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Iron Horse Legacy #1

Soldier's Duty

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When their father disappears into the Crazy Mountains, the McKinnon boys rally. Angus McKinnon, the oldest son leaves the elite Delta Forces, returns to Montana and takes up the reins on the family ranch. The last person he expects to run into is the beauty who broke his heart. Bree Lansing promised to wait for Angus but a violent confrontation with her stepfather left her no choice. She had to leave. Later she learned her stepfather had died in the same barn where their fight occurred. Bree is afraid that if she returns to Montana, she will be charged with his murder. When her mother is poisoned, Bree returns home to face her guilt and fear and find out who will kill to get her family out of the way. Though fate forces Bree to work with Angus to discover the source of the poison, she’s determined to keep the man she once loved at a distance. She can’t let him close when her secret could ruin her life and his. Struggling to keep Bree safe and find his father, Angus risks losing his heart again to the only woman he ever loved.

266 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 23, 2019

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About the author

Elle James

552 books1,118 followers
Award-winning author Elle James grew up as an air force military brat. She received her work ethic from her rock-solid father, her creative streak from her artistic mother and inspiration from her writing partner and sister, Delilah Devlin. As a former member of the army reserves and a current member of the air force reserves, she's traveled across the United States and to Germany, managed a full-time job, and raised three wonderful children. She and her husband have even tried their hands at ranching exotic birds (ostriches, emus and rheas) in the Texas hill country. Ask her, and she'll tell you what it's like to go toe-to-toe with an angry three-hundred-and-fifty-pound bird and live to tell about it!

Her adventures in the army and air force reserves, and the wild antics of her life on a small ranch in Texas give her fodder for mystery, suspense and humor in her writing. Elle writes gothic, paranormal mystery for the Harlequin Intrigue line and paranormal romantic comedy for Dorchester Publishing. A former manager of computer programming and project management professionals, Elle is happy she now has the opportunity to pursue her writing full time.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 96 reviews
Profile Image for Sandra Hoover.
1,336 reviews223 followers
August 15, 2020
I was all in for the first half of this story...enjoying the mystery & relationships- trying to figure things out, but the second half...well, it fell apart for me. And then the abrupt ending with too many unanswered questions...just didn't work. 2.5 Stars
Profile Image for Carol.
1,349 reviews255 followers
Shelved as 'tbr-already-own'
January 29, 2020
(included with "Recipe for Danger": A Collection of Military Romantic Suspense Books)
Profile Image for Romanticamente Fantasy.
7,222 reviews220 followers
February 2, 2023
Malefica81 - per RFS
Bentornate Fenici!

Oggi vi parlerò di una nuova serie di libri che mi ha incuriosita, parla del clan McKinnon e del loro ranch, racconta la vita militare e le storie che ruotano attorno a questa famiglia. Il patriarca, ex membro dei Delta Force James McKinnon, sparisce durante la battuta di ricerca di un evaso (in seguito scoprirete l’inizio di un intrigo più grande che penso si snoderà nei prossimi volumi), a quel punto avviene il ritorno a casa dei suoi figli, ovvero i quattro fratelli maschi tutti membri di varie armi dell’esercito americano, chi Ranger, chi Marine, chi Seal, chi Delta Force.

Angus è il fratello più grande, poi ci sono Duncan, Colin, Bastian e la sorella Molly, che dirige il ranch insieme alla madre Hannah, donna forte e con le “palle” che non si lascia abbattere, e il sovraintendete Parker, anche lui ex esercito che aiuta nella tenuta e ha un interesse per Molly.

Bree Lansing torna a Bozeman per prendere in mano il ranch di famiglia dopo che è stata lontana da casa per tredici anni incolpandosi della morte del patrigno, un uomo violento. Qui ritroverà le persone di un tempo, dato che la città è piccola e tutti si conoscono, dovrà fare luce su chi ha avvelenato la madre e il bestiame e dovrà fare i conti con il suo vecchio amore per Angus. Il suo primo amore.

Il libro non è molto lungo, un second chance gradevole ma non eccelso. Trovo che la vicenda sia stata scritta velocemente, ho come l’impressione che manchi qualcosa ma non so che cosa. Ci volevano almeno altre trenta pagine per finire la storia, a mio avviso, e la traduzione l’ho trovata un po’ ‘Meh’.

Alla prossima, un saluto dalla vostra Mal
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jane.
Author 6 books85 followers
July 19, 2019
Angus McKinnon is always ready to do a Soldier's Duty at home and as part of his Delta Force Team in the Army. He and his brothers all come rushing home when his father is missing in the Crazy Mountains close to the Iron Horse Family Ranch. Although they search for their missing father, he is not found.

Bree Lansing his ex-finance returns on the same day to her mother's ranch next door. Her Mom and the ranch foreman are in the hospital after being poisoned when someone put a big bag of arsenic in the creek that feeds their watershed. Bree is sick when she finds so many animals dead and almost all of them sick from drinking the tainted water.

