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A new novel in the popular and exciting science fiction Liaden Universe® series. Over a half million Liaden Universe® books sold with an audience that keeps growing!

Beset by the angry remnants of the Department of the Interior, challenged at every turn by opportunists on their new homeworld of Surebleak, and somewhat low on funds, Clan Korval desperately needs to reestablish its position as one of the top trading clans in known space. To this end, Master Trader Shan yos'Galan, aboard Korval's premier trade ship, Dutiful Passage, is on a mission to establish new business associations and to build a strong primary route that links well with existing Loops and secondary routes.

But reestablishing trade and preserving the lives of the few remaining members of the clan aren't all of Korval's problems. Matters come to a head as Dutiful Passage, accustomed to being welcomed and feted at those ports on its call-list, finds itself denied docking, and blacklisted, while agents of the DOI mount armed attacks on others of Korval's traders, under the very eyes of port security systems.

Traveling with Dutiful Passage on this unsettling journey is Padi yos'Galan, the master trader's heir and his apprentice. Padi is eager to make up for time lost due to Korval's unpleasantness with the Department of the Interior. She is also keeping a secret so intense that her coming of age, and perhaps her very life, is threatened by it.

368 pages, ebook

First published July 5, 2016

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About the author

Sharon Lee

191 books773 followers
Sharon Lee has been married to her first husband for more than half her lifetime; she is a friend to cats, a member of the National Carousel Association, and oversees the dubious investment schemes of an improbable number of stuffed animals.

Despite having been born in a year of the dragon, Sharon is an introvert. She lives in Maine because she likes it there. In fact, she likes it so much that she has written five novels set in Maine; contemporary fantasy trilogy Carousel Tides, Carousel Sun, Carousel Seas, and mysteries Barnburner and Gunshy.

With the aforementioned first husband, Steve Miller, Sharon has written twenty novels of science fiction and fantasy — many of them set in the Liaden Universe® — and numerous short stories. She has occasionally been an advertising copywriter, a reporter, photographer, book reviewer, and secretary. She was for three years Executive Director of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, Inc., and was subsequently elected vice president and then president of that organization.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 154 reviews
Profile Image for Beth Bernobich.
Author 20 books137 followers
January 9, 2016
This book is #19 in the very popular Liaden series. Since this is my first (and long overdue) encounter with the series, I will confess I was not sure how well I could catch up with all that went before. I also have this weird reaction where I either love or hate space opera.

Reader, I goddamn love this book.

You should read all the books that came before, but you don't need to. We have complex trade negotiations. We have the fallout from some rather extreme measures taken by Clan Torval. We have newborn AIs and a young woman on the cusp of claiming (or rejecting) her powers. We have a vivid world that includes all the complexity and nuance needed to make it believable. And we have characters to love and cheer for.

So, hey, go and buy and enjoy.

Profile Image for Wanda Pedersen.
2,064 reviews435 followers
August 12, 2023
I seem to be doomed to read this series out of order! I picked up this volume without checking, so it is my own fault. (It doesn't help that there are two orders, chronological and publication order, that one can choose to use.)

I was immersed in the affairs of the Dragon immediately and stayed up far too late last night striving to finish. I gave in at midnight, unable to keep my eyes open. This despite the fact that Shan and Priscilla are far from my favourite characters in this space opera and the trade aspect of Korval is of much less interest to me than pilot adventures. It was Shan's daughter Padi who captured my imagination. Lee and Miller are introducing the next generation of Korval, allowing my favoured characters to become elders and moving the focus to these youngsters. And these children have been affected by their time in hiding from the Department of the Interior, made too responsible, too adult, for their ages.

Padi has mistakenly assumed that she is the only one who fears the DOI, thinking that she is the only “coward" in the family. This is part of the reason why she has rejected her role as a dramliza, a witch, and has sealed her talents into an inner fortress. But we are what we are and our true selves will manifest. Can Padi embrace her true self or will she self-destruct?

Now I will return to the previous book. Thankfully Lee and Miller provide enough background that each book is comprehensible even if you muff the order!

Book number 499 of my Science Fiction and Fantasy Reading Project
Profile Image for Kathleen.
1,370 reviews29 followers
August 25, 2022
4 stars for the eARC. To sample the book, publisher Baen has posted chapters 1-9. Free. http://www.baen.com/Chapters/A9781476...
Interesting characters, Admiral Bunter caught my imagination.

