book? Several reasons top the list:

1) Reviews promised it offers a poignant, self-deprecating coming-of-age tale in the long shadow of the Hollywood sign (I'm happy to report that's mostly the case).

2) Rob Lowe: yes, I did crush on him when I was a teenager, and lo and behold these many, many years later, I was curious to see what kind of a man he had grown up to be. Not ever having seen one episode of The West Wing or either Austin Powers movies (a ridiculous gap in my pop culture history), I lost track of Mr. Lowe somewhere in the late 80's.

3) I'm a sucker for memoirs that focus a lot on the making of movies. Don't ask me why -- I don't act, have never wanted to make a film, but I love movies as only a fan can and every so often a memoir will come along that captures the magic of movie making in a way that enthralls me. I'm one of those geeks who will listen to director's commentary and "the making of" extra features, not for every movie, but always for the films I love. Should you care, my favorite memoir of this sort is Bruce Campbell's If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B Movie Actor. Bloody brilliant!

So for all of these reasons, I knew pretty early on Rob and I would be spending a few evenings together. I went with the audio version and am so glad I did. Rob's voice is lovely, but he also offers up a pretty decent impersonation of almost every person he has crossed paths with. Not all of them are great, but most are funny, and a few are so spot on they had me rolling with laughter. He certainly had Patrick Swayze down cold. I particularly loved his wry assessment of his super energetic co-star: "he makes Tom Cruise look lobotomized".

I had no idea Rob's early life included close friendships with the Sheen and Penn family. His one anecdote about the first time he meets Martin Sheen is hilarious -- considering Martin is just returned from the jungle and the two year Apocalypse Now drug-induced, frenzied insanity that was that.

There are no earth-shattering confessions. Much of the book reads like a love letter to his long-time wife (a rarity in Hollywood for sure) and children (two sons), and for a man approaching 50, that is as it should be, and I was glad to hear that he chose the road of sobriety and sensibility. Heaven knows it could have gone the other way -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ciFGqXIUPU&feature=relmfu
Profile Image for Vaishali.
1,113 reviews294 followers
December 2, 2016
Not just a beautiful face. A soulful tour through a humble childhood, high school with Charlie Sheen and Sean Penn... and the constant threat of auditioning against a young, assassin-like Tom Cruise. Get the audiobook for Rob's celebrity impressions!

Cool Excerpts :
"I wanna see the spaceship," I say.
"It's right over there," he says, pointing to another corner of the warehouse. "It's called the Millenium Falcon."


In history class I bond with a hilarious, madrigal-singing maniac called Robert Downey Jr. No one is funnier or more brilliant at streams of conscious banter.


It's about 110 degrees in this sweatbox of a studio as Tom Cruise is called to the floor. Now I have real issues; he's giving my role a try... I watch him, and I think, that's it, I'm done. He's clearly a force to be reckoned with, and is more focused and ambitious than I ever thought about being.
But then... Tom has stopped. Stopped the scene! Right in the middle of the monologue! A hush falls over the room.
"Um, I'm sorry..." he says, looking directly at Francis. "This just isn't working for me."
Holy shit! Not working for him? I thought Francis Ford Coppola was the judge of what works and what doesn't.


I see Gregory Peck, Robert Wagner, Cary Grant, and Prince Ranier and approach the group. "Excuse me. I just wanted to say good-bye and thank you for letting me be a part of a wonderful evening." Then, when I am almost out of earshot, I hear Wagner say "Ya know guys, I think that kid's banged every one of our daughters."


As Matt Dillon's character, Dallas, arrives on the scene, I observe another phenomenon - the power of charisma. Matt is not revved up; he is not blazing like a nova. He is relaxed and confident. He can just stand there and the camera loves him. I have watched actors on a set and they look just fine, then shifted my eyes to look at them on the monitor... and suddenly they look otherworldly, amazing. Matt is one of those guys.


"Young man," she says. "I had no idea you were such a good singer. Please come sit with me."
I realize it is Lucille Ball. I go sit with her and she takes my hand and holds it tightly... I watch as she goes on to receive her Lifetime Achievement Award to a standing ovation.
When Lucille Ball likes what you do, it's hard to give a shit about anyone else.


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