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Mile 81

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At Mile 81 on the Maine Turnpike is a boarded up rest stop on a highway in Maine. It's a place where high school kids drink and get into the kind of trouble high school kids have always gotten into. It's the place where Pete Simmons goes when his older brother, who's supposed to be looking out for him, heads off to the gravel pit to play "paratroopers over the side." Pete, armed only with the magnifying glass he got for his tenth birthday, finds a discarded bottle of vodka in the boarded up burger shack and drinks enough to pass out.

Not much later, a mud-covered station wagon (which is strange because there hadn't been any rain in New England for over a week) veers into the Mile 81 rest area, ignoring the sign that says "closed, no services." The driver's door opens but nobody gets out.

Doug Clayton, an insurance man from Bangor, is driving his Prius to a conference in Portland. On the backseat are his briefcase and suitcase and in the passenger bucket is a King James Bible, what Doug calls "the ultimate insurance manual," but it isn't going to save Doug when he decides to be the Good Samaritan and help the guy in the broken down wagon. He pulls up behind it, puts on his four-ways, and then notices that the wagon has no plates.

Ten minutes later, Julianne Vernon, pulling a horse trailer, spots the Prius and the wagon, and pulls over. Julianne finds Doug Clayton's cracked cell phone near the wagon door—and gets too close herself. By the time Pete Simmons wakes up from his vodka nap, there are a half a dozen cars at the Mile 81 rest stop. Two kids—Rachel and Blake Lussier—and one horse named Deedee are the only living left. Unless you maybe count the wagon...

80 pages, ebook

First published January 1, 2011

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About the author

Stephen King

2,557 books855k followers
Stephen Edwin King was born the second son of Donald and Nellie Ruth Pillsbury King. After his father left them when Stephen was two, he and his older brother, David, were raised by his mother. Parts of his childhood were spent in Fort Wayne, Indiana, where his father's family was at the time, and in Stratford, Connecticut. When Stephen was eleven, his mother brought her children back to Durham, Maine, for good. Her parents, Guy and Nellie Pillsbury, had become incapacitated with old age, and Ruth King was persuaded by her sisters to take over the physical care of them. Other family members provided a small house in Durham and financial support. After Stephen's grandparents passed away, Mrs. King found work in the kitchens of Pineland, a nearby residential facility for the mentally challenged.

Stephen attended the grammar school in Durham and Lisbon Falls High School, graduating in 1966. From his sophomore year at the University of Maine at Orono, he wrote a weekly column for the school newspaper, THE MAINE CAMPUS. He was also active in student politics, serving as a member of the Student Senate. He came to support the anti-war movement on the Orono campus, arriving at his stance from a conservative view that the war in Vietnam was unconstitutional. He graduated in 1970, with a B.A. in English and qualified to teach on the high school level. A draft board examination immediately post-graduation found him 4-F on grounds of high blood pressure, limited vision, flat feet, and punctured eardrums.

He met Tabitha Spruce in the stacks of the Fogler Library at the University, where they both worked as students; they married in January of 1971. As Stephen was unable to find placement as a teacher immediately, the Kings lived on his earnings as a laborer at an industrial laundry, and her student loan and savings, with an occasional boost from a short story sale to men's magazines.

Stephen made his first professional short story sale ("The Glass Floor") to Startling Mystery Stories in 1967. Throughout the early years of his marriage, he continued to sell stories to men's magazines. Many were gathered into the Night Shift collection or appeared in other anthologies.

