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The highly-anticipated finale to the A Good Girl's Guide to Murder series, the instant bestsellers that read like your favorite true crime podcast or show. By the end of this mystery series, you'll never think of good girls the same way again...

Pip is about to head to college, but she is still haunted by the way her last investigation ended. She’s used to online death threats in the wake of her viral true-crime podcast, but she can’t help noticing an anonymous person who keeps asking her: Who will look for you when you’re the one who disappears?

Soon the threats escalate and Pip realizes that someone is following her in real life. When she starts to find connections between her stalker and a local serial killer caught six years ago, she wonders if maybe the wrong man is behind bars.

Police refuse to act, so Pip has only one choice: find the suspect herself—or be the next victim. As the deadly game plays out, Pip discovers that everything in her small town is coming full circle . . .and if she doesn’t find the answers, this time she will be the one who disappears. . .

569 pages, Paperback

First published August 5, 2021

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About the author

Holly Jackson

17 books53.2k followers
Holly Jackson was born in 1992. She grew up in Buckinghamshire and started writing stories from a young age, completing her first (poor) attempt at a book aged fifteen.

'A Good Girl's Guide to Murder' is a YA Mystery Thriller and her debut novel. She lives in London and aside from reading and writing, she enjoys binge-playing video games and pointing out grammatical errors in street signs.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 58,593 reviews
Profile Image for Emilia.
28 reviews68 followers
August 11, 2021
Ludicrous. Absolutely fricking ludicrous.
I have never been more furious at a book. My hands are shaking in anger right now as I am writing this.

Prepare for a hell of a rant.

As most people will know, A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder has been my favourite book of all time ever since its release. I am never done recommending it to people and talking praise about it. Jackson’s writing was so well thought out, so thoroughly planned, it was beyond impressive. I related to Pip so much as a character, and found the plot line and writing style absolutely phenomenal.

Because of this, it is pretty understandable that I was SUPER hyped for this release. I have had it preordered for two months, had the release date written in all of my calendars and diaries and counted down the days with friends and family.

If I had known what I was getting hyped for, I wouldn’t have wasted my time.
I’m not sure I have ever hated a book as much.

If you love the characters, the ‘whodunnit’ style and overall the first two AGGGTM novels, I must ask that you NEVER DARE pick up or even go remotely near a copy of this book.


It began okay. I wasn’t immensely intrigued to begin with, the writing a little repetitive and out of character, but I found it fine as I understand what Pip had been through after Stanley’s death and that she was obviously really struggling with PTSD, though her coping mechanisms were not AT ALL what I expected of her.

Then, it got good. It got good really quickly from there. Although I easily guessed who the DT Killer was (something I have never once done before with one of Jackson’s book), I was completely engrossed. All of the links tying him to the other novels proved just how much thought had gone into everything and I was very impressed. I was also completely on edge reading the scenes where he was near, such as the later stick figure scenes, Pip’s speakers sounding in the middle of the night and the printer going off as well.

I must say that I disliked the fact that she still seemed to like Charlie, even after all of the PTSD Stanley’s death caused her and how much she was protesting him committing the act at the time. It was not a display of the Pippa Fitz-Amobi I knew.

And then came the twist. The mass plot twist around half way through that completely ruined my bookish LIFE for the past few years. Killed all of my love for Pip and the series.


I must admit, the kidnapping scene happened not where I thought it would in the book, and her managing to escape was quite far fetched, but I was still rather enjoying it nonetheless at that point. Although I do strongly believe that the Pip I know (or thought I knew) would have guessed him the instant she read Andie’s email, but here we are.


And from there, it only got worse, with Ravi helping to clear up the scene, and then them involving Cara, Naomi, Jamie, Connor and Nat, establishing alibis together and FRAMING MAX FOR JASON BELL’S MURDER!

I have never liked Max. I didn’t like him initially, I hated him when I found out he was a serial rapist and I despised him when his verdict was ‘not guilty’.


The nice, extremely intelligent Pippa Fitz-Amobi that I admired, related to and ABSOLUTELY ADORED as a character, MURDERED SOMEONE AND FRAMED SOMEONE ELSE FOR IT!!! I will never see her in the same way again. I will never get the lovable young detective from Little Kilton back.

And Ravi and the others still sticking by her side when they knew she was a murderer? Another instance for ‘what the actual frick?!’. I understand that the others didn’t know for sure, but who wouldn’t have guessed that?! I honestly could not believe it.

The framing was ridiculous, with the changing of the Rigor and Livor Mortis with a car air con and miraculously removing all of Pip’s DNA from the crime scene. And her kind, protective parents not bothering to ask or be curious about her strange behaviours or the BIG CUT/SCAB ON HER FACE just makes no sense whatsoever! Breaking into Max’s house, drugging him, stealing his phone and clothes and taking some DNA to sprinkle at the scene? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? HOW IS THAT HUMANLY POSSIBLE?!

Things I also don’t understand is how there were no traces of Ravi left at the crime scene and how Hawkins believed his headphones story, or why he even used it in the first place! Then, Pip at Cambridge can miraculously sleep after murdering someone BUT COULDN’T FOR MONTHS AND HAD TO TAKE DRUGS TO HELP HER AFTER SEEING STANLEY DIE?! She seems FAR more phased by his death that Jason’s, which makes literally no sense, not to mention super out of character!

Then disconnecting completely from her family, severing all ties with her friends and Ravi... a) it’s just not Pip and b) wouldn’t that be even more suspicious to the police? This girl who adores her friends and family suddenly severing all ties? Come on!!

I cannot believe it. I want to scream and cry and destroy that book in every way physically possible.

Please do not read this book. Please do not ruin the most perfect series for yourself.

It’s not worth it. I’ll never see it the same again.

Jackson, what have you done?
Profile Image for Yun.
564 reviews29k followers
January 27, 2024
Is it normal for one person to have this many enemies?

To be fair, this book wasn't bad. But up till now, this has been my favorite YA mystery series for very specific reasons. And unfortunately, I feel like this last book in the trilogy completely jumped the shark.

One of the reasons I adore this series is because of Pip. She's smart, fearless, and snarky, the perfect rendition of a modern-day Nancy Drew. But not in this book. In this book, she is angry and traumatized, and has turned into my least-favorite trope of all time: a pill-popping, freaking out, paranoid, therapy-is-not-for-me female narrator.

