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It was alive, confused, and pissed! It could not understand why it was violently separated from its host and left to rot. Following an undeniable call to pursue the one who abandoned it and seek revenge the quest for retribution had begun, and nothing or no one would stand in the way.

70 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 9, 2018

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Rowland Bercy Jr.

16 books62 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 197 reviews
Profile Image for Mort.
709 reviews1,497 followers
October 22, 2021
The re-edited version of UNBORTION has been released and I am both honored and humbled that the author gave me the opportunity to do it.
In fairness, I am biased with this one, so I am leaving my original review and first impressions below.

This story has a lot more heart than you might expect!


OTT hysterical!

Okay, so here's the plan:
1. We turn this story into a script.
2. We send it to every single place which produces any kind of birth control.
3. We get a gazillion bucks to make this movie.
4. We sell it to every school in the world - in a campaign called:
"This is why you should have safe sex!"
5. We make a gatrillion bucks more.
6. We retire.

Everybody got that?

While this story is very much bizarro for the concept, every single thing, no matter how gross or unethical, followed a logical path to the conclusion. The author never tried to gross you out for the sake of grossing you out, there was always a reason.

Mr. Bercy Jr. - take a bow. Well fucking done!!
Profile Image for Janie.
1,145 reviews
March 22, 2021
A sloppily aborted fetus somehow survives its expulsion and wanders the city streets and parks to find its original host. Sound unbelievable? It is, but the author wrote the story well and added enough viable pathos for us to root for this creature searching for its home. Descriptions are graphic, and while the feral fetus seeks revenge for its treatment, its longing for a caring host balances the feel of the story. Very weird, yet compelling. I look forward to reading more by the author.
Profile Image for MadameD.
526 reviews14 followers
May 14, 2023
Story 5/5
Narration 5/5

Unbortion by Rowland Bercy Jr, is an unique Splatterpunk story. This aborted fœtus quest was entertaining.
I recommend it!!!
Profile Image for Hunter Shea.
Author 59 books985 followers
May 29, 2021
Unbortion is exactly as advertised. You will never be able to "un-read" what's within these pages. Gloriously gory and insane. And actually a pretty handy exploration of both the digestive tract and reproduction organs. Form a book club and make this a fun, twisted read. Best shared with the demented.
Profile Image for Paul.
42 reviews5 followers
August 21, 2021
What the heck...

This book should be made into a movie. I'm all about my body my choice.but this takes weird to a whole new level of weird. I know for a fact that I'm glad I'm a guy lol 😆. Ladies you are my heroes for being able to give birth.
Profile Image for River Dixon.
Author 21 books88 followers
February 16, 2021
This should be mandatory reading for High School Sex Ed. class. Sick and entertaining.
Profile Image for Jason Harlow.
148 reviews8 followers
September 12, 2023
This shockingly wholesome book was so much fun. It begins with the depiction of an abortion (complete with full descriptions of what I'm guessing is the actual scientifically accurate procedure) and soon enough, the aborted baby parts start causing mad chaos. This was all kinds of entertaining throughout and had lots of layers to the story. Fans of extreme horror stuff will definitely like this, and even if you're not into crazy gross-out horror and just looking for something quick and easy to read, this is not a bad option at all. My only real gripes are that the author used the term "amniotic fluid" so many times you'd think he was a second grader proud to show his mom what he learned in school, and there were a few typos and dumb, totally inexcusable grammatical errors. Other than that, this was solid and I definitely recommend it.
Profile Image for Ryder Kinlay.
Author 6 books91 followers
June 2, 2021
I raced through this short novel by Rowland Bercy Jr, I started to read it on my bus journey home and couldn't stop reading it. I walked home with my eyes glued to my iPhone screen, grabbed my dog and went to the park without stopping for a moment. I was left dumbfounded, and not sure what I thought, to be honest.

Firstly, I suggest to some women to heed the title and the warning. It's about an unfortunate event that some women go through. It could trigger emotions. I think this must be the reason why the author almost wrote this in a very clinical, almost medical magazine style. If it is kudos to the author for giving this topic a very interesting and well-written twist.

