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Nora Jacobs #2

Don't Cheat Me

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Kaum zu fassen, dass es schon einen Monat her ist, seit Nora von der dunklen Unterwelt Detroits erfahren hat. So langsam gewöhnt sie sich an ihr neues Zuhause - doch der Vorfall mit Magier Elijah und die Auseinandersetzung mit Vampirboss Henry stecken ihr noch immer in den Knochen. Nora wünscht sich nichts mehr, als dass endlich Ruhe in ihr Leben einkehrt. Doch dann bittet sie der Anführer des Werwolfrudels um Hilfe. Je tiefer Nora jedoch in die Ermittlungen verwickelt wird, desto mehr Bedrohungen offenbaren sich ihr. Und als wäre das noch nicht genug, bilden sich auch ihre paranormalen Kräfte weiter aus. Erfährt Nora nun endlich, wer sie wirklich ist?

270 pages, ebook

First published May 21, 2018

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About the author

Jackie May

20 books701 followers
Jackie May is a pseudonym for a husband and wife writing team. Josh and Kelly live outside Phoenix, Arizona with their four children and their cat, Mr. Darcy. Jackie May is their only daughter. (And she keeps asking for her cut of the profits since we’re using her name.)

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 620 reviews
Profile Image for Jilly.
1,838 reviews6,474 followers
January 27, 2020
Second book in this cute little Urban Fantasy. I would call it a "reverse harem" book, but all of the guys are in the friend zone. No romance happening. So far. I'm on Team Oliver, though, for those of you who get what I'm talking about. I like Rook, but he's just driven by her "curse", like Parker. Oliver liked her with only online contact. He's the most sincere. Plus, hot genius? Yes, please!!

Not what I meant. Not even close.

In this book, Mary Sue Nora is the only hope that a pack of werewolves have in saving their pack from a dangerous threat.

Not exactly, but let's just say they are a "broom-using" group.

Through this new assignment, we get to meet the newest guy in Nora's reverse harem friend group, Rook. Yeah, that's his name. *sigh* Is it a stupid name? Why yes, yes it is. You know how I feel about stupid names for characters. I'm against it.
However, Rook is pretty cool. He's a werewolf, so actually for all we know his name could be even dumber like Book or Cook but the wolves all talk like Scooby Doo.

Rook it is then. His brother's name is Renry.

Most of the book is a bunch of werewolf antics and politics, along with everyone and everything trying to kill Nora. Or fuck her. Or marry her. It's a fun game trying to figure out which one is coming next.

At the end of the book we get to find out what Nora is. Finally. I wasn't surprised because the clues were all there, but it's fun. And, special. Don't forget that she is the specialest special girl ever.

"They were hunted to extinction. Or so we thought. You may very well be the only one."

"You're strong, Nora," Terrance says. "Very powerful. One of the most powerful kind of ... there is."

Holy shit! She's even MORE special???
How much specialness can one girl have? It's gonna come oozing back out soon.
I need to read the next one.

Profile Image for Cece ❀Rants, Raves &Reviews❀.
275 reviews1,187 followers
January 24, 2023
Welcome to the first full book of Nora Jacob’s series (#1 was a prequel, check out my review)

The love interests … how do you call this a "reverse harem" book when all these fuckers are trapped in the friend zone!


We got ...
Parker the vampire enforcer, has a kinda angsty goth thing I dig

“He picks up a stylish sleek black jacket next, and I sigh. “Don’t they have anything…I don’t know…badass? Something that says stay back, before I cut a bitch?”
Parker bursts into laughter.”

Oliver the sorcerer, still kinda wimpy but now also sweet as fuck
Terence he totally faded into the background in this book *tears*
Nick Her partner in solving crimes with a mysterious power that im thinking either demon, dragon, or any variation therefore

Rook werewolf and main focus in this book

“Rook’s eyes snap to mine.
“Down, boy. I’m not ready to turn furry and have your pups.”
He does that rumbly purr thing in his chest again.”

I understand we going for a slow burn BUT that still entails the characters actually interacting with each other -- the teasing. the banter. the support that we've come to expect and crave from our monster love interests.

