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Crossroads #1


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After divorcing the woman he’d been with since he was seventeen, Nick Fuller is starting over. He owns the restaurant of his dreams and he’s determined to meet new people, find new passions, and experience life to its fullest. Easier said than done—that is until he meets his new neighbor, Bryce Tanner… Bryce is all about a good time. He plans to show Nick how it’s done, help him meet a few women, and enjoy the gift of the single life he’s been given. But things don’t go as planned, and soon they realize they’d rather be together than with anyone else. Neither man has ever wanted another guy, but there’s a connection between them from the start—a spark they can’t deny. They find themselves navigating an unfamiliar new world and dealing with unforeseen obstacles. Physical desire isn’t enough, and now Nick and Bryce are at a crossroads. They have to decide which way to the easy path they’ve always followed, or the one that's determined to trip them up at every turn.

340 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 22, 2015

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About the author

Riley Hart

104 books6,417 followers
Riley Hart is the girl who wears her heart on her sleeve. She's a hopeless romantic. A lover of sexy stories, passionate men, and writing about all the trouble they can get into together. If she's not writing, you'll probably find her reading.

Riley lives in California with her awesome family, who she is thankful for everyday.

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Profile Image for Heather K (dentist in my spare time).
3,992 reviews6,223 followers
October 17, 2016
*2.5 stars*

I know what you are thinking, everyone, I KNOW! I'm thinking it too!!! How on EARTH did I not love this one???!! The hype for this book was INSANE, and its average rating is 4+ stars! Plus, this book had my name written all over it!

Everyone has their kinks and preferences, and I am no different. My favorite tropes in M/M are well known: I LOVE a gay first-timer. Give me a guy just discovering his bisexuality for the first time and I'm a happy girl. Simple, right??

Maybe not.

Okay, here's the deal: You can't just go from totally straight, never being attracted to a guy, to totally being turned on by everything gay in five seconds flat. I don't ever buy that! The way the two MCs went from never noticing a guy in "that way" before to watching gay porn and being turned on more than ever before... it felt false to me.

Maybe it was the writing. This was my first time reading Riley Hart, and I read this book to prepare for GRL 2016 (see my shelf for it above). I wasn't a huge fan of the writing, to be honest. I felt it to be veeery tell-y instead of show-y, and I wasn't feeling the romance when they finally got there.

Plus, this book is mommy-issues galore. I'm over that, TBH.

Though I'm being negative (because I wanted to LOVE it), it also had some positives. The difficulties with first time sex between these two felt very true to life (not that I would, ehem, know), and I appreciated the honesty. Though the sex scenes were a bit too frequent for my taste, I also thought that they were really hot, as a rule.

I don't know, maybe this was a case of expectation vs reality.

Pre-reading review

Guys, I don't just need this, I NEEEEEED this! A double gay for you??

Profile Image for Carol [Goodreads Addict].
2,685 reviews25.1k followers
February 23, 2024
Edit #2
I just finished my 2nd re-read and it was just as amazing as the other two times. It's such a fantastic love story. I'll never tire of Bryce and Nick!

I just re-read this and loved it just as much as the first time. I've never forgotten Nick and Bryce and loved going back to spend time with them again.

Crossroads is book one in the Crossroads series by Riley Hart. This is my very first book by this author. It was very highly stressed to me that I needed to read this book. That this book would rock my world. And YES, it did. Thank you, Karen. I’m so glad I listened to you.

Nick Fuller is getting ready to live alone for the very first time in his life. Nick is thirty years old and is a chef in his own restaurant. He’d been with the same girl since he was seventeen. But their marriage ended, badly. Nick is the youngest and only son with three older sisters, all married. He’s very close to his family but his mother is very traditional. Women and men have their place in a marriage.

motorcycle mechanic

Bryce Tanner is thirty two years old and owns his own motorcycle shop. Working on motorcycles is his passion. But it might have taken Bryce a little longer than some to figure it out. Bryce lives life to the fullest. If he wants a woman, he goes out and finds one. He is also the youngest sibling with two older, married brothers. His mother wants nothing more than for her youngest son to get married and give her some grandchildren.

Nick and Bryce are neighbors, living in a duplex and sharing a back yard. They become fast friends and Bryce decides it’s his job to help Nick to experience life. To help him meet women. But after a few failed attempts, they both discovered that they had more fun just hanging out. They had so much in common and they made each other laugh.

“It was strange; usually it took him a while to warm up to people, but he felt comfortable with Bryce from the start.”

Neither Bryce nor Nick had ever been attracted to a man before. They were both straight men. But as their friendship deepened, feelings began to develop. They started noticing things about each other that they shouldn’t notice about another man. They couldn’t understand what was happening. Why now and why this man? But neither wanted to fight it, neither wanted to walk away.

“His whole life he’d tried to have as much fun as possible. What he didn’t realize was, he didn’t even know what fun was until he’d met Nick.”

two men cuddling

When Nick and Bryce were alone, in their own little bubble, they found something they had never had before with anyone else. But unfortunately, they couldn’t stay that way forever. They were both close with their families and were certain they wouldn’t take it well.

“What is it about you? Why do we both feel like this? What is going to happen if we keep this up? Why does it feel like my whole life was spent waiting for something, even though I didn’t know it until now?”

I am just in love with this book, with Nick and Bryce. I loved the way they approached the sexual part of their relationship, like an adventure. It was adorable and freaking hot! They had no idea what to do and had so much fun figuring it out. Together, they just fit in every way.

