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Astérix #15

Asterix and the Roman Agent

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Julius Caesar resorts to psychological warfare to defeat the little Gaulish village: he’s sent expert troublemaker Tortuous Convolulus to set friend against friend. Jealousy soon spreads as the Gauls become suspicious of each other. Somehow, Asterix must outwit the wily Convolulus.

48 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1970

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About the author

René Goscinny

1,981 books1,189 followers
René Goscinny (1926 - 1977) was a French author, editor and humorist, who is best known for the comic book Asterix , which he created with illustrator Albert Uderzo, and for his work on the comic series Lucky Luke with Morris (considered the series' golden age).

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Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews342 followers
September 26, 2020
La Zizanie = Asterix and the Roman Agent (Astérix #15), René Goscinny

Asterix and the Roman Agent is the fifteenth volume of the Asterix comic book series, The resistance of the Gaulish village against the Romans causes friction between dictator Julius Caesar and the Roman Senate, whose power had been reduced by Caesar.

With their Magic Potion which gives them superhuman strength and is known only to their druid Getafix, they easily stand up against Rome and her laws.

At a meeting with his associates, it is suggested to Caesar that causing internal conflict between the Gauls will lead to their breakdown. He is then told by another Official about Tortuous Convolvulus, a natural troublemaker whose mere presence causes arguments, quarrels and fights.

This had him sentenced to the lions in the circus, but his ability had the lions eat each other and he is still in prison. Impressed by his abilities, Caesar sends him to the Gauls. On the way, Convolvulus has the whole ship arguing, from the captain to the galley slaves; and when the pirates attack the ship, Convolvulus represents one of them as having been bribed earlier by himself, and thus provokes them to sink their own ship. The pirate chief realises their mistake, and comments that they don't even need the Gauls to make fools of themselves. ...

تاریخ نخستین خوانش: ماه اکتبر سال 2005میلادی

عنوان: آسترکیس و مامور رومی؛ نویسنده: رنه گوسینی؛ نقاشی از اودرزو؛ مترجم: فریبرز افروزی؛ تهران، سامر، 1393؛ در 48ص؛ شابک 9786006444390؛ برای گروه سنی: ب ج؛ موضوع: داستانهای فکاهی مصور از نویسندگان فرانسوی سده 20م

در این داستان پایداری دهکده ی «گالیش»، در برابر رومیان، باعث ایجاد اصطکاک بین دیکتاتور «جولیوس سزار»، و مجلس «سنای روم» میشود چون قدرت «سنا» توسط «سزار» کاهش یافته است. و ...؛ «اَستِریکس» یکسری از کتاب‌های کمیک فرانسوی هستند، که توسط «رنه گوسینی» داستان‌نویسی شده، و توسط «آلبرت اودرزو» به تصویر درآمده‌ اند؛ داستان‌های این مجموعه در دهکده‌ ای از مردم «گل» که در برابر اشغال رومی‌ها مبارزه می‌کنند روی می‌دهد؛

پس از درگذشت «گوسینی» در سال 1977میلادی، و تا سال 2009میلادی، «اودرزو» نوشتن داستان کتاب‌ها را نیز خود بر دوش گرفتند؛ در ماه دسامبر سال 2008میلادی، «اودرزو» امتیاز سری «اَستِریکس» را، به شرکت «اشت» واگذار کردند؛ از آن زمان تاکنون دو کتاب دیگر از این سری منتشر شده‌ است، که توسط «ژان ایو فری» نگاشته شده و توسط «دیدیه کنراد»، ترسیم شده‌ اند؛ کتاب‌های «اَستِریکس» ��ر ایران هم توسط انتشارات «سامر» به چاپ رسیده است

