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Love Song

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Thirtysomething bandmates, Nolan Metcalf and Ellis Bloom, have been there for each other through thick and thin. So when a life-changing event sends Ellis to the safety of Nolan’s apartment, he’s grateful for the comfort his best friend provides. They’ve never done anything resembling cuddling and sleepovers before, but Ellis finds he needs it just the same.

Soul-deep conversations and tender moments transform into a passion that shocks them both. Since neither has ever entertained the idea of being with another man, they attribute their confusing feelings to their established nightly routine. Determined to spend time apart, they resume their solo lives. But the desperate, achy neediness only returns, and soon enough they’re back in each other’s arms—and beds.

Before they have time to work through it, the real world intrudes. Admitting their secret status would change not only the chemistry of their band but the trajectory of their lives. Plus, their newfound feelings seem as fragile as the beginning notes of a new melody. They’ll need to rely on the solid foundation of their friendship, and even then, it could all fall apart. Will they become a one-hit wonder or a love song that endures the test of time?

* Discussions of past child abuse and a home invasion involving weapons

245 pages

Published April 20, 2023

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About the author

Christina Lee

54 books2,046 followers
Christina writes romance in different sub-genres, mostly with LGBTQ characters, not only because she's part of the community, but because representation matters, and everyone deserves a happily-ever-after. 

You can find more info on her website: www.christinalee.net. From there you can link to her Facebook reader group as well as her IG account and newsletter.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 132 reviews
Profile Image for Snjez.
874 reviews790 followers
April 23, 2023
I thought this book sounded good in theory, but I just wasn't feeling it. My main problem with it was the writing. It didn't work for me at all.

I've enjoyed some of this author's books before, but this one wasn't it for me.
Profile Image for Mila (Semi-Hiatus).
250 reviews333 followers
April 24, 2023
***3.5 rating***

"I thought I could stay that way with him forever, just breathing the same air and looking into his soft, adoring eyes. It was intense and heady. I'd never felt this way with anyone before, this constant need to be near him, touching him, kissing him."

So this was my first read by Christina Lee. It was a cute read but somewhat predictable.

Allow me to explain.

This book is about a bunch of thirtysomething guys/bandmates called the Funk. They play music as a hobby, although one bandmate, Perry views it as more than just a hobby. The others, Ellis Bloom, Nolan Metcalf, and Anthony (forgot his last name), have other jobs and music is secondary. They get gigs and play when they have time. Seems like a great thing they got going on.

The MCs Nolan and Ellis have been friends forever, they are best friends. They have been through breakups and even divorces together. So, it's no surprise that they even live in the same building together. One floor apart, their lives are intertwined.

One night however when Nolan is coming home from his job, he sees police cars in front of his building. Yellow tape and police cars are the sight he comes to from work. Frantic and concerned for his best friend, Nolan finds out that Ellis was a victim of an armed robbery at his own home.

Ellis, a middle-school teacher/musician no longer feels safe in his own home. He is grateful when Nolan offers him to crash at his place. Ellis feels safe there. They share a bed together and comfort each other. Nothing weird. Just two straight guys/friends being there for each other. Women do it all the time, nothing out of the ordinary. One night becomes two nights, then a week, etc.

Their friendship becomes stronger and they become closer. Sharing the same space, and sleeping together (not sexually yet) is bound to create some tension and confused feelings. Ellis and Nolan start to see each other as more than just friends. Nolan has also grown increasingly protective over his best friend. Seems like romance is in the air for our straight guys that are perhaps not so straight after all.

What I liked about their relationship development, was that they went through exploring their sexuality together. They acted their age and had mature conversations about how the other felt. They communicated like the adults that they were. There was no miscommunication which I appreciated. Their romance was sweet and pure. Two men figuring out their sexuality and how they felt about one another romantically. Their romance was well-developed and felt genuine. Their friendship made it more believable. For me, the reader, this was what I liked about the book, Ellis and Nolan, their friendship, and them making music together. Together they were unstoppable.