“It’s like you filled this place in my world that I didn’t know needed to be filled. I didn’t even know it was there before you came and claimed it. Wanting you is the only thing I’m sure of.”


If you enjoy this trope, you just have to read this book. I sighed, I swooned, I smiled, a lot! Nick and Bryce just stole my heart. Their road wasn’t always an easy one. But as long as they are together, they will find a way. The next book in this series is called Shifting Gears and features Rod, who works in the adult toy store that we met briefly in this book. Thanks again to Karen for this. I can’t wait to dig through all of Riley’s other works and see what’s available!

If you want to know more about this book and so many others, come and visit me at Carol's Crazy Bookish World.

Profile Image for Gigi.
2,149 reviews1,030 followers
July 16, 2024
Re-read December 2015 My second of probably many more reads! Bumping this up to 5 stars because, what the hell was I thinking giving it only 4.5? This book is double gay-for-you perfection!

4.5 stars rounded up because DIRTY TALK!

New Riley Hart! Get excited, because she BRINGS IT with her newest book Crossroads.

Bryce Tanner is a fly-by-the-seat-of-his-pants kind of guy. He took years to find a profession he was passionate about, has never had a serious relationship (but he did try and it turned out to be a disaster) and loves the ladies, if only for a few hours. It isn't until he meets his next door neighbor that he figures out what life is really about.

Nick Fuller is coming off a devastating divorce from the woman he fell in love with at 17. She delivers divorce papers and news of her current, but not first, boyfriend on the same day. Nick is blind sided and throws himself into his work at the restaurant he owns. His new next door neighbor, Bryce, is a breath of fresh air in his lonely life.

Bryce and Nick start a friendship that makes them both incredibly happy. Their comradery is instant and their similarities evident. They get into a routine of Saturday night outings for food and drink and daily chats after work in Bryce's garage, working on old motorcycles. Before either of them know it is happening, their friendship changes into one of sexual attraction. Neither man is gay or had any kind of relationship with a man before. It leaves them both confused but excited at the prospect of their strong bond growing even stronger.

I really, really fell in love with these two. Bryce was adorable with his no-filter personality, rarely thinking before he speaks. He is the one who kicks this sexual relationship into high gear and figures out pretty quickly that dirty talk amps his and Nick's sexual relationship to a whole new level. And it is HOT! Gotta love that dirty talk.

Of course, it is not all hearts and flowers for these boys. They are doing a lot better with navigating their new found sexuality than their families are. Bryce and Nick both love their families and want them to accept their new lives together. Of course, it isn't quite as easy as all that.

This is a double gay-for-you, friends-to-lovers love story that hits you right in the chest. Fans of the genres are going to be happy campers. Fans of hot sex are going to love how these two go at each other with out any shame or embarrassment. Both guys are ALL IN and it is smoking hot. And dirty talk!

The only, tiny, tiny drawback for me was the lack of drama/angst between the two men themselves. We do get a few fights, but they are merely spats and they make up almost immediately. A lover's quarrel would have been welcomed. But that's just me.

This is a delightful, low angst, easy, breezy romance between two incredibly likeable men. Highly recommended!

This review is also posted at Gay Book Reviews

Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,711 followers
July 29, 2015

Loved, loved, loved this one! Loved!

Double GFY *gasps*....both MCs dive in, balls to the wall, no second guessing!

Off the charts HAWT exploratory sex! My favorite!

And little to no angst.

Their biggest obstacle was the uncharted waters. The never before feelings for each other. Yeah, they had to come out to their friends and family eventually...but even that I found to be perfect!

This was Riley's best work to date!
Profile Image for ✦❋Arianna✦❋.
790 reviews2,593 followers
November 3, 2015
4.5 Stars!!


“They were at a crossroads, not the first one they’d hit, and he sure as shit knew it wouldn’t be the last.”

This one was for sure Riley Hart’s best work to date. She delivered such an entertaining friends to lovers, double GFY m/m story filled with steam and humor. I can’t remember the last time I read a double GFY m/m novel, but I will tell you this, this one was scorching hot and dare I say, arousing.

The story starts off with Nick, who after his divorce he moves into a new place. He is a chef owning his own restaurant and he worked hard to get where he is now. He is frustrated and maybe a little hurt with his new status as a divorce man after he found out his ex-wife had multiple affairs and especially since she was the only woman in his life since they were 17 years old. His family is supportive, his mother already trying to set him up with different women, but Nick doesn’t want to get involved in a relationship with a woman, he wants something easy and convenient and he’s looking forward to this new fresh start.

Bryce Tanner is a mechanic, also buying old bikes, fixing them up and reselling them. He truly loves what he does for a living. He feels free only when he rides and maybe when he f@cks, because he loves all the ladies. Bryce doesn’t looking to settle down anytime soon, like his older brothers loving way too much his lifestyle.

“It’s like you filled this place in my world that I didn’t know needed to be filled. Hell, I didn’t even know it was there before you came and claimed it. Wanting you is the only thing I’m sure of. I don’t know how it happened or why, but I know it’s there.”

When Nick meets his new neighbor, Bryce, he immediately warms up to him even if he’s not that kind of guy. He’s feels that Bryce is his first real friend and he feels comfortable with him from the start and Bryce apparently feels the same way. From the moment he met his new neighbor, Bryce is determined to show him what he knows the best - how to get loose and not give a sh*t about things. They start an easy, genuine friendship and both of them are very comfortable with the other. They go out together, spending a lot of time together and before they know it, they start to feel something more about each other – an attraction both of them can’t resist!

