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Cellar Door

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After witnessing a murder, Makenna Davies is abducted by the hooded vigilante, Luke Easton, and taken to his underground lair where she must unravel the mystery of her captor and the dark secret that entangles both their lives.

Published May 12, 2019

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Trisha Wolfe

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USA Today bestselling romantic thriller author. From an early age, Trisha Wolfe dreamed up fictional worlds and characters and was accused of talking to herself. Today, she lives in South Carolina with her family and writes full time, using her fictional worlds as an excuse to continue talking to herself.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 93 reviews
Profile Image for Drey.
167 reviews1,007 followers
December 22, 2020
5 "CAPTIVE" Stars!

... A wretched, twisted, thrilling story about truth and vengeance.

Note: This book is not intended for 18 years and below. Read at your own risk.

I have no reasons to dislike this book. I loved, love it so much!

Cellar Door is a short read novel but truly satisfying. A very great time killer!

Disturbed antihero?
Innocent heroine?
Action packed?
Revenge plot?
Cellar sex?
Perfect ending?

The story was about Luke Easton and Makenna Davies. Luke and Makenna came across during a shooting that both of them had something to dealt with. Luke plotted to sought revenge to the men that raped and brutally killed his sister. While, Makenna, PI, was hired to investigate the cheating husband of her employer. Makenna saw the husband of her employer was killed by the same man whose Luke wanted to kill. Luke was thorough in his work, never left any trace of evidence, took Makenna to his house and imprisoned her to his cellar.

"There is more than one door. There is an infinity of doors. All leading to where the bones of our darkest secrets haunt. We all have a cellar door of our own design. My door is made of bone and ash."

They've been enemies. They tried to kill each other. But when they knew the truth, things have changed.

“A lie can be more telling than the truth.”

Luke's only purpose was to give justice to his sister.

Makenna only intended to sought revenge to the man who killed Hudson, her boyfriend.

... they never wished falling over each other.

“After all this darkness, Makenna,” he says, “we’d never be enough for each other. You know this.”

Cellar Door is not my usual book. Honestly, I'm a bit disappointed because I've expected a lot of romance, but I've been deprived. Nevermind, I still L.OV.E.D. this book!

Luke and Makenna are perfect for me. They would be greater if the author wrote more romantic scenes of them. Nevertheless, the plot is fanfuckingtastic! The suspense added is excellent. The book is darkest at it's best!

I absolutely, utterly recommend this book to y'all my dear lads and gals. If you liked this kinda books, don't ever hesitate to give this a chance.

"One day, when Luke and I are nothing but ash ourselves, this house will be tore to the ground and the hatch ripped open. The cellar door will be unsealed and the remains of our darkest truth will be brought into the light."

Trigger Warning: Vivid depiction of murder.

Profile Image for Carvanz.
2,219 reviews821 followers
May 18, 2019
Holy heck, this was some dark, twisted stuff! I enjoy a dark read occasionally, and I know I haven’t read enough to really know what’s out there, but this story just rocked that dark little spot in my heart. Although it’s the disturbing-ness of it all that brings out the dark.


A cop witnessing a murder should be an easy case to solve. But that’s not true for Makenna. She was labeled as being unstable and lost her job. For the last six months she’s been on the hunt for the murderer and she’s just about to catch him when things take a dark turn and she finds herself shackled in a cellar.

Luke is a monster. He admits it, embraces it, and utilizes it to fulfill his agenda.

”I’m not a bad guy. But I’m not a good guy either. I’m not out here at night protecting innocence, or punishing evil doers in the name of justice. I’m not that charitable. There is justice, and then there is vengeance. They’re not interchangeable.”


He has never hesitated to kill before but when he comes face to face with Makenna, he decides she will make the perfect bait for the next step in his plans. But as he works towards that end, he pushes Makenna in emotional ways that makes her question everything she thought she knew before she was captured.

Wow! These characters absolutely astounded me! Both struggle with their own definition of right and wrong. I never knew which way this story was going to go. There was never a feeling that everything was going to work out because this is not a white picket fence romance and Makenna and Luke do not experience the whole over the top falling in love thing. This is raw and gritty and so very real in all its complications.

*I hold my hands out in surrender. “Do one stupid thing…”
“And you’ll kill me?” The challenge in her squared shoulders makes my pants tighten.
I swear, she is either stirring a deviant fiend within me, or this woman is infection my cracked brain. Maybe a bit of both.*


Like the twists and turns of a labyrinth, this story took me to a place I never saw coming while offering me surprising tidbits along the way. I was constantly on the edge of my seat, constantly trying to jump ahead and predict the outcome, and constantly shaken by each new revelation.