Now then why the 3.5 rating?

Well, the plot was predictable af. I have read this plot to death. It's been done in most MM romance books. I felt like I knew what the next page was going to be and I was right. Rinse, Recycle, and Repeat. That's what most MM releases have felt like recently and I am not excited to read them tbh. Everything feels predictable and unoriginal. I don't mind predictability sometimes but when it's a constant and feels boring I can't help but be disappointed. There was no excitement when I read this. However, that may be just a personal thing. I do still think that people might like this book. It's low angst and very sweet. I reckon that may attract some readers. Either way, I liked Ellis and Nolan together. They navigated their relationship and newfound sexuality very maturely and realistically. I also appreciated that there was no forced breakup scene.

So, if you enjoy a low-angst, slow-burn romance, this is for you!

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Profile Image for Renae Reads.
589 reviews549 followers
April 10, 2023
Love Song is a sweet slow burn best friends to lovers romance. Nolan and Ellis are both in a band together, while being great friends who are very supportive of one another. Their dynamic changes after Ellis experiences a home invasion and loses all sense of security, making Nolan instantly protective. Together they become a lot closer, in a strictly platonic way until feelings start to morph into something more.

Love Song s a great slow-building romance between two best friends who are drawn to one another. Their natural inclination toward one another is only amplified after the home invasion, making for one of the sweetest romances I have read.

They are both protective, possessive, and devoted to one another, which does make things complicated due to their bandmate situation. Overall I really enjoyed this story and cannot wait for more from this author.

*** I reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.***
Profile Image for Cyndi.
692 reviews41 followers
April 9, 2023
I 100% requested this ARC because of the cover and appreciated that it completely matched the way Nolan was described in the book. This was such a soft and gentle romance about two best friends finding their forever person in each other. I enjoyed the pace of the story and that any and all drama, which was minimal, happened outside of Nolan and Ellis' relationship. I also liked the fact that they were musicians who weren't trying to be rockstars. That was a nice diversion from the usual I'm-in-a-band trope.

I was a little thrown off by some of the more mundane scenes that were included because I wasn't sure what I was supposed to take from them. They definitely helped to broaden my understanding of who the characters were as individuals, but didn't exactly serve the story or move it forward. At times, it felt like I'd fallen down a non-fiction rabbit hole and was suddenly learning about undiagnosed ADHD and how to care for carnivorous plants. Other moments came across as PSA's, which felt a bit preachy even though I agreed with the messaging. The romance between Nolan and Ellis was really sweet, though, and helped me overlook the things that didn't work for me.

The end was super sappy, yet I still got a little teary eyed because I'm a marshmallow who melts at the first sign of kindness and support. Overall there were things I liked and things I disliked, but it was a decent way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

I received a copy of this book from Gay Romance Reviews and this is my honest, unbiased review.
Profile Image for Iman.
718 reviews209 followers
May 4, 2023
Tooo many info dumping in the beginning.
Idk how I feel about the awakening crush it was a bit meh. I think it’s been a while since I read MCs that are scared of the idea of being gay. Even to say the word gay. Honestly, don’t know how I feel about that. The storyline is mostly mid, I’ve read something like this before. The depth of the friendship before it turned lovers was ok. They did focus on sex and their own sexuality first rather than their emotional connection as friends before. So, there aren’t enough reasoning for me.

I did like how they take their time even for sex especially they’re both were first timers.

One of the MC has ADHD, my fave rep. There’s not really much depth and focus on it though. Don’t expect too much.
Profile Image for Ash &#x1f349;.
563 reviews117 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
April 23, 2023
DNF @ 40%

I received and arc of this from GRR.

I like Christina Lee's books, I just recently finished rereading Home Plate and loved it as much as I did the first time, but unfortunately I really did not enjoy this. The premise is something I usually love; friends to lovers with hurt/comfort and a side of cuddles, so I was massively disappointed that the execution didn't work for me.