I wanted sex, chemistry and was left wanting more


The unique twist continues to be the main feature in this book that really sets this series apart from other reverse harems/paranormal detectives

Usually, when the supernatural possessive hottie vampire shows up then we assume it's the love interest.

“I smirk. “Well, let’s see. Aside from all the drama with Henry, Elijah kidnapped me and stabbed me. Then there was that faerie who strangled me. Oh, and of course Josephine tortured and nearly killed me. But I’m still kickin’, and I got myself a nice new coat. So, you know, not too bad, no.”

But the author flips it around and basically says fuck those guys that want to “baby her”. That's not what she fucking wants. She wants support, not to be taken care of. And I love that element more and more with each book.

With the creativity and diverse magic of the first, I gotta admit I was pretty disappointed the second was about... wErEwOlVeS

I mean this whole book about Rook, and HE wasnt even in the first one!


But Nora truly is working to understand the world better and is ready to hold her own --- to be a monster herself

“Rook is staring at me, rubbing the back of his neck. “Well, you’re already here,” he says. I think this means he’s giving in, and my face lights up. “Damn it, woman, don’t look at me like that. We’re not training.” And cue my face fall…and his sigh”

Even if she keeps getting kidnapped and needs her harem buddies to come to help her out


My expectations for Nora was to have her develop out of her Mary-Sueness and into her own character

And I think she’s definitely on an acceptable path *slowly* towards that...


It's like the authors were trying to walk back the Mary-Sueness by constantly telling us how dominant Nora is. Literally just kept describing her as dominant because she kept eye contact, even the most dominant female werewolf, the Alpha's mate. This is a classic told, not shown writing mistake because Nora is so NOT dominant in her personality, actions, literally everything we know about her up to this point. We are told one thing but show another.

Heads up like other books, are some trigger warnings here lots of references to abuse, rape, PTSD, mind rape, etc.

Overall, these books are just funny as hell. Nora is a Mary-Sue but I'm also comparing her to most bloodthirsty heroines I love, so just changing my mindset to have a different bar to compare her to. The reverse harem is just a big friend group right now but I love each of these characters and want more from each other -- more about their quirks, powers, traits, sex which god I hope is coming soon. I'd recommend as just a fun silly read when you want a book that doesn't take itself too seriously but does give you an interesting plot, heroine discovering her magical powers, and some hot monsters.

Profile Image for Avada Kaddavra.
420 reviews68 followers
October 22, 2022
Das perfekt eingesprochene Hörbuch❤️
Ich mag Nora sehr gern und auch die anderen Figuren sind mir echt sympathisch, ABER diese 17 Love Interests sind schon ein bisschen krass😅 finde 2 schon grenzwertig und dann direkt 3.... (wobei sicher noch Luft nach oben ist)😅
Hätte ich es selbst gelesen hätte mich das vermutlich mehr genervt, aber da Luisa Witzorek es mir so schön vorgelesen hat war es irgendwie nur noch halb so wild😂
Freue mich auf den nächsten Teil, hoffentlich kommt auch das Hörbuch zu Band 3 bald in die Bib des Streamingdienstes meines Vertrauens❤️
Profile Image for ★Me Myshelf and I★.
292 reviews502 followers
May 22, 2018
Buddy read with Reverse Harem Revolution

Don't Rush Me ★★★
Don't Cheat Me ★★

It all just felt a bit ....

....to me

Sorry Nora I wanted to like this more than I actually did. I got swept away with the excitement of the BR perhaps my hopes were too high, the harem had such potential and I was so looking forward to more troll action! You don't get many trolls in the PNR world so it was a nice change....what did we get instead...wolves

I didn't like any of the new additions and there was not enough of the old to satisfy. The only real development happened in the last 5% and those developments were no surprise I think we all had it worked out at the end of the book 1- Nora it seems was the last to know
We went round in circles and got no where.

In saying that I will probably pick up book 3 in the hopes this was a casualty of the book 2 curse


Oh yes I cant forget the snowflake alert

Consider yourself warned. Im so over these heroines in general

Profile Image for Kathi.
752 reviews18 followers
February 10, 2022
"Gejagt" ist der 2. Band der "Underworld Chronicles" Reihe vom Autorenduo Jackie May.