"I'm scared of what this means. I'm scared of the changes in my life. I'm scared because I'm not sure how my family will react...but none of that is enough for me to want to walk away from him. The thought is unimaginable. It doesn't matter if I understand any of it."

I really enjoyed this one! The pace of the story was perfect and both main characters were very enjoyable, had depth and the most important thing IMO in a GFY (or in this case double GFY) story, their backgrounds were well explained and their struggles and obstacles they faced were very realistic. I liked these two men a lot and I also liked the fact their personalities were so different. Their character development was really great done and I’m not sure which one I loved more. Nick was the serious type, the workaholic type. He’s kind and loyal and I loved the fact that he was so determined to respect his morals. Bryce was this guy you would love to have as a friend. He’s funny, charming, loving, sweet, he has no filter and he was a great friend not only to Nick, but also to his old friend/ex hook-up-girlfriend Christi. I enjoyed reading about Nick and Bryce’s friendship and Bryce’s attempts to ‘make’ Nick more like him. But here’s the thing – Bryce liked the real Nick. Nick who was ‘a little different, a bit tight-assed in some ways, but not in others’ and this made me liked him even more. He kept Nick on his toes from the beginning and also from the beginning he made him laugh more than he laughed in all these years spent with his ex.

“This wasn’t just about the fun anymore—wasn’t about orgasms and hiding out in their houses together naked. It was all real, and they had to decide how far they were willing to go for each other...what they really wanted.”

I liked how Nick and Bryce’s relationship progressed. It simply felt real. It wasn’t an easy journey from friends to lovers for either of them, but together they succeeded. With love, caring and most important patience and communication they learnt together what it really means to be in a relationship and what it really means to give the other everything you got and everything you are.

“He shoved at Bryce, rolling him over, and climbed on top of him. Their pricks rubbed together as their tongues invaded each other’s mouths. It was like a war, both of them fighting for possession as they grabbed at each other while their mouths dueled. It was rough, urgent, passionate and everything else he could imagine as his cock begged to shoot the load in his balls.”

Like I mentioned above, this story was equally emotional and steamy. I would lie if I would say I didn’t preferred more the steamy aspect of the story. Nick and Bryce’s tale was touching and beautifully written, but I have to admit these sexy scenes between them made me love this story even more. These two men complemented each other fantastically, so of course their times between the sheets were hot as hell. They were intense, passionate and satisfying. I loved how both of them were determined to make their relationship work and how both of them decided to experiment with the other everything there is to experiment, without shame or embarrassment. That’s how much they trusted each other.

“You’re the only risk I’ve ever taken, Nick. Nothing else could hurt me expect you.”

I have to say some of the supportive characters were truly delightful. Christi was one of them. She was such a good, supportive friend to Bryce and later also to Nick. She was lovely and I enjoyed her character a lot. Bryce and Nick’s families were pretty great as well, even if there were some obstacles with a few of them. However there was no unnecessary angst or drama, which made the story feel more real in some way.

All in all, “Crossroads was a fantastic great friends to lovers story that put a smile on my face, warmed my heart and made me fell for these two endearing characters.

“What are we doing here, Bryce?” They were two straight guys, each screwing around with a man for the first time, when there were so many things standing in their way. They were a fucked up accident waiting to happen.
“I don’t know.” Bryce’s hand was in his hair then. “I just know that I can’t imagine not doing it.”
August 13, 2015

This is my favorite Riley Hart novel since

Broken Pieces (Broken Pieces, #1) by Riley Hart

"It's so fucking incredible to feel you like this—the hardness of your body, your muscles, the hair on your chest, legs and face. To have you in my arms. All fucking man, and all fucking mine."

Sweet baby jesus, but this book is not for public consumption.

This one's a SCORCHER.

Double-GFY, friends-to-lovers, butt-sex VIRGINS, y'all!

The intense, passionate, PLENTIFUL lovin' is made even better by the strong emotional connection the men share.

I BELIEVED in this relationship and the GFY.

Bryce knows Nick is The One, just like he knows motorcycles are his thing. Bryce fucked his way through women, never caring, moving on, changing his mind, because he was still looking ... for something, someone, a fork in the road, a choice.

And Nick had only ever been with one woman, who cheated on him and left their marriage. Nick worked so hard to open his own restaurant, his marriage was an afterthought.

Nick was waiting, too.

Still pretending to be dating his close friend Christi, Bryce doesn't want to disappoint his family, but Nick has it even worse. His mom is "traditional" (a wife takes care of her husband and other such brilliant tidbits) and can't believe her baby boy could love another man.

This story had potential for major family melodrama, but that didn't happen.

Yes, the guys have to work through family issues. They would love to stay in their happy little bubble, working on Bryce's bike, cooking (Nick cooks for both of them, and Bryce happily eats it all), and discovering the joys of gay sex, but real life encroaches.

Despite occasional frustrations cropping up, Nick and Bryce never give up. They talk through stuff. They apologize. They have make-up sex. And more make-up sex.

Dildos, butt plugs, gay porn, shower sex, rimming, cocksucking (Bryce's word, not mine) ... YEAH, the men try it ALL, much to my eternal happiness.

The MCs are complex, and the secondary characters well-developed. Thank you, Ms. Hart, for not making Christi a bitch. She was actually very encouraging of Nick and Bryce's relationship and totally cool.

The third-person dual POV is BY FAR my favorite narrative style and worked very well here.

Bryce pretending Christi was his girlfriend went on for too long (I wanted to kick his ass when he chickened out on telling his mom time and time again), but I forgave him, because he was never ashamed of Nick.

