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21 Days to Change Your Body

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Have you ever wondered why you don't lose weight on a diet? Is it the diet program itself that is ineffective? Or is it your mindset? In this fresh, new approach to weight loss, 21 Days to Change Your Body (and Your Life) will show you how to lose weight by positively changing the way you think about dieting. Be healthier, be happier and enjoy a better quality life—while eating the foods you love. Tamilee Webb, the star of the Buns of Steel workout series, says of the "I loved it. Lots of inspiration & easy to follow solutions. Anyone can do 21 days!" Based on the author's own experience with losing more than 80 pounds, Helen M. Ryan shows you how to overcome the mental blocks to weight loss success, how to fit exercise into your busy day, and what you should doing and eating to fit into your "skinny jeans." Finally, a real book for real people that offers a step-by-step guide that will help you win the weight loss war. It's real, honest, refreshing and engaging. Are you ready to take back your life and lose weight? Let's begin your future. It starts now.

206 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 26, 2012

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About the author

Helen M. Ryan

3 books24 followers
I’m a lifestyle coach who helps people lose weight without giving up everything they love. Life is too short to live by strict rules.

I struggled with weight much of my life. I finally overcame the weight challenge and lost 82 pounds. I’ve kept it off for 15 years.

Helping people fit exercise into their busy lives is a passion of mine. I love to help people find a way to make that happen. You don’t have to exercise for hours every day. It’s really much easier than that.

My first book "21 Days to Change Your Body (and Your Life)" was an Amazon best-seller, and is a real life approach to losing weight that actually works. You can make real food part of your life and still lose weight. Yes, even chocolate! (I lost my weight having chocolate chips with my oatmeal every morning. True story.)

I also wrote a pocket guide - a companion to “21 Days to Change Your Body (and Your Life) - with the best tips and quotes in a handy format you can keep in your purse, in the bathroom, on your nightstand, or in the glovebox. You never know when you need a little motivation, right?

I have a new book coming out soon. I’ll let you know when it’s out.

If you like to walk, I have a free “walkcast.” It’s a coached walk/podcast combination. It’s called Walking & Talking with Helen and you’l find it on all major podcast services (and also on my blog). Come walk with me.

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Displaying 1 - 12 of 12 reviews
Profile Image for Lara Kleinschroth.
88 reviews7 followers
October 31, 2012
I entered for the Firstreads Giveaway for this but didn't win, so Helen Ryan directed me to the free ebook giveaway at Kindle - thank you Helen!
This book is a fantastic companion for anyone working on some lifestyle makeovers. It is not a diet book, it is not an exercise book. Ryan directs you to the websites, gyms and books where you can look after that stuff yourself. There are no doctors or scientists quoted. No statistics shoved down our throats to scare us into eating better. No cheesy platitudes or rah-rah-rah cheerleading. Rather, it's simply Ryan's own story of losing weight and parlaying her new-found joy for fitness into a career as a personal trainer and spinning instructor, and the simple, every-day steps she took to get there. The '21 Days' in the title does not refer to a 3-week plan of diets and menus and workout routines to magically transform your body in less than a month. Rather, she lays out 21 new good habits you can start implementing into your lifestyle gradually - one a day, or month, or at whatever pace suits you. Very simple and straightforward with no BS or filler - starting from the basic common sense point of fewer calories in and more calories out equals weight loss, she lays out easy steps such as increasing your daily activity, making sure you weight train as well as doing cardio, making sure you eat a good breakfast; as well as giving you mantras, meditations, and questions to ask yourself to prompt self-reflection about your existing habits and address your fears. Each of Ryan's 21 habits is divided into 2 parts - one for the head, one for the body - because we all know about the mind games we play with ourselves while trying to make changes. So as well as advising us to do interval training to kickstart a flagging metabolism, she also has us stare down that snack we're craving and tell it, 'maybe later' then go do something else for a few minutes to get your mind off it. It takes time to establish new habits and 21 days of implementing these ones will set you on your way. In a very real, down-to-earth, easy to do, commonsensical way.
Profile Image for Sandra.
Author 3 books19 followers
October 31, 2012
Let me start by saying that when I first picked up my kindle to read this book, it was with the intention to read a few pages just to get a sense of the content. A couple of hours later and I was still reading. So what's so good it made me stick with it and not go off and do one of the numerous things awaiting my attention? Well, it has a great intro which immediately drew me in and made me feel that this was someone who truly understands what it's like to be overweight and unfit! Her physical description of her former self closely matches mine at its worst. The author uses intelligent language without being patronising. The book suggests making one change at a time - good advice and yet not something one hears too often, the usual diatribe being about flinging everything aside and becoming an exercise and diet freak overnight. I've done that sort of ultimately overwhelming thing many times, lost maybe 50 pounds and yet within a year or two it's all back on. Is what is advocated easy? NO... but then most of us who have been on the diet treadmill know there is no easy way, in that sense the advice is the same as every diet and exercise book will tell you, eat less and move more. What the author does do is help raise your motivational levels and showing how simple steps one at a time and changing priorities makes the difference. The statement that most of us see exercise as a chore is a true one but the counter statement that we also do plenty of other things we don't like without the positive benefit that exercise brings really hit home for me. A sensible no-nonsense approach to health makes this book a real winner.
Profile Image for Sheri.
390 reviews68 followers
July 27, 2014
21 Days to Change Your Body is a great source of information for anyone looking for a fresh start. The author has gathered many helpful tips and ideas for a healthier lifestyle in this step-by-step guide. The ideas she gives in the book are not radically new or different, most are common sense. However, they are presented here in a new and fresh way, and set up so they are easy to follow through on.