Threats keep coming as a the escaped killer is found dead in a cave from a knife wound, decomposed body is found and identified, a kidnapping and three women all thinking that they killed Bree's abusive step-father thirteen years ago.

The plot is full of twists, sweet romance and a fast pace making Soldier's Duty a great military hero story. The question remains, where is the McKinnon's family father???
Profile Image for Robin.
176 reviews3 followers
July 14, 2022
3.5 stars really. It was good, a good story, a decent plot. The only concern I had with this book is the narrator. I listened to it and the narrator didn't make many changes with his voice for other characters. He was reading it, like he was just reading the book. Other than that, the story is good. I liked it.
Profile Image for Janna.
485 reviews4 followers
March 22, 2020
Elle James - Soldier's Duty -(Iron Horse Legacy Series - Book 1)
Iron Horse Ranch is where James & Hanna McKinnon raised their four (4) sons and one (1) daughter. The family has close ties and would do anything for each other.

- Angus is the oldest at 33 and a Delta Force soldier.
- Duncan is the biggest of the brothers and an Airborne Ranger in the Army. Duncan is injured from a deployment and may be medically discharged.
- Colin is a Marine.
- Sebastian (Bastian) is a Navy Seal.
- Molly is the youngest and lives and breaths the Ranch. She must have her horses surrounding her and can’t imagine living anywhere but on the Iron Horse.

Book 1 focuses on Angus McKinnon and Bree Lansing:
The new series, Iron Horse Legacy, starts off with the McKinnon Patriarch, missing in the Crazy Mountains. An April stormy cold front with snow is pelting down on the mountains. James McKinnon was part of a posse, looking for an escaped prisoner. When James didn’t come back with the rest of the group, his sons, all in the military, flew back home to find him.

Angus McKinnon is the eldest at 33 years old. He left the ranch 13 years ago to join the Army. Angus had loved being a Delta Force soldier but had signed his separation papers before he flew to Montana. Things didn’t work out as he planned when he left so many years ago. The love of his life, Bree Lansing, was supposed to wait for him to complete basic and advanced training and Angus would return for her. But, Bree left soon after his departure, and he never heard from her again. Now she is back, and his heart still feels the pain that she caused.

Bree Lansing moved to Wolf Creek Ranch after her mother married her stepfather, Greg Hemming. Wolf Creek butts up to Iron Horse. So Bree has known Angus since the 7th grade and has loved him ever since. When her confrontation with her abusive Step Father ended in a tragedy, she fled Montana and moved to Alaska for the sake of her mother and Angus. Bree didn’t want them to be caught up in the misfortune that Bree believed she inflicted. Or did she? Some things are not what they seem. Bree was back in Crazy Mountain, MT because someone has poised her mother, the ranch hands and the animals. She must find out who is doing this, and why before it’s too late.

As the mystery of Angus’s missing father and Bree’s mother and ranch being poisoned, they both must work together because someone is working against both families. Could these two incidents be connected?

Find out if Bree and Angus has a chance of putting things back together and have their own HEA. The mystery of Angus’s father and who is poisoning the ranch is not solved in this installment but will probably carry into other series books.

I highly recommend this series. You won’t regret it.

I volunteered to read this ARC for an honest review.
Profile Image for Nikki Brooks.
3,206 reviews50 followers
May 17, 2019
James & Hannah McKinnon have a brood of kids, all of whom are a credit to them. Although the boys all ran off to various branches of the military, Molly their sister is the true cowgirl in this family. SHe can run rings around them on the ranch and the wilderness and they better get used to that fact pronto!

Angus is the eldest of the kids and when their father goes missing in the mountains whilst part of a posse looking for a dangerous criminal, he and his siblings are called back to the ranch. He may be a big bad Delta Force member but he is a big old teddy bear inside, he still misses his first love Bree, who ditched him and then vanished from the area.

Bree had every intention of staying and living the life with Angus that they had planned. But when tragedy strikes close to home, she flees leaving behind her family but she still clings to the love for Angus. She has discreetly returned to town to aid her mother but can she survive when she realises that Angus has also come back to town?

Is the poisoning of her mother linked to the disappearance of Angus' father? Do these former young loves have the strength and courage to pick up where they left off or are they better off following their own paths?

Great start to a new series. All the lads are Alphas, their mother must have loved having all that testosterone floating around! Don't discount Molly. She may have stayed at home but she is strong, independent and has a spine of steel. I pity the man who tries to ride roughshod over her! Bree...she really is complicated. I went from loving her to thinking she is naive as heck, to wanting to be her friend again!

Looking forward to the next book!
Profile Image for Jennie Fortna.
2,032 reviews20 followers
July 24, 2019
ARC for honest review with no compensation

Soldier’s Duty is book 1 in the new series Iron Horse Legacy by Elle James and what a great start to this series!

Angus McKinnon, an elite Delta Forces soldier ends his Army career to return home to the family ranch after his father disappears but returning home also opens up old wounds of the girl he was supposed to marry but she up and left town...