Of course she's traumatized by what happened to her in the last two books. Who wouldn't be, if this was real life? But I don't always want darker and grittier and more realistic in everything I read. One of the main reasons I escape into books is to take comfort in strong characters who can kick ass again and again, rising from the ashes no matter what happens to them. So the fact that this book shat all over its strong female character is a huge disappointment.

My other problem is the mystery, or lack thereof. In books 1 and 2, we follow Pip as she investigates, talks to suspects, gathers clues, and makes deductions. In other words, your standard Nancy Drew brought to life. But in this book, the mystery is just a small subset of the whole story, and it is over quickly, with barely any detecting.

So what is this story taken up with? Well, the first 100 pages is devoted to Pip raging and popping pills. Then we mercifully get into the core mystery of this book, but that's wrapped up pretty quickly by the end of Part I. At that point, the book takes a turn in a direction I don't even recognize for this series and its characters. It is so out of left field that I was just stunned (and not in a good way).

And to make matters worse, the entirety of Part II is obvious. It's clear what is going to happen, and the book just takes 200 pages to spell it out in long form. I don't have to have surprise after surprise in my books, but I'm not a fan of reading hundreds of pages when things can only go one way.

Also, at the risk of sounding like an old fogey, I don't think this book is YA-appropriate. Books 1 and 2 were Young Adult, yes, but not this book. The fact that Pip skulks around and procures drugs from the neighborhood drug dealer, then inhales said drugs in order to take the edge off her trauma, not to mention what happens in the second half of the book, makes this one of the darkest books I have ever read, not just in YA.

If you're thinking about reading this series, I still recommend it, especially books 1 and 2. Thankfully, each book is self-contained, with a mystery that's all wrapped up by the end. Each subsequent book does reference what happens in earlier ones, so read them in order for maximum spoiler-free enjoyment.

If the other two books in this series didn't exist, I'm sure I would have enjoyed this and found very little cause for complaint. But they do, and I can't just erase them from my mind. I fell in love with the Pip and the mysteries of those books, so in comparison, this book was a shock and a disappointment.

See also, my thoughts on:
#1. A Good Girl's Guide to Murder
#2. Good Girl, Bad Blood

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Profile Image for Chelsea Humphrey.
1,487 reviews82.1k followers
November 22, 2022
"Pip's gut twisted with guilt; this was all her fault. Her family forced into a performance, trying twice as hard with her because she could barely try at all."

No one is more disappointed than I am that this book didn't speak to me the way I thought it would. I'm about as invested in this series as a reader can be; I wrote the Book of the Month recommendation for their website for the first book and blurbed several marketing materials for the second, so I thought it would be an easy 5 stars once I picked up the third book and could wrap the series up with a neat little bow. Pip, her family, and her friends feel like family to me, and stepping into their world felt like a second home. The witty banter between our leading lady and Ravi sustains me in a way that few fictional couples can manage, and while I appreciate the darker turn that the end of book 2 made, I still feel like this one went in a direction that undermines the foundation of who these characters are in the first 2/3 of the series.

The first half of this book is a slow burn, which I actually appreciated. Pip is really struggling with PTSD after the events of the ending from book 2, and she's developed a pill problem as a coping mechanism. We receive a lot of insight into her damaged psyche, and how it's deteriorated her relationships between her family, her friends, and even Ravi. I was on board for all of this and the deep development we get to see, and I didn't really start having issues with the book until around the halfway mark.

If you've read any other reviews, you've likely seen that there is a major twist around the halfway mark, and it's not the revelation of the identity to the serial killer being discussed. I think most of us figured that out pretty early on, but what is shocking is . From this point on, there is a significant change in the tone and vibe of the book, and it splits majorly from what we know of our characters and their fundamental morals and beliefs. Not only does the above spoiler happen, but the rest of the book is basically

This will definitely be a controversial installment, and if you're a big fan of the first two books, I'm struggling with recommending this final story and letting you just preserve your experience via the first two. Either way, I applaud the author for covering some difficult topics, and respect her decision to finish out this series in the way she envisioned it. I will definitely be reading more from Holly Jackson in the future.

*Many thanks to the publisher for providing my review copy.
Profile Image for Nilufer Ozmekik.
2,638 reviews53.5k followers
August 13, 2024
Hell no! No freaking way! It shouldn’t end like this! Here comes my semi unpopular review! I wish the second part of the book could be rewritten! Because I’m truly pissed to see how Pip acts out of her character, how the entire progression takes a dark and unexpected turn and how things start to fall like dominoes!

If you read my reviews about previous two books you already know I am one of the biggest, devoted fan of the series and dark, twisty turns always allure me but this choice of execution didn’t fit with the entire installment. I know I might talk a little gibberish because I’m holding too much not to spoil your reading experience.

I can honestly say I hated the evolving of Piper’s characterization. I didn’t like that dark and bleak turn of the events. I was so close to give two stars but I added half star just for the last page and my devoted love for Ravi! But it was still not the ending I was expecting and not the conclusion for my highly appraised series!

I’m rounding 2.5 stars to 3 Ravi and Pip deserved so much better, I plan to write my own fan fiction stars!

Profile Image for Nash (all too unwell).
374 reviews1,034 followers
September 27, 2021
Look Im completely freaking out here
its not fair
i love these characters so much and you give me this

Pip omg I love her. from being a good girl, she's now morally grey and here we see her battling PTSD and i was super proud of her. When she i was screaming and i was so happy.
This is character development y'all

Ravi was perfect from the first book
And he's even more perfect now.
He's kind, loving smart and clever. I love him so much and when he . I vowed to myself to find a partner who would help me bury a dead body :")

The amount of love I have for this series cannot be expressed in words

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ for this masterpiece
Profile Image for megs_bookrack.
1,870 reviews12.5k followers
July 2, 2024
**4.5-stars rounded up**

As Good As Dead is the third, and they claim, the final book in Holly Jackson's popular A Good Girl's Guide to Murder series.

Personally, I feel like Jackson may not be done with Pip. There's so much more story that could be told. I'm hoping she pulls a Maureen Johnson, a la The Box in the Woods.

By this point in the series, y'all know, Pip has been through it. This isn't a cozy YA Mystery series. Pip has faced very real dangers and she hasn't come out unscathed.

Particularly after solving her last case, she's left with PTSD surrounding those events. Her emotional state of mind is fairly dark. She's struggling for real.

Adding to her stress, because like all she's been through isn't enough, someone is harassing her.