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 04/07/1399هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Gary.
958 reviews223 followers
November 1, 2020
Julius Caesar's opponents in the Roman Senate are putting him under increasing ridicule, as a result of the continued resistance of the tiny village in the north of Gaul, which refuses to submit to Roman hegemony.
His latest plan involves the use of an agent, who has a remarkable talent to cause enmity and conflict, wherever he goes.
Before he gets to use his cunning in his attempts to neutralize the village, we get to observe his talents, with all who he comes into contact with.
Before long, Tortuous Convulvulus has sown the seeds of slander, jealousy and calumny in the Gaullish village, causing Asterix, Obelix and Getafix to leave the village.
Can our friends once more foil the Romans and preserve the independence of the village?
This Asterix album comes complete with a handy little battle guide, and once more is filled with the puns and wit we have come to expect from Goscinny and Uderzo.
Profile Image for Vigneswara Prabhu.
401 reviews37 followers
May 29, 2022
Everything is well in our village of superpowered Gauls. Too well. This has caused Caesar to face criticism for not being able to take care of his conquered lands. No one insults Caesar and lives to tell about it. So he tasks an agent to travel to the village and sow discord amidst the Gaul, adopting the ye old 'Divide and Conquer', strategy.

Careful Caesar, if you piss of Brutus too much, things might turn...drastic.

Tortuous Convolvulus, the agent that is sent, does with words what Cacophanix does with his songs.
With half truths, misdirection and subterfuge, he manages to discredit Asterix and Getafix, and split the village making them ripe for the taking. How will our heroes deal with this civil unrest? Find out in this week's As-te-rix!

You know, I was sort of disappointed in the story. With how things were going I was expecting an epic confrontation between Cacophanix and Convolvulus, the two forces of nature on either side. More so, when it ended in the same Gaul bashing Roman sort of way. But hey, at least we got some sweet, sweet war legends. I'm pretty sure I had a village like that in some online strategy game.

Also, Holy fourth wall breaking, Impedima!

There is a lot of confusion which is spurned by the aptly named Convolvulus' winding schemes, which end up putting his own side as well as the Gauls in chaos. But all resolves well after an epic battle, and a good sprinkling of magic potion. 4 out of 5

The Hurricane of Puns:
Senator Stradivarius
Tortuous Convolvulus
Felix Platypus
Profile Image for Rebecca.
613 reviews48 followers
September 17, 2023
Julius Cäsar hat wohl schon fast jede Taktik ausprobiert, um das Dorf der unbeugsamen Gallier endlich zu unterwerfen, als einer seiner Senatoren mit einer Idee um die Ecke kommt: Einer seiner Untergebenen namens Tullius Destructivus ist geradezu berüchtigt dafür, überall Zwietracht zu säen.

Kurzerhand entsendet man Destructivus Richtung Gallien, damit er bei Asterix und seinen Freunden Unruhe stiftet. Wenn die Gallier nicht mehr miteinander reden und sich gegenseitig misstrauen, sollte es doch ein Leichtes sein, sie zu besiegen, nicht wahr?

Leider schafft es Tullius Destructivus nicht, sein Talent auf die Gallier zu beschränken: Auch die Römer selbst schaffen es nicht, sich seinen Machenschaften zu entziehen. Denn dieser Tunichtgut sorgt tatsächlich ÜBERALL für Ärger und Misstrauen.


Okay, aber nicht so deep wie erwartet. Much ado about nothing, um es mal mit den Worten Shakespeares zu sagen.
Profile Image for Gijs Grob.
Author 1 book48 followers
February 14, 2022
'Asterix en de intrigant' is zondermeer een van de allerbeste Asterixverhalen. Het Gallische dorpje in Armorica werd zelden zo bedreigd als door de kleine Cassius Catastrofus, die met leugens en kwaadsprekerij iedereen tegen elkaar op weet te zetten. In deze tijden van 'fake news' opvallend actueel. Ook opvallend is de grote rol voor de vrouwen in deze strip. Voeg hier nog twee geweldige running gags aan toe (een van Abraracourcix en zijn schilddragers, een andere over 'psychologische oorlogsvoering') en je weet dat scenarist René Goscinny enorm op dreef is. En tekenaar Albert Uderzo overigens niet minder. Classic.
Profile Image for Elessar.
261 reviews59 followers
November 9, 2022