Bree Lansing leaves Montana after her stepfather dies thanking she caused his death and is afraid she could be arrested.. now years later she returns when her mother becomes ill and knows she needs to face the music! When danger rears its ugly head against Bree, Angus is determined to protect her and convince her they belong together...

Sparks fly, danger, suspense, lots of action and maybe finding their HEA only time will tell...
Profile Image for Vanitiromance.
540 reviews43 followers
December 17, 2022
Con Il dovere di un soldato il primo libro della serie Iron Horse Legacy, Elle James ci regala una trama particolare che ci trasporta nelle fredde montagne del Montana dove una cittadina viene travolta dalle conseguenze di un’evasione dal carcere che getta nella preoccupazione tutti i cittadini. Difatto il giallo sull’evasione e tutti i conseguenti fatti concatenati, che si svelano episodio dopo episodio, vi terranno con il fiato sospeso dalla prima all’ultima pagina. L’evasione porta con sé una serie di misteri che non si concluderanno con questo libro ma che probabilmente verranno svelati nei libri successivi. Su questo sfondo dove il male si affaccia e miete vittime, si incontrano dopo tredici lunghissimi anni Angus e Bree la cui storia d’amore si sviluppa in questo libro, per cui non ci sarà da attendere i libri successivi.

“..Come ho detto, storia vecchia. L’ho dimenticata” mentì Angus. Non era mai riuscito a farlo. Ogni donna con cui era uscito da allora non era stata all’altezza del suo primo amore. Aveva deciso che tornare a casa poteva essere l’unico modo per togliersela dalla mente, visto che andarsene non aveva funzionato.

Angus torna a casa con i fratelli per prendere parte attivamente alle ricerche del padre, misteriosamente scomparso durante le ore successive all’evasione del temibile William Reed, il detenuto che ha stravolto la tranquillità nel paesino del Montana e per cui è stato necessario un forte dispiegamento di forze militari per ritrovarlo. Proprio lo stesso giorno che Angus rientra nel paese natale, allo stesso aeroporto, atterra la donna che Angus ha amato più della sua stessa vita, il suo primo ed unico amore: Bree, chiamata all’improvviso dalla madre che si ritrova in ospedale per un avvelenamento sospetto. Bree, a differenza di Angus, ha un segreto che la sta divorando sempre di più e che l’ha portata a scappare tredici anni prima senza dire nulla a nessuno e senza aspettare che il suo amore terminasse l’addestramento nell’esercito per poi sposarsi insieme. Come racconta il loro passato e le gesta nel presente, sia Angus che Bree hanno personalità forti, decise a proteggere i loro cari a qualsiasi costo anche sacrificandosi in prima persona.

“..Angus sentì il cuore perdere un colpo, e poi iniziare ad accelerare. L’unica persona che conoscesse con quella ricca tonalità di castano era la donna che gli aveva spezzato il cuore tanti anni prima…si perse nei suoi meravigliosi occhi nocciola. E tutto il dolore e il desiderio che ben conosceva ritornò con forza, presto sostituito da un impeto di rabbia”

Il destino ci mette mano e i due beniamini si ritrovano all’improvviso proprio nelle stesse terre testimoni della nascita del loro amore adolescenziale ed è bellissimo assistere a questo second chance dove dai racconti del passato e dalle descrizioni dei loro sentimenti, emergono emozioni che fanno subito empatizzare con i beniamini e cogliere l’intensità di quello che è stato il loro amore. Meraviglioso vedere come il loro amore adolescenziale fosse già così forte e vero, non una pallida prima versione dell’innamoramento ma un amore agli albori capace di creare le fondamenta per una vita insieme. Nonostante i primi attimi di ritrosie, dove l’orgoglio di Angus e la paura di Bree creano muri per allontanare il loro amore dirompente, dopo pochi giorni, per i due beniamini i tredici anni di lontananza sembrano scomparire.

Poi si chinò per posarle un bacio sulla fronte. “Non farlo. Baciarmi è l’ultima cosa che dovresti voler fare.” “Oh, tesoro, ti sbagli di grosso. Ho bisogno di baciarti come ho bisogno di respirare.”

Ebbene, nonostante l’intensità nei loro sguardi, i loro tocchi che creano scintille, Angus vive in un’alternanza di sentimenti in quanto Bree appare a tratti coinvolti ed a tratti lontana, quasi irremovibile all’idea di riavvicinarsi. Il lettore è facilitato, ed a differenza di Angus, capisce e comprende la posizione di Bree anche se questa storia testimonia quanto il “non detto” possa lacerare rapporti e dirottare completamente le scelte della vita e quanto la paura possa paralizzare. Questi aspetti arrivano in modo cristallino al lettore, che davanti a certe scene e racconti, vorrebbe urlare ai protagonisti di “ribellarsi” o di “non mollare”.