While Pip is used to trolls, any person with a public presence on the net is, she begins to take special notice when one particular troll asks her the same question over and over: who will look for you when you're the one who disappears?

The harassment quickly escalates and Pip begins noticing things popping up around her house that indicate this person may be close by, watching her. Before long, there's no question, she has a stalker.

As Pip starts to look into who this person might be, she discovers connections that may link her stalker to a local serial killer case purportedly solved six years ago. Is the wrong man in jail? Is the killer still on the loose? Will Pip be his next victim?

When the police refuse to act on her behalf, Pip does the thing she is best at, she investigates herself. Is she finally in over her head?

It's no secret that I absolutely love this series. Pip is one of my favorite characters in the literary world, but this novel finds her in a totally different headspace.

Gone is our sparkling baby girl with all the optimism of a newborn pup. The world has beaten it out of her. She's seen the dark side of humanity in a way many people never do.

I actually really appreciated that aspect of Pip's mental health being showcased. So many times in books, the protagonists go through incredibly horrific things and just seem to get over it. They bounce back in a way us regular peeps could never even dream of.

The fact that Pip really struggles with recovering from her experiences made her feel that much more real to me. You can really empathize with her character.

The tone of this entire story is much darker than the previous two and I feel like some people may not like it as much because of that. For me, it felt like the natural progression of Pip's story.

As always, Pip is completely focused on the task at hand, even to the detriment of some of her relationships. I was concerned for a while about her relationship with Ravi; he's just such a gem.

This one didn't turn out quite like I was expecting it to. There's one point where you think the story could be over, but then a huge twists sends it spinning off in a whole new direction.

After this, I wouldn't say I was crazy about a lot of Pip's choices, but who am I to judge?

As mentioned above, I would be super stoked if this weren't really the end. If it is though, I respect Jackson's decision and think she did an incredible job with this series.

I would definitely reread all of these book again someday. I think it would be really fun to binge them back-to-back. If you haven't read this series yet, you better get cracking. You don't want to miss out!!

Profile Image for rehaab ౨ৎ.
50 reviews309 followers
August 13, 2024
₊˚ ʚ 🎸 ₊˚✧ ゚. 1.25 starsno spoilers

𓂃 : 𓈒 ⤹ ⠀“hey sarge, remember me.” I LITERALLY LOVE THEM SO MUCHHH !! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS SERIES IS OVER because this book wasn't that good but i loved the rest of the series, especially pipravi ! I'M SO SORRY FOR THE BAD RATING I JUST DIDN'T LIKE THE BOOK BECAUSE SOME PARTS WERE TOO CREEPY AND IT WAS LOWKEY BORING 😭

“you're my person. my little one. my sarge. and i'm supposed to protect you.

・i'm not going to write a full review for this because i don't write long reviews for books below 3 stars, no hate :) ⠀ ⤸ 𓈒 : 𓂃

— buddy read with jette, linds, andy and peyton !
Profile Image for 💤.
109 reviews5 followers
June 23, 2023
Profile Image for SK.
476 reviews7,506 followers
August 22, 2023
Y'all, I got no words to describe how brilliant this book was. Everything about it was perfect and it's truly a masterpiece. I thought I loved the last one.. Nah THIS is the best one in the series, it was sick, twisted, horrifying, intense and so worth reading.

While part 1 was full of suspense, part 2 is the real deal (for me). It was thrilling and bone chilling. Also, Pip and Ravi make such a good team. They have each other's backs and through thick and thin.

Max Hastings did deserve it. Never expected what it would cost Pip tho... It is not as simple as black and white, and definitely falls into a morally grey area. It's also underrated but Pip's struggle with mental health made me just want to give her the biggest hug.

The ending... I don't wanna talk about it 😭 My heart needs mending.

The series is definitely worth reading overall. The last book is the superior book in the series and the weakest is AGGGTM.
1. A Good Girl's Guide to Murder- 🌟🌟🌟
2. Good Girl, Bad Blood- 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
3. As Good as Dead- 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

THAT'S HOW IT ENDS?! 😭😭 Oh am gonna be crying and throwing up for days
Thriller? Mystery? Horror? AM READYYYYYYY
January 2, 2023
ARE U MF KIDDING ME???? insane. amazing. this was perfect in every sense of the word.

this was one of those books that gave me anxiety throughout the entire thing.. but damn it was worth it.

this was EXACTLY the ending i wanted from this series. i’m so pleased. goodbye.

“hey sarge, remember me?”
Profile Image for human.
648 reviews1,112 followers
June 9, 2022
this book was absolutely brilliant and perfect and made me cry and i have absolutely no words. not a single one. yes, i am aware that it has been nearly six months since i read this but the last time i tried talking about this book with a friend who also read it, both of us became chaotic messes five minutes before school started.

in conclusion: holly jackson good. book also good. me like but also me a little sad. thank you for coming to my tedtalk, have a nice day.


sanity? we don't know her. all i know is screaming over this masterpiece while having a minor mental breakdown.







Profile Image for Ali Goodwin.
252 reviews33.6k followers
June 23, 2022
4.5 stars!!! Wow this book is wild and dark. It took a turn in the middle that I never expected. I love how the author explored the effects that everything Pip has gone through has on her. Although I do miss our spunky, happy, and more carefree Pip in books 1-2, I think this book is very realistic in how dark it is.
Profile Image for Arini.
857 reviews2,058 followers
September 14, 2021
#1 A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder — 3.75 Stars
#2 Good Girl, Bad Blood — 4.5 Stars

It’s all fun and games until YOU’RE the one being stalked and chased by a serial killer . . . cause then you’re AS GOOD AS DEAD. 💀

Last time, Pip had been the kind of someone who outdid the police in cracking murder and missing person cases. Now, she’s become the subject in her own investigation when a stalker starts pulling pranks on her and leaving dead headless pigeons on her front drive.

***Spoilers are tagged, but I might unintentionally let something slip. So, beware!

This book started off well (if a little surprising for me to discover as it no longer followed the same format as the previous two books). Then about halfway point, it pulled the rug under my feet by handing me the twist of a lifetime . . .

*It wasn’t mind blowing in and of itself, but my mind did get blown by the audacity of it all.