Historieta bastante diferente de las anteriores. Roma ve como única salida sembrar la discordia entre los galos; para ello envía a un preso especialista en esta cuestión. Surgen situaciones muy cómicas y el libro se resuelve de forma ingeniosa. Una aventura, como digo, particular.
Profile Image for Maricruz.
464 reviews68 followers
May 24, 2020
Da igual cuántas veces te hayas leído ya los cómics de Asterix y Obelix. En cuanto los coges te atrapan de nuevo y te hacen pasar un buen rato.
Profile Image for Helmut.
1,054 reviews62 followers
August 10, 2015
Kurzreview: 11 Freunde sollt ihr sein, doch es kann selbst der beste Mensch nicht in Frieden Wildschwein kauen, wenn es der böse Römernachbar nicht will. Fischverkäufer und besonders Ehefrauen bekommen ihren ersten großen Auftritt und zeigen den harten Galliern, wo die wahre Macht zuhause ist.
Profile Image for David Sarkies.
1,871 reviews347 followers
October 22, 2017
Real Politik in the Ancient World
28 September 2013

Ceaser is trying to raise more money and troops to go and fight some more foreign campaigns however is having some trouble with the Senate (don't we all?). Basically they don't want to approve any more wars until Ceaser gets Rome's house in order, which basically means subduing the rebellious village in Northern Gaul that we all know so well. However, as has become clear by now, because they have a magic potion, defeating them by shear force of arms simply will not work, so they need another plan – thus enters Convulvulus, a guy whose presence simply sets people at each other's throats, and a simple word can send people into a frenzy of anger.

The idea is to divide the village so that they are too busy fighting amongst themselves to worry about fighting Rome. The problem is that when left to their own devices they generally fight among themselves anyway, it is just when the Romans decide to pay them a visit, then they will all get together, put aside their differences, to bash the Romans, which obviously makes this task somewhat more difficult.

I am feeling that by part of the series the Asterix books are not really doing anything new. In a way they are not like the Tintin albums, which simply got better and better the more I read them (and I am not sure if I actually read them in order this time, but I know that I now have the complete collection). In a way I find Herge's writing to be a lot more engaging, and substantially funnier, than the Asterix albums, simply because, in the end, they always drink the magic potion, and always end up beating up the Romans.

One interesting thing that I note is the question that is raised in this comic of the fact that Asterix does not have a wife. Then we see Asterix and Obelix fighting, and then running back into each others arms because they can't be angry at each other for too long. It does raise some eyebrows, however I do notice that at least twice Obelix has fallen in love with a woman (or was that only one comic, and I am getting mixed up with one of the movies), though poor Obelix lucks out. I'm not sure why the writers chose not to give Asterix a wife, but maybe it is because they didn't feel that he needed one.

It is also interesting that the Senate refer to this village in Gaul as being rebellious but it is not as if they are actually trying to expand their territory – they are pretty content simply to live their own lives in their own self sufficient village (which does not need money) and let the world drift on behind. I suspect the problem with this though is the fact that they are not paying taxes to Ceaser (and this has been indicated an a previous comic that tax collectors have pretty much learnt not to attempt to collect taxes from this village). However, I suspect that it is because they do stand up to Rome that they are seen as a threat that must be subdued because if they stand up to Rome, then that will only encourage others.
Profile Image for Coenraad.
804 reviews41 followers
December 18, 2017
Vermaaklike storie, knap vertaling - klassieke Asterix. Die gebruik van skinnerstories en verdagmakery om politieke (en selfs militêre) munt te slaan, word hier uiters prettig gedemonstreer. Dis immers nie wie jy is nie, maar wat jy weet van wie jy ken ...