I am absolutely recommending this book to anyone who likes their romance with a little bit of a dark twist.

Read via Kindle Unlimited
Dual POV
Profile Image for Radd Reader.
954 reviews547 followers
November 15, 2020
My Thoughts:
- It was a bit different than I was expecting, but nonetheless intriguing and captivating.

- A bit twisted (not necessarily the characters reasons for what they were doing, but twisted from the perspective of some of their actions). It’s dark, but not in an overly graphic or gruesome way. A lot of the “twistedness” is off page. It was dark, but not too dark that I couldn’t read it.

- There is a “couple” but I don’t really think I would classify this as a romantic suspense. They had bigger things on their agenda so I didn’t get a strong chemistry/romance vibe from them.

- I had some small issues with the writing. I was confused a little here and there and I had to reread a couple passages just try to make sense of things. I felt there might have been a few contradictions, so there were a couple things that left me scratching my head.

Overall, I enjoyed the story and it had some good twists that kept me entertained.
Profile Image for Fanny.
2,382 reviews52 followers
February 24, 2021

No se como describir a Cellar Door, es un libro tan poco convencional y que me sorprendio tanto que no se que decir sin revelar todo lo que sucede en un tremendo spoiler, por ahora dire que me gusto pese a esperar una historia diferente por haber leido la sinopsis.

La trama en si misma es interesante hasta el limite, me tuvo atrapada desde ese prefacio tan intrigante, y segun fui pasando las hojas esa intriga solo aumento a un ritmo frenetico, quizas lo que menos me convencio fue que senti que la lectura necesitaba un ritmo mas pausado para calar y desarrollar mejor la historia, ademas de haber tenido unas cuantas hojas mas, hubiese quedado mas satisfecha.

La historia de amor si se le puede llamar asi es distinta a lo que acostumbramos a leer, y aunque me gustaron las escenas de los protagonistas, siento que su conexion se dio de una pagina a la siguiente, todo muy precipitado, y eso le resto valor.

El final? ese si que es impactante, no me lo espere y sin embargo, me parece que es el mas adecuado para esta novela, que no tiene nada de tipico.

Concluyendo, Cellar Door es un thriller directo, que no da vueltas innecesarias ni te desespera al ir revelando las incognitas a paso de caracol, por lo que si eres de esas personas que no tiene paciencia, este libro de suspense te dara lo mejor de un thriller sin que te cueste pasar las paginas, es muy agil de leer.

2.75 Estrellas!
Profile Image for Beatrix.
546 reviews94 followers
December 20, 2020
I can´t remember who said it, but the claim was made that "cellar-door" is likely the most beautiful phrase in the English language. Heard out of context, the two words paired together evoke a melancholy that settles deep in my bones. an echo of beauty that feels forbidden.

Once again, this amazing author...
I realize that I never wrote a review for this amazing novella, and now after re-reading it I come to the same conclusion that Trisha Wolfe is a great writer when it comes to writing dark stuff.

There is more than one door. There is an infinity of doors. All leading to where the bones of our darkest secrets haunt. We all have a cellar door of our own design.
My door is made of bone and ash.

At first glance this is just a story about revenge, and even though it´s just a novella, to me it remains the best thing I´ve read from Trisha Wolfe (followed by Born, Darkly and Lotus Effect). I just know I will come back to this and re-read it again...

I'm a rivulet branched out from the storm. Created from the stream.
Isolation can wreak havoc on your rationality.
A lie can be more telling than the truth.

Profile Image for Picky_Book_B1tch.
623 reviews55 followers
May 14, 2019
The Cellar Door hides many secrets. Some will be exposed to the light, others will be sealed in darkness forever.

Vengeance and Revenge meet up in this stellar story of two souls seeking to right the horrors of their past, only to find that not everything is as it seems. And neither is this story. In true Trisha Wolfe fashion, she delivers a thrilling story with complex characters that refuse to conform and will have you rearranging your definition of right and wrong.

Part thriller, part romance but entirely and ingeniously twisted!
Profile Image for aqsa.
672 reviews135 followers
July 30, 2021
i love deranged psychopathic sexy villains

trisha wolfe my queen for this
Profile Image for MJLovestoRead.
2,094 reviews55 followers
February 16, 2019
Cellar Door is off the charts brilliant. Trisha Wolfe's mind is beyond intriguing to me as she masterfully crafts a story that kept me on the edge of my seat with each turn of the page. The way she continues to combine the very best in mystery with the most unexpected kind of love is like nothing else I have ever read.

