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His Grandfather's Watch

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It was just an ordinary day for Alex Harper at Harper's Antiquities, until Callum Winters walked in with a watch.

"It was my Grandfather's. I was hoping you could tell me something about it."

A love story of two couples, generations apart.

Disclaimer: This is a rewritten fanfiction and is available only as a complimentary read. DO NOT pay to download. It has not been professionally edited.
Available at author's website

57 pages, ebook

First published January 1, 2012

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About the author

N.R. Walker

112 books4,843 followers
Author also writes as A. Voyeur

N.R. Walker is an Australian author, who loves her genre of gay romance. She loves writing and spends far too much time doing it, but wouldn't have it any other way.

She is many things; a mother, a wife, a sister, a writer. She has pretty, pretty boys who she gives them life with words.

She likes it when they do dirty, dirty things...but likes it even more when they fall in love. She used to think having people in her head talking to her was weird, until one day she happened across other writers who told her it was normal.

She’s been writing ever since...


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716 (33%)
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471 (22%)
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115 (5%)
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57 (2%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 292 reviews
Profile Image for Isabel.
562 reviews106 followers
May 2, 2014
I will never get tired of saying that N.R. Walker is one of my favorite authors! Not only she is an amazing writer, she's also generous! She gives her readers fabulous free books like this one!

This story is so beautiful, so lovely and so emotional... in the end I couldn't stop my tears! The assassination of a beautiful love is the main story of this book! No matter the century, decade, year or day... no one should suffer because of prejudice or because a stupid society!

Hal and Billy were separeted because they loved each other!

Callum, Hal's grandson, with the help of Alex, finds about his grandfather's lover inside an old watch, and a new love begun! Cal and Alex shared a love so beautiful and unforgettable... a love that shouldn't have been denied to Hal and Billy! What a magnificent story!

"So I am with you, always. Forever yours..."

Thank you so much N.R. Walker!!!
Profile Image for Diana.
597 reviews18 followers
June 28, 2017
i>His Grandfather’s Watch starts with Callum Winters trying to find information about his Grandfather’s watch. He takes it to an antique store where he meets the watch expert, Alex. When the watch reveals more than expected, Alex and Callum come together to find out the mystery of the picture in the watch, his Grandfather, Hale, and a mystery man.

While searching for the truth, Callum and Alex forms an easy friendship with hopes of it becoming more. They learn of a love long ago that was sad and tragic.

For such a short story, my emotions were all over the place with this one. I was smiling at the sweet story of Callum and Alex, yet I was sniffling over the heartbreaking love story of Billy and Hale that took place during the 1940’s, at a time when the word homosexuality was not talked about. Yet, these two young men were so in love and devoted to each other, it just broke my heart at the outcome. Then in typical N. R. Walker fashion, she made me smile again.

Highly recommend.
Profile Image for Eva.
363 reviews178 followers
February 22, 2014
I need more stars!

How on earth, in 58 pages, can an author affect so much emotion? I cried!!!! And I (almost) never cry...

A beautiful story about young love and the past story was both wonderful and heartbreaking...

I cried at it beauty.

And this amazing book is free...
Thank you, dear Nic, for this beautiful story.

So much love, family, and compassion in a few pages. Recommended!
Profile Image for Nick Pageant.
Author 6 books917 followers
September 12, 2016
This is an amazing free read that tells the story of Alex and Callum, who fall in love while trying to solve the mystery of an old photo hidden in a watch. I thought this would be melancholy, but it was mostly just wonderfully sweet. I love that both the present day couple and the couple who are the focus of the "mystery" get their stories told. Great stuff.

Profile Image for Ami.
6,038 reviews491 followers
November 18, 2012
3.5 stars for "His Grandfather's Watch" and extra 0.5 stars for "The Story of Billy and Hale"


"His Grandfather's Watch" is slightly more predictable than the previous two freebies from Ms. Walker. It's also more angsty and at the same time more rushed. It's like, I'm reading about the relationship building -- and suddenly, it's Epilogue already?? Not happy *pout*.

But the addition of the love story in the 1940s, related to the watch?? One word: HEARTBREAKING!! Prepare for some good tears *sniff*
Profile Image for Meags.
2,320 reviews592 followers
June 26, 2017
4 Stars

I was going along all fine and dandy, enjoying the story of Callum and Alex and how they were brought together by the mystery surrounding Callum's grandfather's watch. And then...

Then that final chapter happened and I was reduced to a sobbing mess for a solid 30 minutes. No joke.

Seriously, it was a total gut-punch ending! I mean that in the best possible way.

I can't remember the last time I cried that suddenly and that hard during a book (and I'm a crier, people). We're talking multiple tissues filled with unmentionable things, and let's not forget the splotchy red eyes! Oh boy, so attractive.

For this reaction alone I'm doling out extra stars. Well done, Walker. *pats on back*

(P.S. this baby is FREE!!!)
Profile Image for * A Reader Obsessed *.
2,429 reviews503 followers
July 10, 2017
4 Stars

A short freebie that surely packs a punch, not once, but twice.

