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A group of Mayville Heights’ business people hope to convince the Chicago-based company, Legacy Tours, to sell a vacation package in their town. Legacy Tours partner, Mike Glazer, grew up in Mayville Heights, but it seems he’s not the same small-town boy people remember. Everyone seems to have an issue with the opinionated loudmouth Mike has become—until someone shuts him up for good.

When Kathleen and her cat, Hercules, discover Mike’s body near the boardwalk, she can’t help but get involved in the investigation—even if it might torpedo her relationship with Detective Marcus Gordon. Now, with a little help from Hercules and Owen, it’s up to Kathleen to make sure the killer is booked for an extended stay in prison before some else takes a permanent vacation.

327 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published February 5, 2013

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About the author

Sofie Kelly

17 books1,054 followers
Sofie Kelly is the pseudonym of young adult writer and mixed-media artist, Darlene Ryan. Sofie/Darlene lives on the east coast with her husband and daughter. In her spare time she practices Wu style tai chi and likes to prowl around thrift stores. And she admits to having a small crush on Matt Lauer.

She also writes as Sofie Ryan.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 312 reviews
Profile Image for Katie.
2,825 reviews151 followers
June 10, 2015

This actually DOES feel cozy, which not all cozy mysteries do. I just sort of sink into it and don't really look up for air.

I REALLY liked that we got to see more of Marcus's viewpoint on everything, specifically that he CAN'T just take Kathleen's word for everything, he has to be able to prove it, and find enough evidence to get the criminal convicted. And he's right. Kathleen doesn't completely trust him to be good at his job. Which he is.

(I kind of have a crush on Marcus now. Mmmmmm, such a great guy.)
5,578 reviews63 followers
May 20, 2018
In this fourth entry in the series, a local boy made good comes back to town, and tries to bully all of the townspeople with his fame. He wasn't all that well liked before he became somebody, either. The fate of all jerks in these books is death, so it's no surprise when his body is found on the boardwalk.

As usual, the primary suspect is one of Kathleen's friends, so she starts poking around. Supercop Marcus doesn't like it.

Pretty good, there's a turning point in the Marcus/Kathleen relationship in this book, making it one of the more important books in the series.
Profile Image for Cathy.
1,000 reviews71 followers
March 12, 2022
I am a little bit obsessed with Marcus Gordon. I adore him.

These books are my catnip (ha!); I'm flying through them so fast, this one didn't even get the chance to be marked as 'currently reading'. They're like a warm hug, so comfortable to just sink into and not think about anything else for a couple of hours.

This one was my favourite so far. Not at all because of the case (because honestly, who cares about the case) because book 2 still had the best case so far, but because of the relationship development. Finally there was some development with Kathleen and Marcus and I loved every second of it.

I particularly loved the ending, which may sound strange since it ended in conflict, but Marcus is right; Kathleen doesn't trust him to do his job well and it's logical that he has to wait until he can gather enough evidence to actually get a criminal convicted. A lawyer would laugh in the face of Kathleen and her hunches.

Even though I understand Kathleen's reasoning about wanting to help people she cares about, she frustrates me to no end sometimes (I still love her at the same time, don't worry). Marcus is asking her to not rush into dangerous situations anymore with only a cat for back-up and not one day later there she goes, rushing off again to confront a possible murderer. Of course, if she didn't there wouldn't be much of a series, but I am still entitled to be annoyed by this.

I was a bit bummed that we apparently breezed right past the library centennial celebrations. I was hoping that would get its own book, but alas.

But since I am mostly here for the ship, I find myself not caring about most other things. It'll be interesting to see where Marcus and Kathleen go from here.

Profile Image for ᴥ Irena ᴥ.
1,652 reviews222 followers
September 2, 2017

First, let's get the unpleasant part out of the way. I didn't like two things. Kathleen's reason for poking her nose in yet another police case is one, but since it's part of who she is, I got over it pretty quickly. Next, I didn't like another character and it turned out I was kind of right in the end. Attached to these reasons is another character who didn't deserve anyone's loyalty in this small town but still gets it because her family is well liked. Since I know I won't have a clue in a couple of months what I am talking about, I'll put it in spoiler tags.*

The murder mystery is, as usual, the weakest part of these stories, but I don't care. I realised I don't read them because of the mystery. I read them because of these nice, annoying people. I can't explain it. I love how these books make me feel. They are low angst (if any).
Kathleen has yet to decide if she is staying or leaving. She misses her family, but there is no Marcus where she would leave. And she can't take the cats with her. I can only imagine how a cat lover would enjoy Owen and Hercules's antics.

