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Tortured Whispers

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This is a dark taboo love story only for the open minded and brave of heart. If you are squeamish or draw a hard line at strong themes, this book may not be for you, and that’s okay. Brooklyn... Drowning in plain sight while everyone can see you is terrifying. But more than anything it’s lonely. And sometimes withstanding the weight of being alone is worse than anything. The only thing that helped me cope was cutting. Sinking a razor into my arm over and over pushed air into my lungs even though it hurt me in the long run. It was the only way I could breathe. Until I found him. He wasn’t supposed to ever be mine and my sick mind wasn’t supposed to look at him the way I did. Like he hung the moon and the stars. But he made me float And floating felt so much better than drowning. I never wanted to leave his side once I realized he was the reason I could finally breathe again. I knew the world would try to pull us apart. I knew the demons inside of me would try to sabotage our love around every corner… I knew our minds were warped for wanting to be together… We were vile. Immoral. Sin personified. But I was willing to slay every demon and heal every cut if it meant I could be with him.

180 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 25, 2018

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About the author

Danielle James

38 books373 followers
Danielle James is a wife and mother of two, who has written and published over twenty romance novels. Danielle’s work spans from sweet and romantic to dark and taboo. She prides herself on writing bold romance for bold readers.
Her books are sexually charged with alpha female characters that leap off the pages. Each book sucks you into an entirely different world with steamy scenes, drama, and amazing plot twists along the way. Her goal is to hook you and keep you addicted so you'll come back for more.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 239 reviews
Profile Image for warhawke.
1,436 reviews2,155 followers
March 5, 2020
Genre: Erotic Romance
Type: Standalone
POV: First Person - Dual
(3.75 stars)

Brooklyn Powers' young life had been hard. Every day was a struggle for her, treading water trying not to drown in her troubled mind. When Caesar came back into her life, he became the life raft she desperately needed. But their unconventional relationship would make everything complicated and they had to be strong enough to survive.

I wanted to read this one since I first found out about it and I’m glad I finally did. I knew going into this one it’s going to be a taboo read but I’m glad that the author also brought up other important issues into the story.

Being alone inside of my head was scary. My mind was wrought with contradictions and self-loathing.

This book brought out intense emotions in me. I was so sad and angry by the actions of the characters which unfortunately do happen in real life. This book could have been a powerful read, but I felt certain scenes that happened undermined the severity of the issues. The story could also use some missing details that would help strengthen it.

He fucked me so good. So deep. Every bone in my body sang with pleasure. His dick owned me from the inside out. Every thrust told me who I belonged to.

With the taboo dynamic, the sex scenes were scorching. While the risky behaviors made me questioned the characters’ decision-making abilities, they definitely added to the intensity of the scenes.

Tortured Whispers is a story of defying convention. It would appeal to readers looking for a dark, taboo erotic romance.

🔹 🦋 🔹. . . (F)BR With Twinsie CC . . . 🔹 🦋 🔹

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Profile Image for Becky .
244 reviews303 followers
April 12, 2022
Safety details: SAFE
-No ow/om drama
-Heroine had sex a couple of times before, had already done blow jobs and hand jobs but a guy has never went down on her before. Obviously sex wasn’t great before the hero.
- He obviously is more experienced, but there is no mention or comparison to any other woman, only mentions of heroine being the best and he never felt with anyone what he feels with her.

-Incest between an uncle and his niece
-Age gap- she is 18 though
-He only saw her one when she was four years old, they talk on the phone sometimes on birthdays but they saw each other again when she is eighteen

-self harm (she cuts herself)
-suicide attempt

- descriptive
- no mention of condoms or STD status
- surprise pregnancy (it’s really a surprise when they are fucking like rabbits without any protection and he is not even pulling out??? I guess not)

There is a HEA

I didn’t like some aspects of this story, like how he is basically her savior and how after a tragedy she doesn’t cut herself anymore. I was a huge tragedy, but still I found a little bit sudden how she didn’t even feel the urge to cut and was way more confident. I think it should have been more gradual, even though she was getting gradually better before the event, I still think it was a little fast how she recovered based on her past experiences.

I like it because it was hot but the scenes could have been hotter, a little more descriptive and dirtier.