To put it simply, the aforementioned, unexpected turn of events KILLED the book for me as it became less about solving a MYSTERY and more about . As much as I’m appreciative of the knowledge being imparted (cause I’m sure I’ll put it to good use in the future *cue me being sarcastic*), I DID NOT WANT THIS FOR PIP. 😭

On the other hand, I can see why it would be the perfect route to take in bringing this trilogy to an end. Taking into account what had happened (Pip losing faith in the justice system, Pip witnessing a murder, Pip feeling guilty about not being able to save someone from book 2, Pip suffering from PTSD), it was only fair that this book would focus on her as all of those surely took a toll on her mentally and then some. It’s just that, along with it, I’m also questioning the believability, e.g.:

Okay, so maybe it wasn’t entirely implausible (or maybe I’m just too naïve and clueless of how the world works and think too highly of humanity). Regardless, I loved how all the mystery or cases from book 1 and 2 were brought together and tied into this one. This book was bringing everything full circle. Not to mention, the moral gray-ness in this finale was the blurriest amongst all the books. I appreciated the dark turn this installment took. On another note, it sucked that we didn’t get to see Pip with her friends as much, but her relationship with Ravi and their banter was cute and adorable (if also got a tad emotional towards the end).

I’m wrapping up by telling you about the audiobook. I absolutely loved the audiobooks for AGGGTM and GGBB, but I was a bit let down by this one. Firstly, this book was written just like any other novel—no more newspaper clippings, charts, text screenshots, and interview recordings. Secondly, Idk if the publishers made two audio versions (UK & US) for each book, but the first two audiobooks I listened to were full casts and narrated in the American accent. Meanwhile, this was singly narrated in the English accent. I have to say that I preferred the American ones. The performance was truly unmatched.

To sum up, this conclusion was interesting and intense but leaning more towards disappointing. I didn’t agree with the direction it took, and I didn’t feel assured by the ending. However, I can understand why it had to go this way, and I didn’t outrightly hate the book. As a matter of fact, I have a lot of admiration towards the series. It’s definitely become my favorite in the YA category. If you’re gearing up to read this book, don’t expect it to be like the first two. Prepare for all the moral dilemma it’ll cause and get ready to be mindblown—whether in a good or bad way, that’s for you to find out.

(Read as an Audiobook)
Profile Image for exploraDora.
594 reviews302 followers
November 7, 2023
***3 disappointed stars***

This review will be full of spoilers, so if you haven't read As Good As Dead and plan to do so, don't read on.
I am in shock at how Holly Jackson managed to ruin this book for me with one simple twist. Although "simple" is not quite the right word, considering that said twist is murder.

I absolutely LOVED this series! I loved everything about it, but I especially loved Pip - how smart she is, how determined, just everything about her. At first, my heart ached for her as she felt the need to take sleeping pills, even after her doctor took her off them. In the aftermath of the events in book 2, she suffered from PTSD and couldn't sleep anymore. She also kept seeing blood on her hands, so she didn't see a better way out.

For more than half of the book, I could not put it down - it was that good.
But then something happened. Besides the main storyline, Pip gets contacted by a woman who introduces her to another case that she then takes up on. It's about a guy confessing to crimes he didn't commit, because he was coerced into false confession by the police. It was the infamous case of a serial killer who murdered 5 women some years ago. As Pip takes matters into her own hands and investigates, she starts connecting that case with her own - the stalker who's been leaving dead pigeons in front of her house and who paints headless chalk stick figures in the driveway.

Long story short, Pip finds out the identity of the actual murderer, when he manages to abduct her and plans to make her his sixth victim. She thinks she's as good as dead, but as fate would have it, she manages to escape.

Here's where my issues begin: she flees through the woods, she's FREE. But then she turns around when she hears the killer return and decides to go back TO KILL HIM. Not just "normal killing", she hits him in the head. From behind. NINE TIMES. With a hammer!! 😐 That is overkill. Not self-defense or anything. Overkill. I get that she thought no one would believe her over some respectable white guy, that he might not even have been arrested. Her word against his. I get that she was mad at this whole situation, BUT all I could think was


There are a million ways she could have gone on about this. She's Pip freaking Fitz-Amobi. She could have figured something out, for sure. And not only did she murder someone, she thinks it's a good idea to blame it on someone else. 😐😐 Yes, Max is rapist scum and deserved to go to prison. But for HIS crimes, not murder he didn't commit. For her to kill someone cold-blooded and then blame it on someone else? That is so wrong on so many levels 😐 am I the only one feeling this way? Not only does she make it look like someone else is the killer, staging false evidence and coming up with an elaborate scheme, but she gets Ravi to help her and also a few of her friends 😕 that is so fucked up... And the way they handled a dead body, even made jokes during that time... But most of all, thinking it's ok to send someone else to jail for HER crime... just baffled me.

If Pippa had PTSD from seeing up close how someone got fatally shot, how would she handle having hit a guy WITH A HAMMER!! TO THE HEAD!!? 9 TIMES!? For me, it wasn't enough that she distanced herself from her family, friends and boyfriend, only to later return when the trial was done and Max was convicted (supposing that's what happened in the end). It can't be that easy to get away with murder, even if you're a good person and the one who got killed deserved it.

I guess I just wished she would have found a smart way to out the Duct Tape Killer in her podcast. Would that have been a little of a cliché? Yes. But it would have made more sense, in my opinion. And she wouldn't have been a freaking killer herself. You see, she didn't kill the guy in self-defense, she wasn't in a situation where that would have been the only option. She turned around and decided it's best to just go kill him. It was premeditated. That makes her a murderer too, and I can't be ok with that. It's just all so messed up 🙁

OK, rant over. 😂 I probably repeated myself a bunch of times, but as stated before this is a rant 😂 sorry 🙈 To sum up, this was partly a huge disappointment and a terrible way to close off such a great series IMO.
Profile Image for Antje ❦.
163 reviews5 followers
September 8, 2023
Imagine the kind of research Holly Jackson had to do in order to write this book ☠️☠️

This was a wild conclusion to a wild series! I'll try to give some non-spoilery opinions here and hopefully keep it short.

Let's begin by saying that I didn't love this book as much as I loved the first two. I haven't read Kill Joy (but I'm planning to), so you can expect that sometime in the near future. This book was the longest in the series and had the slowest start. It took me about 100-150 pages to get into the plot and for a thriller, that's not really good. When reading this genre, the sole purpose of the book is to hook you from page 1. This wasn't the case here and I continued reading only because it featured characters I grew to love and care for. So, if it weren't for Pip and Ravi (thank you Pip and Ravi!), this would've been a DNF.