I felt sorry for the fetus and was mentally cheering it on in its macabre journey to find its host. I'm still a bit stunned and wondering what the fuck I read. Five solid stars from me.
Profile Image for Nikolas Robinson.
Author 34 books96 followers
February 6, 2022
Unbortion begins with a trigger warning sensitive readers will be remiss to ignore. What follows that warning is a description of a late second-trimester surgical abortion procedure, including vacuum aspiration. Skipping past that scene will not spare the reader much, but it will potentially relieve them from the depiction that might be a specific trigger.
From there, Rowland Bercy Jr. takes the reader on a most peculiar and revolting adventure as the discarded and dismantled fetus, tethered by loose nerve fibers, drags itself through the city in search of the host who rejected it. Initially mistaken for spaghetti by a homeless man digging through a dumpster, our vengeance-seeking fetus attempts to take up residence in the man's abdominal cavity, only to discover it's an inhospitable place before forcing its way through his rectum and continuing its journey. It gets weirder from there.
In the end--despite the revolting details and the absurdity of the concept--Unbortion is a tale of rash decisions made out of fear, the unbreakable bond between a mother and her child, and forgiveness.
The anti-abortion sentiments underpinning the narrative made me think that Rowland has missed an opportunity by not pushing this book on the most vocal and ardent members of the anti-abortion crowd. For all of its extreme horror elements, I can't help but suspect that he could manage to find a ready and willing audience for this book in a subsection of that demographic. I could even imagine a world wherein some of those people would push to have copies of Unbortion sitting in the waiting rooms and lobbies of places where abortions are conducted, in an attempt to change the minds of those intending to undergo such procedures. I'm only half-joking about that because he could be sitting on a virtual gold mine there.
While I'm not in the anti-abortion camp myself, that doesn't make this any less enjoyable or the underlying message any less poignant.
July 6, 2023
I feel that, in the hands of Troma or a similar indie bizarro horror film company, Unbortion would have been a silly, gory laugh riot that I would have loved. Instead, we get what felt to me like extremely heavy-handed pro-life propaganda.
Profile Image for Elle.
157 reviews29 followers
March 23, 2021
Yeah it's gonna be a no from me dog. Poorly written and full of run-on sentences. Gross but blissfully short.
Profile Image for DA.
Author 2 books111 followers
April 14, 2021
You'll be saying WTF a lot during this book. Highly recommend!
Profile Image for Aron Beauregard.
Author 79 books2,547 followers
November 14, 2020
My first time reading one of his books and this was sick and creative! A quick journey (my favorite since I have no fucking time and I’m an agonizingly slow reader) which I read aloud for my wife in the car. We never wanted children but are now both strongly considering having an Unbortion ourselves... The book is nice and nasty and follows a fetus that is extracted from a young woman and tossed in a dumpster behind an abortion clinic. Somehow, the tossed aside pile of goop survives, fusing with other female parts, and is now left with the burning desire to find the host that rejected it. I learned more about female anatomy reading this book than I did in high school. While this Rowland’s first book the storytelling is superb and feels seasoned. At the affordable price of just $5.99 in paperback this is a Nike situation... just do it ✔️
Profile Image for Brandy.
19 reviews10 followers
April 17, 2021
Pulls on the Heart Strings

Have mercy Mr. Bercy! Completely different than anything I ever read; really unique. Such great description throughout. It definitely had me feeling like a cheerleader for the little guy, no matter what choice(s) he made during his journey. Not an ordinary quick read. Definitely a fan of Mr. Rowland Bercy Jr.'s work!

5/5 bloody uteruses 🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸

#Unbortion #RowlandBercyJr
Profile Image for Alison Sweet.
99 reviews20 followers
April 10, 2022
Solid 4.5 rounded up to 5 stars for this little delight of a tale. Of course when I say delight I mean, disgustingly disturbing trip following a not so successful abortion. Without giving anything away, you won’t see the ending coming!!
Profile Image for Brandy.
442 reviews24 followers
April 21, 2021
By: Rowland Bercy Jr.
4.5 Stars

I listened to the audible version of this sick little novella! The narrator is fantastic and the music & sound effects are a really enjoyable touch!! This added to the creep factor and I found myself wanting to drive around until I finished it (which I did, and I’m not even mad about it)!! 🤣🤣

Suspend your disbelief and buy this book! Devour this story faster than Leonard falls onto a rotten plate of spaghetti! You will find yourself repulsed and horrified, but also empathetic and surprisingly accepting towards the homeless little fetus stalking the streets for a warm host. I was both disgusted and bewildered by my desire for Fetus to find it’s rightful place! I was yelling out loud (“EWWWWWW!!!”) at one point, while sitting in my vehicle getting bolts tightened on our truck tires. The unsuspecting technician looked at me like I’d lost my mind - and I didn’t care! I cackled out loud and kept listening, because I was gleefully consuming the bathroom scene and NEEDED to know what happens.

This story brought to mind 3 horror movie classics for me - Basket Case (1982) and It’s Alive! (1974) - both cheezy perfection, but lacking in gore. Rowland delivers the carnage in this story, but with a practiced hand. This is amazing considering he’s relatively new to the scene! It is just the right amount of splatter to keep the audience cringing!! Lastly, I wondered if this is what would have happened if Rosemary (1968 and one of my ALL TIME favorite movies, so this is a huge compliment from me) attempted an abortion?! 😈😈

The ending - surprisingly perfect and satisfying! 🙌🏻🙌🏻

I bow down to your twisted brain, Rowland! You’re the real deal and splatterpunk lovers have NOT heard the last of you! I can’t wait to see what that creative mind of yours comes up with next! 💜💜

Oh, and a half star deducted only because I wanted to know more - would love this to be a full-length book with a backstory, but I know I can’t have everything I want, and that’s okay! This just speaks to how much I enjoyed it. Rounded up to a well deserved 5 stars! 😈😈😈😈😈
Profile Image for Stay Fetters.
2,286 reviews163 followers
March 5, 2023
"When it came into her field of vision, she almost passed out from the sheer terror of what she saw. The fetus looked into Ashley’s eye and croaked out one shocking word, Mommy."

