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The Others #3

Vision in Silver

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Goodreads Choice Award
Nominee for Best Fantasy (2015)
The Others freed the cassandra sangue to protect the blood prophets from exploitation, not realizing their actions would have dire consequences. Now the fragile seers are in greater danger than ever before; both from their own weaknesses and from those who seek to control their divinations for wicked purposes. In desperate need of answers, Simon Wolfgard, a shape-shifter leader among the Others, has no choice but to enlist blood prophet Meg Corbyn’s help, regardless of the risks she faces by aiding him.

Meg is still deep in the throes of her addiction to the euphoria she feels when she cuts and speaks prophecy. She knows each slice of her blade tempts death. But Others and humans alike need answers, and her visions may be Simon’s only hope of ending the conflict.

For the shadows of war are deepening across the Atlantik, and the prejudice of a fanatic faction is threatening to bring the battle right to Meg and Simon’s doorstep…

400 pages, Hardcover

First published March 3, 2015

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About the author

Anne Bishop

48 books10.3k followers
Anne Bishop lives in upstate New York where she enjoys gardening, music, and writing dark, romantic stories. She is the author of over twenty novels, including the award-winning Black Jewels Trilogy. She has written a new series, the Others, which is an urban dark fantasy with a bit of a twist.

Crawford Award (2000)

Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the GoodReads database with this name. See this thread for more information.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,785 reviews
Profile Image for Shelby *trains flying monkeys*.
1,703 reviews6,402 followers
March 24, 2015
Up until now I had been giving the books in this series four stars? Why? Maybe because I'm stingy with the stars? Maybe because I'm stoopid?!
I'm breaking down and giving the stars. This is probably the best paranormal fiction I have read. I admit it.

There are more storms coming. Big storms. Bad storms. We need to make this place work.

That's the biggest question in this book. Can the "Others" keep living with the humans. After the humans act like dumbasses with the Humans First movement.

The world building in these books is big and I've gotten attached to several of the characters and every book I whine that I want more of that character. I do understand when books have this much going on that you can only give the reader so much. I think instead of 400 page books these should go on to be 800 page puppy squishers..and I would still eat them up.
It's fun watching Meg's character grow. It's only been a few months since she escaped the controller and the Others are allowing her to grow into her own person. Sometimes I got aggravated with her and felt she was Mary Sue-ing but then the other characters jumped in a snapped her little whiny ass back into the character I love.
Watching the human "pack" interact with the Others is tons of fun too.
A pack of human females and some Crows in a building full of things to buy. He sat back and sighed. "And humans think vampires are scary."

The story still doesn't move along as fast as some books do but then it really didn't cause me to glaze my eyes over in boredom. Bishop kept my attention so much that I didn't even realize that I was at the end of the book. That rarely happens. I completely have steeped into this world and I love every single second of it. Must have this object too. Completely fangirling....

Now I have to wait a year for the next installment?!!?!?! Unacceptable. WANTS MORE!

I'm thinking this story instead of the whole sexy vampire/werewolf thing should have became the norm. Because it's awesome.
Profile Image for carol..
1,660 reviews9,140 followers
February 8, 2016
From the blog at https://clsiewert.wordpress.com/2015/... where I had a lot of fun playing link-to-my-review.


I cannot effing believe how much this series is like candy for my brain. Really; utterly predictable, but clearly engineered to hit that magic trifecta of sugar, fat and salt. Read and could not put it down. I'm not even bothered by the filling I now need.


Ok, feelz out of the way, I spent some time on a thoughtful review:

Three hundred posts has given, at the very least, perspective on why a particular book may or may not appeal to me. As I wrote in my review of the surprisingly ghastly The Diviners (review), "I tend to read for three things: plot, character and language. Usually at least one can sustain me through a book" (You see, I'm citing myself so I don't turn into Jonah Lehrer [review]). Anne Bishop's The Others series is light on all three, and yet it is the Pringles in my reading world: I can't put them down.

I should dislike this. The plot nominally revolves around a twenty-four year-old woman who is astonishingly naive. Normally, this would cause at least a small eye roll, but the context is that until six months ago, she’s been confined against her will, her life structured and optimized to divine the future when her her skin is cut and blood drawn. Actually, her innocence to behavior subtleties becomes a clever narrative device, allowing her to seek explanations along with the reader.

Many reviews rave on the world building, but I've found it glaringly incomplete--good heavens, it's odd. If Sanderson gave the impression of having created the world before writing a plot in The Way of Kings (review), Bishop seems to be discovering it in context of plotting. Inconsistencies appear, but because Bishop spends so little time on the details, I’ve managed not to dwell on them either.

Consider: The Others are a lifeform native to America (or whatever Bishop calls it, but since it has the Atlantik Ocean and five Great Lakes, let’s go with America). Currently, many Others live in Courtyards in large human cities, similar to embassies. There are small human communities as well, particularly ones around farming settlements. However, The Others control all the land, leasing it to the humans, with wild spaces between communities for their more wild brethren. But humans mine, farm, log, ship, and presumably, work in the steel mills they mention. Trains run between communities. Ships sail the oceans. Snowmobiles and golf carts exist. There are also cars, electric lights, email, computers, videos, cellphones and telephones. Not mentioned is the corollary that there are rubber plantations, power plants, cobalt mines, movie studios, satellites and telephone lines. Questions: why does news take so long to travel? Why do The Others have to take trains with humans to get from community to community instead of emailing, calling or using their other form? Why does Bishop continually call attention to The Others rescinding leases for pollution without recognizing those industries are all ‘dirty’? There’s enough cars to cause accidents. At the same time there’s all these normal/current resources, why are The Others concerned with understanding the human community? Haven’t they already understood it enough if they can drive, use computers, lease land, have Other-focused movies and Other-focused books?

It’s a mess, I tell you. I mostly accept it, and in this book, even grew to appreciate it as Simon, the leader of The Others in Lakeside, wonders if The Others taking human form are going to evolve into the replacement for the humans. I’ve also assumed that Bishop was hinting at technological developments that would win the war against The Others, such as airplanes and mass-produced weapons. But guns are already in play in this society–hunters are talked about in the first book, and this book points out that one of the fearsome Others needs to be in a certain range in order to harvest life, and being wounded by a gun is possible. So sure, it’s clear humans can’t win against earthquakes, tornadoes and snowstorms, but are The Others ready to lose the more corporeal-based lifeforms, and why are they so innocent about the risks humans present? And holy distractions–are The Others really any different from humans if they enjoy hanging out in front of a movie with some popcorn??