Not a remarkable book.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for D.L. Howe.
Author 23 books559 followers
December 2, 2023
This is by far the most taboo book I've ever read. Not gonna lie, I really thought at some point it was gonna become clear that they weren't actually related. Now that being said, it is what it is. First and foremost, its fiction, while yeah it happens and society is very unforgiving when it does, I can't say that I hated their relationship. She's broken and he became a bandaid that led her on a journey to healing. That could've been totally platonic and while I agree with many reviewers about the plot being full of holes, I kinda see why it happened due to the gsa (genetic sexual attraction). I guess in the end I'm a bit torn about the whole thing.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Nemo ☠️ (pagesandprozac).
947 reviews469 followers
February 2, 2021

DNF at 25%.

The writing was bad. Really bad. I noticed this from the first page, yet I still felt compelled to read on for the sole reason that I'm a sucker for taboo stuff and there isn't that much of it around. But after a quarter, I just - oh my God, I just can't do it anymore.

After one quarter, the "drowning" metaphor had been used WAY too many times. I don't want to actually count because I'll want to poke my eyes out, but it was multiple times each chapter. OKAY, WE GET IT, IT FEELS LIKE DROWNING. Jesus.

Everything about the writing was so amateur. My God. There were simple sentences GALORE, peppered in with the occasional compound sentence. As for complex sentences?

I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but here's a prime example, lifted verbatim (lack of punctuation and all): "I remembered her name from roll call in homeroom. I thought she looked nice enough and when she stood the entire class stopped talking to look at her. I wanted to be her friend. She commanded the room. She was strong and probably popular."

Finally, one thing that ALSO irked me about the use of the English language in this novel, was the mispronunciations of Brooklyn. She has speech apraxia, which manifests in her as turning "r" sounds to "w" sounds, and stuttering. One time, she tries to say "Parker" and says "Parkew" which makes NO SENSE. The ending sound of "Parker," despite having an R in it, is an "ah" sort of sound (depending on accent and dialect. I'm only approximating, because I'm not a linguist or anything, but you get the gist). It is not the hard "r" sound that would turn into a "w" if certain people with speech apraxia said it.

Oh yeah and (not a spoiler but CW for self-harm)

TL;DR: Went in hoping for some deliciously depraved taboo shenanigans, ended up quitting the fuck out because terrible writing irks me.
Profile Image for Arabella Black.
Author 27 books428 followers
November 10, 2020

Trouble, Baby, I’m in Trouble
*read on KU. No need of sugar daddies called promo teams*

What’s this book about? (I'm trying to give as little spoilers as possible)
This book is very dark and taboo. Read it if you don’t have a lot of triggers. It’s dark because there are a lot of psychological issues next to the taboo aspects. There’s cutting, suicidal thoughts, etc.

This is my first Danielle James read. I picked it up because I kept seeing it recommended on Instagram, and because the cover is just incredibly beautiful. It is wonderfully written. It’s not entertaining because a lot of subjects treated in this book are dark and plain hurtful. I truly felt sorry for the leading lady. There were lots of shocking moments. The book was full of twists! The introduction was lengthy in my opinion, and it gave me enough time to get used to the characters. I empathized with the leads, and I felt invested in them. If it seemed like the leading man appeared like Brook’s hero, so be it. Brook needed the help. I won’t judge the author that she chose to portray it that way (although I usually do).
Once things turned steamy, it was really intricate. I feel like Danielle James did a great job at working on the taboo aspect and making it digestible. The steam was an integral part, but there was so much more sentiment-wise. I recommend this to lovers of taboo, tortured heroes, and a couple that’s bound to make you question your morals.

Oh wow!!! This is a taboo treat that you can't resist
October 14, 2020
Well, this is awkward. I thought I would really like it. It started beautifully and emotionally drainful, then it turned flat. And the heroine was very unlikable. The hero was just there. A presence that made me feel nothing.

It was dark and gloomy. (Again, a trend in books I've read lately.) And definitely triggering and you should take the content warning seriously. Besides that, the characters fell flat and I found nothing inspirational about this.

However, there were some good stuffs. The smut was superb! The handling of the self-harm and anxiety was good enough for me. The end courtroom scene almost brought tears to my eyes. Overall, it was okay.
Profile Image for Wobilba.
712 reviews111 followers
June 25, 2023
This is turned out to be more emotional than I initially expected *sigh* although a FMC that cries on every page becomes tiresome really fast.
And then they had to go and lose me at the “friend” plot twist *sigh*
Profile Image for CC.
1,167 reviews694 followers
March 8, 2020
3.5 ★

Brooklyn “Brook” Powers is a high school student who usually keeps to herself because of a speech impediment and severe anxiety issues. Not having a confidante, and to her detriment, Brook turns to other means of processing her emotions. However, when her Uncle Caesar relocates, Brook finds the one person who doesn’t judge and clears her mind.