Auch der 2. Band hat mich total abgeholt. Ich liebe den Schreibstil, die verschiedenen Unterweltler und vor allem auch die Tatsache, dass jeder Band eine Art Kriminalfall beinhaltet. Die Geschichte ist wieder actionreich und fesselnd.

Sogar die Sache mit den verschiedenen Love Interests finde ich in diesem Fall wirklich passend und ich hoffe sehr, dass sich Nora am Ende nicht entscheiden muss. Ich habe da einen Verdacht und würde diese Entwicklung auch gut finden. Nun warte ich gespannt auf den dritten Band und überlege gerade, ob ich mir die Bücher nicht schon auf Englisch holen soll, weil ich ziemlich neugierig bin, wie es nun weitergeht.

Von mir gibt es auf jeden Fall 5 Sterne und eine klare Leseempfehlung.

Hier folgen noch ein paar Infos zum Hörbuch:
7 Stunden und 44 Minuten / Ungekürzte Ausgabe
Sprecherin: Luisa Wietzorek
Ich würde der Sprecherin 5 Sterne geben.
Verlag: Lübbe Audio
Profile Image for Meli  .
1,220 reviews248 followers
October 8, 2021
Schon das Cover lässt erahnen, dass die Werwölfe in diesem Buch eine größere Rolle spielen, und diesmal hilft Nora einem Werwolfrudel bei internen Problemen und kann sich wieder kaum vor interessierten Männern retten.

Es ist schon geradezu lächerlich, wie viele Männer hinter Nora her sind, sie lieben und besitzen wollen. An den meisten hat Nora natürlich gar kein Interesse und ihre aufdringlichen Gedanken machen sie nur unsympathischer, aber es gibt auch abgesehen davon mehrere Love Interests - neue und alte -, die natürlich auch alle unfassbar attraktiv sind und alles für Nora tun würden. Ich kann mich gar nicht entscheiden, bei welchem dieser Unterweltler-Männer ich erwarte, dass Nora am Ende mit ihm zusammen ist, aber so etwas fiel mir auch schon immer schwer. Ich habe zwar einen Favoriten, aber der wird es dann bestimmt nicht, denn ich bin fast immer im Team der Verlierer!

Der Fall bei den Werwölfen ist wieder spannend, man lernt eine Menge über die Regeln des Rudels, sieht noch mehr von den verschiedenen Wesen, trifft viele bekannte Charaktere wieder und auch Noras Fähigkeiten kommen zum Einsatz. Ich hatte wieder kleine Probleme mit dem Schreibstil, wie es bei Büchern von Kelly Oram leider immer der Fall ist, öffentliche Gespräche, die privat sein sollten und sich daher etwas komisch anfühlen, dazu ist alles so übertrieben und kitschig. Aber ich wusste ja auch, worauf ich mich einließ und habe mich auch schon etwas an Noras Fluch der Anziehung gewöhnt, der hier ja wieder viel Platz einnimmt.


In "Underworld Chronicles - Gejagt" nutzt Nora ihre besonderen Fähigkeiten wieder, um anderen Unterweltlern zu helfen. Der Schreibstil ist nicht so meins, aber ihr magisches Abenteuer voll aufdringlicher Unterweltler war wieder spannend und unterhaltsam.
Profile Image for Rachael*Caribbean*girl*bibliophile.
1,936 reviews433 followers
January 20, 2021
Spoilers ahead,2.5*

Our very special Nora is at it again, word has spread of her special abilities and a pack of wolves approach her for help. So far in the harem we have Oliver a sweet geek who's been watching over Nora for years. He's the most sincere and likeable. We have Parker a vamp who's I think 400 years old, considering he was so loyal to his sire he didn't do enough to help Nora escape the man I'm not a fan of his and newbie on the block the wolf Rook.... His wolf seems to be pushing for a mating more than the man though.

Anyway more bad guys are taken down, Nora continues to be super sweet and special and everyone wants her. We finally figure out what Nora is..... Considering her great allure not such a mystery after all but I'm rolling with it. Still the slowest RH known.