Lazy world-building aside, characterization is not particularly layered either. It’s an ensemble cast and Bishop commits the crime of repetitive description, adding little information time they appear. Crows like “shiny,” Tess’ hair turns color with her mood, wolves growl when they are irritated, spirits have the characteristics of their namesake (‘Winter,’ ‘Spring’). Monty, one of the policemen, gets the most chance to develop when we meet his family. Meg, the blood prophet, shows a little character growth, although there’s some not-so-slick reverse engineering allowing it (after 6 months outside her compound, she suddenly discovers too much sensory detail is ‘overwhelming’ and she’ll ‘shut down’). Other than that, the narrative character-switching mostly gives the reader the sense that something is happening, when really, it is isn’t. At least not in a large way. Personally, I have the feeling that Bishop was trying to get the reader to the point where such shifts in world-view would seem seismic. They didn’t, of course, but they did seem significant.

More significantly, there's a lot of chauvinism in this book. Males are leaders, enforcers, and spiritual gurus, whether Others (Simon, Eliot, Blair, Nathan, Henry) or humans (governor, mayor, cult leader, policeman). Women are the balancing act, the emotion, the social glue that keeps things running, soothes chaos and can be diverted by movies, yoga and jewelry. Most readers won't complain about the chauvinism because it is of the Noble Knight School of Sexism, where strong men protect the young/women, broker the deals, do the investigating, the fighting and the traveling. Men are predators. Yes, yes--this book has a scene that has an exception to this. One. I was thinking about this again because a normal real wolf pack always has females, particularly a very dominant one as co-leader, and there are no female wolves present in this situation. It's clear that there is a very gentle, growing relationship between Meg and Simon, so a lack of female balance keeps the social relationships focused on where Bishop wants it. But it is notable for me as another area that usually results in a serious amount of annoyance--particularly when done by Jim Butcher (reveiew).

And the writing. I’d give it tenth grade level, give or take. Simple structure, straight-forward punctuation and very few superlatives. The simplicity fits with Simon and Meg’s voices, but the rest of the time? I suspect that because so much of it is dialogue-focused, it isn’t as noticeable. Still, as I enjoy a vivid descriptor (note the ‘beautiful language’ tag on my page), so I find it interesting that this doesn’t bore me:

“Meg didn’t remember much about the storm that struck Lakeside after she’d fallen through the ice on the creek. But she remembered being stuck in the hospital… because the whole city had been trapped by a record snowfall… Crows followed them as they continued down the road. Hawks soared overhead or found a convenient observation perch. A couple of Owls, who should have been home by now, flew over their heads.”

So it’s clear, right? I should be vehemently opposed to reading this, but I can’t stop–it’s so delicious! After I finished this one, I started re-reading it the next day. And finished it again. Sure, there’s problems, but nothing really has pushed me into full eye-roll. I also remain intrigued because it’s the only UF I’ve read so far that treats humans like inferior citizens and hints at an upcoming disaster. I can only conclude that Bishop has hit the taste trifecta of ideal composition of Sugar, Salt and Fat (review).

Three and a half Other stars
Profile Image for Maja (The Nocturnal Library).
1,018 reviews1,915 followers
November 10, 2014

Three five-star ratings for three books in this series, that’s pretty much all you need to know before running to the bookstore to get your own copies of all three available books. But if you need more convincing (as I usually do), I’m more than happy to sing praise until I go hoarse. Or lose a finger typing. You get my point.

Here it is in no uncertain terms: The Others, Anne Bishop’s fantasy series, is brilliant, no two ways about it. Her worldbuilding is extraordinary, her characters fascinating, and even the tiniest details of her plots are thought through. So many things happen at once, but nothing is random and nothing is without significance for our Meg and the terra indigene. Bishop has many successful novels behind her and her experience is evident on every page, her control over her story absolute.

Vision in Silver brings us back to the wonderful (albeit violent) world of Thaisia. Meg faces new challenges while adapting to her life in the Courtyard, and she needs to be strong enough to help not only herself, but the other blood prophets as well. Luckily for her and the rest of the cassandra sangue she has both determination and Simon’s unwavering support.

The human police are working more closely with the Others despite facing repercussions from the Humans First and Last movement. The HFL is becoming stronger by the day, constantly working to turn the public against the Others (not that they have to work very hard), spreading lies and bold misinterpretations of events, blaming the terra indigene for everything from hunger to bad weather. Being a so-called Wolf lover is becoming more and more difficult in Thaisia, and the humans working in the Courtyard are going through a very tough time.

Simon, being the progressive leader he is, certainly won’t allow the Courtyard humans to suffer for their allegiances. After all, his Meg needs her human pack, and everything Meg needs, Simon doesn’t hesitate to provide.

With her childlike view of the world, Meg is a very interesting character, but I found Simon even more fascinating this time around. He has the instincts of an animal and the astuteness of the most successful businessman, but he often fails to understand the human way of things. He tries, though, mostly because understanding humans means understanding and helping his Meg, but the process is slow and often hilarious. These two are slowly finding their way to each other. They are, for all intents and purposes, in a relationship, even if they don’t seem to realize it. They practically live together and mostly act like an old married couple, but the way they show their affection is somewhat different from what we’d expect.

And that is precisely what I adore about the series. Bishop never lets us forget that Simon Wolfgard is wolf and only wolf. His kind has learned to live in human skin, at least temporarily, but they find it extremely uncomfortable and tend to avoid it if at all possible. Simon thinks like a wolf and acts like a wolf, and his understanding of humans is minimal. He sees the monkeys, as he calls us, mostly as prey, with only a few exceptions in the Courtyard itself. This series is basically about the clash of two cultures. Two species that have a history of horrible violence to each other are trying to find a way to live together in peace. Their differences are huge, but if there’s enough common ground, thanks to Simon Wolfgard and Meg Corbyn, they might just succeed.

Read this. That is all.

Profile Image for Anne.
4,372 reviews70.2k followers
January 4, 2020
So much is wrong with this book. Hell, this entire series!
It's so frustrating to know on an intellectual level that there are multiple plot holes , several unbelievably convenient developments to further the story , and characters who all seem to be incredibly naive about the world they live in .

I love these books, but if I start scratching the surface of the story...


Besides my spoilery complaints, I get a bit frustrated with the way the characters think and speak. The Crows with their obsession with Shiny is a good example. I think it's supposed to make them seem to have a more animalistic nature, but it just makes them sound mentally retarded. And I have the same problem with Meg and Simon sometimes. Both of them seem so...un-adult!
Listening to Meg is like listening to an awkward 10 year old, and listening to Simon is what I imagine listening to a (somewhat) lovable junkyard dog sounds like.
I've never been happier that a relationship was moving along at such a slow pace because I don't think either of them has any idea about what they're doing.


So with all of my complaints, why should you read this?
No idea.
But you SHOULD. I don't know what it is about Bishop's series that fascinates me, but I've been binge-reading these suckers for a few weeks now, and I just can't get enough!
Sometimes there's no logical explanation for why you love something...


Ok, the short and skinny version of Vision in Silver? It's about the other Blood Prophets like Meg, and Monty and his daughter Lizzy.
They all need to be saved from the Humans First and Last (HFL) movement, and the Others from Lakeside decide it's their job to protect them.
Craziness ensues, new characters are introduced, and the humans get one step closer to annihilation. I love it! What am I going to do when I finish the next book in a few days, and have to wait for #5 to come out?!
Go on, eat the candy...