Nolan and Ellis are best friends, and live in the same apartment block. They also have a band together with some other friends and play regular gigs in local bars. Ellis is divorced and still looking for someone to love, but Nolan is the opposite and has no interest in getting into a relationship.

One night Nolan comes back to his apartment block to find the cops outside, and discovers that Ellis was held at gunpoint in his home and robbed. Ellis is understandably shaken up and upset, and this is how the sleepovers start and the two best friends become something more.

I found the writing in this book to be very monotonous, there were too many mundane things described in everyone's daily lives, and more important moments were skipped over. The characters also felt like they had no dept to them. Every man in this could've been the same person, just with different names and hair. Reading from both characters POVs added nothing to their personalities and they just read the exact same.

These are all the same complaints I had when reading Incandescent so anyone who enjoyed that book should probably dismiss all my complaints and will probably enjoy this too. I'll still continue to read Christina Lee's works in the future, I may have had a few misses but I've had some good hits with her too.
Profile Image for Carol.
3,105 reviews120 followers
June 26, 2024
I've read a lot of books with the "best friends to lovers" theme but I believe that this one shows the switch and the "bi-sexual awakening", better than most.

Ellis and Nolan had been best friends forever as well as bandmates in a small local band. They live in the same building and are always there when one of them just needs someone to talk and unload their hectic day. One night Ellis's apartment is broken into, and he is robbed at gunpoint. This was scary for both of them, but especially for Ellis. He can't bring himself to sleep in the apartment any longer, so Nolan offers his couch, and when the nightmares continue...his bed. There is no miscommunication...they're always open and honest with each other, as best friends should be. No secrets, no misunderstanding, just two friends being together step by step, helping Ellis heal from what happened to him...Nolan even suggested therapy which Ellis embraced without any hesitations.

Even though the robbery and the break-in should have been the biggest obstacle...their learning that they had romantic feelings for one another out-weighted it by far.... but it was portrayed realistically. They had so many insecurities to overcome and so much to relearn to go from best friends to heart-felt lovers....and they did it together. It's a love story to for sure, warm the heart.
Profile Image for Lady Macbeth.
731 reviews18 followers
April 15, 2023
5 stars
I really loved this book, it's romance at its finest! Christina Lee gave us an incredible sweet romantic love story.
Ellis and Nolan are best friends and bandmates, they also live in the same building. When something happens to Ellis, Nolan doesn't hesitate to help his friend and support him through his rough path to recovery.
I've read a lot of books with the "best friends to lovers" trope and I think this is one of the best: the bi-awakening is scary for both of them, but there is no miscommunication whatsoever, they're always open and honest with each others, as best friends should be. No secrets, no misunderstanding, just two friends being together step by step.
I loved Ellis' journey to heal from what happened to him, I loved that when a friend suggested therapy to him, he embraced it without esitations and took care of his mental health.

The sex scenes are steamy but also very realistic: the guys go through all their firsts together and overcome their insecurities. Their first time with full sex is sweet and wonderful.
My favourite scene of all is absolutely the love declaration: not going to leave spoiler here, but it was epically romantic.
Amazing HEA and epilogue.
I absolutely recommend this book, this is a terrific love story that will warm your heart.

I received an ARC of this book from Gay Romance Reviews and this is my honest review.
Profile Image for Alix .
680 reviews18 followers
May 22, 2024
4.5 - low angst & just lovely. Really good narration, too. I loved the best friends to lovers trope w some hurt/comfort. It felt like taking a warm bath & that was exactly what I needed. They had all their first together an and it was spicy & sweet. Loved the emphasis on open/honest communication between the MCs! Best part? Hands down the declaration 🥹🥹🥰🥰

Adding to my faves/rereads/comfort shelf
Profile Image for Evelyn Bella.
442 reviews22 followers
July 3, 2024
What I will say is that if you're just starting out into reading MM romance, you'll probably like this. Otherwise there's nothing exceptional about this.

And I don't mean this in a bad way. It's just very generic.

Not my best by this author, at the very least. But it's a low angst fluffy read.
Profile Image for Karen.
1,496 reviews114 followers
April 22, 2023
First thing’s first, that cover is absolutely spot on. I love it when an author gets the perfect cover.