Profile Image for Mo.
1,386 reviews2 followers
August 2, 2015
3.5 stars

I liked it. I just didn't love it. Not sure why. In the end, I think there was a bit too much cock for me.... Can you believe that?

Liked Nick. Thought Bryce was a bit immature at times.

Anyway. A nice read. It just didn't blow my mind.
Profile Image for Judith.
724 reviews2,865 followers
August 4, 2015



Well my favourite kind of M/M book is when there is one straight guy but here they are both straight ( a first for me)

Nick has just moved into a new place after his divorce.He's worked hard to get where he is,running his own restaurant.
Bryce moves next door a few days later.Bryce has had trouble putting down roots in the past.He has moved from one job to another with not much commitment until he opens his motorcycle repair shop,something he is very passionate about.

The two men get on really well and quickly form a strong friendship.They get into a routine,getting together every Saturday for weeks as friends.As their friendship develops they both fight the sexual attraction to each other until Bryce makes a move one night.The sexual tension between them is extremely HOT as they both battle with the feelings they have for each other.

The story is a simple one.Two straight men who have never been attracted to men before.

"You're the only risk I've ever taken,Nick.Nothing else could hurt me except you"

To me this wasn't about being gay,bi or straight.It's a story of two people who fall in love with each other, who happen to be the same sex.
Totally recommend for fans of M/M romance....
Profile Image for Optimist ♰King's Wench♰.
1,788 reviews3,926 followers
October 7, 2018
1.5 stars

*sad face emoji*

Everyone loves this author and I feel like I'm missing something, like I'm the one who doesn't get it.

Maybe this would've been more successful had I read it rather than listening to it, but the story overall seemed unrealistic. The priority seemed to be focused on the sex rather than developing the relationship between the Bryce and Nick, two previously lifelong heterosexual dudes.

I appreciate that one's sexuality isn't static, more of a continuum, and I like that Hart seems to do this trope relatively well. Maybe there are people who just dive headlong into bisexuality without reservation and good on them! But if you're trying to convince me that two people are going to live happily ever after then I need more than sex, sex, more sex, blow jobs, rimming, sex, sex shop + dildos and then some more sex on top. The sex was hot; that's undeniable.

But sex isn't love. Sex isn't going to take the garbage out or mow the lawn or paint the living room or stay by your side when you get sick.

So, as much as I wanted this to work for me, it just didn't. There were some feel good moments but not enough to convince me of their longevity.

I also feel left out because so many people love this narrator to pieces and his performance was about as exciting as the iTunes user agreement. He blah, blah, blee, blee, blee'd about half of it, yada yada'd most of the sex and Peanuts teacher'd the rest of it. I've had oatmeal more interesting than this.

I also HATED his voice for Bryce. H.A.T.E.D.I.T. I'm not a huge fan of his voice in general but Bryce's voice was particularly grating.

Unfortunately not one I would recommend but my opinions are my own and YMMV.
863 reviews230 followers
August 13, 2015

This may sound odd but...

I think the writing ruined the book. Ha! I don't say that to be mean. It's just that the story had all kinds of potential. I'm not against a double GFY...a true GFY for that matter (not out-for-you). I'm not against exploring how friendship leads to attraction that is new and unlike anything the MC's have had in their lives before. I'm not against a couple dedicating themselves to each other and standing with each other despite family issues and ex-issues. All of that could make for a great story.

What did NOT work for me is the writing.

I've read other Riley Hart books that I've enjoyed enough. This one just didn't work for me. There was so much telling in the beginning that even I, who is not especially sensitive to it, was going batshit over it. I wanted it, needed it to stop. The entire first half of the book was page after page of me being told that they had feelings for each other and nothing that showed me this was true. I didn't believe that actual chemistry existed between the characters.

And then it turned into something I just was really struggling to finish. Bottoming for these characters equaled some kind of ritual that proved love. And though that might be a believable premise, especially for someone new to a same-sex relationship, it just was beaten into me over and over again. The repetition of this story line (and others as well) got so old.

What also is a huge pet-peeve of mine is when authors want to make one of their characters a "bad boy", and try to convince me of this solely by using the word "fuck" over and over again in his dialogue. Don't get me wrong...I use FUCK all the time. But it isn't an indicator nor a descriptor solely for bad boys. I need more than that to believe that characterization.

I don't know...I wanted to like it...but it turned me off early on. And then I all I really wanted was for it to end. It probably isn't a good sign when you're relieved it's over.

I see so many other people having enjoyed it. I think I, too, would have enjoyed the story...if it handn't gotten lost in the tell, the repetition, and the sometimes lazy descriptors...


Profile Image for Mila (Semi-Hiatus).
250 reviews333 followers
July 19, 2022
Third re-read: July 2022

Bryce and Nick will always have my heart 😭💕💕💕💗
Second re-read-Dec 2021

***4.5 rating***

“What are we doing here, Bryce?”

They were two straight guys, each screwing around with a man for the first time, when there were so many things standing in their way. They were a fucked up accident waiting to happen.

“I don’t know.” Bryce’s hand was in his hair then. “I just know that I can’t imagine not doing it.”

What can I say that has not been already said about this book?

This was my first introduction to Riley Hart. It was the first book of her's that I loved. It is by no means a perfect book, it has many flaws but the romance between these two men is what made me love it.

Two men.
Nick and Bryce."

The journey of these two "straight men", who go from being neighbours, to friends, then to best friends and eventually lovers was a beautiful one.

I love reading about two people falling in love. Love is love. That's what this book was about.