What starts as an investigation into a client's husbands extra-curricular activities becomes a battle for Makenna Davies's own life. At the hands of one Luke Easton she is, of course, desperate to escape. But at the same time gets caught up in his web of vengeance and sees her prior life as a Detective crumble in ways she never saw coming.

I don't how she continues to to do it, but somehow Wolfe has me siding with the assumed villain once again. Luke's past is the why of his actions and it seemingly makes all the sense in the world and I want nothing more to join him in his quest for justice. I fully understand how Makenna finds him both attractive and vulnerable and becomes determined to ease not only her own pain but his as well. And I will just say that there is a great deal of satisfaction, a bit on the deliciously twisted side, that I felt at the story's conclusion. Being appalled at my love of how everything turns out is one of the joys of reading a Trisha Wolfe book. She makes the most wrong kind of actions and thoughts somehow feel right. It doesn't get much better than that!

Talk about riveting. Cellar Door will keep you glued to your e-reader and your heart will be beating rapidly as the story unfolds and all the jagged pieces fall into place.

Originally read as part of the Wanted: An Outlaw Anthology, Cellar Door deserves nothing less than 5 stars!!!
Profile Image for Pilar S.C..
Author 10 books250 followers
October 21, 2023
Me ha costado gestionar este libro.

Por un lado, es una monstruosidad que hace dudar al lector.
Por el otro, te confunde, te absorbe, te engaña.

Es un juego de luces y sombras constante. Lo que está bien y lo que debería estar mal. La sinrazón. El odio. La venganza. La pérdida.

Y un final que te deja confundida, en shock, en tablas. Con dudas.

No es una de mis mejores lecturas del año ni de lejos, pero sí ha sido un punto de inflexión.
Profile Image for Lira.
346 reviews30 followers
July 5, 2022
‼️ Check TW


I can't process what I just read! 😮‍💨
OK, let's go.

Don't be fooled by this novella. There's nothing simple about it. I don't even know what made me pick it up... But I'm pretty sure it was recommended by someone... I just can't remember who...
Whatever! 🙄

I continue like this: 😲!

If you want to trust my judgment, read it without reading the synopsis. If you don't trust it: read it because it doesn't say much 😂.

Come on, seriously! I loved this story! At the beginning I was reticent and had already decided that I would stay in the 4 ⭐, but 25% from the end, BAM! 💥💥🤯

The couple has chemistry in the millions! 😉 MY GOD!! The tension between Luke and Mak!🤌🏻🤌🏻
Regarding the mystery. I confess that I was finding some things repetitive, BUT when you start putting pieces together with Mak, it makes perfect sense to do so.

As I said it's a novella so it's read quickly (even with the darkest descriptions). And believe me, you will hold your breath many times because the decisions made by the protagonists... 😱

Just read!!
Profile Image for Bookgasms Book Blog.
2,856 reviews1,481 followers
February 16, 2019
When I saw that Cellar Door was included in the Wanted Anthology I could not jump on this fast enough. And good Lord was this story a twisty, suspenseful trip!! It was so powerful and absolutely incredible. In addition, it was shocking, raw and so sexy. The connection between Makenna and Eric was dark, sizzling, delicious and consuming. I could not stop reading this story!

Without giving away any spoilers, Cellar Door had the most amazing story of a girl who survived the death of a loved one to then be thrown into another heartstopping inferno at the hands of a vigilante kidnapper. Lord, I had to take breaths at times. The writing was magnificent and evoked so much emotion. I was rooting for Eric as well as Makenna and was obsessed with figuring out the secrets that tied them both together. 

I will say that the ending was one huge explosion of twists, turns and emotions and the minute I finished I made sure to bump Wolfe's books up stat. I loved this so hard and can't wait for more from this author in the future! Bravo! 5 stars! ~Ratula
Profile Image for Grace.
2,180 reviews108 followers
May 24, 2019
The desire for vengeance, brings two people together for unexpected reasons.

Makenna Davies' world as she knew it was destroyed the day Detective Royce Hudson was attacked, now presumed dead.
She lost her partner and lover.
She lost her job.

With time, she only saw one course of action, revenge.
Things turn sideways when she crosses paths with Luke Easton, who has his own plans of revenge for the death of his sister, Jules. How he handles Makenna, was a bit extreme, but maybe I'll chalk it up to panic. Either way, it leads to the title of the book, as that's where Makenna is forced against her will.

The direction this story takes is unexpected. While I thought Luke was planning to kill and/or torture her, the actual plan is much tamer. Making her understand the truth and eventually support his mission. How things progress between them was a bit of a stretch, but nevertheless, compelling.