After those first 150 pages, this got GOOD. And when I say good, I actually mean GREAT. It was chilling, it was scary, it kept me on the edge of my seat (atp I'm glued down to this damn couch). Pip got in some serious trouble this time and the stakes were much much higher than in the previous two installments. That's all I'm really gonna say about this book bc going into it blind is what I would recommend.

Romance is only a tiny tiny subplot in this series but PipRavi really said VENI VIDI VINCI. They served like never before! Truly one of my favorite book couples of all time! And I feel like because EVERYTHING WENT WRONG in this book, it was their time to shine. Their emotional connection and love really came through and I was living for it!

This is another issue I had with this book, so I'll say it and wait for you to crucify me: I'M SICK AND TIRED OF THE ANTAGONISTS AND THEIR CRIMES (and y'all know who they are). I needed fresh new people (and yes I know Pip is from a small town but are you trying to convince me their population is 10 people???). I get that the idea was the shock factor you can't really give us unless it's people-we-know-turning-bad, but c'mon! I was told there would be all these attractive singles So yeah, in other words, the bad guys got a bit repetitive. Just how many crimes can 10 people commit?

Patiently waiting for Holly Jackson to drop new books so I can theorize about murderers and be tragically wrong again!🤪🤪
Profile Image for emma ⚘.
125 reviews801 followers
July 2, 2024
this was TRAUMATIZING. it’s been a year and i still think about the ending.
Profile Image for Nicole.
669 reviews15.8k followers
June 28, 2023
Daję 5 gwiazdek z sentymentu do serii, bo w sumie to bardziej 4,5.

To nie jest moralnie dobra książka, już drugi tom był na granicy, ale to ile satysfakcji daje mi czytanie przygód Pip zasługuje na wyróżnienie.
Profile Image for Palwasha.
54 reviews9 followers
March 8, 2023
I. AM. ANGRY. words cannot describe the anger this put me through but i’m writing this for Ravi who deserved better😌


Firstly, the book starts off with Pip acting very out of character, from her buying drugs from the guy who supplied them to Max who used them to rape Becca and then becoming addicted to them because of her PTSD. To her ignoring her loved ones (even poor Ravi) when they are concerned for her moral character.

In the book the killer sends Pip cryptic messages asking her “whose gonna look for you when you disappear” and this girl literally counts everyone in her life (Ravi, Connor, Jamie, Nat, Becca , her mom and dad) and is like “i mean i guess they would look for me 👉👈 but would Ravi???” like huh?? what does he have to do to prove to you that he loves you?? he already has been through so much for Pip from rehashing the trauma from his brothers murder to helping her through the case of Child Brunswick in the previous book. I mean he literally says they are Team Pip and Ravi and she still questions his love for her. Like if that isn’t toxic idek what is.

But here is where things get crazy okay. This girl gets kidnapped by the killer and ESCAPES only to come back to MURDER THIS MAN because of her PTSD?? i’m still confused why, and then she proceeds to call Ravi to help her FRAME THE MURDER on Max. ❓⁉️
I would like to remind the audience that Ravi’s brother, Sal, was ✨MURDERED AND FRAMED✨ that’s right ladies and gentlemen, and Pippus Maximus over here wants Ravi to help her FRAME a man *she* MURDERED. I don���t know if the author intended these parallels to happen but it was incredibly infuriating to read when the situation hit a little too close to home for Ravi. I mean you would think that he would have learned something from his brothers mistakes, he admitted in the previous books that he felt his brother was too naive and maybe too nice which is why he met such a terrible fate. So then why have Ravi be so willing to help Pip especially if he is supposed to be her moral compass?? make it make sense.
So, Ravi only wanting to be there for Pip because the author made him believe that she was the only thing he has left, agrees to help her hide and frame what she did 😃. The fact that the author knew that if they just made Pip do it on her own it would make her seem like a monster so they had to throw innocent, lovable, Ravi in the mix to justify her actions. I mean he literally tries to justify Pips actions FOR her. 🤧

Skipping past all of the unforgivable things that Pip did that infuriated me now so I can talk about the absolute monstrosity the ending was.

she claims she is trying to save him from herself but she is just being a total and utterly horrible narcissist. And don’t worry i’ll explain exactly why. Ravi who had just helped her FRAME SOMEONE ELSE FOR MURDER is obviously going through it. It would be safe to assume that he would be feeling immense guilt, trauma, and remorse, especially because of his experience with his own brother getting murdered and framed. But he put all of that aside FOR PIP. You would think that after being an accomplice with someone in order to protect them you would both help each other through the experience. but NOPE. Pip got what she needed from Ravi and is now done. Pip thinks she is doing such a great job at protecting Ravi by leaving him after making him feel like she was the only person he had and abandons him to deal with it on his own.

And for those who think I’m exaggerating here is an exact quote from the book on pg 444 “Ravi broke behind her, crying out into the trees, the wind carrying his sobs over her, trying to pull her back. She kept going.” yessir, she made this boy help her frame someone for murder only a few days ago and keep it a secret only to break up with him and walk away.

But here’s the real kicker folks, SHE DOESN’T EVEN FULLY BREAK UP WITH HIM. SHE MAKES HIM BELIEVE SHE MIGHT COME BACK. She’s like, “i can be with you if max is convicted of being guilty to the murder. So i might come back, might not 🥰” ????? Why is she leaving him hanging?? If Pip really cared about Ravi she would break up with him and ask him to move on because she is dangerous. If she had his best interests in heart she would know that he deserved someone else and it would also add some character development because she would be SELF AWARE. It would make sense. Not her telling him they can be together if her plan which involved Ravi is successful. If she truly wanted to protect Ravi she would have LET. HIM. GO. for good.

This is only a fraction of the anger this book caused me and I literally cannot describe my thoughts accurately. But i wanted to bring some sort of justice to poor Ravi.

And so here are my final words: Ravi 🥺, you deserve better. And Pip 🤡, you’re a clown.
Profile Image for Charlotte May.
779 reviews1,254 followers
October 22, 2021
“But she was dead in all the ways that mattered. As good as.”

What a RIDE!!!!!

This trilogy has been a sensation! Book three definitely takes us in a different direction than the first two but I loved it!

After the events of Good Girl Bad Blood, Pip is struggling with PTSD and has even developed a pill habit. When she discovers some strange occurrences that lead her to believe someone is stalking her, the police don’t believe her. They think it is just relayed to her trauma.

Looks like Pip is going to have to handle this herself, and when she notices similarities with a closed case of a serial killer, things go from bad to worse.