December 25, 2021
And the moral of this reread is: well it sure looks like I enjoyed this book against my better judgment again. There really is no hope for me, I'm afraid.

As you should sexy mustachioed damsel, as you should.

👋 Until next time and stuff.

[July 2020]

The time to write a full-length review for this book I do not have, ergo severely cut the crap shall be. Must be your lucky day and stuff.

Why this book should have been most ruthlessly buried in the unfathomable depths of my DNF graveyard:

Nothing happens.

Nothing happens.

③ Once in a while, nothing happens.

④ Some authors write slow-paced books. Anne Bishop writes no-pace books. Because nothing happens = no action = no need for pacing and stuff = tada!

World building is vague as fish! There are inconsistencies aplenty! Plot holes abound! Yay!

Some Most of the characters act as if they were (choose all that apply):
a) On the spectrum
b) Slightly moronic simple-minded
c) Naïve as shrimp, ever-bewildered 10-year-olds
d) a
e) b
f) c
g) all of the above

⑦ Some authors write slow-burn romances. Anne Bishop writes no-burn romances. She takes things so bloody shrimping slow, nothing burns! Yay! Not a chance you’ll get “Boom! Pregnant!” while reading this book! Yay! It’s the most efficient contraceptive ever! Yay!

That’s Simon, Nathan and Sam in their Halloween costumes, in case you were wondering.

Why I ended up lurving this book against my better (albeit slightly nefarious) judgment:

① The world building might be lazy as shrimp, but the idea at its core is bloody fishing refreshing and original and creative and stuff. (A world in which murderous creatures ruthlessly rule over lowly mortals? Talk about a dream come true.)

Some Most of the characters act as if they were (choose all that apply):
a) On the spectrum
b) Slightly moronic simple-minded
c) Naïve as shrimp 10-year-olds
d) a
e) b
f) c
g) all of the above

Sorry, what? I already said that in the cons section? And your point is? Cons can be pros and vice-versa and stuff. Besides, socially inept beasts characters are Super Extra Hot (SEH™), if you ask me.

② The communication issues interactions between the Others and the puny humans are everything. They remind me of my slightly frustrating, moderately baffling, eye-roll inducing dealings with homo sapiens weaklings. Which might or might not explain why I find this series most entertaining and stuff.

“Do you know what happened to the dinosaurs? The Others is what happened to the dinosaurs.”

Hahahahahaha. Gotta love terra indigene humor. Such great stand up comics they’d make. (Not sure puny humans would agree with me on that one, though. Don’t know why. Just a feeling I have and stuff.)

④ You know that con about no-burn romances? Guess what? It’s a pro, too. Ha! “Why?” you ask. Because I said so, obviously. And also maybe perhaps because the less lovey dovey crap romance there is in a story, the more my black, withered heart gleefully rejoices and stuff. Ha again!

Packs of wolves vs. gaggles of girls. I rest in my case and stuff.

Fucking monkeys. Wither their eyes. Squeeze their hearts into black pulp. Turn them into festering cesspools contained in a weeping bag of skin.”

That’s Gertie the Cheerleading Crab for you. The little darling just can’t help getting her pom poms out of storage and giving them a vigorous workout whenever mass human slaughter is mentioned. Such an enthusiastic little crustacean she is.

Nefarious Last Words (NLW™): 7 cons vs. 6 pros and yet I still rated the book 4 stars. Goes to show that the minority will kick your ass every single time and stuff. Ha!

P.S. I seem to recall that someone once mentioned that the crap would be severely cut in this review. Looks like someone is full of fish the Others aren’t the only predators with a wonderful sense of humor and stuff.

· Book 1: Written in Red ★★★★
· Book 2: Murder of Crows ★★★★
· Book 4: Marked in Flesh ★★★★

[Pre-review nonsense]

What the fish is it with this series?! This is yet another installment I should have hated with all the fury of a murderous crustacean on an acid trip! And should have DNFed faster than it takes to say “Fleet Admiral DaShrimp, unleash the shrimps on those puny humans at once!” But I didn't! Ha! I loved every bloody fishing minute of this Lethargically Slow-Paced, Zero-Action Fest of the Many Inconsistencies and Lazy World Building (LSPZAFotMIaLWB™)! Ha again!

Full review to come and stuff.
Profile Image for Dear Faye.
492 reviews2,134 followers
March 3, 2015
Make way, make way, for the newest installment of the best Urban Fantasy is now upon us. I shit you not, folks, The Others is still going strong, and no doubt it would continue to be so in the years to come. If I ever had one wish for the literary world, it would be this: that Anne Bishop would never, ever tire of writing about this complex, fantastic world, because when that day comes, I fear it would be the day my heart would wilt and die. I wish I were kidding, but I seriously love this series that damn much.

I know I've said this again and again, but it demands to be repeated: I loved Written in Red and Murder of Crows, the first and second books of this series. They were fun, beautiful, and riveting reads that made me turn pages like a lunatic, so engrossed in the stories, politics, and dynamics in the Lakeside Courtyard. It made me want to ditch my human skin and join these shapeshifting creatures, as they are definitely more fun than all these grouchy, greedy humans (if you read this, you will understand what I mean!). I expected Vision in Silver to be as good, but it actually went beyond everything that I could ever hope for. I didn't think it was possible, but this third book might just be my favorite yet!

The political intrigue that started in Written in Red concerning the issues between the humans and the terra indigene continues to grow here in book 3, the tension and violence ever-more increasing, especially with the appearance of Lizzy, the daughter of police officer Monty, who may have jumpstarted a controversial string of events when she escaped a particularly difficult situation. It was so intense to see everything play out here - from how our friends at Howling Good Reads reacted, to how they took charge, even to how the humans attempted to manipulate them to take the upper hand! The plot points here were seriously so interesting to read as it effectively portrayed how far a specie can go when they think it's for their own survival. Seeing everything go down to the ending was such a roller coaster ride that I still can't forget it up to this day. Needless to say, when it ended, my mind was still reeling from the impact of it.

And it's not just that, the world here grows as well. There is a deep sense of mystery present as soon as the book hints at hidden terra indigene, too powerful and too old to even imagine and comprehend. They aren't really there in a traditional, physical sense, but their presence and power and influence simply jump from the pages, making you feel mystified and, weirdly, humbled. It's so weird how that happened, but when I came to that point, I just really felt small simply from how even Simon was scared of them... whoever "them" might be. This made me only excited to see what else is in store for us. I love how Bishop knows which kind of information to withhold, making us yearn for them... and when she discloses them, it hits us like a pick-up truck and our minds are left reeling, unable to compute the information given. She is  that good.