“I think you’re beautiful in a way I shouldn’t. It’s fucked up.”

Told in dual POV, this story shifts between a troubled teenager to a man with a well-established career in child psychology. To each, they both have much to lose, but finding solace in each other transitions from friendship to something much more complicated.

“I can’t erase the old scar but … I can stop myself from making new ones.”

Within the taboo theme, this narrative delves into severe emotional issues that present certain coping mechanisms. Learning how Brook lives is disturbing and leaves a feeling of helplessness. As she tries to navigate high school and loss, her social awkwardness is relatable. When it comes to Caesar, he is a grounding factor until lines are crossed.

While reading, I definitely sympathized with Brook’s loneliness and the feelings associated with constantly being bullied. Though, I would have liked to delve more into Brook’s recovery process a bit more given the severity. Of course, the taboo element added to the steam factor.

Tortured Whispers would appeal to those looking for a taboo romance that also deals with mental health issues.

*This was a (F)BR with Twinsie Hawkey!*

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Profile Image for Ria.
147 reviews496 followers
January 29, 2020

This is the second book that I’ve bought from this author that I DNF.
The first being Honey Sugar!
Both books have VERY similar plot lines and that’s why I got sucked in.
My problem with these books is the stories do not add up, I feel like the author doesn’t know how to tell a proper story. We keep getting pieces of a WHOLE picture!
These characters go from meeting, to weeks passing by and BAM they have all these feelings for each other that they can’t help because it’s consuming them! Like really??????
We’re not going to get a story with the process of going from A to B? It’s like the story is being written by someone who doesn’t know how to give us layers.
I thought it was a fluke when I read Honey Sugar but now I’m realizing that this is how the author writes.
I’m sorry but I cannot read a story where I feel like the author is leaving out important parts of it!
I usually like some Insta Love romances but in these cases where it’s Taboo I feel like we as readers need to get a glimpse of the couple to understand why they will be willing to risk so much for their love!

I need, beginning, middle, end, details!
Profile Image for ᗩᑎᗪᖇᗴᗯ.
487 reviews78 followers
March 18, 2020
I love the cover art

I believe stories should be written whether or not they could be condoned in "real life".

This book details an unconventional and confronting relationship. I don't have a problem with it, but I didn't buy these characters. Caesar certainly should have known better, and even with the pseudo-psychological explanation, their "insta-love" didn't ring true to me.

Caesar is irresponsible and Brooklyn is immature, melodramatic and damaged. But that's who they are. Having accepted that, their story is well told. Their trauma is suitably traumatic and I was happy to see the villain of the piece get her comeuppance. And the sex was off-the-charts hot.

So if you can take a heaping serving of taboo in your melodrama, this might be the read for you.

3.5 stars
Profile Image for Sharee.
238 reviews
September 27, 2018
This was disgusting. Incest isn't something relatable or trendy. What the hell is wrong with you people? How can someone be ok with an adult male having sex with a high school CHILD, who also happens to be his niece? He took advantage of a sick child. The ending was complete bull. There is no way in hell that a child psychiatrist sleeping with his niece get to keep his license. He'd be in prison for incest and probably for other charges too. It's sickening that people find crap like this enjoyable.
Profile Image for Puss'N'Books.
204 reviews240 followers
February 11, 2020
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Reviewed by PussnBooks.net

Review by Puss’n’Books. Reviewing the darkest, most erotic and taboo books we can find. Click HERE for your next disturbingly sexy read.

Wow! This book hit me right in the feels.

Every one of them.

As someone who was bullied from the age of 11 to 17, I can tell you that this story was heartbreakingly accurate.

I physically ached for this girl and I can’t help but feel that the author may have gone through similar experiences in order for her to hit it right on the head like this.
So, yeah. It was an emotional read for me.
However!!! It was also sexy AF, lol.
The dirty and naughty acts helped even it out so that it wasn’t all doom and gloom.


