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Peter Darling

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Sono passati dieci anni da quando Peter Pan ha lasciato l’Isola Che-non-c’è. Ha deciso di crescere lasciandosi dietro il sogno d’essere un ragazzo e ha cercato di rassegnarsi a passare la vita nei panni di Wendy Darling. Ma crescere gli ha solo fatto capire quanto sia impossibile sfuggire alla sua vera identità di uomo. Al suo ritorno, però, Peter trova l’Isola Che-non-c’è completamente i Ragazzi Smarriti sono cresciuti e i loro giochi di guerra sono diventati reali. E mortali. Ancora più scioccanti, però, sono l’attrazione che Peter prova per il suo acerrimo nemico, il Capitan Uncino, e la consapevolezza di non sapere più chi fra loro due sia il vero cattivo.

260 pages, Paperback

First published February 9, 2017

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About the author

Austin Chant

6 books1,063 followers
S. A. Chant, a.k.a. Austin Chant, is a bitter millennial, a decent chef, and a queer, trans writer of romance and speculative fiction. He runs the Speculation Postcard Club, in which subscribers get a short story in the mail each month. He lives in Seattle with a cat who was recently described as a 'gooey cryptid.'

Icon by Veronica Agarwal (@anuanew)!

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Profile Image for ✨    jami   ✨.
724 reviews4,194 followers
March 14, 2018

you know what you need in your life? A Peter Pan retelling where Peter is trans, comes back to Neverland as an adult and realises he's in love with captain hook. TRUST ME YOU NEED IT

“I won't hurt myself, I'm the spirit of youth and joy, remember?"
"You're a grown man and a nuisance."
"I'm your nuisance,”

So I love Peter Pan and Peter Pan retellings and this one was just so cute and sweet. I honestly wish it was longer. It has the ideal romance tropes aka as, one of them is injured so there's angst, there's mutual pining, slowburn get together. One of them is serious and the other one is playful. Y'all don't know how much these tropes fuel me and PETER DARLING HAS THEM ALL AND MORE. I have strong feels

Also, the romance aside I really liked how Neverland was explored and what it was offering to each character was kind of unpacked. I really liked that everyone was queer and just overall I just ??? I loved this so much. Also, it was straight up funny

I am crossing all my fingers and toes its true there will be a sequel BECAUSE I NEED MORE OF PETER PAN AND JAMES HOOK MY SHIP HEART NEEDS TO THRIVE

“To die," Peter began, "would be an awfully big—"
"Don't start that again," Hook said. "Surely you could have come up with something new to say after ten years.”
Profile Image for Navessa.
449 reviews145 followers
April 15, 2018

This was so much FUN. Everything I want a retelling to be. It was true to the original in many ways, and yet different enough to fully stand on its own.

In this installment, Peter is trans. At home in the real world, he is Wendy, surrounded by a family who doesn't understand him. It's no wonder then, when facing the prospect of growing up in a female body and being forced into marriage, that he instead flees to Neverland.

The beginning of this book is...well, I didn't like Peter very much. To be frank, he's an insipid little shit, so focused on warring with the pirates for his own entertainment and distraction that he doesn't really get that actual lives are at risk.

He learns this lesson the hard way, and becomes a much more likeable character afterward, which, I'm assuming was one of the main intents of his character arc. A lot of times this transition from an unlikeable to likeable character doesn't really work for me, because authors tend to half-ass it. Chant pulls this off perfectly. By the end, I loved his character with my whole heart.

Okay, so this is also a love story, between Peter and Hook. As much as I love them together, and nearly wept happy tears when I got to their HEA, it should be noted that their romance isn't the main focus of this story. It's more of a wildly entertaining action/adventure, complete with romps through fairy-filled forests, danger on the high seas, sword fights with dread pirates, and a frantic race through underground caverns in search of treasure.

There's even a battle with a frigging kraken!

I was lucky enough to receive an ARC of this book, but have already purchased a paperback, because I NEED this on my retelling shelf in my library, so I can escape back into Neverland whenever the real world becomes too much.

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Profile Image for farith.
347 reviews512 followers
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July 5, 2017
Me: I don't know, I've never been a Peter Pan fan as I grew up. Maybe I won't enjo...

Friend: It's LGBT.

Profile Image for K.J. Charles.
Author 63 books10.5k followers
February 24, 2017
Exceptionally good. A dead cert for my Best of 2017 list, and it's only February.

A thoroughly intelligent, ingenious take on Peter Pan, with a premise that shifts from delightful to funny to profoundly moving. It deals with real and deep issues but never loses hope or joy; it's a very thought-provoking work about growing up and fantasy and loss and identity, and also *at the same time* a terrific romp with an absolutely charming love story and a perfect ending. It is also impeccably written and edited. I'll count myself lucky if I read a better romance this year. Genuinely lovely.

I loved Coffee Boy; this is streets ahead. Austin Chant is an emerging star of the genre and I can't wait for what he does next.
Profile Image for Sabrina.
523 reviews259 followers
April 8, 2018
I didn’t know I needed this until I read the synopsis.
Peter and Hook? Together? Has a couple? 😱😫 not even in my wildest imagination, I would have pictured that and I’m all for it!

This book is so CUTE.

“You are extraordinarily dramatic," James said, "and no one should ever have given you power over the weather.” - favorite quote 😂. This is ME.

Every character is adorable and lovable.
And the story is so good, different and unique.
Absolutely adore it.
Profile Image for prag ♻.
610 reviews632 followers
February 18, 2017
This was clever, fast paced and intense - and I couldn't look away for a moment. I was hooked.

Part of the reason I was attracted to this story was the drop-dead gorgeous cover - but I soon came to realise that the content is more beautiful than any cover can ever be. It's as perfect as Neverland can be.

I'll get it out of the way first - I know nothing about Peter Pan (except for this song, which I love even more after this book), but that didn't hamper my experience at all. There was something so infinitely honest at the core of these characters, I couldn't help but be drawn to them.
He was angry with himself for feeling sick, for not being able to stop.
You know that feeling - when you're on a rollercoaster, and it suddenly whooshes down and there's a funny sensation in your stomach because your body went down faster than your organs and you feel exhilarated and scared and on top of the world? That's how reading this story felt. It felt like a dream that walked a fine line between a nightmare and a daydream.
“What about you? Are you. . .?”
Hook gave a startled scoff. “Me? I was here long before you, and I plan to be here long after. Yes, I’m real.” There was a faint gleam in his eye. “You didn’t think you invented me, did you?”
Peter realized he has been terrified of that, terrified that Hook too could be swept away from him with a thought. But if it was at least the two of them. . . He took a deep breath, feeling adrift but less afraid than he had been a moment ago.
If you read it and don't like it, I'll change my name. . .or something. Because this book is worth ruining my life for. (Who am I kidding, it already destroyed me I can't go through tissues fast enough with the amount it made me cry)

All I say is - read it. Drop everything and read it, because it's the best thing to have been bestowed upon us mortals by the book gods. I got an ARC* and honestly, it was the best thing to wake up to after valentines day.