Along with the tips for healthier living, the author also gives us insight into her own life, showing how these steps helped her to become a healthier, happier person. I thought this personal touch brought a lot to the book, and I look forward to implementing some of the ideas presented in the book.

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Pamela Fox.
61 reviews
November 10, 2012
I got this book free during an amazon promotional period. I enjoyed reading this book and it gave me a lot of things to think about changing to be a healthier person. The author shares her personal experience and how she finally was able to stick to a healthier lifestyle. If you are looking for a quick fix to weight loss, you will not find it in this book. What you will find are simple ways you can change your daily thinking and actions to promote weight loss and a healthier lifestyle. I read this book in a day, because I had a hard time putting it down once I started. This book will help motivate you to start living healthy.
Profile Image for Kristen N..
65 reviews19 followers
November 22, 2012
Let me just state 21 Days to Change Your Body by Helen M. Ryan is a great book and I am sure can and will help many. Helen M. Ryan gives many great tips and ideas throughout the book. I only gave 21 Days to Change Your Body four stars because it was not useful to me in anyway. Helen M. Ryan geared 21 Days to Change Your Body to people with trouble controlling the amount and types of food they eat. I recommend anyone who has this problem to give this book a try.
Profile Image for Christine.
344 reviews
November 21, 2012
This book has a lot of tips and tricks that are easy to incorporate into one's life to help lose weight. The book is positive and fun, but also points out the pitfalls one may encounter when trying to change their habits. I found it very useful, and am using several of the author's suggestions to help change my body.

There are also many helpful references at the back of the book so the reader can further investigate topics of interest.
Profile Image for TheConsultingWriter.
181 reviews9 followers
August 13, 2015
I've read a lot of health books. This one is similar to others I've read. While the author is a bit wordy in certain areas, she does offer great advice and tips to get to your goals. A lot of the advice she offers in this book are tips that I've read from other authors and bloggers, but still it was nice to read through them again. I've personally taken the challenge to change my lifestyle, one day at a time. This is the point that Helen tries to explain in her book. We can all make the changes we need in order to become a more healthy person. When I started reading her book, my first change was to quit drinking soda. I can tell you that after a month without it, I don't miss it! So what's next? I'm now limiting my carb intake and I feel SO much better for that change. With taking on changes one day, one week or even one month at a time, I don't feel so overwhelmed.

Helen Ryan offers encouragement and some inspiring quotes that help the reader stick with their journey towards achieving a goal. I think this book could be applied to not only diet and exercise, but just lifestyle changes in general. She doesn't offer any magic pills, any ridiculous methods or dieting. Helen offers sound advice on diet and exercise. I recommend this book to readers who are looking to improve their health one day at a time.
December 17, 2014
I have read my fair share of diet books in my lifetime and I was sure that this would be another "Miracle" way to lose weight. Well... it was not! This book has nothing to do with miracles; it is all about common sense; about making the right changes in your life. It teaches you that making the right choices when it comes to food and exercise can be hard and that you should not fool yourself to think that this is only a temporary change... this is a life change.

"Your overall goal is to learn to give your body what it needs to be healthy -- not to live by numbers and obsessions. Constantly thinking about food choices, learning better habits, and educating yourself about portion sizes are all a necessary part of learning your new lifestyle but once they are ingrained in you, then you should not have to think about things quite so hard."

Helen Ryan shares her own experience and struggles. She does not hide her failures and is grateful of her successes. Her book was definitely food for thoughts and I already started to apply some of her suggestions. I still have a long way before I get to where I would like to be, but I honestly got a good kick in the butt from reading this book.
Profile Image for Amy.
37 reviews
January 8, 2013
I was given a free copy of this book through my Kindle app. This book has a lot of great tips on how to lose weight. She wrote this in a way that I could relate to unlike a lot of diet books. I found it motivating and hopefully I will have success myself here soon! I would definitely recommend this book to others! Thanks again for the free copy! :)
Profile Image for Gloria.
951 reviews4 followers
October 11, 2014
I've never been over 200 lbs. This book seems geared towards those who have reached that weight and need some sort of change.

After the 21 weeks plan, there were resources, appendices and a diary of the author's (?) time spent in the plan.
Profile Image for Staci.
84 reviews18 followers
December 24, 2012
Never recieved from giveaway won so unable to review. :(
Profile Image for Shari.
114 reviews
April 3, 2013
This book will tell you like it is. I love the straight forwardness. I love how she gives you hope. This book is encouraging. She makes no false promises but is Bessie you each step of the way.
Displaying 1 - 12 of 12 reviews

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