“Fidati, è meglio che tu mi stia lontano…devi andare via. Non possiamo stare insieme, né ora né mai”

Quando i protagonisti sembrano destinati a non ritrovarsi, il destino ricompare gettando luce sulla verità ma un incontro misterioso cambia in modo repentino il presente dei ragazzi. Un amore così forte, impossibile da distruggere, riuscirà a resistere anche quando il male si riaffaccia ostacolandoli?
Continua: https://www.vanitiromancebook.com/boo...
2,233 reviews12 followers
February 25, 2020
Soldier's Duty (Iron Horse Legacy Book 1)
5 stars
I purchased a copy of the romantic suspense novel Soldier's Duty (Iron Horse Legacy Book 1): Angus and Bree by Elle James and this review was given freely.
An action packed and suspenseful companion series to the Brotherhood Protectors series and a good introduction to the McKinnon family. Thirteen years after childhood sweethearts Delta Force member Angus McKinnon and Bree Lansing are separated by tragedy and military life, they both travel home to Eagle Rock Montana for family crises. Thirty five years after marrying Hannah, Ex-Delta Force member and Eagle Rock, Montana's Iron Horse Ranch owner James McKinnon accepts Sheriff Barron's request to track and apprehend escape armed robber and murder William Reed. His trip into the Crazy Mountains during an April snow storm ends in a dangerous and action packed story of an avalanche,an escaped killer, a mass poisoning,the quest to recover the hidden money, and an introduction to Aungus's and his brother Duncan's second chances at love. While the ending is happy for Angus and Bree, James McKinnon's location is still a mystery.

Ranger's Baby (Iron Horse Legacy Book 2)
5 stars
I purchased a copy of the romantic suspense novel Ranger's Baby (Iron Horse Legacy Book 2):Duncan,Fiona and Caity by Elle James and this review was given freely.
Suspenseful and action packed with a touch of steam. This is secret baby and second chance at love romance with sinister undertones provided by the controversial and abusive Faulkner clan, a police investigation gone wrong, and the continued search for James McKinnon. While on medical leave from the Army Rangers, Duncan returns home for the first time in fifteen months to help search for his father but receives an unexpected surprise when he runs into his childhood best friend, Eagle Rock's single mother and police deputy Fiona.

Marine's Promise (Iron Horse Legacy Book 3)
4 stars
I purchased a copy of the romantic suspense novel Marine's Promise (Iron Horse Legacy Book 3):Colin and Emily by Elle James and this review was given freely.
Danger and intrigue combined with the dilemma of honor vs duty vs love fill the pages of this action and violence filled childhood sweethearts romance.
Ten years after making a vow to his childhood best friends Alex and Emily, Marine on leave Colin travels to Bozeman to find the woman who pawned his father's ring only to have a dramatic reunion with the recently widowed Emily Tremont who lost her husband and unborn child in a car accident three months ago.

SEAL's Vow (Iron Horse Legacy Book 4)
5 stars
I received a free copy of the romantic suspense novel SEAL's Vow (Iron Horse Legacy Book 4):Bastian and Jenna by Elle James and this review was given freely.
Poignant and action packed with a fair amount of violence offset by a steamy romance and scenes with the loving close knit McKinnon family. Eleven years after his high school sweetheart Lauren was killed in a car accident, Navy Seal Sebastian “Bastian” McKinnon finds himself attracted to the woman he has sworn to protect,his little sister Molly's best friend Eagle Rock real estate agent and private investigator Jenna Meyers.

Profile Image for The Queen Katz.
270 reviews1 follower
April 21, 2023
DNF 75%

I tried reading this book so may times over the last 3 weeks. I stopped and started, DNF'd, decided to revisit it. Skipped to book 2 then came back but now I am done.

So we start off really good - older mature character, searching for a convict. Convict and mystery person are in a cave when our mature gentleman (James) finds them.
Our mystery man stabs our convict - who dies, then shoots at James, there is an avalanche and now James is missing. Awesome, we have a mystery on our hands.

We met our hero/heroine who have arrived in town at the same time.
Hero (Angus) is the son of James. Angus and his brothers are all returning home to help search for him. He meets up with his mum and sister at the airport, while they wait for the brothers, they fill him in on what happened (then have to repeat it when his brothers arrive.)

Heroine (Bree) is returning home as her mum is in hospital after been poisoned. Bree has been away for some 12 years because of something that happened when she was younger.
She hasn't seen her mum at all in that time - although they maintain phone contact.

Bree and Angus were meant to be getting married - but she ran away with no explanation, and they haven't spoken since.

Add in
* Bree's family farm water has been poisoned and animals are dead.
* Everyone acts like Bree abandoned her mother as she never returned to the farm - yet the mum never visited her either
* Angus takes Bree to his family farm to protect her - where his brothers act like jackasses - because she broke Angus heart.
* Bree's stepfather died in a fire - Bree believes she murdered him as she got in a fight with him - which is why she ran.
* Stepfather was abusive to her mother and her (and people knew) but no one stopped it!!!
* Stranger appears on Bree's ranch - acts weird - but no one calls the cops??
* Another dead body found while searching the mountains for James - turns out it was the wife of the stranger - who was having an affair with the stepfather. Who disappeared years ago but they couldn't pin it on the husband.