Nick and Bryce faced many obstacles from their families once they announced they were a couple and sometimes they wondered why is it such a big deal to love another man? It was after all just two people loving one another. Nick's mom was a hard character for me to like. She was a very traditional woman, set in her ways and was not here for these two being together. She even requested for Nick to deny Bryce's existence. And while she came around in the end, I still don't like that woman, sorry lady.

Overall, I adore this book. It will continue to be a favourite of mine. Nick and Bryce are a forever a beloved couple to me.

If you love reading about two people falling in love then give this book a chance!😌
Profile Image for Susan.
2,284 reviews438 followers
April 25, 2023
One unpopular opinion coming up!


I like a good GFY book, I really do. And the GFY in this one was pretty well done. But I think I need to stay away from the double GFYs from now on.

I like the struggle, the ‘Could I really be attracted to a man?’, the tentative kisses, the touches, everything. But what I absolutely do not like is family drama. I know being gay or coming out as gay is no picnic, and Bryce and Nick didn’t hide their relationship from their family so I was pretty okay with that. But I can’t do family drama from both sides in a double GFY.


This book didn’t have a lot of angst within the relationship, but the angst with the family was just too much for me. I felt as if the entire book revolved around what other people might think instead of the real romance. The attraction was dealt with rather fast and the I love yous weren’t a problem for them. So after the initial shock everything worked out quite nicely. Except for the families…


What Bryce’s mom said was not okay for me! The fact that Bryce is okay with it because she loves him, doesn’t mind he is gay and finally accepts Nick, does not make it okay. I thought it was an extremely hurtful thing to say to your son. And it was totally glossed over in this book. If I ever ever say such a thing about my son’s life I hope he is man enough to stand up for himself and to tell me to mind my own business.


And Nick’s mom, I’m sorry, but even when she kind of came around in the end, I wanted to hit her with something.


I do have to say that the first ‘real’ sex scene was great! It felt very real that these guys encountered some problems with first time gay sex. It wasn't awkward and it felt authentic.

This was a nice GFY book, just not for me.
Profile Image for Macky.
1,945 reviews230 followers
January 23, 2016
4.5 STARS!

Nick and Bryce are straight. Not bisexual...not bi curious ...not repressed. Nope. At the start of the book these two men are completely and utterly heterosexual. They've each had relationships with women that clearly define their inherent sexuality, but for different, reasons the relationships have ended, leaving them free agents. However, nothing is as cut and dried as it seems, as the two of them are also constrained by family expectations, which in a way is stopping them both moving forward with their lives the way they should.

Thirty year old Nicks marriage broke down because his wife cheated on him, but like all relationship failures there are deeper issues involved. The main factors that lead to his divorce centre mainly around his well meaning, but overly judgemental, slightly possessive mother, who could never accept that Jillian was ever good enough for her son, (a vice versa situation with his in laws), and also his ex's belief that she’d been neglected in favour of his career as a chef and time spent building up his new restaurant.

Having only ever been with Jill, Nick is still smarting from the split; not because he feels like he’s lost the love of his life, but because the nature of her betrayal, after being a couple since they were both seventeen, hurts. He's a kind, thoughtful more introspective character and the thought of playing the field and just jumping into meaningless sex doesn't interest him at all. When he finds love again, he wants it to really mean something. He wants a forever love ...never once thinking that when he does find it, it’ll be with another man!

For rest of review follow Link-> http://bit.ly/1K3IXak


Profile Image for ⊱ Poppy ⊰.
340 reviews296 followers
September 22, 2016
“What are we doing here, Bryce?” They were two straight guys, each screwing around with a man for the first time, when there were so many things standing in their way. They were a fucked up accident waiting to happen.
“I don’t know.” Bryce’s hand was in his hair then. “I just know that I can’t imagine not doing it.”


It was my second foray in reading two "straight guys-turned-gays", my first one was Hot Head which really was a bummer for me, and after that i usually ignore all-the-hype-straight-turn-gay books, But after reading the synopsis and countless positive review i thought to give it a try and i am glad i did. This book was really good, NO it was So Good.

This was by far Riley Hart's best work i had read. I dare not say that this series is a pleasure to read. The humour, friendship, love, confusion, heartache, betrayal, every one of a emotion was there. To write a GFY book is a hard deal, to convey the right moments at the right time is a difficult task, but Riley Hart you nailed it girl.

“You’ve turned my whole fucking world upside down, you know that?” “Yeah,” Nick whispered. “Yeah, you’ve done the same with mine.”

This is simple yet complicated story of two guys turned lover, it's just not about gays or friends. Its a crossroad travelled by to of them without knowing what was the destination. I adored and loved every single word of this book. It a story that how love can get you in unknown circumstances when you least accept it. This book is equally steamy and yet emotional, with the far best character's i have read in this year.

I loved the character development of this book. Every character was developed so nicely that helped me to give this story my very best attention. The friendship between Nick & Bryce was deep, loving, satisfactory. Riley Hart really did a good work in builiding their relationship from friends to lovers, and from straight to gays. I loved how in starting everything went smooth with the friendship excepts and then Bhoooooooom here comes the attraction which seriously was slow burn and i liked it. I liked how they worked their way from attraction to love. Jesus, everything was just perfect with this book.

“You suck."
"Ha! You do, too, now!"
Bryce's mood lifted as he laughed at her. "You're an asshole, Chris.”

I have to say that i loved Bryce's family, i completely in love with the. They were far the best side characters i had read in this year. Especially Bryce's brothers and his sister-in-laws and specially his best friend Christy, i want her book too, BTW. The way they supported Bryce in everything was very heart-warming. and made this book really good to read.