And the relationship! My SHIIIP! Simon and Meg continue to grow here as individuals and as friends (or maybe soon-to-be-lovers? YES, PLEASE!), taking their time as they discover more about each other and about themselves. How they affected other in many ways is even more pronounced here, and what is even better is that they are slowly becoming conscious of it, and my gods, IT IS DELICIOUS. I just love their dynamics, the gestures here and there that are small but are so precious and meaningful. They come from different backgrounds, from different species altogether, but the chemistry IS RIGHT OVER THERE and it's so interesting to see how their differences translate when it comes to their interactions with each other and with other people (or creatures, mehehe).

Long story short, this series and this book is perfection and don't believe anyone saying otherwise. :P

Visions in Silver is a VERY strong continuation of a series that is known for its amazing, likeable, and unique cast of characters and its world that is so vast, different, and eerily-familiar, all at the same time. If you haven't started this one yet (or the series in general), you're missing out and I implore you to get your copies now.



It is one of my fervent wishes to live in Lakeside Courtyard. It amazes me everyday how Anne Bishop is able to create a world so brutal and so charming at the same time. To be honest, I love this installment the most. Finally some progress between two awesome characters, we get to see a little more of the world while still being mysterious at the same time, and, oh, a lot of special meat. MIAM.

In any case, if you loved the last two books and are eagerly waiting for this one, I GUARANTEE YOU THAT IT WILL NOT DISAPPOINT. NON NON NON. YOU WILL LOVE IT TO BITS.

Profile Image for ♥Rachel♥.
2,065 reviews891 followers
March 30, 2024
I’m sad after finishing Visions of Silver because I truly didn’t want the book to end! I kept thinking “nooooo” as I saw the percentage on my Kindle climbing to 100. I have to say this is my favorite fantasy series out there to date. This installment was very much about Monty and his daughter Lizzy, and the changing relationship between terra indigene and humans.

As we know from the previous books, Elayne, Monty’s former lover, had taken up with Nicolas Scratch, prominent spokesperson of Humans First and Last and this becomes very important to the events that play out in Vision in Silver. HFL’s movement stirs up much hate towards the terra indigene and forms a divisive line between the humans who are friendly towards terra indigene and those who are not.

The lines between humans and terra indigene in the Lakeside Courtyard, on the other hand, have become blurred. Now instead of thinking of them as just “clever meat”, they’re viewed as members of their human pack, or Meg’s human pack, affording them consideration and protection. These changes in attitude are thanks to Meg, she’s the catalyst, “The Trailblazer” in a new friendship forming between the two kinds.

Living outside of an institutionalized situation is also becoming an issue with the rescued Cassandra Sangue girls, as well as Meg. The outside world can easily overwhelm these girls to a dangerous level.
But because Meg is a little more self-aware and been on the outside longer, she’s able to recognize triggers that set these girls on edge.

There are so many aspects to this series I love to think about, like the “verbal hierarchy” The Others used to indicate the degree of interaction with an individual: they’d use the Lizzy to indicate more of an outsider, or worse that Lizzy to indicate a human they didn’t like. As soon as humans became closer they became just Lizzy or in the case of Meg where there’s special affection and possession assigned, our Meg. The interactions between the humans and terra indigene in the Lakeside Courtyard continue to be fascinating and hilarious at times.

Of course the development of the romance between Simon and Meg continues to be my favorite part of the story. Simon and Meg are very new to the dynamics of a romantic relationship (not that they actually know they’re in one) and so some of their feelings take a while click. It’s very entertaining to witness the light coming on.

Things are coming to a head with the humans and the terra indigene, especially in regards to the powerful, more dangerous, wild forms of terra indigene. They are for the moment quietly sitting back and watching all the interactions, but could very quickly step in and wipe out all the humans if they become more of a threat.

It’s hard to properly express how special and unique this series is. All I can say is if you haven’t picked it up, you are definitely missing out!

A copy was kindly provided by the publisher via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.

This review is also posted on The Readers Den.
Profile Image for Simona B.
912 reviews3,095 followers
November 3, 2016
Buddy read with- oh, people, you should know it by now.
Buddy read with Nina, whose review I unremorsefully command you to read.

As a matter of fact, as for Murder of Crows the true rating is 3.5, but the general impression that the book left in my impenetrable (especially to myself) mind is closer to four than to three, hence the four stars.
I never said my rating policy was easily understandable. But I can assure you I'm being coherent with myself.

"She will show your pups around the Market Square,” Simon said.
Sarah giggled. Robert said, “We’re not pups; we’re kids.”
He eyed Robert and Sarah with more interest. “Little humans can shift into young goats?”

I want someone to erect a statue in honour of the one and only Simon Wolfgard.

•Thing number one to get off my chest: the romance. I thought I had to clarify this because I currently find myself in a desperate situation:
Now, back to the present.
Did I want to punch them in the face? Yes.
Did I pray at night for this situation to just get solved? Yes.
Did I internally die a little at every page I turned? Yes.
Did this influence how much I enjoyed the book? Not in the slightest. Ok, maybe a tiny bit- but only for fangirl-ish reasons, and anyway not enough to call it a decisive factor.
The thing is, it makes sense. It's not like the author turned the whole thing in a overly dramatic act or did something as ridiculous as that. Besides, they are so cute. The circumstances brought me to overly appreciate (and thus squeal in delight for) every littlest thing. It was an odd kind of enjoyment, and I treasured every moment.

Plot-wise, Vision in Silver was so much better than Murder of Crows, almost at the level of Written in Red, I daresay. Which, by the way, I feel the urge to reread.
Anyway, in a few words, I think that what makes this plot truly captivating is that finally the world beyond the Courtyard comes more into play. Not only, but, basically, the central part of the action takes place there, on the outside, and though we don't get to see it directly, everything is reported by way of a couple of dirrent narrative -and stylistic- choices that, in addition, lent the narration a peculiar sense of perspective that proves to be higly intriguing: the reader feels trapped (I'm not using this term in any negative sense) in the Courtyard, and yet the mystery to solve is located on the outside. I came to think of it as of the opposite of a locked-room mystery. Really enjoyable.

•But now there comes a touchy subject: Meg. If you read my previous reviews for this series, you know how much I loved her character. A curious mixture of shyness and fierceness, innocence and hunger. Well, here, in the first dozen of chapters or so, Meg experiences an inexplicable regression that stunned, angered and outraged me. I sincerely don't know where it came from or how it was even possible. One moment she was just fine- the next she was wailing like a baby because she noticed she's having troubles adapting to the world outside the compund.
I could have accepted that if she hadn't handled everything just fine for the previous four -or whatever- months.
I understand that the autor needed a way to give her the means and a contingency to write the Guide, but at the expense of the protagonist's characterization? My answer would have been a ginormous No, thank you.