And then we get to the kicker that finally sent this book to the DNF and series to Not Interested
Bree's mum believes she killed stepfather because she went to the barn after Bree left and got into a fight - hit him with a shovel then left him there.....but didn't tell her daughter what, but told her to leave to protect her.
But it wasn't her either - it was Meredith, who hit him with a brick she carries in her purse as he had hit her son.

And all this was in the 180 pages I read. There was an awful lot going on, the writing style was not enjoyable.
I did not feel any romance between the characters, and all I want to know is where is James.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Meg.
1,140 reviews9 followers
December 6, 2022
recensione a cura del blog “Libri Magnetici" by Meghan

Nuova serie in italiano per Elle James, che ci porta nei meravigliosi panorami del Montana: qui James e Hannah McKinnon gestiscono l’Iron Horse Ranch, dove hanno trasmesso ai loro figli la passione per un lavoro duro, che fa la differenza e che li ha resi in grado di affrontare qualsiasi sfida. I loro quattro figli maschi, infatti, hanno deciso tutti di servire il loro paese, come Ranger, Seal, come aveva fatto James stesso a suo tempo, mentre Molly è con loro nella gestione della grande tenuta (e intravediamo una donna fortissima e determinata fin dalle sue prime battute nella storia!).Il libro però si apre con l’inseguimento di un galeotto sulle montagne e a cui James partecipa proprio perché esperto di quei sentieri e quei luoghi, impostando subito la trama su un elemento action molto rapido e che ha un sospeso drammatico.Contemporaneamente c’è il ritorno a casa dei quattro figli, anche per motivazioni diverse: due di loro hanno già deciso di firmare il congedo per motivi diversi, e Angus in particolare è quello per cui il ritorno a casa segna anche il ricordare ancora di più il suo grande amore di gioventù.

«Alla fine, il dolore si era attenuato, trasformandosi in una triste consapevolezza che non avrebbe mai dimenticato.»

Per una serie di circostanze diverse, anche Bree torna in Montana: di lei scopriamo che ha scelto di lasciare Angus per proteggerlo.E in questo la storia è particolare perché non è solo il ritrovare un amore di gioventù, ma la consapevolezza che quei tredici anni sono stati una scelta voluta e fatta per non coinvolgerlo nella morte del suo patrigno violento.Certo, per un lettore lontano dalla realtà di quegli stati, dove è scontato girare con un’arma perché ci sono tanti animali selvaggi che attaccano, dove le comunità si aiutano ed è facile che i ragazzi di ranch confinanti si innamorino per tutta una vita, risulta difficile capire come due persone dopo tredici anni riprendano il loro legame esattamente da quando si erano lasciati: ma la James ci racconta il loro aiutarsi nelle attività del ranch, i luoghi dove da ragazzi si erano amati in modo molto semplice e accettabile dal punto di vista narrativo, per cui è una lettura apprezzabile, nonostante il finale sia sospeso per altri protagonisti.La cover è la stessa della versione originale, che ci fa capire l’attaccamento per i cavalli, animali meravigliosi e coprotagonisti del primo volume.

Quattro petali.
Profile Image for Feel The Book.
1,739 reviews53 followers
January 9, 2023
Recensione a cura di Persefone per Feel the Book

Primo volume della serie, ambientata in Montana, Iron Horse Legacy.
Protagonista la famiglia McKinnon.
I cinque figli si riuniscono nel ranch di famiglia a causa della scomparsa del padre, sparito durante una caccia all’uomo.

Angus, il figlio maggiore, un Delta Force, rientra a casa con l’intento non solo di ritrovare il padre ma, volendo congedarsi, di occuparsi del ranch.

Angus tredici anni prima, subito dopo la partenza per l’esercito, è stato lasciato dalla fidanzata Bree che è andata senza nessuna apparente motivazione in Alaska.
La donna rientra in Montana per assistere la madre rimasta vittima di un misterioso avvelenamento.
I due inevitabilmente si vedono e la scintilla, che batte ancora nei loro cuori, riprende vita; nessuno dei due è stato capace di dimenticare l’altro e le circostanze che hanno portato alla sparizione di Bree sembrano l’unico ostacolo per una vera riconciliazione.

La parte suspense prende vita, tra denaro da ritrovare, loschi figuri, rapimenti e attentati.
La tensione di questi avvenimenti permetterà ai due protagonisti di spiegarsi mentre veniamo a scoprire che non tutto è come sembra, certi ostacoli non sono mai esistiti.
Tornare indietro di tredici anni è possibile? Ricominciare da capo?