In the fall of 1971, Stephen began teaching English at Hampden Academy, the public high school in Hampden, Maine. Writing in the evenings and on the weekends, he continued to produce short stories and to work on novels.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,123 reviews
Profile Image for Claudia Lomelí.
Author 10 books82.1k followers
November 6, 2015
Little Rachel is one of the best "little kid" characters I've read in a while. I adored her.
Profile Image for Peter.
3,415 reviews636 followers
April 9, 2020
Another great novella with fine ingredients: an abandoned rest stop (Mile 81), a mysterious muddy car, some perfect strangers entering Mile 81, a young boy named Pete exploring the location and having a sip of vodka (laughed about the description what he was looking at inside thinking about myself when being young), the disappearance of human beings, a fine twist at the end... great, compelling and page turning read. King even referred to Christine in this novella. Highly recommended!
Profile Image for Emily.
105 reviews
May 6, 2012
This was crap. Seriously. Crap. It was actually embarrassing to read. I've read a long, long list of SK books, and found something good in all of them. This had me wishing he had actually retired. Let's start with the names. Every character had a made-up sounding name. Or at least one that didn't make sense for the story being set in the present day. I mean seriously, it's 2011 and the kids are Pete and George? Then there's the cringe-worthy self-referencing. Pete has American Vampire in his bag? Characters are thinking about Christine? Please, stop! There's weird child-adult thing, too. What 6 year old thinks "you asshole" when talking to someone? And Pete- I just kept thinking to myself "adult writing as a child...poorly." It was distractingly bad. Then the monster....I laughed! Laughed! And lastly, the ending. It's like he got called for dinner and had to just stop writing. Where did it come from? Who were these people? Why is it funny? What the hell happened? I left with questions, mostly about Mr. King's mental state.
Profile Image for Gabriel.
550 reviews970 followers
June 16, 2023

Está bien pero es como leer otra especie de "Christine" y mejor me quedo con la mencionada. Lo bueno y fácil es que se lee rápido pero nada más.
Profile Image for Calista.
4,712 reviews31.3k followers
September 21, 2021
I'm reading through Bazaar of Bad Dreams and this was the first story on the first day for Spooky Season.

Wow! This felt like the best of King. I simply loved this story. It was so well told and his writing is so good here. I loved the character Pete. Pete finds the high school kids hang out spot. It seems like this is all his story, but Pete simply brings us to where the action is and then the story takes a turn. The monster shows up.

We have seen monster cars before, but nothing like this car. I thought this story was delightful and if the rest of the collection is like this, I'm going to love reading these stories. Delightful. I was creeped out. I think it might be easier to creep me out at my age now than when I was young, but I'm okay with that. This story worked for me.

I put the book down and I remember feeling just how wonderful a really great King story can be. There was plenty of danger in this book and the best trope is when adults don't listen or believe what kids are telling them.
Profile Image for Chantal.
811 reviews702 followers
December 25, 2022
Nice creepy short story. I could clearly see the little creepy bits as it was described. Made me think a lot about one of Stephen's other books Christine.
Profile Image for Kelly (and the Book Boar).
2,664 reviews9,094 followers
October 15, 2019
Find all of my reviews at: http://52bookminimum.blogspot.com/

I give up. After having a very not-so-great time with ‘salem’s Lot last week I thought the easiest way to turn my frown upside down was with a newer Stephen King and a nice little shorty that’s been popping up on my recommendations list ever since I enjoyed (definitely not the right word – can you truly enjoy something that makes you dry-heave??? – so let’s change that to “high starred”) In the Tall Grass.

To say I did not enjoy this would be a severe understatement. It was so bad it was nearly embarrassing. It was also very apparent that poor Uncle Stevie might have grown a little out of touch when it comes to . . . I was gonna say kids/what they like to do/how they talk, but then I remembered he also included an adult character who advertised her gayness in the form of a big ol’ pink gay bumper sticker so he might just not be awake period . . . . .

Whatever the case may be – me having back-to-back negative reactions to The King has been awkward to say the least . . . .

I’m all for a gory good time and 80 pages of bodycount, but the car thing has been beaten to death by you Stephen. And the big “alien” reveal? I can only assume this happened sometime in your past for it to be your preferred fallback crutch . . . .