•As a proof that Bishop had just had a moment of perdition -only Namid knows why- and that she has not lost her touch, all the other characters are simply as fantastic as they were in the previous books, and, to be fair, after those first chapters Meg even gets back to her old self, for the joy of everyone. Moreover, Monty and her daughter are really sweet, and Elayne's character, who before had so little relevance, no only becomes crucial, but also shows some shades of herself that actually moved me.

In a nutshell, I appreciated and enjoyed this book for a couple of reasond that are surely different from the ones for which I enjoyed Murder of Crows and only partially identifiable in the ones for which I enjoyed Written in Red. It lacked some things, but was nonetheless full of surprises.

Now give me Marked in Flesh. I'll give you a Wolf cookie. And another quote:

"Why do a field trip?"
"Because someone untied its shoes?"
Meg frowned. "That makes no sense."
Profile Image for Yodamom.
2,080 reviews210 followers
January 18, 2015
Arooooooo ! There you go, a one word review.
Slide show review-
I loved it for the slowly built and beautiful bonding between beings. The howling moment with ______ and ______ was so….. :D

I loved the justice served by the _______ on the _________ :D


I love the black misty ones, the way they handled _______- bravo Ms. Bishop

I was _____ for one fierce Other

A simple drawing squeezed my heart

Some will be missed, some not, but death came

I was thinking

The ending was so ______________.

Profile Image for Betsy~ISoldMySoulForBooks~.
53 reviews41 followers
November 19, 2014
WHAT? I have to wait until March 2015!NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I will wait even if it takes forever.


1 minute later


Profile Image for Jilly.
1,838 reviews6,464 followers
December 31, 2015

Now that I am finished with this book, I have to wait an entire year for the next one. And, I just can't do that. Nope. Not good at waiting. At all.

I love this series so much! There is no end to the amazing characters who are so well written that they steal my heart. I just want Anne Bishop locked in a room, writing, forever, so that I can keep reading her books. Is that too much to ask?

So, in this book, we are really continuing on with the story that has been shaping up for a while. There is a hate-group out there called "Humans First and Last" that is trying to drum up trouble for the Others. They have an evil spokesman and everything. Like most hate groups, they have more hot air than sense. You know, considering that the Others can just decide to kill all of the humans in just a day and be done with it. But, nooo, they are going to keep poking the bear. Literally.

Simon, the wolf, is trying to keep Meg happy by keeping her "Human pack" safe when the hate-group starts targeting all "wolf-lovers". It's getting ugly in the human world so keeping some of them safe is getting difficult.

In the meantime, Monty, the cop, finally gets his daughter to come and live with him. But, along with her comes a whole lot of trouble because her mother was with the evil spokesman for the hate-group, and they killed her. Now, they are targeting the little girl because she may have some evidence of what happened.

All of this makes Simon consider ways to keep the wolf-lover humans safe by having them live among the Others. Since this has never been done, it makes for a lot of adjustments. Especially since the Others have so little understanding of humans. Of course, I love that part of the book the most because the misunderstandings are funny.

When Simon called some kids "pups":
Sarah giggled. Robert said, "We're not pups; we're kids."
He eyed Robert and Sarah with more interest. "Little humans can shift into young goats?"

When Vlad, the vampire, wanted some human women to leave his office:
He picked up a pen and moved a couple of papers on the desk. He'd seen a human in a movie do that as a way to end a meeting. Apparently, the females hadn't seen the movie.

I also loved the way all of the Others acted like the teddy bear was alive, or had feelings. It was so freaking cute and funny.

When Lizzy was talking to the police and said that Boo Bear might have been to blame for the bad-guys following her:
Nathan considered this information...It sounded like human young didn't know enough to stay quiet and hidden when a predator came sniffing around the den. Didn't seem fair to blame Boo Bear, though, since he wouldn't have blabbed to anyone.

So many times, when I was reading the different wolves thoughts while they were trying to understand the humans, I thought of my dogs when they do that cute head-tilt thing. You know, when they act like they are trying to understand you?

Aww, that's so cute. Let's give him something!

But, most of all, I love the relationship between Meg and Simon. Since Meg doesn't know how to human any better than Simon does, it is super adorable watching them grow into a romance of sorts. There has been no actual romance in the books at all, but it seems like it may be heading that way. Very very slowly. I am dying for Simon and Meg to get together. They will be the cutest couple ever!!
Profile Image for Carmel (Rabid Reads).
706 reviews390 followers
March 2, 2015
Reviewed by: Rabid Reads.

Let it be known that this series is peerless; Anne Bishop’s world-building is innovative, her characters are exceptional, and the story is obsession inducing. I picked-up WRITTEN IN RED on a whim in 2013, and was wowed beyond measure. My fixation with all things THE OTHERS is so profound that it should be a bona fide medical condition. No joke! I listened to the previous two installments, so I did have some concerns that switching to hard copy might diminish my enjoyment of VISION IN SILVER, but that clearly didn’t happen because for the third time in a row 5-stars just isn’t enough. In this book we learn a lot more about the cassandra sangue, gain perspective on Simon Wolfgard, and get a glimpse of the terra indigene that live beyond the courtyards.

The blood prophets were the main plot focal point; free of their keepers, these girls are ill-equipped for life outside the compounds, and now it’s up to Meg to set them on the correct path. She and the other members of her human pack are attempting to write a sweet blood 101 guide of sorts. Little is known about the cassandra sangue, so a lot of it came down to trial & error with Corbyn as the lab rat. I liked how the author approached this aspect of the story, the progression was gradual, and each new discovery felt as though it could be the key to their very survival. Meg’s triumphs became mine, and her setbacks were absolutely devastating. Most were small things, but when experienced from such an innocent POV as this series’ protagonist, they became monumental.

Most stories that feature shifters put emphasis on the humanness of the characters while as Bishop does the total opposite. Her various gards don people flesh out of necessity, but it’s evident that they prefer fur, and view mankind as ‘clever meat.’ This is part of what makes THE OTHERS universe so original because misunderstandings between the two species occur frequently from common expressions being taken literally to every day gestures being grossly misinterpreted. I enjoyed gaining perspective on how the terra indigene see the world through Simon because he’s the most progressive leader among them which makes his outlook fabulously unique. He’s tasked with a huge decision at the end of this novel, and the outcome could be… scary.

This leads me to this book’s second main plot thread. Tension between THE OTHERS and humans has reached a boiling point, the Humans First and Last movement is gaining momentum and people are being forced to choose a side. You’re either a Wolf lover or a delusional HFL supporter who believes that mankind actually has a chance at being the dominant species. Bishop has succeeded in making me hate my own kind by illustrating the barbaric nature of Thaisia’s citizens, and highlighting the underlying prejudice that exists in all societies. The author makes it impossible not to cheer for the terra indigene, and eagerly anticipate the fast approaching day of reckoning when the wild country finally shows its teeth, and establishes once and for all who’s predator and who’s prey.