Every secondary character exists just to love Nora.
Profile Image for Maya.
858 reviews483 followers
July 4, 2019
Hmm, at the beginning I liked the way the plot was going but near the end it just fell flat for me. I will still continue reading the series since I want to know what happens with Nora and her men but I hope the next book will be better. That being said, I did like the action and the new additions to her team.
Profile Image for S.R. Harris.
Author 1 book65 followers
May 28, 2018
A 3.5 star for sure.

I don't know what to say about these 2nd books in these RH series. It seems like they are not focusing on developing the relationships between the female character and her guys. I mean I honestly have no idea who would be in her harem at this point and this was book 2.

It is still a good book, the characters are great and I like the storyline so of course I will continue on with the series.
Profile Image for Searcy.
382 reviews69 followers
May 23, 2018
3.5 to 4 stars

Second read, full review:

I am a little torn about this book. It is why I had to read it twice, back-to-back, in order to clarify my thoughts for this review. And I am not honestly sure that I have managed to do that, even now.

Unfortunately, I think DON'T CHEAT ME suffered a little from the dreaded sophomore slump. Not actually surprising for a new author team. What was more surprising was the impressive nature of their debut novel, DON'T RUSH ME. I will talk a bit shortly about what concerned me in this effort.

First, I need to say that I still absolutely love the Nora Jacobs series, and I have every expectation that Book 3 will return to the quality of DON'T RUSH ME. I think (and hope) that some of the problems I had in this book are now resolved and the third book will show a lot more forward progress, inclusion of all characters, and exciting action.

This is a world, and a group of characters, that I simply like . Immersing myself in their world makes me happy . Ultimately, despite any perceived flaws, that means I enjoy reading the book. Being able to escape so comprehensively into a world that feels good is all any reader can ask for.

That said, when I analyze the book from a technical standpoint, a number of problems leap out at me. Yes, they were mostly there in DON'T RUSH ME as well, but they were much more easily overlooked. In DON'T CHEAT ME, these flaws became more significant issues. For me, they did not overly inhibit my enjoyment, but I know they were major issues for a number of other readers.

The single most egregious problem - Nora "Mary Sue" Jacobs is a seriously super special snowflake. Possibly even in danger of becoming a whole snowman (snow-woman?).
- She seems to be good at anything she puts her hand to
- Every man immediately become her obsessive stalker
- Is unbelievably powerful, grows more so every damn day
(I just happen to have a much greater tolerance for "Special Snowflake Mary Sues" than others do. I want my heroines to be special, and I can forgive an author going too far much more easily than I can a lot of other book faults.)

And on top of this, Nora suffers from a lot of the current RH/PNR heroine tropes that are sadly becoming cliched stereotypes. She has been horribly abused for pretty much her entire life.

And yet, she is so strong that she has mostly overcome all of this and is a very dominant woman? Okaaay. Her only lingering issues from all this trauma seem to be:
- constant worry that no one really likes her for her;
it's only a result of her "curse"
- occasional panic attacks in more sexual situations
- flinching when being touched
(though this is as much about her mind-reading)
So maybe a wee bit unrealistic on the PTSD recovery front. But at least the authors have made a concerted effort to acknowledge it, and they do a good job of having Nora work through many of these issues by the end of DON'T CHEAT ME.

Overall, I think those were the largest potential problems in the book. The only other ones I noticed were less egregious:

- Continuity issues, which are easily resolved with an edit (see Update Notes below)

- Far too abrupt a wrap-up of the story - the last 10% should have been 30-50 pages longer

On the harem front, we still do not have any real resolutions, but a great deal of progress has been made. I was able to see where it should be headed in book 3. But this is a very slow-burn RH. We have only had a couple of fairly chaste kisses and a very little sexual tension. But things are looking up for the next book!

Rook was a wonderful addition to the Nora Jacobs series. I quite like his character (I do love a possessive, dominant-but-caring, alpha male werewolf), though I hope this doesn't mean the end of Wulf as a possible love interest. I did think this story focused FAR too much on the werewolves and the Huron River pack. I missed Terrance. We did not get a single scene, that I recall, with him at their home, and very few with him in them at all. And even when he was there, it was just as an addition to a bunch of other characters. Booo!