Okay. This girl...my whole body aches for this girl. She has speech apraxia and suffers from severe anxiety and depression. Her mother died a few years ago and now it’s just her and dad.
There was a really cruel girl in the 8th grade that mocked her horribly in front of the whole class and it was just too much for her.

Her dad pulled her out of that school and put her in a better one but the damage was done and she had to find her own way of coping.
In order to escape the darkness and terror she self-harms.
It’s like a release for her and brings her out of the panic.

She really does retreat to be in her head whenever she is out of her comfort zone.
Her uncle comes to stay for a few weeks and she hasn’t seen him since she was four. When he talks to her she feels a kind of peace that she has never felt before.
She has hope that he can help her.


This is Brooklyn’s uncle. He’s a big shot child psychologist and has to come back to stay with his brother for a few weeks while his new house is getting ready.
He sees just how much Brooklyn is struggling and his goal is to helo her.
Somewhere along the way though...lines get a little muddled. He starts having feelings for her.
He fights it the best he can until...neither of them can fight it any more.

This book was just amazing.
It was sad, it was dark, it was beautiful and heartbreaking. It was a little kinky and a lot fucking sexy.
So many extreme emotions for me.
I was reading this and all the way through I was anxious because I couldn’t see a good way out of their situation.
There were a couple of twists that I just...Did. Not. See. Coming.
And I’ll be honest, it made me want to do some serious physical damage to someone.


Even though this was a dark and emotional rollercoaster of a book, it has some hot as fuck sex scenes in it.
And of course, because it was taboo (my favourite kind) that made it even hotter.

Brook’s hand slid up and down my shaft like she was committing every vein to memory. It made me fucking dizzy with the need to shoot cum all over her pretty hand. “Like this?” She asked, her voice quiet and sweet. With a growl, I pinned her with my lips, sucking on her tongue and probing her with mine. “Just. Like. That.” “You’re so fucking big,” she muttered. Her unique accent was too much right then. I nibbled on her neck and pressed my thumb against her wet little panties. I knew for a fact that if I put my finger on her slippery skin, I would lose it and fuck her. “Oh my god!” She yelped as I rolled my thumb over her plump clit. Her hips went wild with motion as she got herself off on my touch, the same way I did with her. I bucked in her grasp. In and out. In and out. I rubbed her clit in lazy circles while I sucked on her perfect pouty lips until it felt like we were spinning round and round. “Cease!” She moaned, stiffening beneath me. I opened my eyes to watch her shadowy silhouette as she came all over her panties and my hand. Seeing her overcome with desire made me lose it. I shot thick ropes of cum all over her hand and thighs. It was pure sin looking at my cum splashed on Brooklyn’s flawless olive skin. “Fuck,” I groaned thrusting a few more times in her hand.


I inhaled this book but I will warn you all, If you are sensitive to bullying, self-harm, or incest then this is not for you.
Although I have my own dark past with bullying and self-harm I really loved this book.

5 Stars


Profile Image for Diana.
666 reviews172 followers
November 10, 2020

Trouble, Baby, I’m in Trouble
*read on KU. No need of sugar daddies called promo teams*

What’s this book about? (I'm trying to give as little spoilers as possible)
This book is very dark and taboo. Read it if you don’t have a lot of triggers. It’s dark because there are a lot of psychological issues next to the taboo aspects. There’s cutting, suicidal thoughts, etc.

This is my first Danielle James read. I picked it up because I kept seeing it recommended on Instagram, and because the cover is just incredibly beautiful. It is wonderfully written. It’s not entertaining because a lot of subjects treated in this book are dark and plain hurtful. I truly felt sorry for the leading lady. There were lots of shocking moments. The book was full of twists! The introduction was lengthy in my opinion, and it gave me enough time to get used to the characters. I empathized with the leads, and I felt invested in them. If it seemed like the leading man appeared like Brook’s hero, so be it. Brook needed the help. I won’t judge the author that she chose to portray it that way (although I usually do).
Once things turned steamy, it was really intricate. I compared it to Q.B. Tyler’s work, and I feel like Danielle James did a better job at working on the taboo aspect and making it digestible. The steam was an integral part, but there was so much more sentiment-wise. I recommend this to lovers of taboo, tortured heroes, and a couple that’s bound to make you question your morals.