Ellis and Nolan play in a band, they’re best buddies and live in the same apartment block. A break-in at Ellis’ apartment leaves him broken and vulnerable. Nolan is there for Ellis, to support him, to comfort him, to love him.

My little heart was made so happy by this book.

Ellis is the most wonderful teacher. What a great book character.

The love song and the band performances at the end of this book are outstanding. I want to be in that crowd with my phone lit up, smiling at the love all around.
Profile Image for Ellie.
597 reviews55 followers
April 28, 2023
3.5 stars

A nice fluffy friends-to-lovers sexual awakening.

Representation: MC with ADHD

“Will you preen like a peacock if I tell you I think you’re beautiful and I’ve never felt that way about another man before?”
I felt lit up from the inside.

Nolan and Ellis have been fast friends since they first met. They regularly get together with some other friends to play in their funk band and have been living in the same apartment building since Ellis' divorce the previous year. One night Nolan comes home late to find that Ellis' apartment has been broken into, and he was held at gunpoint.

Nolan offers him a spot in his bed so he doesn't have to sleep alone in his apartment, and a few nights turn into a few weeks as Nolan and Ellis accept that there might be more to their relationship than they first realised.

Nolan and Ellis both felt like very well-rounded characters. They have work, family, hobbies and interests that are outside the scope of their relationship which makes them more relatable, and their love more believable.

They have a number of sensible, and mature conversations and while there's a little bit of pining this really is a very low-angst story. They're both so goddamned nice it's almost painful.

Something I really liked is that the author doesn't include

I thought the timeframe of the book was good and realistic, but in practice there are a lot of moments where we leave off one scene that felt like it should have had more to it, and then the next scene is set days or weeks later.

Unfortunately for me this meant that emotionally it fell a bit flat.

I appreciated the plotlines outside of their relationship, Ellis with his middle-school botany students, and Nolan with his older music student, but I felt like it was all skimmed over fairly quickly. And I thought the final "conflict" element, , was OTT.

All in all it was a refreshing and easy read, but not particularly memorable.

Sexual content: Explicit.
Profile Image for Joyfully Jay.
8,247 reviews479 followers
April 20, 2023
A Joyfully Jay review.

3.5 stars

We get caught up on the men’s lives quickly, with Ellis being divorced and Nolan never finding someone he wanted to settle down with. We are told they have been best friends for years and they play together in a band after their day jobs, but I truly never felt the chemistry between these men, either as friends or lovers. The catalyst happens when Ellis is robbed at gunpoint in his home and he and Nolan become closer in the aftermath. The incident occurs completely off page and it made the drama less impactful.

The story felt predictable, which is fine at times, but it was a little too bland for me. Ellis has a history of ADHD and there is an attempt to tie that into his day job as a teacher and that didn’t flow into the story well. None of the side characters added much to the story for me and at times it read like scenes of different stories that didn’t fully blend well together.