I still love Nick Gorgeous. And I missed spending more time with him as well. He was more involved than T was, due to FUA involvement, but I would have loved more. There was plenty of Parker and Oliver - though maybe I only feel that way because neither are my favorite characters yet. Parker is still a little too stalker-ish, and Oliver is still a little too passive/submissive/weak for me. But I see the potential for both of them.

I would really like to see more female interactions for Nora. Her only remaining female friend is Cecile, though they don't seem to spend much time together that isn't about fashion and party-planning. I think the relationship works well, because it is symbiotic - Cecile can skim the lust off all the men attracted to Nora (which is pretty much any man she meets it seems), so there is unlikely to be any jealousy issues. I could see that being a problem with other women, unless they are in a happily committed relationship themselves. But I miss Maya. I liked her!

All in all, I still adore this series, but there are some issues for Jackie May to deal with if I am going to fully buy in for the long haul. Can't wait to see how they handle book 3!

First blush thoughts on first read, but couldn't clarify enough for a review:

Umm... somewhere in the 4-5 star range, but I am not sure I can process my feelings about all this yet. Sitting here rather stunned. An awful lot happened in a short period of time.

Still love the series, because I really am growing to love a lot of these characters.

Review to come... after a re-read I think.

Read #2:
98.0% "Wrong pack! Axel was the alpha of the Island Lake pack. Continuity issue. (Plus the typo saying Warterloo)"

89.0% "*sigh* I am not a huge fan of the werewolf mating habits in this series. That there is not necessarily love involved, just some biological imperative for the shifter's wolf to find the most dominant female. And even more, that others can challenge that mate for the right to take over? Blech!"

50.0% "Note: Rook's deceased wife's name was Lily early on, and Lilly later in the book. Continuity error."

Read #1:
95.0% "Yep, SO totally called that... and that..."

90.0% "Argh...90% and that tension and stress I haven't been feeling in this book is suddenly there. So much for the happy feels! :/"

78.0% "Yay Ollie! Good for you :)"

71.0% "Oh so awesome scene!! *giddy*"

63.0% "OMFG. I detest Henry. So much for any idea of redemption.
(And why do I have the strangest sense of deja vu as I have been reading the last 25%? It is eerie.)"

53.0% "*gasp* OMG... getting good!"

52.0% "LOL Loved that scene! Knew that, or something like it, was coming at some point :)"

49.0% "Uh...6'2" 185lb man is NOT large. I thought Wulf and Rook were big guys?"

34.0% "I like this...the Luna for the Alpha's mate. Nice lunar/moon references there."

20.0% "*grumble*"

18.0% "And ARGH! I am not sure I like this turn of events :( Certainly a twist I wasn't expecting."

18.0% "Okay, it is a bit of a ridiculous claim for Wulf to say that if he can't train Nora at the pack gym, the only other option is his place in private. They could work at the club after hours. They could work at Terrance's. Hell I am sure there is a gym or something in town they could use. Or even at his place with T or someone there too. Plenty of options."

7.0% "If you wanted to know how to defend yourself so badly, Nora, why didn't you take classes? There are even free offerings at women's shelters and such."

3.0% "Best line ever, and a great sentiment!
"I’m all for being a strong woman, but I’ll never turn down a knight in shining armor, either."
2.0% "Oh, okay! That works too. I am okay with that...AND she gets more time with T...And Wulf. yum!"

1.0% "Uh... what happened to FUA? I assumed she be working there and had lost the mechanic's job."
Profile Image for Daisy Delfin.
1,191 reviews158 followers
April 1, 2024
3.5 stars

I managed to finish this series. I will just copy this review to all four books.

What to say? I liked the series an it worked for me.
Nora (and I was warned about it) is a special snow flake. Still I wanted to read this series, because I love Kelly Oram's books and here she coauthors with her husband.

At the beginning of the series, Nora believes that she is human and has some strange psychic abilities. She can see the past by touching a person or object and has a warning mechanism, when her life is threatened. And believe me her life is threaten more and more. And she has an allure on men. The can't stay away from her, are drawn to her or even obsessed with her.