I perceive a gender-switch with Crystal Soldier. Tolly is like Cantra, an engineered human aelantaza. Hazenthull is a remake of Jela, both of them being engineered soldiers (Jela was M-Strain, not Yx-strain). Both Cantra and Jela had special training, as do Hazelnut and Tolly. A little love story growing? A battle duo shaping up?

---On that topic, I'm still waiting for Nelirikk to eat a seed pod, commune with tree about Jela, and read the logbook Jela willed to Cantra.

Despite the rabid and annoying scene-hopping (which sometimes lasts only a paragraph) I liked this book. I liked it even more than the prequel, Dragon in Exile. If Collins narrates it, I hope he drops the pompous affectations for Clan Korval.

It's true that we don't see Baby Tree strapped aboard Spiral Dance, but that will come. (Hopefully soon). Remember, at the end of Crystal Dragon, Cantra gave Spiral Dancer leave to do whatever is necessary to fulfill the coordinates she entered — presumably a course to the new bubble universe, but using calculations not updated with Professor Liad's final pi multiplier.

Meanwhille, Tocohl attends to rumors of an Old One, old tech, an AI not seen since the migration. This would be (supposedly) the only known AI older than Jeeves. This could be very bad. (Or not, with Korval's luck.)

Good scenes with artificial intelligences Tocohl and Admiral Bunter, and with Tolly the manufactured human, an expert in his field, who socializes and mentors newborn or malfunctioning AIs. Enjoyed the role Hazelnut played, too, as bodyguard to Tocohl and Tolly. Inki turned out to be quite a kettle of fish, too. Interesting dilemma facing Admiral Bunter towards the end. But FARN IT -- that plot thread is left hanging!

"He, Tollance Berik-Jones, greatest of the age, or not—was a mentor, and he knew what was due to his student, and what was due to the universe, and to biologic life. He also knew, right down in the deep core of him, just exactly what a person was capable of doing, when they wanted their freedom above everything else."

Meanwhile, while engaging in an exploratory trading loop, Shan, Priscilla, and Padi deal with DOI interference at various ports across the galaxy. They put up a good fight, but — alas — they rely too much on dramliz magic. Still, there's a huge win for Korval over the DOI, and poor Padi finally figured out who she is. I expect she will be a major player in the end game. Priscilla, despite her witch-goddess gifts, engaged in some good old-fashioned strategic battle tactics, including the use of evasion, communication, and political wisdom.

Meanwhile, Uncle continues to rejuvenate Daav and Alliana (their snail-pace rejuvenation has gone on too long, since the end of Ghost Ship. But good resolution, and funny scene with Uncle annoyed at "Korval's damned tree!" )

As one reviewer stated: "Yes, things are happening, but I felt like nothing was completed. I have more questions and no answer."

The authors posted a partial Liaden Universe Dictionary: http://korval.com/partial-liaden-univ...

There's always the Liaden Wiki, full of goodies: http://liaden.wikia.com/wiki/Liaden_Wiki
Profile Image for Bungluna.
1,131 reviews
April 3, 2016
I am fast losing patience with this series. I enjoy spending time with characters I've come to love, but I do expect two things: the overall arc will advance in each installment and the current episode will contain a fully realized, complete story. Neither of these happened in "Alliance of Equals".

Padi is in her fathers merchant space ship, completing the apprenticeship that got interrupted by momentous events in previous books. She's also dealing with trauma from same and coming to terms with her nature.

Daav and Aeliana are coming along under the care of Uncle and with the interference of the Tree.

Tolly and co. are off to battle/confront a new player in the (I think) ongoing conflict with the big bad.

Yes, things are happening, but I felt like nothing was completed. I have more questions and no answer.

I know some readers enjoy this type of story telling and to them I recommend this series.

Personally, I don't.
Profile Image for Coyora Dokusho.
1,432 reviews146 followers
March 29, 2016
I really need to stop reading super good books in the middle of the night, because I didn't remember Tolly Jones. AT ALL. And I know I didn't skip it because I don't skip stuff in Sharon Lee/Steve Miller books (Also Haz is one of my faves!!!) When I'm all sleep deprived and insane, I think I just can't remember stuff...