Oh wow!!! This is a taboo treat that you can't resist

My Blog
Profile Image for Heather 123.
954 reviews7 followers
November 19, 2018

I initially struggled to get involved in this book because of the age of the main character. It's not noted anywhere that the main character is a high school student. Personally, I'm not a fan of reading books of this age group as I find it very difficult to relate to them.

But, I tried and pushed through.

The author then lost me at incest. I understood going into this story that it was taboo but there is no warning to the readers just how taboo it really is. The blurb mentions cutting and depression, not incest. My guess is this was intentional by the author since I have to wonder if it were on there if the book would be sold on such popular sites who have strict rules surrounding these issues.

This wasn't a story of love, not after an uncle takes clear advantage of his niece while she's grieving.

This was the first book I've read by this author and it's safe to say this will likely be the last.
Profile Image for Amy Davis.
131 reviews9 followers
September 28, 2018
every taboo book and if you can't handle it even though it is fiction Dont read it. Sometimes we read things that we process different then others do. To me this was just a story nothing real about it. Did it hurt me no did I enjoy the story very much so. To read something different you have to have an open mind and not everyone will ever read the same thing and like it. Brooke & Ceaser's story I enjoyed i even felt sad at times.
Profile Image for dany.
671 reviews48 followers
October 23, 2022
Gosh, me desesperé en muchísimas ocasiones,,, pude disfrutar la historia pero ejem, no sé, Brooklyn en momentos pude sentir empatía por ella pero en otros era de nexxxxtttt. Caesar fue mmm, bueno, digo en el spice no decepcionó pero me hubiera gustado más carácter.
514 reviews77 followers
August 31, 2020
In my taboo and dark romance binge someone recommended this book to me. In some aspects it's darker than anything I've read before, because this author does touch on many different and dark subjects: bullying, self-harm (cutting), internet challenges, death, suicide and taboo romance (niece & uncle).

Even if I didn't like the story, I'd have to congratulate Danielle James on her massive ovaries, for diving head first into this. As it happens I did like the story and I especially liked how brutal Brooklyn's self loathing was. Being in the mind of a tortured soul is never easy, but also being there while they're harming themselves in an attempt to find release, is something else entirely!

Being alone inside of my head was scary. My mind was wrought with contradictions and self-loathing.

I feel like the author put me through the motions, and not just through the main characters! There's especially two secondary characters that stand out, and while they couldn't be anymore different than they are, they're equally powerful. However, I didn't feel the same powerful pull from all the scenes, some of them was underwhelming and maybe even undermined.

With this being a taboo story there's a lot of hot sex, which was intense and pure scorching.

This book definitely isn't for people who can't handle darker aspects in their romance, but if you don't have any triggers you're cheating yourself by not giving this a go!
Profile Image for Nicky نیکی.
159 reviews92 followers
February 10, 2020
Eh. It took me a while to get through this, not because of the subject matter, but rather because I just didn’t feel connected to the story or the characters. I love taboo stories and the more forbidden the better, so I was happy when this book was recommended to me. But it was lacking and fell flat. I felt distant and uninvolved while reading and I didn’t really care what happened to Brooke and Caesar or if they got their happy ever after or not. Caesar was great with Brooke; he was caring, supportive, steady, loving, and dependable. I’m not sure what he saw in Brooke, though, to be honest. She was a hot mess and honestly didn’t have a personality. I have the utmost empathy for mental illness, depression, anxiety, etc but she just came across as weak and overly fragile. She fell part over everything and couldn’t handle every day life, even when nothing difficult or out of the ordinary happened, and I’m supposed to believe that it was a good idea for someone like her, barely out of high school, to have a baby? No.

Usually I love stories with a possessive hero who wants to see the heroine pregnant with his baby, but again, I felt nothing where this story is concerned. I had to push myself to finish after taking a long break in the middle. Disappointing. 2 1/2 stars.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Q.B. Tyler.
Author 21 books5,921 followers
October 9, 2018
I don’t even know where to begin in this story. It was so beautiful and moving. I teared up more than a few times and I felt like a new person on the other side. This book is THAT good.. James shines a light on mental illness and what it means to live with that pain everyday that shook me with every page. Her words squeezed my heart and didn’t want to let go. Her words were beautiful. The message was powerful, and it’s a book I’ll be thinking about for quite a long time. Five incredible stars.
Profile Image for Elizabeth ☕️ .
177 reviews61 followers
June 23, 2022
I really just got tired of the heroine making everything about her. Even after her dad died. Her uncle (Hero) was grieving the loss of his brother, and all you could say was ‘he can’t help me anymore, because he’s broken now too’… HAVE MERCY GIRL! THIS BOOK IS ONE BIG FAT PITTY PARTY. FAT DNF