Tragic in the story’s origin and triumphant in its conclusion. Very sweet, sentimental and just lovely.
Profile Image for Jean.
818 reviews20 followers
November 26, 2016

His Grandfather's Watch by N.R. Walker

Love is love is love. That’s obviously how Alex Harper’s parents feel. Their excitement is palpable when a cute young man walks into their San Francisco shop, Harper’s Antiquities, and asks for information about his grandfather’s watch. Apparently, Alex’s dad has great gaydar, because his intuition about Callum Winters proves correct.

Callum is a 23-year-old Texan who is new to the city. His only surviving relative is his grandmother, who lives in an assisted living facility. Alex happens to be a clock nerd, having been fascinated about the workings and history of timepieces since he was a child. He agrees to take a look at the 1940s-era pocket watch, and what he finds hidden inside the watch begins an incredible journey into the past and the future.

As a short story, His Grandfather's Watch packs a lot of emotion into very few pages. I found myself wondering about the technique of putting Hale’s story separately at the end. Could it have been woven into the main story somehow? Having it apart felt rather abrupt. However, it was quite powerful. I found the characters to be very likable. In a longer story, we’d have gotten to hear more of Alex and Callum’s backgrounds, and I’d have liked that a lot, but as a short story, I was quite pleased with what the author gave us.

Others have gone into more detail in their reviews about the watch and the story it holds. I prefer to keep that under wraps, because Ms. Walker tells it quite beautifully. There are a few flaws, to be sure, but in the end, it really doesn’t matter. At the heart of this tale is the timeless strength of love. The beauty of His Grandfather’s Watch is that Hale Winters did have a good life in a way that he never expected and that his grandson was able to find love and live openly in a way that his grandfather never could.

4.5 stars

February 25, 2014
2.5 stars

I feel like I need to apologize in advance for my review. Feel free to ignore because I'm clearly in the minority.

And it's not that I hated this book. It was fine, but it suffered from typical N.R. Walker maladies: it was sentimental and told (not shown) via first-person narration. All Walker characters are built from the same prototype and operate along a polar dimension of "bad/evil" or "good/kind." I didn't connect with Alex and Callum; they were almost like the same puppet. Alex's family was the nicest and the most accepting (obviously), and Cal's family was dead (Walker kills off the parents a lot).

Yes, the story was a quick read, but I felt like it sailed on pathos alone. I knew the identity of the second man in the picture and pretty much guessed the story from the 40s immediately upon hearing Maria's first speech to the boys. The fact that they didn't was a big what-the-fuck.

This was still firmly in three star territory until I got to the end and the second related short told in the third person (Hale and Billy's story).

Profile Image for Deeze.
1,631 reviews288 followers
February 16, 2014
Sometimes a little short can pack more wallop that a full blown novel, and this was one such short.

Watching Callum and Alex grow closer as they tried to solve the mystery was sweet. I loved the easy openness of Alex's family.

But it was Hale and Billy’s story that really caught my heart. Learning about them through Callums Grandmother was heart wrenching, but hearing their story from themselves completely broke me. Such a sad tale, but I expect a very common one for back then.

A sweet and sad tale mixed together. But most importantly a true love story.
Profile Image for vLadimiR.
163 reviews17 followers
July 14, 2016

5 wonderful stars.

I am amazed at the sheer talent of the author for writing this truly heartfelt story. The way the characters interacted just show how much N. R. Walker loves her characters.

What I like most about the story is how the author was able to edit this book to cover two stories in just a considerably few amount of pages. Most author's would've made this into a series for more profit so I really respect authors who veer away from that trend.

I had to say that I liked Hale and Billy's story though but I won't go into anymore details. It's FREE so what are you waiting for? Go find out for yourself ^_^
Profile Image for Gaby .
755 reviews76 followers
March 28, 2024
I was not expecting to cry so much with a book about a watch!

This book is really 2 stories in one. First we get to meet sweet Callum and Alex and their very wholesome romance, and then just when you think that’s it we get to read the story of Billy and Hale and their watch.

It’s just devastating!

“You silly boy. I didn’t need the watch to find you.”
Profile Image for Sheri.
1,417 reviews186 followers
January 23, 2013
Protected secrets. Generational rescue. Forbidden love.
Alex works in his parent’s antique store, he specializes in watch repair. He is loved by his parents, enjoys his work, but a change is his relationship status would complete him. A surprising customer may be the key to changing that.
Callum has a pocket watch he inherited from his grandfather, and he is desperate for a glimpse into the past of the man he loved. Cal’s story is heart-breaking. Losing his parents to a tragic car accident, moving from his home to spend his days watching his grandmother consumed by the evil claws of dementia. He is grieving alone and begging for clues to his history. It appears Alex can grant his wish, and fill the holes to his past along with some holes in his heart.
I was immediately consumed, I needed to know Hale’s story as urgently as Cal did.
I HAD to know.
Once I knew, I was devastated.
The second part transformed the story; pushed it into a brilliant, heart-wrenching unforgettable tale.
Alex and Cal were fabulous and even better together.
Alex’s parents were simply delightful.
It was an amazing and moving story, and I am eager to experience more of Walker’s precious gifts.