Bree si rivela essere una donna che ha dovuto affrontare una situazione a dir poco complessa, lo ha fatto con determinazione ma con la morte nel cuore e poter ritornare su i suoi passi la riporta in vita.
Angus ha vissuto questi anni totalmente concentrato sulle missioni, sentendo però un vuoto nel cuore, Bree e la sua scomparsa lo hanno segnato. Desidera ritornare al ranch non solo per aiutare la famiglia ma per ritrovare un calore che gli è mancato.
Il loro incontro riapre ferite ma in contemporanea riporta in vita i loro cuori. Il lieto fine ci aspetta.

Ma un uomo è ancora scomparso e abbiamo altri quattro figli da conoscere…

Il libro è davvero scorrevolissimo, le due parti – romance e crime – si intrecciano alla perfezione rendendo il ritmo incisivo.
Insomma una lettura che consiglio, una di quelle storie che ti permette di gustare il tempo della lettura.
Profile Image for Denise .
929 reviews10 followers
October 8, 2020
When you read this book, you need to be aware that the lead couple of the story does get a resolution to their personal relationship, but there is a broader mystery won’t get resolved until the end of the 5th book in the series. ‘Iron Horse Legacy’ is a companion series to the ‘Brotherhood Protectors’ series, but you definitely don’t need to have read that series to enjoy this one.

‘Soldier’s Duty’ introduces us to the McKinnon family of cattle ranchers in Montana. Former Delta Force member and owner of Iron Horse Ranch, James McKinnon, is part of a group of locals trying to track an escaped armed robber and killer. An action-packed sequence of events results in James’ disappearance. He has 4 sons, each in different branches of the military. They all take emergency family leave to come home and help search.

13 years ago, childhood sweethearts and neighbors Angus McKinnon and Bree Lansing planned to marry after he finished his military training. Without leaving any explanation for him, she vanished to Alaska instead. A family crisis of her own brings her back to Montana at the same time as Angus. I don’t want to give a spoiler here, but I think the issue that kept them apart was rather thin. I can understand Bree panicking at the time the critical event happened, but it seems ridiculous to me that she would have to be in her 30’s before she would deal with it. Angus and Bree get their HEA but James’ situation is far from resolved. Enjoyed this story overall, and went right into the next book.

Profile Image for Lisa Gibbs.
800 reviews2 followers
June 6, 2019
Angus McKinnon is an elite member of Delta Force. He leaves to go home to Montana because he father has disappeared in the Crazy Mountains. He meets up with his brothers who are also in different branches of the military to help find their father.

Angus left Bree Lansing behind with a promise of marriage when he finished boot camp. Only when he came home, it was to find that she had gone. No note, nothing. She was there one day and gone the next. Through a series of tragic events she felt she couldn't go home or if she did she would be met by the law.

She never stopped loving Angus but left to protect him and his reputation. Well she is back now after 13 years but only because her mother fell ill. The circumstances of her illness are mysterious and somehow tied to a clue about what is going in a mystery involving the disappearance of Angus' father.

This was a story filled with heartbreak and loss. Two lovers separated by something tragic but ultimate it was a series of misunderstandings that really kept them apart. Now as they fight to solve the mystery of what is happening on Bree's family ranch and trying to find Angus' father they must also fight their attraction.

The is a story about miscues and forgiveness. It was fast passed and sucked me in from the beginning. The McKinnon family is tough, strong, and full of testosterone. The women are strong and determined. I can't wait to read the next one.
Profile Image for Connie.
1,661 reviews6 followers
April 23, 2019
A great beginning to a new series!

I received a complimentary copy of this book and I am voluntarily reviewing it.

Wow is all I can say. This book had two mysteries in it. I have a feeling that the disappearance of James McKinnon will be a sub-plot throughout the series. The second plot is who is poisoning the people and the animals on Wolf Creek Ranch and why? Bree returns home after being away for 13 years. She disappeared after the love of her life Angus McKinnon joined the military. She was to wait for him to come back after training to marry and follow him around. But Bree leaves Montana for Alaska after her step-father was killed in a barn fire.

Bree is keeping a secret. One that she will reveal after figuring out who is poisoning the water supply to Wolf Creek. She has to stay away from Angus. She loves him too much to be around him. She has to protect him from her secret. What could be so horrendous that she left him all those years ago?

This story is a gripping one. I couldn't put it down until I finished it. My poor e-reader received a workout with this one. I can't wait for the next installment.

It you love intrigue romances, then this one is for you. The story will keep you entertained and like me, you will be sorry to say good-bye until the next one is released.