I loved the fast pace, as always and the wonderful characters both to love and to hate. Pip’s relationship with Ravi is absolute goals.

Holly Jackson is one to watch and I can’t wait for more from her!
Profile Image for Liani ♡ (semi-hiatus).
50 reviews262 followers
June 8, 2024
˗ˏˋ 4 / 5 ★ ´ˎ˗

*Longer RTC until further notice due to emotional damage* and I'll probably never recover from that ending, so...

────── ⋆⋅🩸🔨⋅⋆ ──────

All I have to say is that the book started at a slow and repetitive pace. BUT THEN *uff*😮‍💨 it got so good! Some things were predictable for me, and others took me by total surprise because I definitely wasn’t expecting it.

I mean… how to get away with murder? oh my… *chef kiss*

The last chapters broke my heart. I had heart attacks, and I was pulling my hair, sobbing, and staring at the ceiling. And the ending? I liked it and hated it. It was painful and perfect at the same time. I don’t know if that makes sense.

I just want another book. *Correction* - I NEED ANOTHER BOOK.

Holly Jackson, darling! A fourth book, a novella, or at least a short epilogue would be good for us. I really need some more content of team Ravi and Pip after that ending. Please and thank you <3

────── ⋆⋅🩸🔨⋅⋆ ──────

Anyways💜🦋 I’M SO READY TO WATCH THE SHOW NOW💅🏼 I hope we all enjoy it as much as we did with the books🖤

P.S. I had the best buddy read- my sweet girl mads 🤍🕵🏻‍♀️ I can't wait to read another Holly book with her <3

────── ⋆⋅🩸🔨⋅⋆ ──────

˚˖𓍢ִ໋ 🔪 ·˚ pre-read ˚ · ˖ I’m so excited and scared😭 to read this book! so here we go, one last time🖤💋

Buddy read with my lovely girl mads 🕵🏻‍♀️🥀
Profile Image for Eilidh.
297 reviews115 followers
Want to read
January 28, 2021
I’ve just finished Good Girl, Bad Blood.

Can I have book 3 now? 🤞🏼

What do you mean I have to wait a year?

*whimpers into the void*

Profile Image for Sian.
292 reviews138 followers
August 10, 2021
Was this absolutely fucking fantastic? yes. Did I really fucking hate the ending? Also, yes. Emotionally it just felt unresolved but everything else was perfect.
Profile Image for beril ❦.
45 reviews235 followers
August 12, 2024
˚₊‧꒰ა 5 stars ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚

༉‧₊˚. « Save herself to save herself. » ・₊✧

˗ˏˋ ‼️ SPOILER WARNING ‼️ ˎˊ˗

soo i know how late this review is 😍 it took me a while to process everything that has happened throughout the book. people told me this would be dark. however, i don’t think anything would prepare me for this. with this book, i went through five stages of grief.

i had so many theories about what was gonna happen and i was stressed out 😃

how did Pip and Ravi plan this WHOLE thing in a few minutes? she’s such a genius and i don’t know how she does it honestly. she’s my idol. (alexa play “alibi” 😭) i also love that ravi can follow her ideas and have as brilliant ideas as her.

in the ending i was shattered 🤧 it hurt me so much that pip was trying to protect him and her loved ones by staying away from them… the fact that he told her they could get married as a solution 🥹 pleaseee i just need a ravi in my life 🫶🏻

also this line:
“Hey Sarge, remember me?”

UGH GIVE ME A PIPRAVI HAPPILY EVER AFTER RN 😭 well at least we know it all ended with pip and ravi being safe from the case 🫂

i loved the way all her friends supported her without not really knowing what was happening. this showed how loyal they are to her and how much they care for her ahh i’m sobbing— 😭 especially cara and nat, i love them 🤧 other than that, i felt terrible about pip keeping it all to herself to protect her family as well 😔

last but not least, Max Hastings finally listened to me and went to where he belonged 🗑️✋🏻 ugh after everything that has happened, i’m so relieved.

overall, i can say that this was so different than the first two books. i expected this to be a just little darker and was i wrong 😃 however, this doesn’t mean this book isn’t a masterpiece. i loved the plot of this book, it was so well written 🤌🏻


જ⁀➴ 🎵 look what you made me do - taylor swift
જ⁀➴ 🎵 no body, no crime - taylor swift
જ⁀➴ 🎵 you’re on your own, kid - taylor swift
જ⁀➴ 🎵 i did something bad - taylor swift
જ⁀➴ 🎵 alibi - sevdaliza
જ⁀➴ 🎵 she knows - j. cole
જ⁀➴ 🎵 favorite crime - olivia rodrigo
જ⁀➴ 🎵 about you - the 1975
જ⁀➴ 🎵 i love you, i’m sorry - gracie abrams
જ⁀➴ 🎵 afraid - the nbhd
જ⁀➴ 🎵 daddy issues- the nbhd
જ⁀➴ 🎵 teacher’s pet - melanie martinez
જ⁀➴ 🎵 tag, you’re it - melanie martinez

༉‧₊˚. « Three different stories, but one interconnected knot. » ♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧

༉‧₊˚. pre-read:

i have a feeling this book’s going to be darker than the cover…i’m not sure if i’m ready for this 😭
Profile Image for jolie ୨୧.
121 reviews377 followers
November 19, 2023
4.5/5.0 stars *subject to change

okay wow. this book took a completely different turn from the others. not necessarily in a good way. however, i still thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. i was in a slump as i finished up this book but that did not stop me from liking it. the reason it took me so long to finish was partly bc of the fact that i took breaks from 12-14 and 16-17. still not completely sure about my rating but we’re settling with it for now.

the beginning of this book has a very interesting start. it’s a bit morbid, but nonetheless gets straight to the point. it’s clear that pip’s hate for max makes her lash out. and she also “ruined” every single happy moment she had with her friends by thinking about the ending of the second book. i think that this book alluded to quite a few things in the beginning since i went into this book knowing all the spoilers and everything.

“You’re Pippa Fricking Fitz-Amobi. My little Sarge. Pippus Maximus, and there’s nothing you can’t do.”

But she was dead in all the ways that mattered. As good as.

Is it normal for one person to have this many enemies? I’m the problem, aren’t I?

I understand why they all hate me.
I might hate me too.

Pip’s gut twisted with guilt; this was all her fault. Her family forced into a performance, trying twice as hard with her because she could barely try at all.