Read Michelle's review in its entirety here.
Profile Image for Edga.
1,960 reviews27 followers
April 8, 2023
I love a friendship to lovers story, and this hit the nail right on the head. Christina 's characters, Nolan and Ellis, are both well written and likeable. After Ellis experiences a trauma, their friendship develops and they become closer. Eventually both want more from their relationship, but are afraid of taking that next step and changing the balance of their friendship, terrified of losing what they both share. I loved this story, both guys come across as real, just making their way through life and trying to plan for their future. I liked the fact that once they realised their feelings were altering, they were determined to prove to one another that they were worth fighting for. I also really liked the way in which Ms Lee describes Ellis and Nolan's friendship, and how it developed into more, it was simply beautiful. She shows, realistically, how people can move from having a close friendship to becoming lovers, without losing what they originally had. Despite a couple of bumps in the road, it's a low angst tale about two guys figuring out how to work out their altering feelings for one another. Great epilogue. 4.5 stars.
Profile Image for Isa Tis.
613 reviews10 followers
April 24, 2023
Cette couverture m’a vraiment convaincue de me plonger dans ce livre même si je n’avais pas vraiment trop apprécié le dernier roman de Christina Lee. Malheureusement, Love Song ne m’a pas transportée plus que cela malgré une histoire prometteuse. Ce livre se focalise sur le thème du best friends-to-lovers, que j’affectionne tout particulièrement, avec la musique pour toile de fond.
Ellis et Nolan sont très proches l’un de l’autre, partagent beaucoup puisqu’ils font partie du même groupe. Un événement contribuera à changer la dynamique de leur relation et peu à peu de nouveaux sentiments apparaissent ce qui n’est pas sans faire flipper les héros qui ont forcément peur des conséquences négatives que cela pourrait avoir sur leur amitié.
Au final, il ne se passe pas grand-chose puisque le focus se fait vraiment sur la relation entre Ellis et Nolan qui s’épanouit malgré les doutes et se consolide au fil des pages. Le tout est finalement très doux, les héros sont attendrissants et faciles à appréciés. Mais malgré les bonnes vibes que dégage ce roman, je n’ai pas réussie à m’immerger complètement. J’aurais aimé que cela « crépite » davantage entre les personnages, que l’alchimie soit retranscrite avec plus d’intensité. Bref, je suis restée un peu sur ma faim et j’en suis la première déçue. Je ne sais pas si cette impression d’être passé à côté est liée à l’écriture de l’autrice ou si c’est moi qui suis en cause, j’ai peut-être lu ce roman au mauvais moment...
Profile Image for Amy B..
321 reviews
May 10, 2023

I’m very hit or miss with this author. The first book of hers I read, Kick Flip, I didn’t like at all. But then I read a few others and really liked them, so I decided I was a Christina Lee fan.
But this one was so…blah. It’s two straight guys in their mid-30s who are neighbors and play in a weekend band together. One guy gets robbed and begins to sleep at the other guy’s apartment, and things evolve from there.
I don’t mind this type of dynamic or story, and I’ve read a couple by Riley Hart involving 30-something straight guys falling for one another that I really loved. But this story felt all surface- I kept waiting for it to go deeper, for the connection to feel like anything, but it was just words on a page. I skimmed to finish. Bummer!
Profile Image for Leelah&#x1f341;♋️ Orion.
1,251 reviews26 followers
April 26, 2023
Dang I’m a little sad because I couldn’t finish this book. I wanted to like it. The blurb took me in, but the book didn’t hold my attention. At times the characters kind of blended together, and I didn’t know which MC was talking and honestly, I didn’t feel their chemistry, it kind of got boring so I had to end it may be the next one.
820 reviews20 followers
April 15, 2023
What a sweet and tender read! Nolan and Ellis are best friends and band mates that start to spend a lot more time together after a home invasion shakes Ellis up and he isn't as comfortable being in his apartment any longer. They grow much closer and start to realize there is attraction there on top of their relationship. They start exploring the physical side of their relationship. We get all their firsts together and they were very well done. It was super sweet with the perfect amount of heat! There was a nice cast of side characters between their families and band mates, students, and friends. I didn't enjoy the side story with Perry and how that resolved, but that wasn't a major part of the story. The end was a bit sappy but still made me smile and overall I enjoyed this best friends to lovers, double awakening story! I really likes the communication between the MCs, it was open, honest, realistic, and refreshing!
Profile Image for Saskia Veldhuis .
1,114 reviews9 followers
April 22, 2023
A very enjoyable if somewhat predictable double bi-awakening. The neurodiversity and mental health care for Ellis were very good additions. How they took slow and careful steps in their physical relationship and kept checking in with each other was really nice.
Profile Image for Edga.
1,960 reviews27 followers
April 21, 2023
Sweet friends to lovers story.