This was not smooth as i am trying to show you :P but i really don't want to spoil anything for you guys. There were alot of obstacles that they had to overcome, the confusion of there new found attraction, there past life. This book was a roller-coaster of emotions, but yet all were heart warming and sweet. I beg you guys to read it, its amazing love story, and you are missing a hella ride.

“It’s a crossroads, Bryce. Which way are you going to go?” Nick finally repeated the lines from his dream.
“Whichever way you are,” he replied. He’d do anything for his man. Go anywhere. Being with Nick was where he was supposed to be.
“You lead and I’ll follow. I’m right here with you, Bryce. Always.”
“Nah, I don’t need to lead, we’ll go together.” Together, the way they’d done everything since they met.”

Profile Image for Eva.
363 reviews178 followers
August 7, 2015
4 Double GFY stars

"You’re the only risk I’ve ever taken, Nick. Nothing else could hurt me except you. "

Sweet, enjoyable... however for me it was a bit unrealistic and slow at times.

The heat level was high though with lots of dirty talking so... me likely.

Enjoyed with friends here
Profile Image for Chelsea.
914 reviews7 followers
September 3, 2017
Reread- September 2017- This is a very sweet story, heaps more corny this time round though 😛. Still enjoyed it a lot!

This is the reason I started reading M/M romance! Men in love fighting against the stigma society puts on them while having really hot sex!

This book was perfect, I LOVED both these characters, I felt both their GFY journey's were realistically done and just loved how they were adults and discussed issues in their relationship.

If he was going to be gay, he wanted to be gay all the way.

Did I mention the sex was hot, because it was!!!!!

"Such a tight hole. I'm going to fucking lose it in there, baby. Turn over. Put your ass in the air so I can play with your dick better while I take you."

This book definitely had me feeling the feels as well. Just such a sweet relaxing read!!

" Its a crossroads, Bryce. Which way are you going to go?"
"Whichever way you are."
Profile Image for Elsbeth.
1,226 reviews41 followers
August 4, 2015

BR, August 1st with Karlijn, Susan, Momo and Julie.

A double-gay-for-you is too good to be true.. It was awesome!!

After Nick’s divorce he moves in a new appartement complex. Nick has been married to a woman he had known since he was 17 years old. He’s hurt because of the betrayal and he throws himself in his business, his restaurant Nicks.


He meets his new neighbour, Bryce. Bryce has had some trouble in finding his true passions but has found it in his motorcycle repair shop.


The two men develop this friendship and spend a lot of time together. Until a family member of Bryce makes him aware of the possibility he could be attracted to this straight man, Nick.

The men were very comfortable with each other and were very open in exploring all kinds of sexual actions! It was sexy and kinky!!

“You taste so fucking good. I could keep my tongue in you all night.”

“I like that...when you talk to me like that.”

De sexual tension between Nick and Bryce was hot and extremely wel done!

As they stuggle with their growing feelings for each other they also have to deal with family who have mixed feelings about them being in a relationship with a man now.

Although the family issues were very annoying it didn’t bother me too much that it spoiled the story between Nick and Bryce.

It was about two beautiful men who were both male by accident who fell in love with each other!!

“Nick was an automatic with me, just like when I fell in love with bikes. I waited to find my passion, what I wanted for the rest of my life, and it’s the same with him. I knew it was right when I met him.”

*Highly recommended*
Profile Image for John The Cosmic Wanderer.
435 reviews46 followers
July 29, 2015
4.5 Stars - First of all, this is DOUBLE GFY!! Let those words sink in first....

This has got all the elements I look for in a GFY story, the first meeting, the friendship, the conversations, the realization and most of all the connection. The GFY part felt really believable and not forced and they say really romantic words to each other, such as this:

"You're the only risk I've ever taken Nick. Nothing else could hurt me, except you." -Bryce

I have one tiny issue and almost made me remove a star, the book has too much sex for me. I can handle maybe 2-3 sex scenes in a book but more than that takes me out from the flow of the story. In my mind, I was like:

"Alright! Alright! I get it now! You have amazing fucking incredible sex! Congratulations!!! Can we now move on?! I want know what's going to happen and what you both are going to do now you're both at a crossroads." :D :) :) :D

Other than that I super enjoyed this DOUBLE GFY goodness. The only story I love by Riley Hart so far and I wanted more from that ending! One of my faves this year! Huraaah!
Profile Image for Mirjana **DTR - Down to Read**.
1,447 reviews788 followers
May 2, 2017

"I'm scared of what this means. I'm scared of the changes in my life. I'm scared because I'm not sure how my family will react...but none of that is enough for me to want to walk away from him. The thought is unimaginable. It doesn't matter if I understand any of it."

Riley Hart has written a tale that is engaging, funny, heartwarming and sexy. Nick and Bryce will steal your heart. These two men are wading through some seriously uncharted territory. Neither has ever been attracted to a man, yet neither can deny the attraction and pull they feel toward each other.

He felt it, the fear and nerves, but they were just a quiet pulse in the back of his mind. A whisper that spoke softer than the want inside him.

If you're a Riley Hart fan, let me tell you one thing....this is her hottest book to date! Two words my friends...two words....SHOWER SCENE.

I absolutely loved getting to know Nick and Bryce and being on their journey. I laughed and swooned and felt every emotion with these two men as they wove and navigated through this new and exciting, and often times scary, path their lives had gone in.

This is a definite must read for Riley Hart fans and a great book for those just starting out or dipping their toes in the M/M genre.