In the first book she goes to Underworld with her neighbour and an unknown guy. And it starts the trouble. Underworld is a club that belongs to Terrance a troll and a friend of Nora. She actually goes there, because she knows that Terrance will protect her if the creepy neighbour gets handsy. Suddenly she is tangled up in the supernatural world, have a lot of supernatural guys very interested in her. But she is not interested in relationships because she was raped in her past.

In all the four books are different cases Nora helps to solve with her special abilities. At the same time she is actually very deep in the the supernatural world and attracted to many guys.

There are many secrets about Nora which unfold in those four books. In the end there is a show down. I was a little annoyed that it was so clear who the bad guy will be when Nora was like why did you betray me? That part was a little annoying. But overall I liked the series and in this case Nora the special snow flake worked for me.
2,988 reviews17 followers
November 16, 2021
Verfolge weiter die Geschichte rund um Nora Jacobs und der düsteren Unterwelt Detroits ...

Diese Reihe ist einfach der Hammer. Sie hat genau das was ich liebe in sich und doch wird gleichzeitig auch immer ein ernstes Thema mit in die Geschichte gewoben. Der Humor, die Action und die Spannung sind trotzdem vorhanden und lässt einen das Buch kaum aus der Hand legen. Auch dieses Band gehört zu meinen Highlights. Neben Nora, die man jetzt noch besser kennenlernt und ihre Gefühle mehr versteht. Lernt man auch die anderen Charaktere viel besser kennen und lieben. Beim Lesen musste ich viel Lachen und Fluchen und haben es innerhalb eine Nacht gelesen. Das Buch hatte mich so in seinem Bann geschlagen, dass ich einfach nicht aufhören konnte zu lesen.
Profile Image for Letanna.
1,747 reviews55 followers
November 6, 2021
Bei diesem handelt es sich um den 2. Teil der Underworld Chronicles von Jackie May. Die Autorin entführt uns wieder in die Unterwelt von Detroit und erzählt ihre Geschichte rund um Nora. Die hat sich mittlerweile gut eingelegt in die die WG mit dem Troll Terence.

Die Geschichte wird wieder aus der Sicht von Nora erzählt, die dieses Mal von den Werwölfen um Hilfe gebeten wird. Irgend jemand bestiehlt das Rudel und Nora soll helfen. Mir hat auch der 2. Teil wieder sehr gut gefallen. Natürlich sind auch die Vampire wieder von der Partie und auch die anderen Paranormalen aus Detroit. Am Ende erfährt man tatsächlich, was Nora für ein Wesen ist. Das erklärt dann auch, warum wirklich fast jeder männlicher Charakter scharf auf sie war (was mir manchmal echt zu viel war).

Die Handlung ist witzig und spannen, der Stil der Autorin einfach zu lesen. Ich persönlich finde ja immer noch, dass die Reihe besser bei Lyx ausgehoben wäre. Keine Ahnung warum man sich ausgerechnet für One entschieden hat, die Reihe passt da nicht so richtig rein. Insgesamt gibt es übrigens 4 Teile in der Reihe rund um Nora. Die Autorin hat aber noch eine weitere Reihe mit einem anderen Hauptcharakter geschrieben.

Von mir gibt es 4 von 5 Punkte.
Profile Image for Katrina.
303 reviews2 followers
July 31, 2018
4 stars


The second book in the series sees Nora up to her neck in werewolf politics and she has a crime to solve with the help of her new love interest Rook(as if she didn’t have enough men sniffing around) Rook is Wulf the bartenders brother and has a troubled past of his own that seems to call to Nora and lowers her guard enough for them to make a connection that believable and quite touching.

I gave it 4* because in comparison to the first one this wasn’t quite as good. Don’t get me wrong it’s a good read but Nora’s self doubt and inner monologue is a little repetitive. I loved T- man in the first book and was disappointed that he totally faded into the background in this book. I was left feeling slightly frustrated about Nora’s character development. She learns a lot about herself and how she feels for some of the men but her doubts mean it felt almost Ghostbird slow. I still have no idea who’s going to be in the harem I hope she’s a bit more feisty in the next book because I will definitely be reading it.
Profile Image for Natalia.
1,116 reviews85 followers
June 1, 2018
Like in book 1 all secondary characters in this book only serve one purpose... to adore Nora, to be protective of Nora, to be in love by Nora!! They are so underdeveloped...