But, the most enjoyable part of this is Marcus. He is, simply put, perfect. Their slow slow burning romance is moving at glacier speed, but it is so delicious. At the moment it works perfectly for me.


To be honest, there is nothing really special when it comes to these books, but if you happen to be in the right mood (as I was), you'll enjoy reading them.

And that ending deserves at least half a star of its own.
Profile Image for Jeannie and Louis Rigod.
1,991 reviews36 followers
March 7, 2013
What continues to draw me to each new novel in the 'A Magical Cats ' mystery series? The talking between the cats and their owner, Kathleen Paulson, a Librarian. Since I held many 'talks' with our dogs over the years, and I would almost swear they responded, the fact that this series has made the cats 'magical' and with intelligence, does not ask me to suspend belief to enter into the mystery on hand. So, having accepted this major part of the book, I sat back for a great read, and I got one.

Kathleen is trying to keep out of her boyfriend's job of Detective. Not so easy when her cat, Hercules has other plans. Hercules discovers a body. Of course, Kathleen has to face the police as they come to her call to report the same. The body was of a man in town for business. Everyone it seems disliked the man. When a friend comes to ask Kathleen's help in solving the crime, how can she stay out of it, especially when Kathleen's other cat, Owen finds clues to help solve the crime?

This book was about finding out the murderer, but also about Kathleen's personal dilemma, do you help your friends, or do you stay out of Detective Marcus Gordon's job? The line is almost an invisible one and you quickly feel the conflict. What would you do?

The supporting cast of felines, dogs, and friends and family add to this solid, well crafted mystery. I look forward to the next novel to see how Mayville Heights citizens are doing. A gentle cozy murder mystery, fourth in the series.
Profile Image for Melissa.
401 reviews24 followers
March 22, 2017
This book had the most boring murder mystery I have ever read. So boring the recurring characters either didn't notice there was a murder in their town or just didn't care. This was more "day in the life of Midwestern librarian Kathleen" than mystery. I am giving it one star for the cats, Owen and Hercules, who were the only living beings who cared enough to solve the mystery. At least it fills in a reading challenge prompt.
Profile Image for Beth.
1,187 reviews147 followers
October 7, 2015
So I liked this, because - finally! - there's some movement on the Marcus front! (Mystery? What mystery?) And I really like the ending, because otherwise they'd be circling around the same conflict for way too long.
Profile Image for terpkristin.
661 reviews59 followers
September 16, 2018
Audiobook from Random House Audio
Narrated by Cassandra Campbell
Length: just over 9 hours

I received this audiobook for free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review

The magical cats are back, bringing Kathleen back with them. In a wonderful return to Mayville Heights, narrator Cassandra Campbell brings us another mystery from small-town Minnesota. On the one hand, it's fun being back with familiar characters--it's like being a resident of the small town, of knowing everybody by name (and possibly knowing too much about them, as seems to happen in small towns). On the other, if this town really existed, I'd be worried to visit, as they seem to have a lot of high-profile murders to visitors.

This book chronologically follows the events of Copycat Killing. This time around, it's Kathleen's cat Hercules who finds the victim, Michael Glazer. Glazer was originally from Mayville Heights but moved away shortly after a family tragedy many years ago. He returned to the small town to try to encourage a tour company to set up tours there; the entire town is on display! Unfortunately, in his return, he rubbed many of the townsfolk the wrong way and there end up being a lot of suspects.

In every book in this series, Ms. Kelly has improved her mystery writing style. Where the first book (Curiosity Thrilled the Cat) was overly predictable, this one definitely kept the whodunnit going to the very end. I thought I had the murderer pegged pretty early on, and I was intrigued to find out that I was wrong. The story also continues the narrative of the townspeople, and it's quite relaxing getting to know them better. Of course, this "same" formula can make the format a bit predictable, and some might mark that against the book. The only thing I'm really still "wanting" from the series that I'm not getting is more information about what makes the cats magical. I like the format of the stories and each time I read a new book, it's like returning to an old friend. But I really do want to know more about those cats and Wysteria Hill/Manor in general!!!

As usual, Cassandra Campbell's narration is perfect. I easily believe that she's Kathleen and that the listener is just another person in town, listening to things going on. I can't wait to read the next one, Final Catcall.
Profile Image for Kellyn Stinnett.
120 reviews1 follower
June 24, 2020
2.0 stars.