Profile Image for Labijose.
1,064 reviews592 followers
August 17, 2018
Un relato de unas escasas 60 páginas, que recuerda bastante a su famosa “Christine”. Si te paras a pensar, la historia es absurda a más no poder, pero bajo la pluma del maestro King, te garantizas un rato muy agradable leyéndola. Lectura ligera, pero con párrafos muy intensos.
Profile Image for Ivy_Lost_inside_Pages.
129 reviews18 followers
September 17, 2019
Ok I am serious, haha omg I can’t even explain...ok what was that ...I feel like someone did bake a awesome pie cake and left me sit waiting for that forever. Ok ok I get it creepy cars and all, it’s all a King Thing Dingeling but wth did happen to that end oh and I did like the Dr.Who reference but other then this I was like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ...that end.
Excuse me but no not so happy with it.
Profile Image for Lou.
887 reviews923 followers
September 24, 2011
It is two weeks surrounding the Easter holidays the slowest time of the year on the nation's turnpikes, and the afternoon is the second-slowest time of the day, the hours between midnight and 5 am is the slowest time. One abandoned service stop on Mile 81 is about to receive some helpful traffic.
We have all driven on the rapid fast lane but time and tiredness takes it toll on our souls and a long overdue rest is always advised but where? After reading this you may think twice on exactly where you stop. When out there in your motor vehicle you see desperate souls looking like they are stranded its best to leave it to the Breakdown services or the Police, for might not be what it seems and you don't want to get caught up in a Venus fly trap of a point of no return stop. The skill of the Masterful writer Stephen King is he uses everyday people and everyday objects and throws them into mayhem and macabre he creates stories of gore and horror with themes of survival and triumph. This story flowed by fast and was put together in a good fashion which became a enjoyable short read.

Profile Image for Gary.
2,793 reviews402 followers
July 29, 2021
A short novella that is difficult to describe without giving too much information. Good characters and well written but much too short for my liking.

High school students love to hang out and at Mile 81 on the Maine Turnpike is a rest stop where they can get into all sorts of trouble.

Stephen King goes from one extreme to the other with the length of his books. 80 pages for me is not enough to get fully absorbed so thankfully there are far longer books in the authors collection.
Profile Image for Kristopher Kelly.
Author 4 books24 followers
September 3, 2011
Great story for a quick flight from Logan to New York. I'm not going to say too much about the plot, since the story's so short, but I'll say that, once again, it's the people not the monsters that King draws best. Something bad happens at an abandoned rest stop, do you really need more? Most of the characters meet a terrible fate, and it's King's ability to make you care so quickly about them that steals the show. Also, the atmosphere of the abandoned rest stop is outstanding. Loved every creepy detail.

All that said, the "big bad" of the story, to borrow a phrase from the Buffyverse, is laughable. King writes the hell out of it, of course, but it's still an embarrassing concept. Again, I won't spoil anything, but I do want to say that there's a wobble effect described here that seems like King's trying to describe some really terrible CGI. Two things about that: 1.) when writers start letting CGI color their imaginations, they need to be slapped and told to work harder; 2.) even if you want to let the modern abomination that is Hollywood CGI color your imagination, at least write about expensive CGI. The effect King sells in this story is some Syfy Channel-level work, at best.

Giving this one four stars for being compelling and filled with great details and characters; docking it a star for having a worthless, uninspired (and rather recycled, in terms of the King-verse) central villain.

Profile Image for Ruth Turner.
408 reviews124 followers
July 29, 2015

(Collected in The Bazaar of Bad Dreams)

Shades of Christine and Buick 8.

I loved Christine…didn't even like Buick 8…and this one?…well, it's well written, as to be expected, but that's about all I can say, other than thank God it was short.

And as for the ending...it sucked!



Christine, the movie, rates a mention – “Jimmy Golding hadn’t believed in monster cars since he saw that movie Christine as a kid.”