Although I second guessed Luke's actions, knowing his motives made those actions more understandable. And as you all should know; I love an anti-hero.

If you are looking for a quick read, with twists and darker elements, check this one out!

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description description description description
Profile Image for Becca.
300 reviews30 followers
December 21, 2020

There is more than one door. There is an infinity of doors. All leading to where the bones of our darkest secrets haunt. We all have a cellar door of our own design.

I really love Trisha Wolfe's writing and her anti-heroes. She does a REALLY job crafting a story in which you find yourself rooting and loving the main characters. This is an actual enemies to love trope. Luke takes Makenna after she witnesses him committing murder and locks her in a cellar door. I loved Makenna's determination and spitfire. In some way, she is very much like Luke. They were both grief-stricken and obsessed with their goals. However, I wish there was more depth to Makenna and Luke's relationship. Their relationship could be more fleshed out.
Profile Image for Sandra R.
3,141 reviews45 followers
March 12, 2022
Unusual, strange, dark, confronting. I liked it, but wasn't sure I enjoyed the reading experience as much as I should have and I almost put the book down a couple of times. But I pushed on and the second half sucked me in.

The writing was creative and very descriptive, which means you need to read this book slowly to immerse yourself in the characters. I also found some of the scenes confusing at the beginning, as they seemed a bit disjointed. The author has clearly created a dark mood with her writing and there are some twists I certainly didn't see coming in the story.

There are probable triggers for some readers and be aware that the hero is a killer. There are scenes of torture and murder, but the back story is very compelling. Unfortunately there were a few typos, which were likely caused because of spell check and that was a pity. I wavered between 2 and 4 stars. I've enjoyed everything I've read so far by this author.
Profile Image for Cindy.
893 reviews22 followers
April 6, 2019
Cellar Door was a brilliant, twisted, intriguing story by Trisha Wolfe. Once again MS Wolfe has crafted us a psychological thriller clouded by mystery, that will leave you on the edge of your seat and will leave you rooting for the villain.

From page one of Cellar Door I was glued to my kindle. The intriguing plot and interesting characters kept me hostage until the end!

Whet Makenna Davies's is kidnapped Luke Easton her life and what she thought was true begins to unravel. But can Makenna handle the whole truth about everything?

I ADORED these characters. Luke won my heart early on. And I was rooting for him. Makenna is a strong woman, stronger then she even knows. I LOVED every twist, turn, and secret that was exposed in this wonderfully crafted story! 5 beautiful Cellar Door Stars!

*I voluntarily read an arc. This is my honest review.*
Profile Image for Shiaa_reads.
104 reviews19 followers
April 15, 2022
Good story overall but nothing compared to the Born Darkly/ Madly duet.
That duet ruined me I'll always compare every book to it
Profile Image for Emily Eck.
Author 8 books115 followers
May 10, 2019
I read this in the Wanted Anthology. I have not yet come to a point where Wolfe’s twists and turns cease to amaze me. I love that she surprises me every single book.
March 26, 2022
PI Mackenna Has To Work With The Monster Of Her Nightmares

Whilst on a routine case to catch an alleged cheating husband.
Ex Detective, now PI Mackenna Davies zstumbles into a web of lies, deceit, betrayal,.

Whilst following the perp she just witnessed killing her clients husband, her pursuit lands her in the crosshairs of Luke Easton.

A 6 foot 3, beautiful monster of a man. All glacial blue eyes, full lips, and face full of tiny scares.

It appears she has interrupted his latest revenge kill.

That kill just happens to be her perp.

Once seen, he reluctantly pulls her into the grubby underbelly of his case, his OBSESSION !

A case revolving around a sinister group of business men procuring/buying young, underage girls to defile and torture.

One of these young women was Jules Easton, Luke’s sixteen year old sister.

He is on a mission to hunt the men down, and kill them one, by one.

Unfortunately for Mackenna, it’s at this point that she realises exactly WHO Luke Easton IS.

He is the man who she witnessed killing her ex partner, and lover, Royce Hudson.


She is witnessing him killing another man.

After he reluctantly ends up abducting her and keeping her hostage in his cellar, she’s eventually forced to work on the case Luke has spent his whole life fixated on.

One by one he has been taking out the men that killed his little sister.

Parallel to THIS story, McKenna has to come to terms with the evidence that is mounting against her ex Royce.

Evidence that points to him being a willing participant in the dealings of the Evil Phiser company.