There’s only one cure for a VISION IN SILVER book hangover, and it’s more Meg & Simon!
Profile Image for Steph McG.
54 reviews21 followers
June 21, 2015
I hate to say it but this instalment in the series was boring. The book started off promising with the conflict between the humans and terra indigene but this plot overpowered everything else in the book. There was little to no character growth between Meg and the inhabitants of the courtyard. This was particularly annoying in relation to Meg and Simon. Everyone, including readers and the characters in the book, know where this relationship is going and yet nothing has happened to further my interest in this relationship. The most growth that happened between these two happened in the first book. I would have been okay with this if the plot was intriguing but I found myself constantly skipping through pages since I was bored. This book did not ignite the need in me to immediately know what happens next like the first book did and I'm unsure if I will continue on with this series.

*ARC provided by NetGalley.
Profile Image for Melindam.
773 reviews358 followers
July 27, 2024
Just as other GR friends are puzzled/puzzling over why we like these books, so was I.


Q: Are they slow?
A: Very, very slow.

Q: Are there things happening?
A: See answer above.

Q: Is there character development?
A: Ye-es, kind of, but very slow. This is already book 3. But I still love the characters.

Q: Is there romance?
A: Not really .. well ye-es... kind of ... scratch that, NO there isn't. (which is fine by me!)

Q: Is the story arch consistent? (as this is book 3 already)
A: Nope. Some things get added now that don't make sense after books 1 and 2, so it is inconsistent.

Q: Is the world-building clear?
A: Ye-es, kind of, but lots of room for improvement.

Q: And yet you still love these books, while you drew others of its kind over hot coals for far less (aka wrote harsh reviews and gave low ratings). Why?
A: I didn't know up until this point, but now I have realised. And the answer is: JELL-O!

(and in case you haven't seen the movie, My Best Friend's Wedding with Julia Roberts, Cameron Diaz and Rupert Everett, just go and watch it! No, it isn't in any way related to The Others series)

Profile Image for εllε.
755 reviews
March 17, 2016

Why is Meg in this book's cover? This isn't a book about Meg. This was Monty's and Lizz's book. I saw very little of Meg and I am so upset and disappointed. I mean, Monty and his daughter aren't even Others.

First 50% was good-ish.

. “She’s learning from us; we’re learning from her. And she and I . . . We’re learning together.”

BUT there were some things that I just can't get. Meg and Simon being friends or something they don't understand. Ok, I can't expect Meg to know what Romance or Love is(because she's been confined for all her life and I suspect she doesn't even know those feelings and I guess there's a long way for her and Simon, if they are ever going to try anything) , but Simon? He has lived more, he has experience, he knows stuff, so HOW CAN HE CALL MEG A FRIEND??? It annoys me so much!! Yes, the Others are definitely more stupid than the humans. And not only in this case. In many others. Only the Sanguinati seem slightly intelligent.

I can't believe this book was part of this series. It has nothing of the previous' books glory.
The second half had me like:

I wanted desperately to finish it. It was becoming too boring. I didn't even care for some of things that were happening. Argghh! Only in the end the things became a bit interesting, but it wasn't enough to get another star in my 3 star rating.

I will continue the series, because I loved the first 2 books and I know Anne Bishop can write wonderful things. I really hope book 4 is better.

Profile Image for Robin (Bridge Four).
1,771 reviews1,584 followers
November 24, 2017
I want to preface this by saying I totally enjoy this series.

I like Meg. I like Simon. I’m keep hoping that somehow they will hook up and soon but it is really slow on that front….like snail pace slow. Still even though the romance I long for is waiting to catch fire that didn’t diminish my enjoyment of this book.

There are a few issues though that I saw in this. It sometimes gets a bit repetitive. Good if you are going a year between books and need a refresher, everything from prior books is brought up and distilled down. But if you are reading these back to back then I think it might be an issue.

The other issue I had was actually with Meg’s character. In the last two books she is fragile and strong all at the same time. Her fragility has more to do with the world around her and being really sensitive to her surroundings. But now she is having panic attack like symptoms. Yes this plays into the overall plot with the other blood prophets who aren’t in captivity anymore but it was a little bit of a stretch. That said though I liked that with her human girl pack they are working to discover some of the mysteries of the blood prophets to share with others.
“What do you expect us to do?” Meg shouted. “Write The Dimwit’s Guide to Blood Prophets?”
“Yes! That’s exactly what I want you to do.”
Looking at their stunned expressions, he wondered if he’d been a little too honest. “Figure it out and write it up so we can pass on the information to everyone who is trying to help these girls.”
“I’m not a writer,” Merri Lee protested. “I can make notes, sure, but I can’t write up something like that!”
“Ruthie will help you write it.” There. Problem solved. Ruthie was a teacher. She wrote sentences all the time.

But the story is still good and I like the addition of both Jean and Hope in their communities. This is one of those books that makes me hate humans. Yes not all are bad but it does speak to what happens when one group thinks they are more important than all the others and decide to get mean about it.
Didn’t humans realize the terra indigene had heard such words before? Didn’t humans understand that such words were a warning that a fight for territory was building under the surface? Didn’t they wonder what had happened to cities, and civilizations, the previous times humans had made such claims?

I still love seeing the world through the Others eyes and finding how different they think from us. I mean just buying a building can be a little bit hilarious.
Why couldn’t they just give the human female a bag of money and then pee on the building so that everyone would know it was theirs?

The violence between the factions is escalating and soon there will be no going back for sure. Especially the lengths the Humans First and Last movement is getting. I’m both excited and terrified to see what lives in the deep wild and is a protector of the land.

There are a few heartbreaking moments and more development on the Cel Remano story arc and just what Nicolas Scratch is planning. Plus finally we get to meet Lizzy and he furry bear companion. I think it was adorable to see some human children enter the Pack’s life. There in for some surprises.

Overall I’m still very much enjoying the different take on shifters and this UF world. I do wish we could speed up the Simon/Meg romance but other than that I’m just going to enjoy the rollout of the rest of the story.
Profile Image for Steven.
1,147 reviews427 followers
December 30, 2015
This series is quickly becoming one of my top favorites. Such an interesting world. I'm totally caught up in the lives and challenges of these two groups of people struggling to make things work in a world that is headed towards a war. The Others and their "human pack" are such an intriguing story to read. I love the growth we've seen in the Others as they come to care for some humans, and the increase in number of humans on the "right side of history."

This book was darker than the previous two. We lost a few good characters in it and it seriously broke my heart.

I see Hope in the darkness. The darkness is growing stronger and deeper, but there is a light there waiting to help overcome it.

I can't help but feel that by the end, Meg will be the required sacrifice for a world at peace. I hope not, but I feel like Anne Bishop is preparing us for that potential.

And so begins the wait for book four. Two books remain in the series, if I remember correctly. I'm ready for the next chapter!
Profile Image for Choko.
1,365 reviews2,657 followers
November 22, 2017
*** 4.44 ***

A buddy read with my family at the Wednesday BB&B Urban Fantasy Group!