I love a friendship to lovers story, and this hit the nail right on the head. Christina 's characters, Nolan and Ellis, are both well written and likeable. After Ellis experiences a trauma, their friendship develops and they become closer. Eventually both want more from their relationship, but are afraid of taking that next step and changing the balance of their friendship, terrified of losing what they both share. I loved this story, both guys come across as real, just making their way through life and trying to plan for their future. I liked the fact that once they realised their feelings were altering, they were determined to prove to one another that they were worth fighting for. I also really liked the way in which Ms Lee describes Ellis and Nolan's friendship, and how it developed into more, it was simply beautiful. She shows, realistically, how people can move from having a close friendship to becoming lovers without losing what they originally had. Despite a couple of bumps in the road, a low angst tale about two guys figuring out how to work out their altering feelings for one another. Great epilogue. 4.5 stars.

I received an ARC of this story, which in no way influenced my opinion.

Profile Image for DLB2572.
2,515 reviews21 followers
April 21, 2023
Loved It

This is a great friends to lovers story. It is really sweet how Ellis & Nolan's relationship develops. I was completely sucked into their story and I loved their HEA.

I received an ARC and this is my unbiased opinion
Profile Image for Meghan.
100 reviews1 follower
January 25, 2024
Overall Rating: 3.5/5

First Take: I liked this book, and I always love reading about bands and music. It’s such a foreign world to me because I am musically challenged. And here the music stuff was great! But I confess the romance did not captivate me. I guess I just never fully believed in it. At the end of the day, Nolan and Ellis still felt more like friends. 

Praises: I really enjoyed reading about the band, its gigs, and how Nolan and Ellis played music together. There really is something magical about live performances, and our heroes’ chemistry onstage sent my heart all a-flutter. I also love that we get a story about musicians who are regular joes: not famous, not about to be famous, not even trying to be famous. They just play music as a hobby once a week and have day jobs and it’s so relatable. I also was fascinated by Ellis’s journey to healing, and I loved how supportive Nolan was during the process. 

Critiques: I’m reminded of one of my favorite lines from the movie 10 Things I Hate About You, where Larisa Oleynik and Gabrielle Union are walking to class and Union’s character says something to the effect of, “I know you can be overwhelmed, and you can be underwhelmed, but can you ever just be… whelmed?” That is exactly how I’m feeling right now. I neither love nor hate this book. I am whelmed. For a while, I couldn’t put my finger on why I feel this way, but I think it might be that this book just lacks passion somehow. Now, don’t get me wrong, the steamy scenes are good. And I like the arc of their relationship, it progresses in a way that feels realistic. I guess they just never get ga-ga over each other in a way that usually has me knocking down the door to know how it all ends. It’s pretty awkward between them at times, and they often talk to each other more like friends than lovers.

Steam: 💜💜💜💜 This one is pretty steamy, and we get to go along for the ride as Nolan and Ellis figure out how to be together in all the ways two people can. 
Trigger Warnings: Violence (on-page home invasion), anxiety, reference to abuse that occurred off-page.
Tropes: Friends-to-Lovers, Gay-for-You, Only One Bed, Forced Proximity, The Dating Game, Love Triangle, Circle of Friends, Coming Out, Forbidden Love, Holidays, Bisexual Awakening, Band Romance, Secrets & Lies, Shared Pasts, Trauma
Kinks: None, really. 
Swear Jar: 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 These boys smoke a lotta grass and say a bunch of curse words.

Check out the full review and more here: The Hopeless Romanticist
Profile Image for Kim.
2,685 reviews167 followers
April 10, 2023
Nolan and Ellis are longtime best friends, bandmates, and neighbors. But when Ellis goes through a traumatic event, Nolan is there to provide support and comfort. But during the process, their eyes are opened up to possibilities they never saw coming.

Nolan is a guitar player and singer, who also works in a music repair shop and teaches music. He is dependable, loyal, and caring, but a bit jaded and does not think he is cut out for relationships.

Ellis is their charismatic bass player known for his sunny outlook. But he has had some challenges in his life and is also divorced, but he still longs for love and a relationship. He is also a teacher and has a nurturing personality.