Nora is so imperfectly perfect!!! She is all the cliches in one oh so beautiful package...

Story is entertaining and is looking more like a RH by now... But with Rook and Parker possessive way of being i don't see that happening!
Profile Image for Tiffany.
232 reviews
September 4, 2022
Stupid extra editions >.<.... already did my review but it says I read two editions...nope only read one!! But um *cough cough* it's not a bad book and although it's seems like its going through a sophomore stage it should get better. Either way I liked it.
Profile Image for Katyana.
1,640 reviews249 followers
June 19, 2019
I really enjoyed this book, and this series could easily become a favorite. It's funny, I've always hated love triangles - imo, usually one of the possible choices is a douche so it feels obvious, which makes the heroine feel stupid ... OR they're all great, and that breaks my heart - so RH seems to be the right fit for me. I would never have expected it! That said, when people label this series as slow burn, they are not exaggerating. There's lots of sexual tension, but so far there have only been a couple of kisses, and even those were brief and largely innocent.

I really like Nora, and I was very curious to find out what she is. And now that we know, I'm super curious to see how it plays out from here. And I like all the guys (except Henry, but he doesn't seem to be on the table, so yay for that!), and I like that they're determined to make her stronger. They don't want her to be a damsel, and neither do I.

Really enjoying this series. I'm going to have to look into what else the author has in their library.
Profile Image for Lee.
53 reviews7 followers
January 28, 2023
So…merkwürdig und super toxisch, besonders wenn man bedenkt, dass es ein Jugendbuch sein soll. Für Jugendliche würde ich es nicht empfehlen, da - wie bereits erwähnt - sehr toxisch und das Selbstbewusstsein, besonders von jungen Mädels in der Pubertät, gleich auf Null sinken lassen könnte. Aber wenn man schon etwas älter ist oder auch einfach nur gut Fiktion und Realität voneinander unterscheiden kann, ist diese Geschichte Genuss und Unterhaltung pur 😂👍👍 ich bin Feuer und Flamme für diese Reihe 🔥❤️🙈🙈🙈
Profile Image for Sofia.
234 reviews45 followers
September 29, 2021
Absolute Guilty Pleasure Reihe!

Ich hab das Buch in einer Leserunde über 3 Abschnitte gelesen. Jeden Abschnitt hab ich fast an nur einem Abend verschlungen.
Das Buch ist weder besonders komplex, noch kreativ. Dafür reißen einen die schnelle Erzählweise und der leichte Schreibstil direkt mit, sodass man nur so über die Seiten fliegt. Es passiert auf sehr wenig Seiten so viel, dass niemals Langeweile aufkommt. Außerdem gibt es jede Menge heißer, potentieller Love Interests, die ab und zu ein kleines Kribbeln hervorrufen 😍

Ich könnte viele Sachen kritisieren, wie die Plotlücken , die Charaktere und die Vorhersehbarkeit.
Aber im Endeffekt hatte ich Spaß beim Lesen jede Menge Spaß und das ist doch das wichtigste 😄
Profile Image for Lola.
1,747 reviews269 followers
June 12, 2019
Don't Rush Me, book 1 in this series was one of my favorite reverse harem reads so far. And I have no idea why it took me so long to read book 2. Ever since Don't Rush me, I've been buying every new book this author duo released, so the good news is I can binge through those now if I like. Don't Cheat Me was a great sequel, I enjoyed seeing Nora find her way in the supernatural community in this book.

In Don't Cheat Me main character Nora comes in contact with one of the local wolf packs. She meets what I think is another member for her harem and the packs asks her for her help. So Nora uses her special gifts to find out what's going on. Then there is Cecile who is throwing a coming out party for the supernatural community. And there are some issues with vampires she has as well. Besides that she grows closer to several of the characters, although this is very much a slow burn romance.

I liked reading about Nora and how she handles herself in this book. I liked how she wasn't instantly good at fighting and even tough she used some of the things she learned she wasn't instantly able to win every fight. And the whole thing that she can't use her power to often without feeling bad, seems interesting too. I also appreciated that at the end of this book we find out what supernatural type Nora is. I liked that we are kept guessing for a bit, but the secret doesn't get dragged out too long, this felt like the right pace. And I am really curious about the next book now that she knows what she is.