*A free copy was provided to me by netgalley in exchange for an honest review. My rating and review is entirely my own.
Profile Image for Isa Cantos (Crónicas de una Merodeadora).
1,009 reviews42.2k followers
August 5, 2017
"Isa, hay un libro en el que Peter Pan y el Capitán Garfio se enamoran".
"Sí, te lo juro, se llama Peter Darling".

Y así fue como llegué a este libro. Que encima lo leí en digital, cosa que nunca hago. Chicos, les juro que este es el retelling más extraño y más lindo que he leído. A pesar de que el libro original de Peter Pan me aburrió de una manera impensable, Peter Darling rompió todos mis prejuicios y me hizo amar a sus personajes.

En Peter Darling estamos en un mundo en el que Peter se ha ido de Nerverland y, muchos años después, habiendo crecido, decide volver, pues la vida en la casa de los Darling siendo Wendy no es tan llevadera como él pensaba. Ya en Neverland, Peter se encuentra con que las cosas han cambiado: hay un nuevo líder en los Niños Perdidos y existe una tregua con los piratas. Peter, que no puede creer que hayan dejado tranquilo a Garfio todos estos años, va hasta su barco y reanuda la eterna guerra que han librado... sólo para darse cuenta de que algo extraño le sucede en el estómago cuando ve a Garfio y empieza a pensar en cosas que nunca se le habían cruzado por la cabeza.

A pesar de lo que pueda parecer, Peter Darling es mucho más que la historia de Peter enamorándose de Garfio. Lo que hay detrás de la vuelta de Peter a Neverland es tan confuso como interesante: a lo largo del libro, nos vamos encontrando con flashbacks de la vida de Peter en el mundo real, en Londres, en la casa de los Darling... en donde es Wendy, aunque se sienta Peter. ¿Tiene eso sentido? ¿Ya están confundidos? Yo estaba igual... y para entenderlo todo, hay que terminar el libro.

Además de estos flashbacks, nos encontramos también con una teoría que a mí me voló la cabeza sobre la creación de Neverland y el poder que tienen ciertas personas sobre ese reino. Cuando llegamos al punto del libro en el que nos explican el porqué de la existencia de absolutamente todo lo que hay en Neverland, sientes un desasosiego tremendo.

Uno de los grandes aciertos de Peter Darling es el manejo de la relación entre Peter y Garfio. No hay instalove, ni clichés, ni "oh, estás guapísimo; uy, acabo de descubrir que soy gay y me gustas". Todo lo que sucede entre Peter y Garfio hace parte de un proceso lleno de felicidad, miedo, dudas, inseguridad, incertidumbre y descubrimientos. Y me encanta que sea Garfio quien normalice en Peter todo lo que él está sintiendo y sobre lo que no está entendiendo absolutamente nada. Si están buscando un romance rápido, muchos besos, momentos calientes y sexo, no lean Peter Darling. Aquí van a encontrar una historia de amor dolorosamente lenta y absolutamente preciosa. No cambiaría nada de ella.

Háganse un favor e imaginen al Capitán Garfio como Colin O'Donoghue y a Peter como Jeremy Sumpter. De nada.
Profile Image for Cece (ProblemsOfaBookNerd).
332 reviews7,043 followers
February 6, 2022
*3.5/5 stars

There is a lot to love here. This book offers a new look at Neverland. While there are a lot of familiar aspects that make it feel true to the original setting, Austin Chant also weaves in a lot of darker elements that help make the story feel older and more mature. All the magic of Neverland is there, but it also is allowed to feel like a place where there is more to fear than just pirates.

The strongest element of this book was Peter as a character. I never thought I would see a trans retelling of Peter Pan, but this did an incredible job of it. That is almost definitely due to the fact that this is ownvoices. Peter had the bravado and need to jump into danger that rang true to the character, but he was also given a story about identity and the his journey to claim his role as Peter. It was excellently done and gave me a whole new appreciation of the character, who I will forever see as trans.

The biggest struggle I had was probably with the Hook/Pan romance. Considering how well-known the characters are, it is a bit of a jump to suddenly see them involved in any kind of relationship that doesn't involve attempted murder. I think some additional length in the book would have really helped the relationship to feel less rushed, since it does feel like a lot of the character development in the middle is really sudden. Honestly, I had a really hard time trying not to visualize Dustin Hoffman as Captain Hook since that is the visual of the character I am most familiar with. However, by the time the book ended I was much more on board with the relationship than I had been throughout most of the middle portion.

I think the writing of this book was really strong. It was descriptive and impressive, and this is definitely a book I would recommend whether or not you have any love for the original story. I think it has something to offer to both those who love Peter Pan and those who, like me, are only mildly interested. It made the story new and interesting and I really enjoyed it.

**Thanks to Netgalley for sharing a copy of this book with me**
Profile Image for Silvia .
668 reviews1,625 followers
March 31, 2019
Update 30/3/19: Rin and I are reading this again more than two years later and I'm emo because I loved this book so much and also it was our first BR ever and we've been friends ever since and maybe I'm crying ANYWAY I LOVE PAN/HOOK WITH ALL MY HEART

Anyway I finished it now and it was somehow even better than the first time, I would like to thank Austin Chant for my life

BR on a whim with rin, without whom I'd have never survived ♡ who am I kidding we're both ded

I was sent this book as an advance copy by the publisher via NetGalley for reviewing purposes, but all opinions are my own.

TW: suicide attempt, transphobia, misgendering

Let me get something out of my system first of all:
Okay, now that that’s out of the way: wow. I was completely blown away by this short book, which was a couple of firsts for me: mainly first trans story and first Peter Pan retelling.

Actually, I have to admit I didn’t know the first thing about Peter Pan, that is, if you don’t count the Disney cartoon, which I’m going to assume is not a very accurate representation (and even though I loved that cartoon as a kid, I kind of grew to hate it and its story over time).
Despite this, the premise of this book sounded like something right up my alley, and I’m glad to confirm that it was indeed a perfect book for me.

I just love retellings that turn the stories upside down and make them new with refreshing ideas, and the fact that in this book Peter’s assigned identity was Wendy made me click that request button on Netgalley so freaking fast.

As always when I’m feeling so hyped about a book, I’m also really scared once I do get to sit down and read it. What were my particular fears for this one?