Keep up the great work Ms. James.
Profile Image for Jimnlori.
970 reviews46 followers
May 8, 2019
Soldier's Duty is the first book in Elle James' new series Iron Horse Legacy and definitely worth reading. I'm looking forward reading more books in this series.
When their father disappears the McKinnon boys all come back home to help their mother and sister on the ranch and to help find their father. Angus the oldest brother decides no matter the outcome he is leaving his military career and staying to help out on the ranch for good, but the last person he expects to see after all of these years is Bree.
Bree Lansing left all of those years ago and never intended on returning, but getting news that her mother is very ill along with the ranch hand Bree felt she is needed at home. Angus is the one person that she has never forgotten and missed the most. He is also the last person she thought would offer her help, but when she finds sick and dead animals on her family ranch and has to move them to safety he is the first one there.
Things aren't adding up around the ranches and Angus feels like Bree's life might be in danger and he will do everything he can to protect her along with taking care of his family and looking for his father. His duty is now at home.

I was given an ARC from the author/publisher. All conclusions are mine and mine alone.
Profile Image for Margie.
1,716 reviews25 followers
April 20, 2019
James McKinnon joins a posse to search the Crazy Mountains near Eagle Rock, Montana for escaped murderer William Reed. He finds Reed in a cave but someone else in a ski mask is with him and a struggle ensues which leads to Reed's death, James in the hands of the man in the ski mask and an avalanche. When James' horse returns to the Iron Horse Ranch without him the search expands to include James. His sons get military leave to help in the search. The oldest, Angus is planning to leave Delta Force to return to the ranch to help run it.

At the same time Bree Lansing returns to Eagle Rock after her mother has been poisoned. Bree and Angus had been lovers and Bree prominsed to wait for Angus after he joined the army and finished his training but she left and moved to Alaska. That was thirteen years ago. Bree and Angus meet again and Angus is determined to get some answers.

Soldier's Duty by Elle James is the first book in her new series, Iron Horse Legacy. It is full of action and suspense. I loved the two main characters, Bree and Angus. I truly enjoyed their story and I look forward to more Iron Horse Legacy books.
3,157 reviews28 followers
April 21, 2019
A very good start for the author’s new series titled Iron Horse Legacy. Iron Horse is the ranch were 5 siblings, 4 men who have been serving our country, and one sister who has stayed and worked the ranch with their father , grew up.
Angus McKinnon, a Delta Force soldier and the oldest son, has returned home when his father goes missing after he was one of the townspeople helping to find a fugitive.
Bree Lansing, the love of his life , left town thirteen years ago, right when they were going to start their life together. Why she left is a mystery but now that she’s back to help her mother after she was poisoned, he’s determined to find out.
The story is full of action , and suspense. The bad guys abound, some whodunit is in the mix, as well as hunky good guys.
Will Bree confess to why she left, will James be found and will Angus and Bree get their HEA?
With interesting secondary characters, this series promised to keep us entertained for a long time.
I was entrusted a copy of this book. The opinions expressed are solely my own.
2,149 reviews17 followers
April 24, 2019
When Angus returns home with his brothers to search for his dad, who went missing during an avalanche while searching for an escaped convict, he never thought he would run into his one and only love Bree. Bree left her home after an incident 13 years ago without an explanation to anyone, leaving Angus heartbroken. They had plans, grand plans to be with each other forever and now that she’s back she still can’t tell Angus why she left, still protecting him from her sins....will Angus finally learn the truth.
A great read with some steam, some suspense and a love between two people that never died. I enjoyed these two and how easily they both still loved each other, like no time had passed. I liked how it was not just one mystery but two was going on, the missing dad and convict as well as what was happening on her ranch that brings her to Iron Horse and has his whole family helping her too. Even though the two get their HEA, the mysteries are still not solved which ends this first book in a bit of a cliffhanger.
*I voluntarily read an advanced copy and expressed my honest opinion*
Profile Image for Julia David.
2,213 reviews17 followers
April 20, 2019
A great start to this new series. I can't wait to find out what happened to their father and what will happen with the other siblings. Angus goes home to help look for his missing father. While at the airport he thinks he sees his old love, Bree. It can't be, she left right after he joined the Army and went to Alaska. She has been gone 13 years. Bree has finally come home because her mother was hospitalized. Her mother and the ranch foreman were poisoned. After she finds out who has poisoned their water, she will turn herself in for the murder of her step-father. That is the secret that she has been holding on to for 13 years. The reason she had to leave in the first place and the reason she can't be with Angus. He shouldn't be tainted by her crime. Angus doesn't know why she left, but he is sure that he wants to keep her in his life now. All he has to do is find his dad and keep Bree safe.
Profile Image for Cheryl.
1,622 reviews19 followers
April 28, 2019
This is the start to a new series. I read just about anything Elle James writes, except erotica, I am passed that stage, lol Angus is hope from the service. He put in his notice to get out, not re-enlist. No one is aware of it. There are several mysteries going on in this book, I like alot of others, believe that his missing father will be a sub plot through this series. We could be wrong, Elle is always throwing twists out. Someone has poisoned the water a Bree's ranch. Cattle and horses are dying. Bree was Angus girlfriend who moved to Alaska instead of marrying him. The reason she left, was a stretch for me, and then to find out someone else thought the same thing (trying not to do spoilers) had me shaking my head. To me that part was nonsensical. The rest of the book provided intrigue, romance, family, warmth, murder, a well rounded book and start to a new series. Thank you for the Arc all thoughts and opinions are my own and were unsolicited.
Profile Image for Shan ~A~.
2,711 reviews61 followers
October 18, 2023
Angus McKinnon & Bree Lansing

Overall, this was a decent opening to a series that is going to at least be in part about finding the McKinnon patriarch after he goes missing while looking for an escaped convict.