*4 outstanding stars*
Profile Image for Emma Sea.
2,206 reviews1,166 followers
November 18, 2012
Another great freebie. I actually couldn't finish it because I was crying before the end. I knew the final bit would finish me off, so I bailed. I'll read the story within the story when I need a good cry.
Profile Image for Eugenia.
1,792 reviews294 followers
July 5, 2018
******3.5 Stars***** Well, wasn’t this all sorts of lovely that left me smiling and crying through its end? A wonderful short story centered on the mystery of a watch that uncovers a family secret and brings two men together. A coda gives us the story of the watch in its context, and if that isn’t enough to go through several tissues, then maybe you believe separating babes from their mothers and then locking them up is a good thing indeed.
Profile Image for Bookreader87(Amanda).
1,116 reviews41 followers
September 7, 2018

4.5 stars
4 stars for the first portion of the story with Callum and Alex.
5 stars for the story between Hale and Billy. That short story just about broke my heart. So much love and emotions was packed in so few words. The heartbreak poured off the pages. D*mn you Mr. James! 😭
Profile Image for Trisha Harrington.
Author 2 books138 followers
September 19, 2014
Damn this was good. I love emotional stories and this was definitely emotional. It could have gone so wrong especially with Billy and Hale's story at the end.

The first story was emotional in its own way, but the second story... Damn! Even though it was very hard for me to read, I thought N.R. Walker did an amazing job with the second story as well as the first. Where the first one had me smiling, the second one made me feel very sad and emotional in general.

Alex and Callum were the cutest. I loved Alex's family and the supportive, embarrassing family they were. Their presence in the book was a huge bonus. The relationship between Callum and Alex left me feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. And I just adored both of those characters. That's another thing N.R. Walker is good at, making me fall in love with both MC's.

The thing with the watch and the initials... I did kinda guess who the B was after I heard the second name. And I thought Callum's granny was a great older character and her part in both stories was very... tragic almost. I felt like she was a beautiful character and I wish she'd had her own happy ending.

Overall, this was a really great story and I think the ending of both was perfect!
Profile Image for Lelyana's Reviews.
3,325 reviews388 followers
November 5, 2017

This is my first read in 2016. As much as I hate to give 5 stars to the story that breaks my heart and never put it back again, I have to give this five stars to N.R. Walker.
I cried a lot. Yeah, I was being sappy in a first day of 2016.
This is a lot like the book from Amy Lane, The Bells of Times Square, gave my a heart-break and crying, like, a lot.
Even I don't think I can revisit the story in the future, I have to be honest to myself, this one touched me, in a way some good stories does.
I recommended this book to you who need tears in your next read.
Profile Image for Macky.
1,948 reviews230 followers
January 22, 2013
Sweet story and again free on her website. Lovely
Profile Image for Catherine.
1,603 reviews258 followers
May 10, 2015
I thought I was fine - I was enjoying the story, but it was only just okay. Not Walker at her best, but it was a free story and one of her earlier attempts, so I could give her some leeway for growth and experience (magnanimous, aren't I?!).

And then.

And then a handful of pages and paragraphs caught me like a gut punch to the feels.

I shoulda known. I really shoulda known...

(FYI, this is a re-written Twilight fanfic)
Profile Image for Monika .
2,255 reviews33 followers
April 30, 2014
This free read contains two short stories of young love, one past and one present. Alex and Callum are the present, they share a sweet and gentle romance without the all consuming angst, their love story has an HEA.

Hale and Billy are the past, in their time a love like theirs is forbidden. Their story is full of angst, so much so that it was almost unbearable to read, their life ripped my heart out and had me crying through all of their story. Sometimes love doesn't conquer all.

No matter the tears this is one beautiful read.
Profile Image for Deborah.
3,624 reviews476 followers
July 27, 2015

Beautiful Romance.

Alex Harpers life changes the day Callum Winters walks into his family's shop Harper's Antiquities with his grandfather's pocket watch.
After the death of his parents Callum has inherited the watch and he's hoping to discover more about his grandfather who died back when Callum was only twelve.
Alex teams up with Callum and together they discover the past, an epic forbidden love story and while they're investigating the past the future is moving them closer together.
This is a beautiful story with two romances one past one present.
Profile Image for Richard.
180 reviews19 followers
February 18, 2014
How on earth, in 58 pages, can an author affect so much emotion?
I suppose it's God given talent.

I CRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Profile Image for Marion.
1,650 reviews45 followers
June 29, 2014
Another (2) wonderful stories from N.R....I cried at the end of Hale and Billy's story, so beautiful! Definitely worth reading. N.R. Is one of my favorite authors! Thank you for the free read!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 292 reviews

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