- since it’s such a short book, I was really afraid that the romance (or the whole story) would have felt rushed (I was really dreading the much-hated insta-love);
- I thought that not knowing the original story would make me like this book less.

Well, I’m glad to say that both fears had no ground to exist.

First of all I want to address the pacing of this book: it’s only 140 pages short, so I really thought there would no room for things like subtlety and introspection, but it managed to give me both of those, together with everything I look for in both a fantasy and a romantic book.

The fantasy: while the essence of Neverland’s magic itself wasn’t explained, there was a very satisfying explanation for at least part of the things that happened there (it’s kind of a plot twist so I won’t go into detail, but you can click my kind of spoilery quote if you’ve read this or don’t care about getting spoiled).

I also loved how the fairies were described as having different shapes and colors and the role they played in the story (they mainly served to move the plot forward but they were also interesting enough that I was genuinely curious to find out more about them), and the other mythical creatures like the merpeople and the kraken were such good additions to this story.

Peter’s backstory: having read the blurb, one already knows who Peter used to be, but it’s something that gets gradually revealed in the first part of the book, and in a very delicate way, at least in my opinion. I know the author is trans himself so I trust him to have done a good job in this particular aspect. Not having experienced the struggle of a trans person, I still found myself crying in certain parts of the book and I felt real pain whenever Peter’s brothers or parents called him with his birth name and used the female pronouns to talk to/about him.
As per author’s decision, there is no big reveal/coming out between Peter and Hook, and I think that worked out amazingly.
Peter realized he was waiting for some kind of probing curiosity in return-some remark on what Peter sounded like, or worse on his body-but James’s only encroachment on the subject was to say, “Your shirt has seen better days. Would you like one of mine? Assuming all my clothes haven’t been eaten by moths.”
All at once it became easier to breathe. “Yes,” Peter said. “Please.”

The romance: let me demonstrate in .gif form my feelings about the romance:
You can’t expect me to be rational about my absolute favorite romantic trope (enemies to lovers). Plus we all know I have a thing for pirates, right? Right.
“I win,” he panted, grinning. He slowely lowered his sword to aim at Hook’s heart. One thrust, and it would be over. Peter wet his lips with his tongue. “This is it. You’re mine.”
“Am I?” Hook asked, as Peter drew back his sword. “Or are you mine?”

This romance was perfect and healthy. It wasn’t too sudden or rushed, I genuinely felt like it had reason to exist and I loved everything about it.
For example, I love how Hook seems to understand Peter in that way that sometimes only your enemies tend to do.
“I find that enemies are the most satisfying people to share secrets with,” Hook said. “If you must tell someone, tell someone who's sensitive to all your vulnerabilities, on account of trying to exploit them.”
“That doesn’t make sense.”
“I’m making excuses for you,” Hook said impatiently. “You seem like the type to bottle up without an excuse.”

Both my BR partner and I were squealing so hard and honestly I’m glad I wasn’t reading this alone because I was in serious need to vent my feels™ about these two.
“Is that not what they call it,” Hook said, “when two men can think of nothing but each other?”

Other things I enjoyed:
The pacing: it was mostly consistent throughout the book and, while I noticed that things were kept as brief and as necessary as possible, it didn’t impact my reading experience (I’m one who usually prefers a slower pace). There was even some room for exploring a little bit of a secondary character (Ernest) and I quite enjoyed that.

The (eventual) dual PoV: if we don’t count the prologue, we get some chapters from Hook’s PoV only after The Twist happens, and I think that decision was spot-on. I really think his PoV allowed us to enjoy the romance a lot more and to see Peter under a different light.

The last thing I want to say is that this was a perfect story to read on Valentine’s Day ♥

As you can see I loved loved l o v e d this book and I’ll make sure to keep an eye on the author’s next works.

Me: Peter Pan retelling? Nah, I kinda hate Peter Pan.
Me: *reads blurb*
Me: w a i t ! ! !

No seriously, everybody pause a minute. This sounds so incredibly cool???

Also I've just read an excerpt of this book and holy shit it actually is amazing??? I also wasn't expecting Hook's PoV?? I guess it's going to be dual, which I'm all in for.
Profile Image for shady boots.
504 reviews1,970 followers
May 10, 2018
Seriously, I can't stress enough how DYNAMITE this book's premise is. I mean, Peter Pan being a trans man who was formerly Wendy, and not only that but the love interest being Captain freaking Hook? That's fucking GOLD, man. It's one of those premises where you can't help but be like "Shit, I WISH I came up with that." I bet when he was pitching it, the author was like:

Does the actual book live up to that premise? Sure, it was a very enjoyable and sweet little story. I liked the darker take on Neverland, both within the themes and the aesthetics. The depiction of the fairies was also very interesting; the author made them more insect-like rather than the tiny, pretty winged humans we often see.

I liked how messed up Peter and Hook's relationship starts off; sword-fighting is practically their way of foreplay. It actually worked well, cause that's the Hook and Peter we're most accustomed to; always sword-fighting and bantering. I also appreciated the fact that the characters in this book are all in the gray area; there's no true good or evil. It added to the realism. Peter loved to paint Hook as the villain, but the book slowly deconstructed all that and got into the humanity of all of them.

I wish it was longer though, and as far as Peter Pan retellings go, it didn't really pack the emotional punch or beauty that Tiger Lily did. But as its own short book, it's an adorable and unique spin, and I had fun!
Profile Image for Optimist ♰King's Wench♰.
1,788 reviews3,926 followers
March 18, 2017

Clever is the best descriptor of this lovely little book. In the simplest terms, it's the story of a boy realizing he's no longer a boy.

I think at one point or another everyone has had those moments in life wherein they'd like to be a kid again because adulting is a grind. The notion of escaping to a fantasyland where anything is possible - even flight! - where you're king of the kingdom and free to do whatever you please without those pesky responsibilities is an enticing one. Hell, I'd go now to escape Dr. Agent Orange and his Bungling Band of Fabricators. I digress.

Peter left Neverland a decade ago because he loved and missed his family, but his family has foisted upon him a narrative he cannot live. They've repeatedly tried to fit him into a mould to assuage their own discomfort with who he is, so one night at the end of his tether he calls upon Tink for help.

I don't have much to say about Neverland other than THERE WAS A FUCKEN KRAKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND MERMAIDS! AND SWORD FIGHTS! AND LOST TREASURE!!!! AND A KRAKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ahem. Sorry. I got a little carried away there for a second. Did I mention the kraken?

Books like Peter Darling make me remember why I love the fantasy genre so much. It's been a minute since I've seen Peter Pan, but I'm fairly certain there wasn't this much bloodshed. Chant's vivid worldbuilding is as sensational as his evocative prose; the pacing is breakneck, the side characters are instrumental to the plot, and the tension between Hook and Pan is the stuff of classic romance.