This series continues to get better and better. The overall arc of humans trying to live in harmony with the original inhabitants of the planet, The Others, and failing miserably, has taken a very interesting route under the treatment of the author, Anne Bishop. I have heard many times that you either like her writing or you hate it, and once again I am finding out that I am on "I Love It" side of the argument. Is there a particular reason for that? No, not really. There is something about her storytelling though, that speaks to my love for small details, which enrich the big picture, even when those small details seem silly or superfluous... For me they add this charm and whimsical feeling to a story, which at times might seems as if it is stalling, but instead it just builds on the emotional connection of the reader with the world and characters.

"...“For now, he and Meg were going to have the adventure of seeing a new place and having a new experience. Together.
He wasn't human. Would never be human. And Meg didn't expect him to be. But feeling her hand in his, Simon thought maybe he could learn to be human enough.” ..."

Once again, the romance that all of us saw coming from the first chapter of the first book, between the very wolfy-wolf Simon and the very sheltered and innocent Blood-Prophet Meg, did not reach even to a kiss, although I think they are considering some hand-holding:) And this is perfectly fine with me:) I love the way the two of them, just as the two cultural groups they represent, are finding out more about each-other, discovering things necessary for their shared safety, but also things that just make you smile... And as raw and animalistic as the Others are, and as much as they have looked upon humans as "Smart Meat", there are breakthroughs happening in the human-Others relationships, mostly because of the budding romance between Simon and Meg, and also all species of Others in the Lakeside Courtyard and Meg, whose visions have kept them safe more than once already. It just sucks for all of them that this is the time the "Humans First and Last" or HFL movement has decided to incite violence between the two groups in order to make money off of Humanity's suffering and blame it on the Others, thus starting a civil war... Humans blame The Others for everything that befalls them, attack and when there are consequences, they blame The Others once again, unwilling to admit or even see that they are the true culprits... No wonder some of the Big-Bad Others, who don't even come in contact with the humans, are fed up and thinking about Exterminating the species from the continent... And I have to agree, the Humans kind of deserve it...

As bad as it is on the Big Scale of things, the Courtyard residents are falling in love with their Meg, who is trying to figure out ways to help the newly freed Blood-Prophet girls in order to stay alive... Freedom seams to be very difficult for them, since a strict sensory input control has to be imposed, but most who have taken the girls in with the desire to help are fully unqualified to do so, not having any idea of how to even approach what the real issues are... Meg feels safe in her own circle of friends and those whom she consideres family now - Simon and Sam, as well as the newly forming Human Pack. Favorite part of the whole book was when the mother of two human children told him that they are not called pups, but kids...

"..."...Sarah giggled. Robert said, “We’re not pups; we’re kids.”
Simon looked at Robert and Sarah, then at Ruthie.
Kids. He’d heard Merri Lee say something about when she was a kid. But the word didn’t apply to her now because she was an adult, so it had never occurred to him that, maybe, humans had a little shifter ability that they outgrew as they matured. When she had said kid, maybe she had meant kid?
He eyed Robert and Sarah with more interest. “Little humans can shift into young goats?” Kids were tasty. Would human-turned-goat taste different from goat-goat?” ..."

Hahahaha!!!! I guess we do change forms from when we are kids to adults:) Magic!!!

Still, my favorite characters were scary Tess and the developmentally disabled pup, Skippy! I want them to adopt me into their pack!!!

Now I wish you all Happy Reading and many more wonderful books to come!!!
Profile Image for Beth.
3,135 reviews287 followers
March 5, 2022
Vision in Silver is an utterly brilliant addition to The Other Series by Anne Bishop.

Simon Wolfgard, leader of the Courtyard, is dealing with the aftermath of cassandra sangue's freedom. The once exploited seers are not handling their new freedom very well. There are those who wish to use the difficulties to regaining use of cassandra sangue while causing political turmoil against the Others.

Someone is trying to insight war between the inhabitants of Atlantik. The treachery is growing in the human government, hopefully they realize they live by the Others' leave before its too late.

In the Courtyard, the bond between humans, cassandra sanque and the Others is evolving. It is truly amazing. Meg is also struggling with her urges. With the help of the Courtyard residents, she is discovering ways to help herself and her fellow cassandra sanque.

Anne Bishop pulls you into this world she created and happily holds you riveted to every single word she’s written. Not only does Bishop bring the conflict between the Others and humans to the forefront but also captures the turmoil its causes within the individual groups; the divides it creates in families, work place and society’s core.

Bishop captures the essence of humanity at its worst and best and infuses it into her characters.

This series might be the most unique, captivating and utterly brilliant Dark Urban Fantasy I’ve ever read. Truly hitting the top of all my favorites! I flat out loved this book and this entire series.

Vision in Silver has completely rocked me, jarred my emotions and kept me clinging to the pages.

Vision in Silver is dark at times and can be quite distressing so it is not for those who prefer meeker reads.

I would highly recommend this book and series; especially those who enjoy complex urban fantasy reads. Today, March 3, 2015 is release day GO BUY IT TODAY!

I received this ARC copy of Vision in Silver from Roc in exchange for a honest review. This book is set for publication March 3, 2015.

 photo 0004_zps4c7ee41a.gif
Favorite Read!

Written by: Anne Bishop
Series: A Novel of the Others
Sequence in Series: Book 3
Hardcover: 416 pages
Publisher: Roc
Publication Date: March 3, 2015
Rating: 5 Stars FAVORITE
ISBN-10: 045146527X
ISBN-13: 978-0451465276
Genre: Dark Urban Fantasy
Find this book on: Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Reviewed for: http://tometender.blogspot.com Click here for more:

Profile Image for Shannon.
3,104 reviews2,530 followers
June 25, 2017
This series is pure comfort reading for me now. I can't explain why but even when the characters are planting a garden I'm engaged. And when Tess gets mad I need to know why and what exactly is a "picnic that's not a picnic" and who is this new person and what is the plan and why are ...

Just neverending questions and WHAT HAPPENS NEXT. I need to read about these characters' lives and how things are changing for them: it's no longer just a want. And I swear that almost every time Meg tears up I did too. I don't know what it is about her finding out new things that's so endearing but I'm right there with her. Also, the way the wolves think and act are so NOT human that I'm really starting to wonder if the author ... moonlights.

This is urban fantasy and not paranormal romance so don't go in thinking there's going to be any romance of the sort. But. There's something I tend to like more, even though it's taking a very, very, VERY long time to develop. These are Others who barely even tolerated humans but now guard and interact with Meg like she belongs so I can understand how any sort of love or romance would take a while to manifest. It's definitely there though and I can't wait to see what happens with THAT.
Profile Image for Choko.
1,365 reviews2,657 followers
May 30, 2020
So good!!!! A bit less cohesive than the previous couple of books, but just as heart-warming and compelling as always. Bishop knows how to tug on my heart strings and makes even the darkest moments glow with silver lining... I love the way she delves into the debts of her characters! So good to visit the worlds she creates! Looking forward to every opportunity to be back again 🙂
Profile Image for Jo.
957 reviews229 followers
September 29, 2020
She wasn’t a Wolf. She wasn’t terra indigene. Despite that, Meg was becoming one of them.