Okay, we have a significant drop in the rating of the books in this series with this book. Don't get me wrong; I still love the main basic story in this series. I think it's a nice, chill story that doesn't take a whole lot of brain power to keep up with. However, I will not condone the idea of a woman having to downplay herself just to make him happy and feel like a man. I mean, c'mon. It's not a woman's job to make a man feel, well, like a man. Especially when that woman ends up saving people's lives. Like, what's really important here, a man's manly pride or the life a a human being?
Profile Image for Pamela Shropshire.
1,376 reviews67 followers
August 9, 2020
Such a fun series, easy to read, just the brain candy I need at the moment. We have several formerly-feral cats — long story! — so I feel a connection to Kathleen, Owen & Hercules. I hold many conversations with our dogs and cats; heck, I’ve had conversations with raccoons, possums, armadillos, rabbits and other wild creatures. My mom calls me an “animal-loving nut,” and I can’t deny that, so this series is a perfect fit for me.
1,545 reviews27 followers
March 3, 2015
This one's pretty entertaining. I very much enjoy how pretty much the entire town now ships Kathleen/Marcus, to the extent that they all pretty much grin in glee at any sign of affection between the two. Also enjoy how the cats have more distinctive personalities. Plus, y'know, the fact that Kathleen's mother apparently took a job on what is essentially The Young and the Restless. I mean, sure, the adjectives are changed, but... Plus the relationship development is better than it usually is in these types of series.

Although, I have to say, one of these days I fully expect Kathleen to act on one of those fantasies, shove Marcus up against the library stacks and kiss him. Because honestly, what is the point of having your protagonist in a crime/romance series be a librarian if you aren't going to take advantage of that opportunity? I think it's pretty much a narrative requirement, myself.
Profile Image for Nadine.
746 reviews6 followers
February 15, 2013
Ok, I am going to go backwards this time. I loved the ending, what a great cliffhanger. Now for the rest of the book.... Only so so. I thought there were too many details to things that really didn't apply. As I read I found myself a little bored. I do love Sofie Kelly's books but this one was just ok, besides the ending. The first three I thought grabbed the reader more. All that said I really can't wait for the new book to see what happens. Happy Reading :)
Profile Image for Rebecca.
600 reviews24 followers
June 24, 2022
This whole series just tickles me. I would love to live next door to Kathleen, the main character, and the cats are...SUCH CATS! There are lots of hints that they have human intelligence, but it never beats you over the head, and their true-to-life cat nature always shines through.
Profile Image for Cozy Reader Lady.
741 reviews74 followers
September 2, 2024
"Cat Trick (A Magical Cats Mystery #4) by Sofie Kelly has Kathleen about to decide whether or not to take the extended contract the library board has offered her. The city is also gearing up for a Tasting Festival. A tourism company is in town to help it out and see if they'll be working with them on other events. Unfortunately, despite the representative of the company being from Mayville Heights, he's not well received or liked. As usual, in cozy mysteries, that means we know who the victim will be.

Kathleen gets pulled into helping because a friend she cares about cares about their kid and that kid is worried about someone connected to the victim. Yeah, a bit indirect. Also, she's pretty quick to say yes despite her growing relationship with Detective Marcus. It's like she's determined to make him mad at her. The cats don't get as much action in this one either. I hope the cats get a bit more and her relationship with Marcus either finds a good grove or ends. It's just a bit on the annoying side right now.
2,770 reviews
June 12, 2018
Librarian Kathleen, along with her two magical cats, dig into the murder of a local boy who returns to town.

I'd steer clear of Mayville Heights - there's an awful lot of murder for a small town. Of course, there has to be to give Kathleen an excuse to investigate. I love her two cats, Hercules (who can walk through walls) and Owen (who can turn invisible) but are otherwise great believable, typical cats. I'm more interested in Hercules' ongoing battle with the local grackle and the gentle, supportive relationships among town members than I am the mystery (because honestly, the author totally broadcasted the answer to that one in a really clunky way). But my 86-year-old mother and I buddy read these together and both enjoy them which is a rare thing.
Profile Image for Karen.
1,280 reviews
September 28, 2017
A group of Mayville Heights’ business people hope to convince the Chicago-based company, Legacy Tours, to sell a vacation package in their town. Legacy Tours partner, Mike Glazer, grew up in Mayville Heights, but it seems he’s not the same small-town boy people remember. Everyone seems to have an issue with the opinionated loudmouth Mike has become—until someone shuts him up for good.