Auburn (Revival)

Falmouth (One For The Road, Jerusalem’s Lot, Salem’s Lot) and Falmouth Hills Country Club (Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption)

Beeman Lane – Shares its name with Norm Beeman (The Library Policeman) and Beeman (Dark Tower 7)A can-toi security guard.

Sabattus (11/22/63)

Nick Avery shares his last name with Angela Avery (Hearts in Atlantis), Herk Avery (DT 4 Wizard and Glass), Kent Avery (The Green Mile), Mr Avery (DT 3 The Wastelands)

Schwinn Bike - George Simmons rode a big old Schwinn bike, as did Bill Denborough (IT)

Craig Gagnon shares his name with Jimmy Gagnon (Dolores Claiborne)

The Crosskill Twins share their name with Rich Crosskill (Thinner)
Profile Image for Karla.
1,212 reviews334 followers
June 2, 2021
“Mile 81”
Story 3.25**
Audio 4 stars**
Narrator Thomas Sadoski

“The Dune”
Story 3 stars**
Audio 3.25 stars**
Narrator Edward Herrmann”
October 25, 2019

Está medio extraño pero interesante y me gustó.
El final no me dejó muy conforme, pero ya acostumbré con este señor :v

Btw, amé a Rachel, con este pequeño relato ya es de mis personajes infantiles favoritos.
35 reviews1 follower
September 4, 2011
A long time ago I remember seeing Stephen King on a talk show telling the host about this idea he had for a story.

I think it was going to start with this guy who pulls over at a rest stop area so his wife can use the restroom. She runs in and he waits in the car. 5 minutes pass. Then 10. The guy keeps waiting and waiting for his wife to come out of the damn bathroom. But she never does. Then he notices a whole bunch of people have gone into the women's bathroom, but no one seems to be coming out, people only go in. Then he asks a fellow traveller if she can see if his wife is in there...the stranger agrees, but she never comes out. He tries to warn strangers about the bathroom but they think he is crazy. Eventually he goes in himself. Of course, he never comes out. Later, the police come, I think at some point the army got involved -- people keep going in there and never come out. Anyway, I remember him telling this as a funny bit on some stupid talk show. I remember him saying he never ended up writing the story because he couldn't figure out how to finish it. I think with Mile 81 he took his basic idea from years ago and changed it around a bit by turning it into a pretty good (creepy) short story. I liked it. Rest stops always creep me out, anyway.
Profile Image for Patty Ventola.
400 reviews75 followers
May 29, 2020
La verdad, no entiendo como S.King insiste con el auto con vida. Me parecio una historia trillada y tonta. Para niños. Lo termine porque queria ver si tenia un trasfondo, un poco más serio... Cometi el error de no leer la sinopsis del libro previo a comprarlo. Di por sentado que de ese autor, no podia ser malo...

The truth, I do not understand how S.King insists with the car alive. It seemed like a trite and silly story. For children. I finished it because I wanted to see if it had a background, a little more serious ... I made the mistake of not reading the synopsis of the book before buying it. I took it for granted that this author could not be bad ...
Profile Image for Paula.
41 reviews25 followers
June 7, 2023
Corto pero intenso. Y cruel.
Me ha encantado 🤷🏽‍♀️
Profile Image for Denisse.
516 reviews300 followers
October 29, 2015
3.5 Bizarre and creepy, interesting and light. A good Sunday fast read.

No estoy segura si me gusto el final o no, pero disfrute mucho la lectura. Es una novela corta, fácil te lo puedes leer un Domingo en la media mañana cuando nadie hace nada. Te tomara a lo mucho 3 horas.

King tiene ese estilo bastante tenebroso y lo cuenta de forma muy fácil. Creo que es una de sus mayores aptitudes. Y como este es el Mes Stephen King, no me quería quedar como la retrasada que no leyó nada de el ni siquiera porque pusieron sus libros con descuento en el Kindle. Así que me dije que leería este que es cortito.