She had a fight-or-flight heart, felt danger pressing in on her when there was none, could hear gunshots in any sound if she wanted to, scared of the night but not of the dark, even scared to look down at her own hands. Broken.

She tried to act normal, natural, like she didn’t know she was being watched. And she couldn’t help but wonder if that’s what normal was for her now: an act. A lie.

She cried and she let herself cry, a few minutes to grieve for the girl she could never be again.

pip, my sweet girl. she is the epitome of would’ve, could’ve, should’ve by taylor swift in this book. i gotta say i loved her in the first 2 books. despite her lacking personality, she was still such an enjoyable character, and something that rlly stuck with me throughout this series was the fact that they never lost their true self. with this book, it takes a completely different turn, given she has completely lost herself, and has become this paranoid person who cannot sleep and has so much pressure on her. i can’t say i can necessarily embrace the change. however she is not to blame given the trauma she suffered from the last two. not to mention she felt all alone and as though she wasn’t normal because every case that she was involved in everyone believes that the ppl who commuted it are monsters. however, she felt like she understood them and why they did it, and she had no one to talk to about it bc it’s morally known as “wrong” and no one would get it.

“If it’s a choice between me and you, I choose you,” Pip whispered. “But I choose you too,” Ravi said.

Exploring, he’d said, the two of them, Team Ravi and Pip, off in the wild.

He hated confrontation, hated it, and even so, Pip knew he would go to war for her if she ever asked.

It’s scary, to know that someone might want to hurt you, or make you scared. You’re my person. My little one. My Sarge. And I’m supposed to protect you.

It’s me and you, trouble. Team Ravi and Pip.

She closed her eyes and made a new silent promise to him, because he had chosen her and she had chosen him: they were going to get away with it.

You know, I’ve always thought you were the bravest person I’ve ever met. Fearless. I don’t know how you do it sometimes. And whenever I’m feeling nervous about anything, I always think to myself, what would Pip do in this situation?

ravi. the light in pip’s world. oh how i loved them together. the way he was able to stick by her side throughout everything was just so sweet. their relationship was at its peak in this book. he believed her through everything and never once doubted her, even when everyone thought she was crazy for thinking she had a stalker. he was able to reassure her and help her through everything and it was just amazing. despite the ending that they had, the love they had for each other was present in everything they did. that ending had me bawling my eyes out. their interactions had every emotion associated with it, from laughter to sadness and anger.

the writing was very repetitive throughout the story as a way to convey pip’s ptsd which i appreciated. i always enjoyed holly jackson’s writing style bc of how simple it was and how easy it is to follow. it was also able to perfectly portray the love pip and ravi had for each other and it was just.. beautiful. i loved it. it also really hones in on the emotions and feelings of pip and how she felt. she felt as though she wasn’t normal because of how “blurred” the lines were in her last investigations.

“I wasn’t going to leave you alone in there with him,” Nat said firmly. “Not until I knew you were safe.”

after everything that nat and pip have been through, i am so glad that she was able to bond with pip nonetheless and put aside their differences in the first few books. i rlly enjoyed reading abt their friendship and how nat tried her best to look out for her and made sure she was safe. it was also so sweet to see her and jamie get together after everything in the second book. nat deserves all the happiness <3 she’s such a strong character and i just loved her, especially in this one.

spoilers from this point on!!

i hated the uncertainty of everything in this book. for one, she had to get her friends involved and they were super uneasy while doing their part. they never even got confirmation of what happened and the ending was also open ended. not to mention the only role that her friends played was to help cover up a murder they were unsure about this entire time. i think it kind of frustrated me for them to never get confirmation and inevitably entangle themselves in a murder despite the fact that it was necessary for everything to happen.

And maybe that other Pip in that other life would say she’d made the right choice. She’d trusted in those who’d never trusted in her and it had worked out. Saved herself to save herself; maybe she was already fixed, Team Ravi and Pip moving on, living a normal life. But this Pip could also say hers was the right choice. Dead was the only way she could be sure the DT Killer would never hurt anyone again. And on this path, Max Hastings was going to go down too. Two birds, one stone. Two monsters and a ring of dead and dead-eyed girls of their making. One dead, one locked away for thirty-to-life, if it worked. Gone. Disappeared, and no one left to look for them. Maybe this way was better, who could say?

Pip couldn’t shake this uncanny feeling, that it wasn’t Hawkins sitting across from her, questioning her. It was herself, from a year ago. The seventeen-year-old who thought the truth was the only thing that mattered, no matter the context, no mind to that suffocating grey area. The truth was the goal and the journey, just as it was for DI Hawkins. That’s who was sitting across from her: her old self set against whoever she’d become now. And this new person, she had to win.

No Andie Bell, no Sal Singh, no Elliot Ward or Becca Bell, no Jamie Reynolds or Charlie Green or Stanley Forbes, and no Jane Doe. The game had changed.
Her against them.
Save herself to save herself.

“How would we get away with this?” he said, the question almost ridiculous enough for a smile. How to get away with murder.

Pip felt it again; that creeping feeling up her spine, cold and inevitable. Like everything was playing out the way it was always supposed to, from the start. Coming full circle. And she was simply a passenger inside her own body, watching the show play out.

in the beginning, pip was attempting to save herself after everything that she has gone through and her life was becoming consumed in trying to save herself. given that her last few cases had a good motive for all the terrible things that each character did, it made pip very conflicted and i understood her. on the second part, everything took a turn and i love how well thought out it was and everything on pip’s part. she tried her best not to involve anyone and it’s clear how much she loves her friends in her life. the difference with the crime that pip committed was the fact that the ppl she got involved (max) deserved everything coming to them (jason). it showed that the justice system rlly was flawed and sometimes you need to take things into your own hands.

There was a strange feeling at the base of her spine, uncanny and otherworldly, like she wasn’t really here, but in the body of herself from one year ago. Displaced, out of her own time, as everything came back full circle. Here, at the Bell house once more, because there was only one person who had the answers she needed.

“This is why it all happened. Everything. Full circle,” she added quietly. The beginning was the end and the end the beginning, and DT was both.

“That’s not how it’s supposed to be. You’re supposed to listen to me. That’s all. Listen and do what you’re told. How is that so hard?”

Jason Bell was dead, but he wasn’t dead yet; he would be in a few hours. And Max Hastings would be the one who killed him. Finally locked away where he belonged.

The fire was to bring the police here, the blood was to send them out to Jason. That’s how this night would finally end, in fire and blood, and a sweep of the trees to find what Pip had left for them.