This is a slow-burn, sweet, realistic, hurt-comfort, bi-awakening, best-friends-to-lovers, sharing firsts, forbidden-by-circumstances romance between bandmates. The closer they get and the more invested they find themselves, the harder it is to hide their feelings from themselves and those they care about. But they are also afraid of the repercussions if it all goes bad.

I really liked Nolan and Ellis and they just were so open, vulnerable, communicative, and just balanced each other in such a natural way. I could feel their connection, chemistry, and shared love of music. Music plays an important part in the story and in their lives and is just another thing that draws them together and also helps them express themselves.
Follow Me: Blog: Reviews by Tammy & Kim (Rachel and Jay) | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram
259 reviews1 follower
April 16, 2023
I love Christina Lee's writing. She really delves into each MC's psyche and how this relates to their actions. This is a book of friends to loves with each character having a bisexual awakening. This book does contain some triggers of past parental abuse that is referred to and a home invasion of a MC. Nolan and Ellis are best friends and bandmates who even live in the same apartment complex with Ellis on the first floor and Nolan on the second. Ellis is divorced but wants a new relationship and Nolan has no intention of ever being tied down to one woman. Their band, In A Funk, is their passion but each have day jobs with Ellis being a Horticulture teacher and Nolan working at a instrument repair shop and giving lessons. Their relationship changes after Ellis has a home invasion where he is held at gun point. This triggers flashbacks of his childhood in which his biological father was abusive, and he feels he should have done more to fight back. He becomes scared to stay in his apartment and Nolan offers to have him stay at his place. Nolan comforts Ellis when he has nightmares and holds him while he sleeps. Their friendship deepens and they find themselves physically attracted to each other and they decide to explore their attraction and promise they will stay friends no matter what happens. Each character has to come to grips with their first time attraction to a man and decide when to tell their families and other bandmates. Nolan has to overcome his fear of relationships and Ellis has to finally confront his past and how it effects how he perceives himself in order for their relationship to work. All in al this was a really enjoyable story with 2 lovable MC's.
167 reviews1 follower
April 20, 2023
I was pretty excited for this book. It didn't disappoint. Best friends. Bi-awakening. In their 30s. Recipe for YES!

So many times we get the rock star and the regular guy. What I never see is two regular guys who also play in a band at night mostly for fun. Because they just love it. They don't aspire to be rock stars. They just want to play music with their friends.

Nolan and Ellis are regular guys. One is a middle school teacher, one works at a music store and gives lessons in various instruments. On Thursday nights they play with two other guys at a local bar. They are also best friends and live in the same apartment building. One directly above the other.

Handy when Ellis needs his friend the most. They are both straight and acknowledge the toxic masculinity out there when Nolan says they can sleep in the same bed. When Ellis has nightmares and Nolan comforts him. When that comforting leads to cuddling. And then more.

Was it a seamless transition from best friends to lovers? Nope. Besides the fact that they both identified as straight, they stumble a bit with family and friends. They recognize that hiding it is also part of their preconceived notions.

At times the language they used was a bit stiff. Making them sound older than they were. But I got over it. Because you could really feel the love between these men.

This was a very easy read with some past trauma that is mentioned as well as the trauma that led Ellis to Nolan's apartment in the first place. But it isn't overly angsty at all and definitely focuses more on their budding relationship.
Profile Image for Janette.
749 reviews22 followers
April 18, 2023
This is a good story that has all the makings of a great book - friends to lovers, bandmates & a double bi-awakening. It’s a quick, easy, relatively low angst read that strikes a perfect balance of hot and sweet. I felt a genuine connection between Ellis & Nolan, and I was all-in on their secret romance.

I’m a fan of Christina Lee’s work which I find to be gritty with emotion and really heartfelt. While this one starts off strong, it loses a little momentum before Lee jumpstarts it toward the end with what feels like a somewhat rushed conflict. It wasn’t wholly unexpected, and I won’t mention specifics at the risk of spoiling anything, but I felt as though the resolution was a bit quick, and I just couldn’t get behind the attempt at redemption. It’s something that didn’t work for me personally, but many other readers will likely have no problem forgiving and forgetting.