Chant did a marvelous job with these characters. The differences between them are exaggerated which I think worked really well with this story, due to the paradigm originally established by Barrie. Hook's a pompous dandy to Pan's bedraggled waif. Hook's effete to Pan's spry. Hook's the dastardly villain to Pan's puckish hero and self-appointed King of Neverland.

But as their story evolves those archetypes break down. The evolution parallels Pan's growth and his realization that life isn't black and white. Even in Neverland. Once he realizes that Neverland wouldn't be nearly as much fun without his most worthy adversary and that he's attracted to Hook things become even more complicated. Actions have reactions and morals come with responsibilities both of which can be burdensome, especially to one longing to prolong the reckless abandon of youth.

"That's the trick of growing up. Nothing stays the same." Hook sounded oddly sympathetic. "You see the faults in everything. Including yourself."

What's the ultimate dreamer to do when he realizes the dream of perpetual boyhood and endless adventure no longer holds the allure it once did?

The interplay between Hook and Pan is why I read romance. There is no sex between them but I didn't miss it when in its place I got palpable desire and longing. That kiss was pretty epic though.

...the most unfortunate thing of all was that taking off the crown didn't make him look any less regal. That was all in his bearing, in his arrogance and grace.

His skin was stark canvas begging for ink, and Hook's touch was going to stain him forever.

Chant captured the timelessness of their love story by retaining the 20th century quaintness while also adding a modern twist thereby making it fresh and relevant in the 21st century.

If you're an adventure-fantasy fan, love a good story or are a romantic at heart you're doing yourself a disservice by not reading this. I'll be on the lookout for what's next from this author.


A review copy was provided by NetGalley.
Profile Image for Elle (ellexamines).
1,112 reviews18.9k followers
April 19, 2017
3 stars. So this was definitely GOOD, it just has a few flaws that bothered me.

Peter Darling has the same problem for me as Every Heart A Doorway: it feels like the beginning and end of a five-star book. There's no middle; Peter's character arc goes from one place to another place in the blink of an eye. There's some development to the story and character arcs, but not nearly enough. Same with the romance. While it was absolutely sweet, these two did not get as much development as I'd hoped.

The beginning has its own issues as well. Both of the character introductions are fairly unappealing, and had me feeling disengaged. Character development is great, but these two characters were so unappealing towards the beginning that I found myself totally unengaged for quite a bit of the story.

The ending, on the other hand, was awesome. It's not a perfect ending, but it's still happy. Those are my favorite kind of endings.

Maybe recommended, but not a must-read.
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Profile Image for cameron.
145 reviews815 followers
July 31, 2021
here we go.
this is a story about peter pan coming back to never land as a grown trans man. sounds fun right? but there were so many terrible choices.
so peter pan is aged up, so that he can have explicit scenes with Hook. ok a hook x pan romance is not inherently bad. EXCEPT that when hook was an ADULT he knew peter as a CHILD. and when peter came back grown all of a sudden hook was attracted to him… and kept making comments on peters “youth” and reminiscing on peter as a child.. like that’s weird ?? the romance would be fine if hook had also been a child at the time (lost boy by christina henry my beloved) but…. ok.
peters character is? ruined? there is just 0 feeling of the original story besides surface level. i’m totally fine with retellings that change the premise (darling, lost in the neverwoods) but something about this just felt like it ruined the message, feeling, and characterization of the story of peter pan.
there is also a very odd ending that basically alludes to the fact that peter gives up his transness? bc he needs to “grow up” and leave the “fantasy” in neverland ??? wtf ?
i did like the Very Small part of the book that discussed the magic of neverland, and i liked the reveal of peters “magic”.
idk maybe i’m just to picky bc i love peter pan so much and have read so many retellings, but this just felt creepy bc of the age gap romance and it’s weird that no one ever talks about it.
Profile Image for emily.
278 reviews2,417 followers
January 23, 2019
Peter Pan and James Hook fall in love. Now that is a concept I never knew I needed in my life. But oh god, I so did.

description ©

Let me start out by saying that I'm a sucker for good retellings, and this one was absolutely fantastic. I love the author's take on the original Peter Pan story (btw, is it bad that I enjoyed this more than J.M Barrie's Peter Pan? Because I never managed to finish that one).

Everything about this was very well thought out and just felt so real. The author did a very good job at taking the original characters from Peter Pan and turning them into his own versions, which was really interesting to see.
The whole story was written in a way that made you feel like this is the real story of Peter Pan, this is how it's supposed to really be. There's just something very special about this.

➳ 4.5 stars
Profile Image for CW ✨.
720 reviews1,804 followers
April 28, 2017
Me after reading this: I BELIEVE IN FAIRIES.

- I just... I've never felt SO happy for characters before. Like, SIGH I AM SO CONTENT AND HAPPY IN LIFE sort of happy. I'm so happy. *sobs*
- Perhaps one of the best retellings I've read -- not just of Peter Pan, but perhaps ever. Respects and retains the core elements of the original telling but gives it a fresh perspective and spin.
- Amazing character development, beautifully explored and written. The characters were so developed.
- I don't want to say too much because I went into this book absolutely blind (I only knew that a. Peter is a trans MC and b. it's a retelling of Peter Pan) and I enjoyed it so much that way.

Review to come!
Profile Image for Kaylin (The Re-Read Queen).
426 reviews1,892 followers
February 22, 2017
3.5 Stars


“To die would be an awfully big—“
“Don’t start that again… surely you could have come up with something new to say after ten years.”

For such a short little story, this still packs a punch. It’s both a Peter Pan retelling (in that there’s changes to the initial story) and a sequel, in the way it revolves around Peter's return to Neverland, ten years after leaving.

I received a copy of this in exchange for an honest review, thank you to the author and Less Than Three Press for the opportunity!


No unnecessary prologue or info-dumps. The story started right away.

I really enjoying the writing. It felt fun and stylistic, while stilling moving quickly.

There’s a really strong focus on determining what it means to be a villain and I found it very interesting. At first I was put-off by all the violence and disregard for human life, but it was actually addressed and really changed my opinion of the story.

A+ characterization of Peter. He was the perfect amount of bravado, stubbornness and vulnerability.

I loooovveed this ending. J.M. Barrie's initial story focuses almost solely on childhood and resisting growing up, while this took the opposite direction. The effects of not-growing up are clearly shown—both good and bad. Childhood and it’s imaginative games are put into a whole other perspective when Neverland itself is seen differently. Without giving anything away, the development of the characters was very clear and the resolution of this story is one I enjoy more than the ambiguity of the initial story.