That was extremely f***ed up but it also made me want to eat a saucy spaghetti dinner. My face was in a constant look of shock as I kept repeating, "what the hell!!" Seriously, wtf!
Profile Image for Renée.
224 reviews3 followers
April 26, 2021
What the fuck did I just read?! A hilariously fun, unique and disgusting read.
Profile Image for Cory.
52 reviews3 followers
July 30, 2021
What a nice little story!!! Loved it, especially the ending!!! Good job Rowland!!!
Profile Image for Kelly Furniss.
972 reviews
August 17, 2020
4.5 Stars

Wow, what a unique mind blowing experience this one was!.
I listened to this on audible and the narrator and sound effects really added to the chilling, harrowing experience of the story.
An aborted fetus is thrown out in to the rubbish to rot but the thing is, it's not dead!. It crawls, slips and slops it's way across town in search of its original host, its Mother. Along the way it encounters other ladies it feels might be suitable for the time been but they are not right, it persists in its calling for the original and retribution for the abandonment. Will it find it's Mother and what will happen then?.
Told from the baby's perspective adds a really sinister edge to this tale and parts such the horrific graphic detail of the abortion and re-entering the women left me grimacing. But then we get the story of the young parents with innocence and regret which adds a soft heart warming counter balance which was much needed.
Totally shocking, very graphic squirming entertainment with a finale of warming fuzz.
I need to read more by this author!.
Profile Image for Anja Henriksen.
259 reviews50 followers
May 31, 2022
I expected a wtf experience reading this, and Rowland Bercy Jr delivered plenty wtf with Unbortion :D

I'm left with a bit of uncertainty if there's some hidden moral statement in it or not. Maybe I miss some sort of certainty in this aspect. There sure is some themes of not being able to decide what happens with one's own body with different dilemmas to follow.

Nonetheless a nice nasty quick wtf read.
Profile Image for Simon McHardy.
Author 43 books260 followers
January 1, 2021
Clinical splatterpunk at its finest. Percy unashamedly tells the story of an aborted fetus’s journey of vengeance and retribution. Surreal, gory, emotional and masterfully written. I’m excited to see what this rising talent in the splatterpunk genre will come up with next.
8 reviews3 followers
January 8, 2021
Reading this made me clench my legs together super tight.
Profile Image for Nikki.
239 reviews19 followers
March 29, 2021
What a very interesting and unique story. Some parts grossed me out, but other parts tugged at my heart.
Profile Image for B.J. Swann.
Author 21 books59 followers
November 6, 2020
Creepy foetus horror with real pathos.

Unbortion tells the graphic tale of a foetus that gets gruesomely aborted ... and yet somehow continues to exist. We follow his journey as he tries to find a place in the world.

When a book has a concept as fresh and disturbing as this one does, it’s basically a must-read for me. Luckily the execution does justice to the ideas.

There’s a real juxtaposition of horror and heart in this book. On the one hand, the descriptions of violence and body horror are extremely graphic. They also incorporate obvious knowledge of anatomy and physiology, making them some of the most medically expert splatterpunk scenes I’ve read. Bercy has almost created a new genre – Clinical Splatterpunk! At the same time, though, Unbortion has what every good book needs: a strong emotional core. It’s impossible not to empathize with the nameless foetus protagonist, and there are many moments in this story that are genuinely touching, creating a functional juxtaposition of ultra-horror and genuine pathos. A great ending really ties up the whole experience perfectly.

I’m looking forward to reading more by this author, and I recommend this one to splatter fans for sure.
Profile Image for Todd Love.
Author 40 books104 followers
December 7, 2021
My first Rowland read. Fantastic story, well thought out, and well written. Looking forward to more!
Profile Image for Stefanie Duncan.
317 reviews22 followers
December 24, 2021
Wtf did I just read? Hahhahaha

Every time I think I read every possible weird, bizarre or gross story, a story like this comes along. This one made my jaw drop.

The tittle literally says it all. Aborted fetus seeks revenge on his mommy and makes the long walk home to her.

I read other people’s reviews on this book and somebody mentioned this story should be a mandatory read in High School. I agree. Lmao
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Melanie Bouthillette.
129 reviews11 followers
April 20, 2022
What can I say but super fun read. I really could not put it down and I'm literally still smiling because of the last paragraph. I loved the way it ended. Will be looking into more of his work Rowland Bercy Jr. . Love this Group thanks for so many awesome recs.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 197 reviews

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