***Privileged to have assisted in the beta reading of this book***
Profile Image for Nazanin.
1,178 reviews779 followers
September 9, 2017
3.75 Stars

Well, after reading "Faking It" by this author, I didn’t think I could read anything by her. but I was wrong because I did try another of her work and I enjoyed! And it was my first m/m that both MCs were straight! It was interesting!

Nick is a thirty-one-year-old divorced man. He was with his ex-wife from the age of seventeen! He is a chef and has a restaurant. Bryce after trying some courses finally he focused on bikes! He is a motorcycle mechanic. Bikes are his passion. He has a girl friend, he loves her but he is not in love with her, so they decided to be just friend. But his parents don’t know and they think Bryce is in a serious relationship with his girl. They both moved to their new homes simultaneously and became neighbors. And then became friends, quickly. But their parents don’t understand them and they are against their children so…!!

These two characters were really likable. They both were perfectly sync with each other. They both solve their problems with each other. It was interesting the way they exploring everything with each other. They go through everything with each other. I liked the writing.

The story is told in dual POV, third person. It’s the first installment in "Crossroads" series but it can be read as a stand-alone. I definitely will read the second book! I liked this one and hope you enjoy it as well!
Profile Image for Barbara➰.
1,626 reviews424 followers
July 3, 2016
********5, I Wish I could give it 10, Beautiful Stars********

I not going to tell you whether the writing or the editing was perfect or not in this book. Or whether the characters were fleshed out just so. I read this for the content, the romance, the message….and it was executed beautifully. This book has left me with so many feelings I can’t even begin to put them into words. I absolutely and unequivocally LOVED this book.

Nick and Bryce are two straight guys who have moved in beside each other. Nick is coming from a divorce and being on his own for the first time. He has been with his wife since he was 17. Bryce is single but continuing a fake relationship with his best friend and former lover, Christi. They have broken up months ago but he is afraid to tell/disappoint his mother so he continues with the lie.

Bryce and Nick meet and hit it off immediately. They start to hang out and find themselves spending all their free time together. Then, the realization hits that they are actually attracted to each other. After some self-reflection, they begin to experiment together sexually. In truth, they love each other very much. It was beautiful to see the love develop as they learned new and exciting things. These two really were at a crossroad in their lives.

“It’s like you filled this place in my world that I didn’t know needed to be filled. Hell, I didn’t even know it was there before you came and claimed it. Wanting you is the only thing I’m sure of. I don’t know how it happened or why, but I know it’s there.”

This was one of the most amazing, emotional m/m books I have ever read. I laughed (the scene in the adult store with Rod was hilarious). I got pissed (I wanted to slap Nick’s mom for the way she treated Bryce). And, I cried big old tears (Nick and Bryce in the car after the dinner at Nick’s mother’s house). I was 100% totally invested in this book.

The hardest part for me in this book was some of their families’ first reactions. It. Broke. My. Heart.. I wanted to yell at them, Why is it wrong to love whomever you want to love, who you are attracted to? Believe in your child…that’s what parents do. This is a struggle for many people today, young and old…worrying about acceptance from their friends and families and it tears me up to think about it. Bryce’s family thinks he just playing around, trying not to settle down and this will pass. Nick’s family has an ideal of what the “perfect” family should be and will accept no other. Truly, they were soul mates. It did not matter they were both male and had only been with females before. They were destined to be together. THAT. IS. ALL. THAT. SHOULD. MATTER.

”All they wanted to do was be in a relationship with each other. Why did they have to wait for people to come around, or need other people to support them? The only thing that should matter was the fact that they cared about each other. End of story.”

I read this book in one sitting. I DEVOURED it. The story was just that magnificent. To see their love grow was incredible. And there was a big old happy ending….plus it didn’t hurt that this book was freaking HOT.

Profile Image for Ele.
1,310 reviews40 followers
December 31, 2015

~ BR with Renee. Because we 're chickenshits and afraid of being the minority again~

Renee, we 're totally on the same page. GFY is not my favourite trope but I liked this. I didn't love it, but I enjoyed the most part of it.

"Bulletin board" review ahead:

*This seemed very realistic. Two guys who are attracted to another man for the first time and try to figure things out.

*I particularly liked that the "figuring out" involved emotions too, not just sexual attraction.

*What the hell was up with Bryce and the whole bottoming issue? I really didn't get why he struggle with it so much (the issue not Nick's cock). Yes, ok, Nick is hung like a donkey and it makes things difficult. But I hated that he felt insufficient and somehow bottoming for Nick was indicative of how much he mattered as a man and as a partner.

*The mothers. I thought that this wouldn't be focused on family issues. I was wrong.The mothers who meddled all the time and Bryce who didn't have the balls to admit he broke up with his girlfriend...ugh.

*Message for Jill and her personality transplant. Oh, and her therapist too.

* The sex was pretty hot and realistic too. And that shower scene...oh, man*sigh*. But I agree with Renee, it felt too much sometimes. And why did Bryce's dirty talk seemed a bit awkward?

So, as you can see, some things I like, some things I didn't. Overall, 3.5 stars.
Profile Image for BWT.
2,214 reviews240 followers
January 24, 2016
Belens Audio Book Review

I'll be honest, when I first read this story I wasn't one of its scores of fans. I just didn't get all that into the story. I mean it was okay - but nothing I'd shout from the rooftops over, you know?

Then I got the audio. And holy WOW does Sean Crisden BRING THE HEAT.

I LOVED EVERY SINGLE MOMENT OF THIS AUDIO BOOK! And it all boils down to Sean Crisden.

Bravo, sir. Bravo!