Points for a trans main character whose sole struggle doesn’t revolve around being trans. I believe this is an ‘own-voices’ novel, and I think it clearly shows in the tact and skill these topics were handled with

A really hella fun interpretation of Captain Hook? Like he was fun and sassy while still being a pompous ass? But he actually had a real backstory and complex motivations.


There’s a real lack of worldbuilding here, which sounds exceptionally odd because it’s Neverland. We should all be familiar, right?

Well kind of. Everyone has their own interpretations of Neverland and Pan’s story, and I think this one very much relies upon a very specific view. I wish this version had been illustrated better, as I still have a few questions.

--(Mild spoilers? It’s evident from the blurb) Are Peter and Wendy the same person in this story? That was my understanding, but the lost boys knew her name as well.

--So Peter aged because he left Neverland, but why did Tinkerbell age? Or does everyone age, since the Lost Boys are said to have “become men?”

--How did the new kid, Ernest, get to Neverland?

--Did Peter imagine Neverland before ever going there, or were the flashbacks evident to his missing ten-years?

--Do you only arrive at Neverland if a fairy thinks you need to be there?

None of these were huge detractors from the story, but I feel they's have been easy to explain. It seems they were mostly assumed, so maybe others won’t have the same problems I did.

I dislike cliffhanger chapter endings. Especially since the cliffhanger is resolved in the first paragraph of the next chapter. It just feels like a cheap trick.

Dues ex machina via Fairies. Like wow. Got a problem? The solution is almost inevitably pixie dust.

So while I really did enjoy the romance, at first it felt really squicky? I think due to the age difference… only one of them didn’t age so I guess there really isn’t a difference any more? They're just both hundreds of years old but appear twentysomething? I think my main problem was that I kept picturing:


This plot doesn’t move in a straight line. Instead it seems to go a bunch of different directions with a lot of side plots before somehow winding up at an ending. It almost felt like playing a video game-- fulfilling a lot of mini-quests and somehow unlocking the final boss-battle.

In Conclusion

Completely inventive telling of Peter Pan that incorporates LGBT themes and a new take on what it means to ‘grow up.’
Profile Image for Ele.
1,311 reviews40 followers
February 27, 2017
*4.5 stars*

Austin Chant. Remember the name. Judging from Peter Darling, he is meant for great, great things.

I took a gamble picking up this book. I hate fantasy, and I don't read Paranormal in general. I was also a pretty cynical kid that hated fairy tales. Except one: Peter Pan! That was my escapism.

Peter Darling is the brilliant retelling of Peter Pan. The author did an amazing job re-adapting the original story and using the classic characters of Peter Pan and Captain Hook to tell an entirely different tale.

The writing is beautiful, the images and the atmosphere are stunning. This is a story about identity, acceptance, love, and bravery. At the same time, it's a romantic story, witty and charming and oh so moving. Parts of it broke my heart, others filled me with hope.

Neverland is the place where dreams come true, and where you can be your true self. But can Peter Darling stay in Neverland forever? And most importantly, does he want to?

Highly recommended!
Profile Image for Shira Glassman.
Author 23 books519 followers
February 10, 2017
Fair warning: Peter Pan and the idea of Captain Hook as a love interest are important enough to me that this review has turned into a post on a recipe blog–in other words, there’s going to be a preamble. If this is too much for you, skip to the words “imagine, therefore, my delight.” (Now imagine Hook saying these words. OK, bye.)

Some years ago, fantasy erotica writer Tof Eklund and I discussed the thematic differences between the original J.M. Barrie Peter Pan and multiple movie versions. The novel’s focus is on youth, whereas the movie versions become a fascinating meta-analysis of make-believe itself. After all, Neverland is concocted out of children’s play. At the time the book is set in its real-world scenes, English children were fascinated by pirates and by the environments their parents’ friends had colonized –Neverland seems like a casserole of Caribbean and African plants and animals. A 1960’s Neverland might be an alien planet, for example, because kids had moved on.

The most distilled example of this is Captain Hook himself. In at least two live-action versions, the same actor (for example, Cyril Richard or Jason Isaacs) portrays both the children’s father Mr. Darling and Captain Hook. What purpose can this serve other than to emphasize the fact that the children are only playing pretend, or that their imaginary villains are inspired by an intmidating figure from their real life? Darling is, after all, a strict and distant figure.

Tof had a fabulous way of summing up the Darling-Hook connection: “Daddy in a hat.” After all, if Cyril Richard goes from being their father to a fearsome pirate captain just by putting on an anachronistic hat with a huge feather, then that pirate captain allows them to explore the thrill of interacting with a villain without actually being dangerous. It’s just a hat.

I cribbed this line, with a dedication to Tof and their family, in my short story “The Generous Princess” (Tales from Perach), because the princess’s wizard grandfather-figure is playing Haman in the Purimspiel. He becomes, therefore, “Zayde in a hat”, which as one of her moms explains to her makes him a safe way to interact with the idea of bad guys. In fact, this line is a microcosm of my entire philosophy in creating the wizard in the first place: what we like about appealing villains isn’t their villainy, most of the time, but their swagger, smirk, and distinctively weird clothing.

Imagine, therefore, my delight when I discovered that not only was there to be a Pan/Hook novel out there, but that author Austin Chant feels the same way about villains that I do, including the clothing fascination! His Hook is definitely a snappy dresser. In fact, one of the most endearing things about him is that part of the treasure he seeks includes particularly unusual and awesome things to wear instead of just gold. It’s not even played as camp or frivolous. He’s completely macho, while coveting fancy boots.

I have to admit when I hear “Pan/Hook slash!” the first place my mind goes is very surface-level and very physical. What I got instead was something I wound up liking a lot more: Chant gets inside the minds of the characters and really explores who they are to each other, which changes and evolves by the chapter.

Pan/Hook slash, to be good and not to be insulting to the reader–who is presumably there because they like the original mischievous smartass vs. blustery villain dynamic and doesn’t want to be shortchanged–has to start with that dynamic. Chant doesn’t disappoint. We get an opening skirmish that has all the teasing and violence you’d expect from these two.

But soon the novel starts to ask whether the Boys Vs. Pirates setup of the island is even fair — imagine a Disney princess starting to question the idea of idealizing monarchy in fairy-tales — and with each interaction, Hook and Pan draw closer together, even if only by millimeters. Most of the book is slow burn, despite any early attraction, because of the antagonistic nature of their history. The friendship sort of grows in a “you dipshit”-becomes-“my dipshit” sort of way.

“Pan,” Hook said. “You saved my life.”


“I had to,” he said finally. “If you’d died there, I wouldn’t have been the one to defeat you.”