Classic Asterix fun, in yet another sparkling Afrikaans translation. The use of gossip, half truths and "fake news" is demonstrated in an amusing way - yet it feels uncomfortably familiar 47 years after the original publication.
Profile Image for Steef.
366 reviews7 followers
July 19, 2016
This has always been one of my favourite Asterix episodes. Most of the action takes place around the village, leaving lots of room for the storyline and dialogues. Psychological warfare at its finest.
Profile Image for Tom.
38 reviews11 followers
April 10, 2018
I've been slowly working through the Asteriz series as an adult, and this one has been by far my favourite as yet. I feel that it adds a lot of character depths, and blurs everyone's motivations quite significantly. Not to mention a marvelous full page spread included in the midst of it.
Profile Image for Lelyana's Reviews.
3,327 reviews388 followers
November 30, 2017
Kalo Asterix bacanya entah beberapa kali. Sampe bukunya lecek dan akhirnya di bundel supaya gak ilang2an. Komik terkeren sepanjang masa setelah Tintin.
Profile Image for Puja.
53 reviews29 followers
September 17, 2023
This is another exciting adventure from Goscinny and Uderzo with all the entertaining characters that make Asterix comics a wonderful escape from our modern lives. Well, menhirs, boars, flying fish and gagged bards aren't exactly my dream escape, but it is fun to see the antics of the Gauls as they go about their business and stand up to the mighty Romans. So mighty in large numbers with warfare strategy, yet the legions and soldiers with their hairy legs get squashed to pulp and thrown mid-air with such ease by Asterix and his friend Obelix. Even the tiny Dogmatix often gets a good pound of flesh from the poor Romans. The Druid's magic potion is responsible for the super powers of the Gauls and their successful resistance to the invaders, a definite cause of embarrassment for Julius Caesar.

This story revolves around a Roman agent who is entrusted with a special task to cause discord and mayhem with psychological warfare against the Gauls. Tortuous Convulvulus is skilled in causing disharmony and does so effortlessly in each scene he is placed. He cunningly causes misunderstandings amongst the Gauls using envy, malice and confusion as weapons.

As a result, for sometime our main heroes leave the village. However, all is well in the end. A full blown war takes place near the village. The Roman army suffers humiliation and defeat at the hands of the Gauls who unite and use the magic potion to show the enemy their place.

I picked up this comic and then discovered while reading there was a printing error - and a quarter of the comic was missing. I had to wait a couple of weeks to get an exchange. I was satisfied with the way the story ended - Asterix getting the better of the conniving Roman agent.
Profile Image for Mia.
338 reviews
April 8, 2021
Tullius Détritus! The man that creates conflict between people by simply breathing, it seems.

In the Senate, the senator Stradivarius, points his finger at Cesar, saying that he can’t expect them to give him more money and resources to conquer new land if he’s still unable to conquer all of Gaul. When Cesar has a meeting with his associates one of them suggest that maybe what needs to be done to conquer the small town is to generate conflict and division between the inhabitants.
So Tullius Detritus is called. A man that breaths disharmony so much that even the lion in the circus ate themselves instead of eating him.
But even Tullius will find that our heroes are much more than a magic potion and brute force.

Oh, and "vive la guerre physiologique!"
Profile Image for Sandy.
523 reviews20 followers
July 31, 2019
There is one volume to drown all sorrows. Hilarious and mind blowing.
209 reviews3 followers
December 11, 2019
Qué mal rollo da el enano. En mi curro hay varias personas asi
Profile Image for Ευθυμία Δεσποτάκη.
Author 26 books229 followers
June 24, 2020
"'Ούφα νε'ρό τώ'α, να μάθεις".

Από τα πιο σάπια σκηνικά που έχω διαβάσει ποτέ. Ο Ζιζάνιους είναι σκέτη απόλαυση.
May 25, 2022
Caesar heeft een nieuw plan bedacht: de eenheid van de Galliërs verbreken door middel van roddels.
Leuk verhaal, leuke tekeningen. Persoonlijk meer mijn genre vanwege de humor en tekenstijl.
Profile Image for Captain Blubber.
80 reviews1 follower
May 24, 2023
Great as usual. Liked the fact that the other villagers get a lot of screen time in this one.
90 reviews
November 2, 2023
One of the early, classic tales of Asterix and co and demonstrates just how easy it is to manipulate people.. never more relevant than today!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 181 reviews

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