The romance is very much a slow burn, but I like how she is growing close to several guys and the basis of the harem is there already. Even tough she only kisses some guys in this book, I feel like her bonds and attachment to her guys grow pretty strong already. Terrance and Oliver are still two of my favorites and I was a bit sad we don't see as much of them in this book. There are some great Oliver scenes, even tough there werne't many of them, the scenes we had were great. There are very few Terrance scenes sadly, he is there, but doens't really have many scenes or interactions with Nora. I hope we see more of him again in the next book.

The focus romance wise is mostly on Rook, the new character and potential addition to her harem she meets. I liked Rook well enough, but didn't fully care about the whole possessive wolf thing. Parker still rubs me wrong at times, but I am pretty sure he will be part of her harem and with her "curse" it sort of makes sense why he acts that way. I just hope he becomes a bit more likable. There is something that happens toward the end of the book with him and I am hoping that will help to make me like him more as it's an interesting development.

I like how the harem develops in this series with her growing close to several guys, but not dating anyone yet. I am curious to see how it will develop in future books. I like how all the guys she meets are quite different from each other both in supernatural type and in personality so it's easy to remember who is who.

The world building in this book mainly focuses on the werewolves, but there is also stuff about other supernatural creatures that we uncover. And I feel like we get a better feel for the whole supernatural community as a whole.

To summarize: I am really enjoying this series so far. It blends the romance and paranormal elements really well. And it's great to see Nora find her way in the supernatural community and find friends who support her. This series has an interesting story and well done slow burn romance. I like seeing how Nora uses her gifts to help the werewolf pack. And at the end of the book we find out what supernatural type she is, which was great to finally know and I am curious to learn more. The romance develops quite a bit in this book too, even tough it's still a slow burn. The depth of her feelings for several of the guys really grows and I feel that her harem is developing naturally, even tough she still isn't dating anyone yet. It also was fun to learn a bit more about the supernatural community and mostly the werewolves in this book. All in all this was a great sequel and I hope to read book 3 soon.
February 21, 2022
Nachdem mich der erste wirklich durchgehend gut unterhalten hat und mich immer wieder zum lachen gebracht hat, durfte voller Vorfreude der zweite einziehen. Auch dieser konnte mich wieder mit seinem Humor überzeugen, auch wenn ich immer noch verwirrt bin wegen der vielen Namen. Außerdem ist es ein reines Rätselraten welcher der Männer Noras Herz erobern wird. Man findet auch endlich heraus,warum sie so besondere Gaben hat. Hat mich nur ein bisschen überrascht. Ich mag den Schreibstil von Jackie May alias Kelly Oram total gerne, deswegen fliegt man auch immer nur so durch die Seiten. Freu mich schon so auf Band 3, der im April erscheinen wird.
4,5 Sterne
Profile Image for Dinasbookworld.
537 reviews16 followers
March 17, 2023
Nachdem ich Band 1 schon mochte, war ich sehr gespannt auf Band 2. Auch Band 2 war eine tolle Geschichte für Zwischendurch. Es sind einige tolle und spannende Dinge passiert und ich habe mich gut unterhalten gefühlt. Man erfährt immer mehr über den Hintergrund der Protagonistin und ich bin schon sehr gespannt was noch alles passieren wird. Die Jungs der Reihe sind wirklich goldig und ich kann gar nicht sagen wen ich am liebsten mag. Nach dem Ende freue ich mich schon auf Band 3.
Profile Image for Celeste.
872 reviews59 followers
October 26, 2023
So guys... we need to talk about Rook, or maybe Rook's wolf. I think I'm in love with him as his wolf. Does that make sense? Also Oliver! So much squeeee. And Nick he's intriguing but mainly because unlike doormat Parker he's not hanging on to Nora like some love sick puppy and bonus, he's funny.

I know this is a terrible review, but I just want all the guys and the next book so clearly I enjoyed myself even if I'm not a huge fan of the whole Nora is abused trope and the other clichés. I'm telling you Rook!!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 620 reviews

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