Well, about THIS book - it was great!!! I need to read all the books again... I'm looking forward to the next book with unholy fervor~~~~~~

3/29/2016: Went back to Dragon in Exile to re-read the bits with Tolly and Tocohl in them, yep, they were stored there in my subconscious underneath a layer of sleep-deprived insanity. Seriously gotta stop reading stuff under the lash of compulsion.
Profile Image for Ryan Dash.
465 reviews18 followers
December 30, 2019
1 star. Unfinished at the end of Chapter 11, page 128, 35% complete. The world-building was poor, there were too many overly detailed, dry specifics of trade, the viewpoints switched too often to allow enough buildup within a section, and I was not invested in the overall plot or characters.
Profile Image for Beth.
815 reviews76 followers
May 8, 2018
Strong addition to the series. Deals mainly with the off planet situation, and plot threads of Daav and the Admiral.
Very interesting how the Mentoring proceeded, and further development of what may be the current evolution of Cantra's original makers. Recommended.
First read Mar 25/16
1 review
August 30, 2016
Disappointed. The book is too fractured, several parallel story lines with very little progress in any of them. The only story with any sort of conclusion is Padi but the story itself is, except for the few pages in the end boring. Tolly and Hazenthul story is left hanging and very little happened during the course of the book. The Daav and Aeliana re-birth has been spread through three books now - and what happened? - nothing. I miss the fast pace of the books before Dragon in Exile or even Necessity's Child, where each book had a clear primary story with some sort of conclusion in it.
Profile Image for Leslie.
2,759 reviews220 followers
July 13, 2023
This entry in the Liaden series overlaps with "Dragon Ship" and "Dragon in Exile" but begins a bit later than those - maybe halfway through? - so it is best if those 2 are read before this one.

This book focuses on the events from the perspective of the trade ship Dutiful Passage, particularly from the view of the apprentice trader Padi yos'Galan (daughter of Shan), and that of Daav & Aelliana. The plotline involving Daav & Aelliana has some repetition from previous books - enough to fill in readers who had not read "Dragon in Exile" - and adds in details and further developments.
Profile Image for Karen.
1,948 reviews47 followers
June 5, 2023
Space Opera literary crack, that is all I can say. On to re-reading The Gathering Edge.

04/30/2020: Starting again. Just as good the second time.

06/04/2023: My goal is to re-read the entire series before reading book 26.
Profile Image for Debrac2014.
2,115 reviews18 followers
May 28, 2020
Wonderful! I enjoyed it immensely!

2019 Reread! I had forgotten the ending with Shan and Padi! Very good!

2020 reread!
Profile Image for Kathy Martin.
3,729 reviews97 followers
July 5, 2024
ALLIANCE OF EQUALS takes place concurrently with DRAGON IN EXILE.

One thread follows the Dutiful Passage trying to forge new trade routes while being subverted by their own reputation and subtle actions of the Department. This is Padi's first tour as an apprentice trader since Plan B was invoked and she spent time at Runig's Rock. The stress of that situation has had a lasting effect on all the children and Padi is dealing with the effect on her. Her elders are watching but giving her a chance to heal without their intervention.

Another thread of this story follows Daav and Aelliana who are still with the Uncle and undergoing big changes of their own. Changes the worry Daav and surprise the Uncle and which are definitely orchestrated by Korval's tree.

The third thread stars Tocohol Lorlin who is Jeeves' AI daughter, Tolly Jones who is a manufactured human who socializes AIs, and Hazenthull Explorer who is an unintended passenger and Tolly's friend. Their purpose is to see if Admiral Bunter, an AI created and abandoned at Jamiatha's Jumble Stop, can be socialized or destroyed. Meanwhile, Tolly is on the run from his creators who want to use them for their own gain.

All three threads are entertaining and further the main story arc of Korval settling on Surebleak and remaking the clan now that they are not part of Liad. Things will go so much better when they are finally able to root out the remaining bits of the Department who are still ruthlessly trying to rid the universe of Korval. I liked the focus on characters who are not part of Korval and I liked getting to know Padi.

While I wouldn't necessarily recommend starting with this book, I think that those familiar with the Liaden Universe will enjoy it very much.
Profile Image for Teresa Carrigan.
364 reviews80 followers
March 24, 2024
Another excellent book in the Liaden Universe. There is no need to have read the other books before reading this one, as enough bits of the backstory are included.

There are three main story lines in this volume, and the point of view switches between them rather often. The chief story is about Padi, who is about 16yo as the book starts and is apprentice trader to her father Shan. The second storyline involves Tolly and Haz, and the third is about Daav and Aelliana.