Hook gave a low chuckle. “Your obsession is flattering, Pan. And I share it.”


“Is that not what they call it,” Hook said, “when two men can think of nothing but each other?”

I was amazed at the way Chant took the very meta-nature of the Peter Pan story and wrapped it into a fancy bow in ways I never before imagined. This is a story about Peter Pan, but it’s also a story about Peter Pan, if you follow me.

Since Peter is transmasculine, I found myself dreading the inevitable “reveal”, and was pleasantly surprised to discover there wasn’t one. At all. Austin Chant actually wrote one, originally in an early draft, before realizing like many of us do that when it’s your book, you don’t have to include the parts you don’t like. There’s a piece of writing advice that says that those parts you skim or skip when reading? Don’t write those parts. This, as Austin points out in his amazing blog post about why he didn’t include a coming-out scene, goes double for scenes that aren’t just boring but actually make you unhappy. As he puts it:

Maybe the coming out scenes I kept writing were uncomfortable because cramming them in only served to entertain the idea of Hook rejecting Peter. I was putting Peter’s trans status on the table as something that had to be addressed and scrutinized before his relationship could proceed, as if they couldn’t be together if I didn’t include that scene.

Fair warning that there is deadnaming, misgendering, and even suicidal ideation in Peter’s flashbacks to his life in the Darling household, but these sections are brief and clearly demarkated so you can read them with your mental armor on, if you need it. Plus, this book is a trans man writing a trans man’s experiences, so he’s allowed to write that down. Peter Darling has the sweetest of happy endings — I think they’re even up an apple tree or something old-fashioned like that — so don’t worry, the sunlight is waiting after the storm.
Profile Image for Steph.
679 reviews416 followers
July 28, 2022
so sweet! so soft! so magical! peter darling is a super fantastical and rollicking adventure!

and after the decidedly non-magical lost in the never woods, i am so pleased by all the magic here. pirate treasure, fierce fairies, mysterious merfolk, seas brimming with crocodiles, forests brimming with woodland creatures! i love.

and also i love that peter pan makes perfect sense as a trans allegory, with peter as a classic androgynously boyish character.

all the slowburn UST and angst are very well done. i was surprised by how romantic and tender the story becomes by the end. and i love .

the flashbacks of peter's home life are subtly devastating. i've read several YA books about trans characters, but they are mostly about kids who are already out. peter's story is more viscerally traumatic and more didactic because it shows a coming out attempt, as well as peter's identity in flux.

anyway. i really enjoyed the dreaminess, the question of what is real, the unspoken agreement to keep living an adventurous life regardless of how much may be dreamed up and "unreal." there are heavy implications of denial and escapism, but it's all fucking beautiful.
Profile Image for Tess.
2,045 reviews26 followers
February 17, 2017
4.75 stars

When a grown up Peter Pan returns to Neverland he finds that nothing is quite the same ...

This was superb! As a new spin on Peter Pan, this was clever, emotional and romantic and had so many other layers to it. I don't want to go into spoiler territory by talking about the other layers, but I can say that the enemies to lovers romance had a nice slow burn to it, just the way I like it.

Hook gave a low chuckle. "Your obsession is flattering, Pan. And I share it."
"Is that not what they call it," Hook said, "when two men can think of nothing but each other?"

Profile Image for Karen.
1,860 reviews88 followers
February 4, 2018
This is not the Peter Pan of my childhood...

I have to admit I'm not sure quite what I was expecting when I went into this but after sniffing and poking at the book I finally decided I just needed to put on my big girl pants and find out.

So what I was expecting...well, I'm still not sure. What I got was a retelling of a childhood story that to be quite honest was never really a favorite of mine. As a child I just never connected with Peter...I don't really know why...it could be as simple as he was a boy and I'm a girl...who knows. Needless to say this also contributed to making 'Peter Darling' a bit of a hard sell with me. But I was still curious after reading the blurb and then I started seeing all these awesome reviews being posted by my friends so I figured it was time to find out.

What I found was a story about a child who essentially came from a good home, but not the right home. Not a home where he was loved for who he was and allowed to be that person. Feeling frustrated, angry and alone Peter runs away to Neverland a place where he can be himself, where he has friends and goes on adventures...fighting Pirates and accomplishing brave and heroic deeds. But as with most children, Peter also begins to miss his family. Remembering not just the bad things but the good...his brothers, Michael and John, his parents and how much he misses everyone. Ultimately Peter realizes that it's time to go home.

Ten years have passed since Pan has left Neverland and they haven't turned out to be ten good years for either. No longer able to deal with the real world...Pan returns to Neverland...to his friends,Tinkerbell and the lost boys and to continue his battle with his nemesis...Hook. Only Peter's grown up and things aren't quite the same in Neverland. Peter begins to wonder if returning was the right choice but he knows staying with his family wasn't an option either.

Peter Darling in many ways felt more like a continuation of the original story than a retelling...more like 'What if Peter Pan returned to Neverland when he was grown up?' While the author did put a bit of a spin on the original story, he also held true to a lot of it as well creating a smooth and seamless version of the story that is with the story that will be.

I found myself being drawn into the story of 'Peter Darling' far more easily and readily than I was ever drawn into the original story of Peter Pan. I was fascinated with both the characters and this version of Neverland. While Hook has always been my least favorite character in this fairy tale, this time around not only did I like him, but for me, he was the most captivating character in the book.

The Hook we meet in 'Peter Darling' displays far more depth than what I've come to expect from this character in previous versions of the story. While he can be cruel, ruthless and greedy there were also moments of depth that tempered that side of him...we were shown intelligence and understanding, emotions such as compassion, grief, sorrow, regret, caring and yes, even love.

'Peter Darling' was not a happy go light tale. It was at times a bit sad with a touch of a dark side to it, that in truth, I always felt was also contained within the original story. For me 'Peter Darling' was also a beautifully told story by a 'new to me author' whose talent for crafting words into images left me more than a little impressed. While "Peter Darling" isn't the only thing written by this author, it does appear to be their first novel...which leaves me to wonder if their first novel is this good...what's coming next?

An ARC of 'Peter Darling' was graciously provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Eloise.
669 reviews354 followers
November 6, 2018
As soon as I saw that Peter Darling followed a transgender Peter Pan, 10 years after the story we all know, with a possible Pan/Hook romance, I was sold.
And oh my goodness ... it went beyond expectations.
Austin Chant's stories ae whimisical.

I must say, at first I was a little confused as to who did what in this version of the story "ten years ago" but I realised that we're supposed to be confused. You find out as you go along, who Peter is and what he has been going through, trying to escape, trying to find. And it's so important.