When listening to this I bought their burgeoning bisexualism, Nick and Bryce's love for each other, and the ups and down of navigating not only a new relationship, but one so far outside of your previous comfort zone. I bought it all - hook, line and sinker!

And I loved it.


2.5 Stars rounded up to 3 for the hot, hot sex.

This didn't thrill me much at all. The pacing struck me as almost glacial, and it didn't really hold my attention that well. Add in all the family drama and I was tired.

I think I like it better when it's GFY on one character's part. The author really has to be able sell me on a double GFY, and I just didn't buy it here. That neither Bryce or Nick even had an inkling or attraction to other men...EVER just felt unbelievable to me.

Sure, it was hot, the sex (and sexual problems) believable, and the love Nick and Bryce obviously had for each other was really nice, all of which is actually what saved this for me.

I'm in the minority with this one, but that's okay.

Read: 08/01/2015, 01/24/2016
Profile Image for Valerie ❈M/M Romance Junkie❈.
1,703 reviews429 followers
July 29, 2015
Is that??? I think it is! It's the end of my book slump! *fist pump*

I truly enjoyed the transition from friendly neighbors to friends to lovers. Nick is recently divorced with nothing in his life but work and his family. Bryce is a carefree bachelor who is ready to help Nick get his di... ummm. I means toes wet in the wonderful world of uncomplicated sex. With girls. Yup. You heard right. But things don't go as planned. Nick isn't the type of guy to have sex with someone he has only just met, so Nick and Bryce end up spending hours just talking to each other. What the hell? Their friendship was easy. They just clicked. The transition to lovers? Not so much. To watch both men struggle with confusing feelings and a completely foreign attraction was quite refreshing. This wasn't insta-love or insta-lust. This was two men who had never looked at a another man with attraction. I lurve a "gay for you" story. This was double the pleasure and double the fun (see how I did that? Double? Get it? Double gay for you? Ok, it sounded better in my head) watching both men come to grips with what they wanted. This was just done right. It pushed all if the right buttons for me. Oh, and it was freaking hot (that's a very important tidbit).

Profile Image for Meags.
2,318 reviews590 followers
January 3, 2022
5 Stars

I was a bit apprehensive going into this book, because it seemed like the majority of my GR friends weren’t all that impressed. Luckily, this story worked for me personally, in a number of different ways. I liked the writing style, I loved the MCs, I liked (most of) the secondary characters, the angst was minimal, and the steam-factor was through the roof!

It seems to be a really rare occurrence for me to love both leads in a romance book equally. I usually love one and tolerate the other – not always, but often enough for me to be aware that it’s a common reaction for me. Thankfully, that wasn’t the case here. I was constantly having an internal battle over who I liked more - Bryce or Nick. I loved how impulsive Bryce was by nature. He acted on his feelings, even when they were new and scary. He never shied away from his feelings for Nick and simply wanted, regardless of what other people thought. And there was just something about Nick that just made me want to cuddle him. He was sweet and caring, always looking after Bryce. His fears and insecurities made him relatable and I loved that even though he knew the likelihood of acceptance from his family was minimal, he was still willing to risk everything for Bryce. *Swoon*

I’m drawing a blank as to whether I’ve ever read a book with a double GFY theme before now? I’m not sure, but what I do know is that I really appreciated the way it was handled here. There was no pesky instalove - just two seemingly straight dudes hitting it off and striking up a bromance. Any “feelings” Bryce and Nick initially had for one another weren’t immediately recognised as such, by either man, until someone (or two someone’s) pointed out that there may be more between them than they first realised.

I loved that once the idea/possibility of more had taken root, both men, although hesitant, were open to the possibility of being together. Even though being in a relationship with another man was a foreign concept to both of them, they were still willing to act on their feelings, regardless of how scared and nervous they both were, or how problematic they believed it would be to their everyday lives (mainly relating to their families reactions).

Most of all, I loved how Bryce and Nick’s sexual relationship progressed. They worked their way up to the big things (no pun intended). When they initially decided to be together, they didn’t dive right in the deep end. They weren’t suddenly experts at gay sex, and that was okay - their relationship was all about sexual exploration. They tried different things, at a pace that worked for them. It got awkward at times, and some things didn’t go as smoothly as they would have hoped, but this made it all the more authentic. Plus, it was HOT - all of it!!!

My only problem with this story was with Nick’s stupid bitch of a mother, with her demented and archaic views on gender roles and relationships. Made we want to slap a bitch!

Regardless of that one hang-up, this story goes solidly into the 2015 “book-win” column for me (if there was such a thing). I can definitely imagine myself re-reading this one again someday.


Re-read: January, 2016
Profile Image for Alvin.
388 reviews103 followers
October 17, 2016
Some hyped this book and I love Ms. Hart's books so I read this one right away.

I want to love it guys, but I'm sorry! :( I didn't feel it as much as others!

I know Nick & Bryce were really hot. They doing it together are also hot. But the problem is, I only know it. But I don't feel it. :( I don't know. Them talking while in bed should be sexy. But it doesn't work for me. I'll do this... I'll do that... I'm gonna make you cum so damn good you'll explode like the Krakatoa... But it felt almost forced to me.

But I'm not saying this book is bad. There some things that I appreciated:

Read this after you finished the book:

The progression. They were great friends at first. Then it started to become more. Then accepting it happening for themselves. Letting everyone around them accept it's happening to them. It was great progression. But, unlike other GFY stories, their transition from friends to lovers was off for me.

That's it. Overall, it's a good book. But I didn't loved it. I'm sorry... :(

3.5 STARS. (Rounded down)
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