La verdad, no seria nada del otro mundo si no te gusta el autor. O sea, tienes a los personajes, uno por capitulo y el problema central sin mucha información extra y un final bastante abierto. Fin. Pero funciona como escape para el fin de semana.

Yo diría que si ya eres fan del autor, lo leas. Si quieres empezar con el, este no seria una buena opción.

Lo leí ayer, pero como hoy estoy escribiendo la reseña...FELIZ CUMPLE AÑOS KING! (nunca leerá esto pero a quien le importa?) XD

NOTA: Estoy editando la reseña porque ni esta pequeñez me puede quedar bien. No soy muy buena dando mi opinión, damn!

Profile Image for Carol.
1,370 reviews2,289 followers
March 5, 2021
Creepy Good.....

Just a few paragraphs in and I already knew I'd read this once probably as part of a KING collection, but didn't remember the end so on I read.

Being left behind by big brother George and buddies to play the dangerous "paratroopers from hell" bikers game, ten year old Pete decides he'll show them and rides Huffy to investigate the abandoned MILE 81 rest stop.

What he finds there is a bunch of junk mostly and a discarded bottle of vodka he decides to sip resulting in a long nap on a grungy old mattress.

It's when he awakens and steps outside that the real adventure begins......

A quick, fun reread with a nasty ole' hungry monster.


Profile Image for Oscar.
2,080 reviews538 followers
February 6, 2016
Pete Simmons, un chico de 11 años al que su hermano no lleva con su pandilla, decide ir solo al área 81, donde está situada una estación de servicio abandonada, típico lugar al que acuden adolescentes a beber y demás. Tras las primeras exploraciones y experimentos con la bebida, Pete cae dormido, y es entonces cuando empiezan a llegar algunos coches…

‘Área 81’, del escritor Stephen King, es un relato de terror que recuerda inevitablemente a ‘Christine’ y ‘Buick 8’. Es un relato breve pero intenso, con grandes momentos, y que he disfrutado enormemente.
Profile Image for Sumit RK.
1,018 reviews528 followers
September 24, 2016
One of the most bizarre & creepy stories i have read. The central character is missing in action for most of the story, the 'mystery' part is never explained & the ending is anti climatic.
Profile Image for Cheryl (Takin' It Easy This Year!).
2,136 reviews71 followers
January 22, 2022
Creepy Goodness by the King of Horror

You can't lose on a Stephen King read, especially his magical short stories. One of the greatest storytellers of our time.
482 reviews18 followers
September 18, 2011
All right, Mile 81 seems to be a little novella thrown out there to make us desperate and starving King fans happy, if only for an hour or so. It did not impress me at

all though. The story was fun, but it seemed like different versions of several of King's short stories and novels including Christine (obviously), From A Buick 8, The

Raft, and The Mangler. A car comes out of nowhere and for some reason decides to stop at a closed road stop at Mile 81. If anyone touches it, they die, horribly. I

enjoyed the main kid, Pete, and his experience with seeing his first "shaved pussy" and his first taste of vodka, but overall, the story is a bit like a chocolate chip

cookie without the chocolate chips, an Oreo without the delicious white stuff, or an empty swimming pool on a hot summer afternoon.
Also, at the end, we get a short preview of 11-22-63. I understand the gesture but I hate when publishers do that. "Oh hey, are you starving to death," says cruel

unsuccessful fan pleaser "well how would you like a pepperoni pizza? Oh wait, we onlyhave one piece left. Will that do? Oh wait, actually we just have this half of a

cold, burnt pepperoni which wasn't even good enough for that rat over there." Thanks. I appreciate dat.
Profile Image for Becky.
1,489 reviews1,859 followers
December 16, 2015
4.5 stars

Remind me never, ever to get in Stephen King's car.

... OK, who am I kidding. I'd get in. :D

I really enjoyed this story. I liked the fact that we have two different stories converging in this little novella - a kind of self-discovery adventure and a classic gore-horror. But there is more to it than even that. The little things are what make King's books and stories so awesome. The little details that bring his characters to life, and have us rooting for them, despite only knowing them for half a page.