Peter is a transgender boy who only feels happy and accepted in Neverland. His whole journey was beautiful and sad and brilliant to read about.
As expected from an #ownvoices book, it felt so real and raw and I loved it, recommend it, want to talk about it to everyone. Ugh.
Can you tell I really loved this?
I really loved this.

I'm not even that fond of the original story, but everything I hated about that version was non existent in this one, and got replaced with amazing stuff.

The romance, I hear you ask? Well I wasn't sure at first. It was maybe a little swift. But for such a short book, it still managed to be developed enough for me to actually care a lot about them.

So that's kind of the idea isn't it? IT WASN'T LONG ENOUGH. I need moooore.
(The length was actually pretty well suited to the story but I just loved it so much I need more).

One of my faves of 2017
Profile Image for Kate.
1,361 reviews2,194 followers
February 23, 2020

Still as absolutely wonderful upon reread - my favorite Peter Pan retelling!

edit; bumped it up to 5 because I can't stop thinking/talking about this book and it's gotten me on a wonderful/horrible Peter Pan obsession and yeah.



tbh I REALLY wish I could give this a 5/5stars just to drive in how much ya'll should read it, and who knows? I might bump it up eventually, but it did have enough problems for me not to go with the full 5.

This short little book was a wonderfully original, unique take on the classic tale of Peter Pan. While most people know the story of Peter Pan sweeping Wendy and her brothers away to Neverland, this book takes place quite a few years into the future after Peter decided to go back to his home and grow up a bit. When he returns to Neverland, he begins to realize it isn't the same as when he went as a child.

This book is WONDERFUL LGBT representation. Most people within the book community always seem to be like "oh yeah, this is great rep!" about a book and then I read it and I'm like "oh yes, mentioning one time that this character is lgbt but not actually showing it at all is greeeaaaaaat rep." But. This book was BEAUTIFULLY done with the emotions and struggles plaguing a young child who is transgender. In this story, Peter is Wendy in the real world - a boy trapped in a little girl's body. And, as he gets older, he simply can't keep living this life anymore, so cuts off all his hair, dresses in boys clothes, and calls for Tinkerbell to come and take him back to Neverland.

Neverland seems to be a home for dreamers who were run out of their real worlds that didn't accept them. There's Peter whose family and parents believe there's something mentally wrong with him for not being the same gender that his sex applies; and there's Ernest and Hook who like boys when they aren't suppose to. Neverland is a place for them to escape from the struggles of being "different" or seen as "weird" in their homes. Neverland seems like a pretty great place to me, ngl.

One of my absolutely FAVORITE things about this book was one of the conversations it brought it. Obviously it brought tons of great convos about LGBT people, feelings, and stuff like that, but it actually brought to the table a conversation my friend and I talk about literally ALL THE TIME (we were genuinely talking it about it like 2 days ago while I was reading this book and I was wondering if it was going to come up and it did and I WAS SO HAPPY). Basically; I'm asexual (not sexually attracted to people), my friend is a form of demisexual (not necessarily sexually attracted to people unless they have a bond with the person). I have never had sex (and never plan to) but he enjoys sex often with his partner. But, we've always been the same on an argument that we've brought to the attention of our friends time and time again. "If you were in love with someone, and you began to date, and they said 'oh, actually, i don't think I'll ever have sex with you' (implying they're asexual) or, come out to you as transgender, would you continue to date them?" and OVERWHELMING amount of people - as in, every single person we've asked besides ourselves, has said "oh hell no, I couldn't date someone who wouldn't have sex with me/isn't the sex I thought they'd be" which, obviously, infuriates the two of us to no end. This novel brings this conversation up. It isn't really a spoiler, but I'll put it under a spoiler tab about who is involved in the romance of this book; and iDK THIS REALLY JUST WARMED MY HEART CAUSE IT'S SOMETHING I GENUINELY THINK ABOUT CONSTANTLY AND ACTUALLY AFFECTS ME AND MY OWN SEXUALITY AND IT WAS JUST REALLY NICE SEEING IT IN A BOOK AND YES THANK YOU AUSTIN CHANT YOU GET AN A+ IN MY BOOKS.

Anyways, quickly, the reason i don't give this the full 5 stars is simply because it was a little too short. I wish it had gone on a bit longer and gone into more detail/character development. one of the things I adored about this was that Austin Chant kept Peter Pan's original characteristics from the book and made him this snarky, sassy little brat which was hilarious, and there was also some GREAT character development but I just wanted MORE. Also, it definitely had it's cliche moments. Any book published within the past 10 years that uses the line "I let out the breath I hadn't realized I was holding" just hurts me so much because every author should realize how AWFUL that line is and how it should be avoided at all costs and yeah. Little things like that make it not get the 5 stars. Enjoyment wise it was def a 5/5 though.

I highly recommend this to anyone. There is a bit of a sexy scene in this book so be weary of that if you don't enjoy sex scenes, but other than that this was a great book and great LGBT rep and yes, plz pick it up it's gr8
Profile Image for rin.
414 reviews474 followers
March 30, 2019
we BRd this with Silvia again and huh i thought i remembered how precious and gay it was but turns out it's even better and way gayer

im so emo pls hold me

this is the only peter pan retelling that matters I don't make the rules


spontaneous BR with Silvia, i hope you're alive ♥

why is it so hard to review a book if you liked the hell out of it

i've read plenty of Peter Pan retellings and this one is hands down one of the best. if i wasn't BRing it, i would probably combust because of f e e l s and emoshuns. if you can get your hands on it you need to do it like right now.

in this retelling Peter Pan is a trans-masculine character (most importantly, this is a #ownvoices book), who was born Wendy Darling, and who wasn't accepted by his own family. He escapes to Neverland (for the second time - he's 20 y.o. grown up now) because his parents are about to throw him into asylum.

i was hooked from the very beginning - the prologue was freaking intense (and gaaayyyy). the whole story is fast-paced (it's a short book unfortunately), unfolds quickly and doesn't even let you take a breather. there are a couple of unexpected twists, and it's a real emotional rollercoaster. here is my only issue with this book - it was a little rushed for me. a lot of things are squeezed into only 140 pages. i wish it weren't this short

i loved the portrayal of Peter and Hook, they're canonically correct, but incredibly adapted for this story. (hook's obsession with clothes tho 12/10 would gift him a giant full wardrobe) there is also an interesting take on fairies and other characters like the lost boys, which i would not spoil here, but i absolutely loved how author played with it.

Hook gave a low chuckle. "Your obsession is flattering, Pan. And I share it."
"Is that not what they call it," Hook said, "when two men can think of nothing but each other?"