I didn't get much warm feelings for the romance in this one. It just seemed like a lot of I can't be with you from her and a lot of why, it's not over from him. I didn't necessarily feel any chemistry that made me want to root for this couple.

I felt more emotion from the McKinnon brother's not wanting to see Angus get hurt by her again than I felt between the Bree and Angus.

I was intrigued about the mystery aspect though, plus the added part of why Bree left (even though I did figure out a bit of the Bree mystery). There is still much to be discovered as far as the missing McKinnon goes, but I'm not sure at this point if I was interested enough to stick around and find out.  
Profile Image for Pam.
4,469 reviews56 followers
February 13, 2022
Soldier’s Duty: Iron Horse Legacy Book 1 is by Elle James. This is a novel of family and community solidarity as well as second chances.
James and Hannah had been married over thirty years and had raised four sons and a daughter. He had made The Iron Horse Ranch into the wonderful place it was. They had raised four boys and a girl on the ranch and all four boys had entered one branch of the service and gave it their all. So far, none of them had married. Molly had stayed home to learn how to run the ranch, hoping to run it when their father retired.
Because he knew the mountains so well, the sheriff asked him to join looking for an escaped convict. James got caught up in an avalanche and went missing. The four sons all came home to help look for their father.
Angus runs into Bree, his high school sweetheart. Was there still a spark between them?
Profile Image for Teresa .
1,577 reviews2 followers
September 23, 2023

Book one this is set in the same world as other series but only one name (hank patterson) is talked about (they call him to get Will to do a computer search) so you don't need to read other series first and no spoilers of other series (like meeting the wife before you read the series) so safe to read this independent.
First book starts with Argus (I thought he was the youngest at 12 when they moved to the ranch?) I'm sure there was talk about younger brothers.so I was confused a little bit got over it.I could see where this story was going and called it on most things but it was funny on the who killed um him (sorry no spoilers) that was kind of funny. Was sad about James I'm hoping a secret agent jumped in and saved him but in hiding with him? One can hope after all he wouldn't stay away or at least tell his wife in some way of he could.
Profile Image for Maria .
2,332 reviews22 followers
September 20, 2022
Truth Shall Set You Free

For me the jury is still out on this one. There are issues unresolved and I don't like that. It made the end not complete for me. Angus and all his brothers are returning to Iron Horse Ranch to help in the search for his father. Angus did not expect to encounter the woman who broke him for all other women back in Montana. Bree returned from Alaska after 13 years because her mother was brought to the hospital. She just had to return, but she is waiting for the other shoe to drop.

I hope we don't need to wait through all the siblings stories to come to a resolution. I have loved all of this author's other series. This one did not grab me. Plus it was a little to vanilla compared to all of the other series.
114 reviews2 followers
April 23, 2019
Soldiers Duty is the first book in the new Iron Horse Legacy series by Elle James. I loved it. It caught my attention on the first page and kept me glued to it til the last page. The book starts off with James McKinnon looking for a killer and then getting hurt and disappearing. His sons show up to look for him. This story is about Angus, one of the sons, and Bree. This is a second chance at love romance with lots of romance, angst, mystery and intrigue. I loved it. I received an ARC for an honest review and I think that its the best book that I have read lately and I can't wait for the next book in this series.
Profile Image for Linda.
1,097 reviews22 followers
June 13, 2020
Lordy, lordy. Why can't people simply talk to each other. Mother and daughter who obviously loves and respect each other fails to communicate and are separated for 13 years because of it. Their failure also cost the h 13 years with her soulmate. good angst, but people 13 years!!!!! Four okay, 5 maybe. The H is solid, honest, loving and lovable....wow.

I did enjoy the writing and the editing. The action and suspense added to the story. BUT, to have so many story threads that will (I am sure) continue through the following books, lessen the suspense (again, to me). I love romantic suspense, but tend to back off when it takes 5 or 6 books to finally solve a mystery.
626 reviews3 followers
March 29, 2023
Sometimes sacrifice is not needed.

Bree and Angus were teenage sweethearts that lost their way- for 13 years! Yes, they had some growing up to do, but I can't help but be so frustrated on how much time they lost with each other. SPOILER- It was kind of funny about how all three women thought that they were the killers. We are left with a little cliffhanger with his dad though. Hopefully it will be a good outcome in the end. My one con was the ending needed more details. We needed to see more of Bree and Angus's relationship, and there's no mention of her life in Alaska. It was more like- we solved the latest crisis; The End. Should've been more.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 96 reviews

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