Solid character driven space opera. Highly recommended. I can't wait for the next one!
Profile Image for Jacqueline J.
3,531 reviews342 followers
April 29, 2018
Fun addition to the series. I enjoyed being back in the trading world. I particularly enjoyed that the cast of characters was kept rather smaller here. A few old favorites and a younger member of the clan to get to know. I’m happy that a whole bunch of new characters weren’t thrown at me in the one like in a couple of the recent volumes. The story was pretty straight forward, easy to follow and fun to read.
Profile Image for Paraphrodite.
2,546 reviews52 followers
July 15, 2023
4.5 stars.

July 2023 - re-listened.
Dec 2022 - re-listened.

Re-listened in Sept 2021. This is another story showing the impact of Plan B on Korval's younger generation. How Quin, Padi and Syl Vor were trained on worst case scenarios at Runig's Rock definitely had a massive psychological impact on them all. We saw some of that with Quin and Syl Vor in the previous books. This one focuses on Padi as she recommences her trader apprenticeship on Dutiful Passage .

I re-read this in preparation for the next book and still think it's an excellent book. This is strange when so much happened in this book and yet nothing is resolved.

I did miss the people on Surebleak and hopefully we get to see what's happening there in the next book.
Profile Image for Kerry.
1,536 reviews112 followers
November 11, 2017
I don't know why it took me so long to get to starting this one. And then, a chapter in, I stalled again.

So finally, a year later, I picked it up and got reading. It's another marvellous book in a marvellous series and, of course, once I got going, I read it in a few days.

I was very worried about Padi as the story continued. I could totally see why she had done what she did, but I could also see how badly it could all go. I really liked that instead of pushing things to an explosive conclusion, she responded in a far more appropriate way (and go Shan! too) and we got a sensible result. Perhaps it wasn't quite as dramatic, but it was much more satisfying.

And we still got a different dramatic conclusion (go Padi! and go Shan!)

While having delayed so long frustrates me, it's also nice to know I have an extra book to read before I'm back to waiting on publication again to continue the story.

The overall story is moving along very nicely as well.
Profile Image for Paraphrodite.
2,546 reviews52 followers
July 23, 2016
4.5 stars.

This has been a fascinating, weirdly compelling read. The Liaden Universe is such a fascinating place that you want to visit again and again. The book was a compelling read that if I hadn't started so late in the evening, I'd have finished it in one sitting. The weird thing is that it felt so action-packed but when I finished I asked myself "What has actually happened???"

The constant and at times, very short scene-jumping is a bit disorientating. I think this is going to be a challenge to the narrator of the audio edition, as I've found that rapid changes in scenes and times do make it much more confusing for a listener. Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to listening to the audio version when it comes out.

All in all though, I can't wait for the next installment to this series, and hopefully we'll learn a bit more of what's happening at Surebleak as well.
Profile Image for Marianne Boutet.
1,639 reviews6 followers
March 9, 2019
Less 1 star because neither of the main stories was concluded (although some conflict was resolved in both cases). And - Theo's situation, though referred to in this and the book before this, has not come into play and has not been resolved either. Still, Liadens and their allies doing their thing!
Profile Image for Beth.
3,584 reviews15 followers
July 19, 2018
It's interesting hearing a story through the Baen radio show, because you never know how long it will take. I think that occasionally hurt me, as I would forget where one of the threads were if we spent too many pages (weeks!) on a different story. But the finish was strong and I want to hear more of Padi yos Galen.
Profile Image for Mary.
40 reviews
July 31, 2016
You know how you love an author's works, but are afraid of reading their next release, because what if it isn't as good? Well, don't worry about picking this book up, whether you're a veteran reader of Lee and Miller's Liaden/Korval universe series, or a neophyte. I deliberately did not refresh my memory by rereading any of the previous books so that I could come at it with a fresh look.

Pick up any Lee/Miller book in this "universe" and you are dropped right into the middle of the characters' stories. The authors are excellent at getting into the characters heads; each speaks with their own "voice". The backgrounds are fleshed out just enough, but are so rich, you want to know more, which is why I love the short stories and novellas in this series.

In the main storyline of this book, Padi, an Apprentice Trader, is dealing with suppressed trauma from recent difficult actions of her family and horrible choices that she had to make when her family was recently attacked by enemies. There's just enough explanation in here that you don't need to know all the details from other books; this story stands on its own, and it tore at my heartstrings. I think at least three times I said out loud"Oh Padi" and wanted to give her a hug. Because this is space opera, and space is big, there were two other side stories related to the series arc intermingled with this main story. They give more backstory -- or side story? -- to the book, but don't directly affect Padi's "coming of age" story.