This book includes warnings for past child abuse and home invasion, both of which feature prominently. If either of these is difficult or sensitive for you, please heed this earning. They play a major part in Ellis’s story, and I think he just might be my favorite. I enjoyed the storylines about his work teaching middle school and his experience as a trauma survivor. Both are issues Lee handles well, and I found their portrayal both respectful and realistic.

*I voluntarily read a complimentary copy of this book*
Profile Image for Kat.
577 reviews4 followers
April 20, 2023
If you enjoy simple and pure romances without a ton of angst, this novel will impress you. A gentle and tender story of two best friends that become even closer after one has a traumatic event.

The book was set at a slower pace, but it would have been difficult to make their relationship speed along. These new feelings were very fragile for both men, and they needed to go slowly at first.

Ellis is a horticulture grade school teacher and a musician who excels on the bass guitar. His bandmates all get along, and he is especially close to Nolan. After a home invasion, his confidence is shattered. Nolan was a rock to Ellis and stayed with him around the clock while he struggled. The two became inseparable and stronger feelings than friendship started to emerge.

Nolan’s concern for Ellis’ well-being is a sweet progression from caring as a friend to slowly realizing the feelings have become so much more. Nolan never wanted to date, but something about being with Ellis makes him rethink his priorities.

The story focuses on how two men that were never attracted to the same sex are finding it nearly impossible not to be together. There are obstacles, including their band, that must be dealt with. They have great chemistry and make a believable couple.

I love Ms. Lee’s work and recommend this story of new awakenings and seeking different paths. Happy reading!

* * Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure. A review wasn’t a requirement * *
691 reviews8 followers
April 20, 2023
4 Stars!

Love Song by Christine Lee is a slow-burn, friends-to-lovers story. Nolan and Ellis are best friends who play in a band together as well as live in the same building. They have a great dynamic as friends and clearly have each other's backs. When something unexpected happens, Nolan is there and helps however he can.

Ellis and Nolan definitely have different ideas about romantic relationships. When they start realizing that they are attracted to each other, watching them sort through their feelings and try to decide if they should say anything about those changing feelings was exactly what you'd expect from a friends-to-lovers story. I appreciated how Ellis was nervous about getting involved with Nolan but was glad that Nolan was willing to show that he wasn't going to walk away. While I could understand why they didn't say anything to their bandmates, it wasn't a surprise when things got dicey there. I'm glad that Perry had a chance to rethink his position and make some changes of his own.

As much as Nolan didn't think he wanted to be in a romantic relationship with anyone, he did some wonderful things for Ellis that would make most swoon. I was proud of Ellis for getting help for himself and working through all of the feelings and issues that came from the incident.

*Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure. A review wasn't a requirement.*
Profile Image for Josie.
1,204 reviews7 followers
May 25, 2024
Love Song is a low key and sweet friends-to-lovers story. It’s very comfy and has a lived in feel. The MCs’ journey from friends, to questioning, to lovers is believable and features adult men having adult conversations. . .Besides being very cool guys who are good friends with opposite desires for partnership, I don’t know them. They are very likable, close to their families, and emotionally compatible, but have no real depth beyond the traits that strengthen their bond.

The tone is very mellow, like it’s infused with the marijuana they enjoy, but is a bit too chill for me. The story has a sweet warmth, but some of that sweetness melts into saccharine goo. The men’s poetic natures and musical inclinations makes this believable, but in a story with no real momentum, I eventually felt a bit stuck in it. . .

Love Song is like a song you’ve heard many times—predictable, comfortable, and easy listening. Brennan Landry does a great job capturing the story’s vibes in the narration. His character voices for Ellis and Nolan are fitting, and his emotional delivery very good. His voices, or rather, voice for female characters is so-so, but he makes up for it with hitting the right tones for their dialogue. There are also some awkward pauses and phrasing, but overall, I think it’s a solid performance.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 132 reviews

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