Can McKenna put her feelings for her ex aside to absorb that facts staring her in the face

And, can Luke walk her through said evidence convincing her, while visually showing her his own particular way of disposing of the evil men who chose to pray upon innocent young girls?

This was a very satisfying read.
At times extremely gory.

The relationship that slowly forms between McKenna and Luke, veritably reaches boiling point towards the end.

And when they finally release all that pent up sexual tension???


As endings go, there was a few surprises, but as far as Luke and McKenna were concerned,…

Well, ya kinda knew where that was heading.

4 stars.

One thing you can always rely on With Trisha’s books is they are always ALWAYS well researched.

Also, the central storyline doesn’t get swamped by the Male, Female Lead relationship.
They are always delicious slow burns

Why run from the storm when you can control its destructive path.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
May 22, 2019
In truth I started this book a couple weeks ago but I got sick and couldn’t pick it back up until today. I’m instantly reminded that I’m a die hard fan of Trisha. This is my second book by her and I’m in awe of her words. Dirty. Tainted. Wrong. But so right. I can’t get enough of them and I couldn’t get enough of this book. I hope later Trisha decides to revisit Makenna and Luke. I love their twisted love story and the meaning behind it. It was sad to see them go but they’ll always live on with the voices in my head.
Profile Image for Tatianna.
223 reviews53 followers
June 21, 2023
Cellar Door is a dark psychological thriller romance novella, originally published in Wanted: An Outlaw Anthology. I don't usually gravitate toward novellas, but I know from experience that Trisha Wolfe can pack a big punch into 250 pages!

"There’s a fine line between passion and obsession. I crossed that line, and I’m standing before a man that spiraled down obsession’s pit."

Makenna Davies is a private investigator with a tragic and bitter past. While on the job, she witnesses a murder and becomes an instant liability for the criminal responsible: Luke Easton. She finds herself abducted and thrown into an ominous cellar that may as well be a coffin. It's not long before the darkness of the cellar starts to fray Makenna's mind, unraveling a web of horror and deceit.

"She locked herself in that cellar. I might hold the key, but she holds the way out."

This story is intriguing, original and really well done. It's a true enemies to lovers situation with obsession thrown in the mix. The romance definitely takes a backseat to the plot, but it's still present and impactful. One of the plot twists took me by surprise and I absolutely loved the conclusion.

This story gets quite dark and a little gruesome. There are a number of potential triggers so I suggest looking them up if you have any difficulty with dark subject matter.
Profile Image for Marcy Sorenson.
872 reviews29 followers
July 8, 2023
]|I{•------»𝙲𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚛 𝙳𝚘𝚘𝚛«------•}I|[

𝚋𝚢 𝚃𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚊 𝚆𝚘𝚕𝚏𝚎



First off, how is this book not talked about? There hasn’t been a single book by Trisha that I’ve read, that I haven’t devoured, and this was no exception!

Makenna is an ex detective, and she lost her partner, and lover Hudson six months ago. She watched as his throat was slit right in front of her. She spent the last six months searching for the piercing blue eyes of the killer. She works as a PI now, while she keeps her searching going. She hired by Mrs Mayers to prove her high profile husband is caught cheating. What Makenna ends up witnessing is Mr Mayers death. She follows the killer, as she believes it’s her blue eyed killer, she ends up finding him, and he takes her captive…..

Locked in his cellar, Makenna is determined to find Hudson’s body, and turn her the very man who keeps her captive….

There was so many things in this book I did not see coming. It gets going from the very beginning, and doesn’t let up. I love Makenna, even though she was naive, she was fierce.

- Dark romantic suspense
- captive
- Enemies to lovers
- Naive but fierce fmc
- Disturbed antihero
- Twist and turns
- Revenge plot
Profile Image for Lynn.
1,555 reviews12 followers
February 4, 2024
PI Makenna Davies is hired to find evidence of a cheating husband when she is taken from a warehouse and trapped behind a cellar door by Luke Easton, the monster that murdered Hudson, her partner and lover. However, the truth isn't that simple, and the longer Makenna remains captive, the more she questions the facts that she has always believed to be true. Instead of killing Makenna, Luke recognizes in her, a tortured soul just like his own and begins to wonder if the truth might set them both free.

Cellar Door is difficult to classify. It might be described as a dark romance, but I'm not sure if it is a romance at all. It is more of a tragic story of two damaged souls who will never find peace or happiness. There is flowery prose and vague information woven into graphic, on-page violence that can be difficult to read. The plot is thin and at times, hard to follow, as the characters and their suffering take center stage. Overall, I cannot recommend this disturbing tale and would warn romance readers away from this novel.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 93 reviews

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