I love reading Sharon and Steve's books because there is so much in them, though not useless detail. They write compact, but deep, weaving into the story just the right amount of details you need to be able to understand what's going on, as well as making it relevant and interesting. Things tie together, sometimes within the same book, but sometimes details you learn help make another of the Korval books even richer. It's easy to get involved in the characters and watch them develop. It's even better to go back to a previous book and pick up motivations and connections and details you may not have noticed the first read through, because further information wasn't released until a later-released book. I guess I'm saying that there's something new with each reread. I know I'll be rereading some of my past favorites and picking up nuances I either missed the first time, and noticing events or actions that may have different significance than what I originally thought.

I'm giving this 5 stars because I'm ready to reread "Alliance of Equals" immediately.
Profile Image for Steve.
5 reviews
February 23, 2017
Well dang. Now I'm all caught up and have to *wait* for the next installment. What a wonderful (and wonderfully addictive) series.
Profile Image for Hilary.
2,009 reviews55 followers
December 23, 2019
Korval is now starting to see some consequences triggered by their somewhat violent departure from Liad, but although this follows on from Dragon Ship and the others after Plan B, this concentrates on the trading side, spending a little more time with Shan, Priscilla and Padi , now officially Shan's apprentice upon Dutiful Passage.

As a side note, this is one of the rare series I feel compelled to buy. Can't believe I forgot to get this one, but at least I won't have to wait too long till Gathering of Equals!
Profile Image for Julia.
1,077 reviews36 followers
March 27, 2016
This is one of my favorite series.
As the series has expanded, not everyone's story can be in each book. This book doesn't land on Surebleak at all (except for some character's brief recollections or future plans).

The main stories are:
-Shan and Padi on Dutiful Passage: Padi is learning to be a Trader and coming to grips with her experiences from when she was with the other children sent away during Plan B.
-Tocohl (Jeeves' daughter), Tolly Jones and Hazenthul who have gone to Jemiatha's Jumble to help the AI that Theo activated in Dragon Ship
-Daav and Aelliana waking up on Uncle's ship

Tension continues and the stories don't end, but there were no real cliff-hangers making me ask when the next book will come out. (Which is a good thing since this was the eARC and the actual publication won't be until July.)
Profile Image for Sctechsorceress.
329 reviews7 followers
July 8, 2016
This was a darn hard book to put down. Lee and Miller do tell a great story! This particular book is set in part on a trading ship (space ship that is), and on a few assorted other space ships, some planets, and a space station. People do move around a bunch, but there are at least three separate stories going on . This is book 19 in the Liaden Universe, but don't worry. You don't have to read the series from the beginning to enjoy this book. To be honest, I am not sure the authors have written the 'beginning' yet. Just dive right in. There's enough backstory to keep things understandable. If not, the authors have included a handy "Cast of Characters and Glossary" in the back.
Profile Image for Carolyn.
645 reviews119 followers
July 25, 2016
This one dives right in, and is best read immediately following the preceding books. As it has been some time since I have read any of the other novels in the series, even with the helpful lists of people, places, and things in the back of the book, it was quite confusing at first. I was referencing the back of the book too often, it disrupted the flow of my reading.
Having said that, I'm forewarned now, and will be doing some re-reads before any future volumes.
Enjoyable dip back into Liadan space, and I'm sure I will find it a 4star read upon rereading with the others.
Profile Image for John.
1,712 reviews54 followers
July 13, 2016
Two ongoing and only tangentially related plotlines get a little advanced here...but the one with the AIs was left totally up in the air at the end, so I guess you'd say this is about one novelette and a half's worth of story, forcibly intertwined. I really like the series in general, but like C.J. Cherryh's "Foreigner" series this one is plainly reaching its sell-by date. Might read the next one, depending on reviews, but not feeling that old anticipation any more.
Profile Image for KateNZ.
156 reviews13 followers
October 7, 2016
The latest instalment in my favourite space opera series, and I'm already desperate for my next fix. The focus on Padi's coming of age was beautifully done, and the AI storyline is also compelling. I won't say anything else. Just read it.

May 2017 with "The Gathering Edge" can't come soon enough.

Profile Image for eyes.2c.
2,830 reviews88 followers
November 5, 2016
Have I said before how much I love Liaden novels? The saga continues. Great! Now I have to wait patiently for the next in the series. Sigh!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 154 reviews

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