When Kathleen and her cat, Hercules, discover Mike’s body near the boardwalk, she can’t help but get involved in the investigation—even if it might torpedo her relationship with Detective Marcus Gordon. Now, with a little help from Hercules and Owen, it’s up to Kathleen to make sure the killer is booked for an extended stay in prison before some else takes a permanent vacation.

1,955 reviews7 followers
December 19, 2022
Love this series and adore the two cats Owen and Hercules. Free ebook from the library.
Profile Image for Beth.
267 reviews
November 24, 2022
Another solid story by Sofie Kelly. I’m enjoying this series and all the characters, easy to read and I love a good cozy mystery!
47 reviews3 followers
April 8, 2021
I still like the characters. The plot developments are a bit too predictable, which is frustrating.
Profile Image for Robert Alvarez.
196 reviews3 followers
February 16, 2023
"Cat Trick," is the fourth in the "Magical Cats Mysteries," by Sofie Kelly (also known as Sofie Ryan).

In this installment, once again, one of the "Magical Cats" finds a dead body. But the dead body is someone who was born and raised in Mayville Heights, Minnesota, and was trying to get a tour company to bring more tourism business to this small town, regardless of the season.

As a cat lover and a Magickal Practitioner, not to mention a lead protagonist who works in a public library, I AM a big fan of this series. I find there is so much to love and enjoy about it.

Oh, and although one of the "Magical Cats," finds the body, the other one finds a very important clue.

That is all you get from me, this time.

Read this book, love this book, read the series, love the series.
Profile Image for Anna.
471 reviews6 followers
March 9, 2019
A good story though a little slow moving. I did not finish as the actual format of the hard copy book completely beat me. It was tightly bound meaning all the pages were sharply 'curved' and it was in the end just to tiring too keep the book open!
Profile Image for bella.
330 reviews28 followers
September 20, 2013
The occupants in Mayville Heights are getting ready for a food tasting festival, in what they are hoping with lead to a partnership with Legacy Tours. Legacy Tours could bring more visitors to the little town, and town librarian, Kathleen Paulsen, is hoping for the best. Unfortunately the representative from Legacy Tours, is sour-faced Mike Glazer. Mike grew up in Mayville Heights and doesn't have a very high opinion of the town or its residents. When Kathleen (or more importantly one of her cats) finds the dead body of Mike Glazer before the festival starts, Kathleen goes into sleuthing mode. With more than a handful of suspects it's going to take the skills of both Kathleen and her cats to solve this one.

My all-time favourite cozy mystery series featuring cats is the Cat Who books by Lilian Jackson Braun. When Lilian Jackson Braun passed away, I had a void to fill and I have to say that void has been filled with the Magical Cats mysteries by Sofie Kelly. By far these are my favourite mysteries that feature cats. Right from the first book Owen and Hercules stole my kitty-loving heart and I look forward to every new adventure with them.

What is so special about Owen and Hercules. Well Owen can disappear at will and become completely invisible and Hercules walks through walls. Pretty handy talents for cats right? Not so handy talents for Kathleen, who is the only one that has seen them do this. Of course, Owen loves this talent because in the opening chapter of "Cat Trick" he manages to become invisible, sneak into Kathleen's truck and take a visit with Kathleen's friend, Detective Marcus, and steal some sardines and crackers.

Right from that opening chapter, I was laughing and smiling at Owen and Hercule's antics, and really enjoying another visit in Mayville Heights. I like that this story featured around a past resident of Mayville Heights. For readers of this series, it fills in a little back story about some of the residents of the cozy town, and lets the readers try to guess as to how it will all unfold.

I liked the mystery a lot. I did have the murderer pegged about three-quarters of the way through the story, but with no clue as to why. I was at the mercy of Kathleen to completely unravel it for me, and I really enjoyed watching it unravel.

To quote the book "I love your cats. They are like little people in fur suits." If you love cats in mysteries and sweet cozy towns, then pick up this series. I recommend starting with Book 1, Curiosity Thrilled the Cat. Not because you need to read this series in order, but because you don't want to miss a second of it!
Profile Image for Sapphyria  .
1,955 reviews55 followers
August 5, 2016
Cat Trick is a wonderful 4th book in Sofie Kelly's Magical Cats Mystery series. This book brings back a former resident of Mayville Heights, Mike Glazer, a partner in a company that puts together vacation packages. He's in town to listen to the townsfolk pitch their case about focusing a package around Mayville Heights. All isn't wine and roses, however, and Mike is found dead in one of the tents set up for the festivities. A murderer walks among them and who knows who might be next.