AND NOW LEMME TELL YOU ABOUT THE ROMANCE. listTEN, this chemistry is mf PALPABLE. the author uses an 'enemies-to-lovers' trope and he uses it brilliantly. i honestly was killed by the tension even before things got hot. i always thought about this ship, but it's impossible to ship usually (because Peter is like...a toddler lmao) (don't let me start on this ship in OUAT i wanted to ship that shit so much). and frankly, Austin Chant DELIVERED. i also literally had to go and cool down because it was too much for my feelings TOO MUCH. (chapter 13 thx for saving my life also thx for almost taking it).

the ending of this story is so beautiful and satisfying and brilliant and healthy pls send help

(i'm not sure how i feel about the absence of the reveal/coming out (which the author decided not to include) like on the one hand, it works amazingly and adds more weight to the story and the whole conclusion, on the other hand, it feels like something is missing. but the author wraps this story impressively and i understand his point, so i'm not complaining here)

9.5 out of 10.

I’ve received an arc from NetGalley in exchange for honest review. This has not influenced my review. I want to thank Less Than Three Press for letting me read it and Austin Chant for writing something so amazingly great.



Profile Image for Cristina.
Author 30 books103 followers
February 16, 2022
Austin Chant's Peter Darling is a bold, imaginative and deeply moving retelling/expansion of the well-known story of Peter Pan.

It'd be extremely hard to say something about the book's plot without giving away the narrative twist that is at its core, so I'll try to avoid too many details here.

I've always found Peter Pan's tale to be a rather sombre one - its popularity as a children's story, mainly thanks to its Disney adaptation, which is now so steeped in our imagination, eschews many disturbing elements that are present in the original version.

Barrie's novel is infused with a morbid fascination for death - the 'awfully big adventure' - and with the underlying idea that the children who can never grow up are ultimately those who have passed away at a very young age. Stolen shadows, runaways, and man-eating crocodiles complement the already dark narrative.

The Peter Pan of the original novel is not carefree or mischievous but rather arrogant and slightly sadistic. And arrogance and a certain tendency towards violence for violence's sake are elements that can be retraced in the Peter Pan reimagined by Austin Chant.

Peter's reappearance in Neverland after an absence of ten years during which he's been trying to adjust to normal life brings chaos, death and violence to an otherwise pacified community where Captain Hook and its pirates have reached a truce with the Lost Boys left behind by Peter. But who are really Peter Pan and James Hook? And what about the pirates, fairies and runaways who populate the island? The real nature of Neverland and its inhabitants will be slowly uncovered in the book's chapters and for me, it was wonderful to be challenged to reconsider ideas, memories and preconceptions I may have had on the story.

The unexpected attraction between Peter and Hook is a perfect addition to the story and it turns out to be at the same time heartfelt and passionate, tentative and shy. The verbal and physical teasing between the two main characters is delightful but also animated by an undercurrent of loneliness and sadness that makes it not just an attractive plot point but a crucial element to fully understand the novel. Despite their apparent difference, Pan and Hook are both 'princes of the runaways', two dreamers who are profoundly similar and unexpectedly suited for each other:
That was it. Everyone else had followed him at best, at worst tried to stop him or change him. Hook had matched him, and had never tried to protect Peter, had always done his worst. That was what felt so good.
Throughout the novel, the writing style is exciting and compelling, full of twists and turns, paragraphs packed with action and more meditative passages.

Peter Darling is a wonderfully unusual and deeply affecting novel. I highly recommend it.

Below, an image from the amazing edition of Peter Pan recently illustrated by Massimiliano Frezzato.

Profile Image for Masooma.
69 reviews134 followers
April 2, 2018
I buddy read this book with Lola and I’m happy that I picked this novel with her otherwise I’m certain that I would have sunk deep into the waters of confusion with no Lola to bring me back to the shore.

To cut to the chase, Peter Darling was an average read. The book was crafted in the heart of cliche (in the way the characters fell in love) but some cliches stand the text of time to be evergreen. So, we end up loving stories made of those cliches. Pair this up with an engaging prose and you’d expect a beautiful read, judging from the first few chapters of the book.

Unfortunately, however, that was not the case. The writing was the only hook that kept me tethered to the book. But the plot unfolded in a slow-ish pace and the chemistry didn’t strike any electric notes, leaving me with an okay-ish read.

The novel focused on only two main characters, Captain Hook and Peter Pen. All the other characters were easily swept under the rug in a manner that was pretty convenient. Plus, the characters were supposed to be grown-ups since the story in set in the time when Peter returns to Neverland after a decade but the impression that built in my mind was that the dudes had only physically grown from guys to men, beyond that: no maturity, nada.

This was, specifically, true in the case of Peter. His character was particularly overshadowed in the presence of Captain Hook, who sucked the charm from Peter’s character.

Events rolled conveniently too in more places than one. I was also left with several unanswered questions. So, I couldn’t enjoy the novel particularly. The end wasn’t fully satisfactory. So, despite the rant I am not sure what my views are exactly.
Profile Image for Elsa Bravante.
1,145 reviews203 followers
March 2, 2017
Retelling de Peter Pan maravillosamente escrito, con una recreación muy buena de Neverland y unos personajes que de verdad crees que son los mismos salidos de la imaginación del autor del cuento original.
A pesar de todo esto, ahora voy con algo impopular. Mientras creo que, como ya he comentado, está muy bien escrito, de verdad, muy bien, y consigue que Neverland sea un personaje más de lo bien ambientado que está, creo que las aventuras, y la lucha interior de Peter restan protagonismo a la historia de amor. Hay momentos muy románticos, pero creo que a el libro le han faltado ahí varias páginas para construir una relación real.
Me decidí a leerlo por las buenas críticas aun sabiendo que sería complicado que me gustara porque siempre aborrecí el cuento original. Una vez terminado, creo que el libro es muy bueno, pero para poder disfrutarlo de verdad, tienes que ser fan del Peter Pan original.
Profile Image for Vee S.
57 reviews124 followers
August 8, 2017
This book is not only an delightful read but a brilliant, deep take on gender, self-truth, and what it means to truly be vulnerable with someone. I loved it so much, in ways that I wasn't even expecting-- which is saying something, as I know and adore Austin and his work, and knew that I would love the book a lot. It spoke so deeply to me about the ways that we protect ourselves, wrap ourselves inside fantasies, and how those fantasies aren't always total lies but are also not the truth and how hard it is to come to terms with that-- especially as trans people. More than anything, I was struck by the intimate connection between Pan & Hook, and the vulnerability & personal bravery of both of them in last quarter.

I've a little more to say, especially about the beautiful ending, but can't properly mark spoilers on my phone, so will stop here for now.

But yeah. I LOVED it. Would highly recommend, to anyone & everyone.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,471 reviews

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