And King creates a pattern... and with that pattern, a dread in the heart of the reader, because you know people, and you know KING knows people, and sometimes people are stupid but well-meaning.

And I'm rambling. Sorry!

I do wish that we'd got to see a little of the aftermath for this one, but I think that where it ended was good. It's enough of an ending to let me carry it on if I choose, and sometimes those are the best ones. :)
Profile Image for Amit.
742 reviews3 followers
May 12, 2020
"Jimmy Golding hadn’t believed in monster cars since he saw that movie Christine as a kid, but he believed that sometimes monsters could lurk in cars."...

Oh Jesus! That was f****ng awesome. Absolutely mind blowing short fiction from King. Glad that I finally read it...

At Mile 81 on the Maine Turnpike is a boarded-up rest stop where Pete Simmons sneaks away from his older brother and arrives there. Finding a bottle of vodka and pornographic magazines. He drinks enough to pass out on that place. There's many scenery took part in that very place. But what actually the story about is a mud-covered station wagon car and in which the driver's door opens but nobody gets out from it. I actually liked that 6 years old girl's character Rachel and the way she handled everything at the very spot of Horror, helping his little brother Blakie too. It was so adorable and I kind of find myself emotional at the side of how the little girl acted in the story. As King's another book 'Christine' already mentioned in the tale it was obvious why the wagon resemble 'Christine' that legendary monster car. The ending wad quite something but it could be written in a different way with different scenario. But fair enough as it is always author's choice...

Highly recommended, total 5 from me...
Profile Image for Marvin.
1,414 reviews5,379 followers
September 4, 2011
Yes I gave it three stars but this little not-quite-a-novella irritates the hell out of me for two reasons.

First, that Goodreads description and half the reviews. If you read the description above you have basically read 60% of the story. Way too much information and not much else to read. There should be a law.

Second, what is this about Stephen King and monster cars? First Christine, Then From a Buick Eight, and now this. Add the fact that the two mentioned novels are among my least favorite of King's works. Aren't there any nice cars out there? I'm pretty sure that if my PT Cruiser became sentient, it would be a puppy dog.

So why three stars. Getting over my two peeves, this isn't really a bad story. Not one of King's best but it still has a nice sense of horror and the kids are pretty entertaining, especially Pete. The adults are essentially Purina Auto Chow but the kids make the tale. Is it worth the $2.99 for a 60 page story? We could debate that but you will not disagree that it is a lot of fun.
Profile Image for Constantine.
983 reviews279 followers
May 31, 2017
Rating: 3.5/5.0

A short bizarre creepy story but has its moments. Stephen King is the king of horror and bizarre stories and also the king of drawing the scenes and sets in the reader's mind. I liked this short story even though sometimes I was confused of the settings and had a hard time imagining the location where the story was set. The 3 kids characters Pete, Rachael and Blakie were very adorable. This was definitely a fun fast read for me to finish the last day of May 2017!
Profile Image for Kathryn.
358 reviews
August 7, 2012
Mile 81 was pretty good. I actually thought the store would be the crux of the horror, but I was proved wrong. I kind of like how sometimes King just ends a story abruptly, and this is one instance I did think the ending fit, especially with how sudden the car appears, does what it needs to do, and is gone.

This is a quick read. One you can read in 45 minutes or so.
Profile Image for Dominique .
23 reviews1 follower
August 8, 2021
Eine gute Kurzgeschichte die auch in "Basar der Bösen Träume" vorkommt.
Der Szenarium ist simpel aber auch erstklasse für diese Story.
Wenn mann den Basar gelesen hat weiss mann das diese eins von den besten Storys des Buches ist.
Wenn Sie nicht genügend Zeit fürs lesen haben oder einen kleinen inbiss auf King haben wollen, empfehle ich diese Kurzgeschichte.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,123 reviews

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