I really enjoyed the cat and mouse game that Sofie Kelly developed in Cat Trick. Mike made several people mad in the short time he'd been back in town. This means that there are several suspects - those with motive and/or means to do away with Mike. The path taken to the exposure of the person who committed the crime was not straight or easy to navigate. There are secondary storylines woven throughout the book that also fed into the "did he/she, didn't he/she" commit the murder during the investigation. Of course, Kathleen and her magical cats, Owen and Hercules, find themselves neck deep in trying to solve the mystery. This continues to add a layer of frustration to the budding relationship between Detective Marcus Gordon and Kathleen.

The detailed descriptions throughout the book are great and I could visualize everything that happened in each scene. The mystery behind the murder of Mike was not revealed too quickly or too slowly, and many suspects were introduced, giving the reader several to chose from. The plot flows along really well, making the entire novel easy to read and understand. I enjoyed the fact that the investigation into the murder wasn't cut and dried. I didn't automatically feel like I knew the person who did it right away. In fact, when the killer is finally revealed, it puts a lot of pieces of the puzzle in this novel together - as it should. Sofie Kelly does another great job of weaving a mysterious tale. .

Paperback review copy was purchased by me for my bookshelf.
Profile Image for Larraine.
1,037 reviews14 followers
March 11, 2013
Mayville, MN is trying to lour a tour group to visit there citing their art scene, beautiful setting and great restaurants. One of the principles of the company is a former resident, Mike Glazer. He wasn't well liked in Mayville. His family moved away after his older brother died in a car accident. Local residents have set up a food tasting booth and art exhibit - both of which Mike criticizes. So he doesn't exactly endear himself to his former neighbors.

Then Mike's body is found in one of the tents. Kathleen, local librarian and amateur crime solver, is the one to find the body. Of course she is assisted by one of her magical cats, Hercules. He and his brother, Owen, have their own special "superpowers" that Kathleen has never told anyone lest her friends and neighbors think she has lost her mind. Hercules can disappear at will, and Owen can walk through walls.

I enjoyed the first two in the series as light reading. It could be that my reading tastes have changed. However, this plot seemed very thin and forced. It can be hard to keep a series going. Plus the whole romantic angle between her and the detective, Marcus, just doesn't seem that real. Does any woman in this century approach a budding romance with a lot of red-faced purity anymore?

In addition, two of the characters were not very well fleshed out including one key character. I recently abandoned another mystery series centering around cheese. I think this one is going to suffer the same fate as well.
Profile Image for ❂ Murder by Death .
1,071 reviews142 followers
February 28, 2013
A highly entertaining, escapist read, especially (and probably only) if you like cats. These are magical cats and they have very distinctive, strong personalities as well as "superpowers". They help Kathleen solve mysteries in her little Minnesota town, much to the consternation of the detective and chief love interest, Marcus.

I genuinely enjoyed the story overall - great characters, lots of solid dialogue and I really got 'into' the story and didn't want to put the book down. But I have to admit the mystery was a bit secondary to me in this one. I found myself not really caring one way or the other about the murder victim, the suspects, or whether it was solved or not. I *did* think the ending was a bit dumb - Kathleen is either dishonest or acting out of character at the end and it just felt like the author was forcing her character into a TSTL moment. Occupational hazard if you're a cozy writer, I guess.

Luckily, a new adventure with Owen and Hercules (the cats) comes out in October and I'll be looking for it.
Profile Image for Randee.
907 reviews35 followers
April 27, 2016
This is the 4th book in the series and the fourth one I've read in a row. Yep, I'm hooked. After reading the first one and being surprised at how charming and well written it was; I am only too happy to read the entire series. They just continue to get better as the characters and town, not to mention the cats, become more familiar. The likability factor is through the roof and that's really what I want in a cozy series. I don't read many 'cozies' but I love serial mystery/crime/detective novels that are well written with interesting characters. I was a teenager and one summer my mother and I read our way through the entire Rex Stout 'Nero Wolfe' series and from then on, I have loved to get hooked on series. My mother and I would discuss Nero and Archie (not to mention Saul, Fritz, Lily and the rest of the gang) to the extent that any stranger listening in would think we were talking about friends. I have every single Nero Wolfe book ever written and one day, I want to read them all over again in order. That's what I call nirvana.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 312 reviews

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