There are no words to convey how much I LOVE this series!!!


When the Others saved the cassandra sangue from their jailers, they never expected the danger that would follow. No one knows how to protect these fragile seers, especially when all of them seems unable to handle their new surroundings. And the only one who can provide the answers to saving them is Meg Corbyn. Simon Wolfgard hates asking Meg for help in saving the blood prophets, knowing she would have to face risks in order to do so, but he has no choice, she’s their only hope.

When blood prophets start to only predict devastation and death, it seems to be a warning of things to come. The HFL, humans first and last, movement is becoming stronger, gaining more human followers and posing a big threat to the Others and to those who interact with them. They don’t care to what lengths they need to go to spread their prejudice, the betrayals they need to commit to win their fight.

Meg is still a wonderful complex character. She’s still struggling with her addiction to cutting and it makes her friends very worried about her. But even though she knows that her kind can only survive a thousand cuts, her fear about missing some valuable clues that could save her friends, makes it hard for her to resist. I couldn’t blame Meg for needing to know about the dangers they would face, but seeing how addicted she was to cutting made panic. Is she ever going to be able to grow old??? The only thing that bothered me a bit about her in this book was her sudden inability to cope with her surroundings, with any changes. I guess it was necessary so that she could help the other blood prophets navigate their issues with adapting, but the sudden change did confuse me a bit.

The plot continues to escalate with the HFL making things worse for the Others and their friends and acquaintances, and it definitely seems that a war is coming. And I for one can’t wait to see these monstrous HFLs get eaten.

As always I loved spending time with all the characters and I’ve come to love all of them. I love how attached the Others has become to Meg and her human pack, especially since there has never been any kind of bond like this before between the two different species in this world. I also really like that we’re getting to know more of the other blood prophets, and seeing what they are capable of.

He wasn’t human. Would never be human. And Meg didn’t expect him to be. But feeling her hand in his, Simon thought maybe he could learn to be human enough.

The very slow romance between Meg and Simon keeps making my heart melt. I love how much their friendship means to them, and how possessive Simon is becoming of Meg. They are definitely one of my favorite couples ever, and they’re not even a couple yet!! :-D

I adore this series and I just want to inhale every page!! Anne Bishop has created a unique and fascinating world, with amazing characters and plot. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TO ALL UF FANS!!!.

Profile Image for Kat.
Author 11 books556 followers
October 11, 2023
I absolutely love The Others series by Anne Bishop. I finish one book and can't wait to start the next. I found VISION IN SILVER, the third installment of the cassandra sangue series with Meg Corbyn, to be particularly awesome, because the tension is really gearing up between the "clever meat" and the Others, and it's becoming clear that nothing will be able to stop war from coming. And at the same time, Meg and the other blood prophets are just trying to discover more about themselves, which Anne Bishop writes in such a heartwarming way, just like all scenes between Simon and Meg. Just LOVE LOVE LOVE.
Profile Image for Somia.
2,065 reviews157 followers
June 8, 2024
The third book in the series continues the story of Meg and the residents and employees of the Courtyard and again Anne Bishop had me absorbed.

The author illustrates the conflict between the Others and humans well, highlighting how it fractures communities, families, friends and society. We also see more interaction between humans and The Others in the Courtyard, new bonds are being made as old ones crumble.

The blood prophets are the main plot focus in this book, free of their keepers, they are ill-equipped for life outside the compounds, and now it’s on Meg to guide them and help those protecting the other blood prophets to care for them, even as she herself continues to learn through trial and error.

Treachery, jealously and greed among the humans is intensifying, impacting The Others and those humans they consider under their protection, stirring the attention of fierce beings, the Elders - something no human with sense wants.

One issue for me in this book, I do wish I had seen Simon and Meg's relationship develop more, it's one layer of the story I feel that is going a tad too slow, but other than that another enjoyable read.
Profile Image for Maria V. Snyder.
Author 72 books17.2k followers
November 14, 2017
I'm still enjoying this series and I can't quite put my finger on why. The plot can be easy to figure out in advance and one new problem appeared out of the blue as if the author suddenly needed it for this book and plopped it in, rather than show hints of it throughout books 1 and 2 . But overall, I think I'm drawn into the world and characters and it's really relevant to today's political environment - in the book it's Human's First and Last, but those humans have no idea of the enemy they face - they are just sucked into the mod mentality and are not understanding the danger - they are not thinking for themselves and learning everything they can about the problems.
Profile Image for Jen Davis.
Author 7 books715 followers
February 27, 2015
The Meg is back! Well, she is not actually The Meg anymore. She's Our Meg and that may be even better.

If you have no idea what I am talking about, you are clearly missing out on one of my favorite Urban Fantasy series and you need to stop what you are doing and go buy Written in Red. No really. Do it now.

This third installment picks up right on the heels of book 2. It follows Meg as she continues to find balance, free of the Controller and the Walking Names who shaped her life for so long. She has come a long way, but she still struggles with her need to cut. Now it's not just her life on the line, but the lives of all the girls rescued who are like her. Meg needs to understand herself and her triggers in order to help those like her survive in the outside world.

Meanwhile, tension is nearing the breaking point between humans and the Others. Right in the middle of it all are Monty and his little girl, Lizzie. We've heard from the beginning how hard it has been for him to be apart from her. Now, circumstances are reuniting them, but at what cost? There are humans vying for supremacy and making the very big mistake of forgetting who the real dominant species is on Earth. It's a powder keg just waiting to blow.

There are so many things I like about these books. The world-building is fantastic. Yes, there is a glossary and some made up words, but it's nothing that is going to make you feel lost. In fact, it's really very easy to fall into this world without having to give it much thought at all. I also really love the Others of the Lakeside Courtyard. Simon, of course, is my favorite, but I'll get back to him in a minute. Tess is such a fantastic secondary character. I also love Nathan, Henry, and Sam. It's fascinating watching how they interact with Meg... how they are evolving. They are monsters, no doubt, but the deeper we get into these books, we see how much more monstrous humans can be. Ooooh. And they are gonna get theirs.

My only small niggle: I am ready to move a little bit further in the relationship between Simon and Meg. I know this is not a romance and I understand why they're not doing the dirty in one of the upstairs rooms. But Anne Bishop keeps dropping all of these little hints that something is happening there. For three books, something has been happening. The thing is, I need a little more something. When it takes three months to culminate in holding a hand, well, we might could pick up the pace just a bit.

I didn't find this installment quite as strong as the first two. Overall, though, this remains a consistently fantastic series. It's entertaining, easy reading, and still thought provoking. Would definitely recommend.

Rating: B+

*ARC provided by publisher
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