ALOT of Self harm
Suicide attempt
Profile Image for Courtney.
1,209 reviews186 followers
September 28, 2018
This is my first book from this author, it was suggested read, since I never read this author I got a free sample and then IMMEDIATELY bought it, and I gotta say... I LOVED THIS BOOK!
I gave this book 4 stars, because I love taboo books, it’s not everyone’s favorite genre but I’m not rating for you, I’m rating for me.
I’m a sucker for TABOO-ness, and It’s Definitely Taboo to the Extreme with a lovely HEA.
I found it page turning from the very beginning.
It’s well written and definitely one of my top favorites, looking forward to reading more from this Author!
345 reviews80 followers
November 30, 2020
3.75 stars..
This story was definitely a unique one, and it surely isn't like it seems it's gonna be, it has so much more..
The writing stile wasn't my most favourite, and the plot was not bad.
Injoyed it
October 3, 2018
Brooke is a highschool girl with speech problem and also she is a cutter. Means that she cuts herself. Her body has marks of cutting and she wears full sleeved clothes.

Enter her father’s brother, her uncle. He is a child psychologist. He has come to live with them till his new house is ready. He tries to help her with her problem. Slowly they start having feelings. And then one fine day she kisses him. They try to forget it as it’s inappropriate.

Then her father dies. So it’s only her uncle now. She starts living with him in his house. And they started doing all the inappropriate things which they shouldn’t be doing.

The h is supposed to be sad and unhappy, so she cuts herself. But she have no problems whatsoever when trying to fuck her uncle. She is the main initiater in all their encounters.

The book presented the taboo and forbidden factor well. At least it was not disgusting. Just that the h seemed stupid. It felt like one small and silly mistake and then she cuts herself. It was like picking nails for her.
170 reviews6 followers
October 3, 2018
This book... I'm not sure what it was?

It was nothing to do with the taboo nature of the incest relationship (or even age gap). Incest doesn't bother me, it's one of my favourite tropes (Flowers In The Attic, Forbidden, The Wild 🖤). I didn't feel connected to the characters even though there are some tough heart wrenching topics discussed/mentioned. Don't get me wrong this was not a bad story at all.

I truly believe Brooke had more going on other than her apraxia, cutting, anxiety, depression. She was highly immature for an 18 year old, or maybe there was more to her special needs like learning difficulties, isolation and loneliness because I wasn't convinced by her overall character, it didn't add up (for me)?

The cliches wore me down. Maybe it's all the years of working with teenagers with the very things Brooke had, or my own experiences... but I could not see schools being so cold to her condition (apraxia) or even notice signs of poor mental health or given the poor girl (and her father) the support she needed.

Some of the cutting scenes were depicted graphically and true (which may be a trigger for some).

The sexual scenes were hot.

I think there was more to it why I didn't click, but I don't want to hate on the story because overall it was bad. It just wont be memorable for me.

3.5/5 🌟
Profile Image for Robin.
1,049 reviews13 followers
March 21, 2020
I want to say right up front that this book is NOT for everyone. It deals with incest and not in the usual shameful ways. I like reading risky books. I like an author who takes chances and doesn't apologize for those risks. I like fiction and the fact that when reading fiction all things can happen and have different endings to real life.

I gave this book a 5 star review based upon the writing. I thought this writer did a great job telling her story. I thought the characters were developed and I could clearly see this fictional world in my minds eye. I did not nor do I ever review based upon content. I'm not the morality police. There are lots of things I read that if happened in real life, I would be on the front lines of the lynch mob. I chose to read this book, no one forced me and so I chose to base my review as stated above.
Profile Image for Nicole Erard.
391 reviews6 followers
September 28, 2018
My first book by this author and it didn’t disappoint! Taboo love is something we love to read because it pushes the bounds of “normal” society. Brooklyn and Ceaser’s story is definitely a walk on the taboo side, but this author did not shy away from a taboo love story or two very tough topics people deal with everyday. She did a great job of letting us know how depression can feel and even why someone might cut. The forbidden love story was just icing on the cake! Can’t wait to read more from this author.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 239 reviews

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