He’d given it to his teenage daughter; probably got a dark thrill from watching her use it. Sick fuck.

i hated jason bell with a passion, especially after reading this book. in the beginning, i found it to be childish how he started a fight with max given that he was a grown ass adult and max was still growing. after i found out that he drowned barney, my hatred for him doubled. he also had this mindset that everyone needed to listen to him and when they didn’t, he felt the need to kill them which i just hated. he’s everything that is wrong in this world, thinking women need to listen to men and believing we should not speak up, which absolutely infuriates me.

This feels too big for me, but I think I can do it. Save us. Keep Becca safe. Survive.

I can’t tell Sal. He probably already thinks I’m fucked up enough. There’s so much I have to hide from him, because he’s one of the only good things I have left, and he has to be protected. He can never come over, just in case.

The weight of her ghost inside him too, not just in her. A dead girl shared, a dead girl halved; they were the only two people in the world who knew. These weren’t Andie Bell’s final words, but they sure felt like it.

Here she was again, six and a half years after she died, and she was Pip’s only remaining lead. No, not a lead, a lifeline: some strange unknowable force connecting them across time, though they’d never met. Pip wasn’t there to save Andie, but maybe Andie was there to save her.

i didn’t expect andie bell to have a factor in this book but knowing she had to live with a dark secret and keep it from everyone she knew was just so sad. it was obvious that she loved sal and becca dearly and she seemed so sweet in the unsent email she wrote. all she wanted was to try and get away from her murderous father and save her sister along the way. and the way she was “saving” pip was something that i found to be wholesome. the love she had for sal was also so similar to pip and ravi’s love. i think that her character arc really shows that you never know when someone is suffering.

“It sucks when someone puts something in your drink and then ruins your life, huh?”

And Pip knew, as her eyes trailed away from him, that this wasn’t just about her own survival; she knew herself well enough by now. Had reckoned with that dark place in her mind long enough.This was also revenge.This town wasn’t big enough for the both of them. This world wasn’t. One of them had to go, and Pip was going to give one hell of a fight.

i feel like max got what was coming for him after everything that he has done. i understand why pip saw red every single time she spotted him. he deserved everything that happened to him and i am so glad that he was placed in jail, even if drastic measures had to be taken to get him there. when pip had the vision of throwing max in front of a bus and punching him, i was honest to god worried until i realized it was a vision. this book really shows that when the justice system won’t take things seriously, you have to take them in your own hands.

“I’m a ticking time bomb, Ravi. I can’t have the people I love near me when it goes off. Especially not you.”

He couldn’t be her person and she couldn’t be his right now. Pip had to be the strong one, the one to walk away when neither of them wanted it. The one who chose.

“You’re my Pip and I’m your Ravi. We’re a team.” 🥹

after everything that pip and ravi have been together, i have no doubt that they got back together. knowing that they were willing to choose each other makes me have hope that they would continue to at any given time, even 694 days after having no contact. the way ravi begged her to stay and not leave him made my heart ache for them. i feel so sad knowing that their happy ending isn’t confirmed. like wdym i don’t see them have a happy epilogue where they’re married and together?! i’m utterly obsessed with them 😩

kill joy - 2.5 stars
a good girl’s guide to murder - 4.25 stars
good girl, bad blood - 4.75 stars
as good as dead - 4.5 stars


you don’t know true pain and emotional damage until you’ve read this book. trust me on this. rtc maybe <3

reading review


pre-read review

how much of the plot for this book have i spoiled for myself? i myself have no idea
Profile Image for Rowan.
110 reviews47 followers
August 31, 2024
❝You've lost your mind❞
❝Maybe. So you should be terrified❞

I wanna give this one star so bad. I’m free. and disappointed but not surprised, The only thing that made NOT give this book 1 star was Ravi/pip relationship.
When I tell y’all that even Kill Joy was scarier Than the main 3 books I’m not joking

Yeah the whole plot twist? I knew it from the first 30%.
Jason bell was LITERALLY my second main suspect,
An entire THRILLER SERIES DIDNT SHOCK ME FOR A SECOND. I’m sorry but I had to give low rating.

And just like the second book In as good as dead there was only one! JUST FUCKING ONE scene that made me scared (it’s when they found her headphones) I just can’t take this series seriously anymore.

let’s talk about the plot. As I said I saw it coming 100 miles away But I didn’t like that Jason bell was the killer.
There’s something that I’ve learned from defending Jacob (my fav thriller) which is called [The murder gene] it’s basically if there’s a psychopath/ murderer this killer gene will go in his bloodline to children/ grandchildren. So at the start of the book when I started suspecting dawn/ Jason bell. I remembered the murderer gene (Their daughter is a murderer) And obvi The Ropes and The duct tape from their company AND the thing that I knew and was suspicious about from the start of the book The hair brush. And at 50% after reading Andie’s unsent email I knew all my theories were correct.

I immediately terrorized that The DT-killer is either Dawn/ Jason bell. But there’s one thing that made me choose Jason over his wife which is the alarm incident. But back to my point, I’m so frustrated that his wife is not the killer!! After reading that one of the victims lost her neckless I immediately recognized Dawn’s neckless at the scene where she was walking past pip when she held it around her fingers (bc I know authors mention things that always matter in pacing by ways) and AGAIN my suspicion was proven right it was for one of the victims And the fact that all the missing items from the victims were hair brush/ neckless/ watch/ earrings… I know even men wear these things but I’m just saying between looking at him and his wife I’ll say the wife might me interested in such things. And I was right he was stealing these things and giving them to his wife and daughters.

I’m mad that the author wrote such a powerful Quote in the first book:

Women can be just as dangerous as men

But NOT making one single woman villain in the series.


So in my head I was pointing at Jason But in my heart I was pointing at his wife cuz it would’ve made such a great turn, and a slap to the face for pip 😔

Now Daniel. He was my third suspect but I slowly kept pushing him away from the list. The author kept using him in all the books, making him sound suspicious just to be proven innocent. So now a lot of ppl will think yeah that’s it! we’re gonna get him. but I knew the purpose of his character. He just kept taking the blame and I feel bad for him 😭

I have criticism regarding this book, specifically its bland characters, lack of spooky vibes, predictable plots, and what l consider to be horrible writing. (And you can apply the same thing to the previous books) I will delve deeper into each of these aspects and provide you with a more extensive thoughts.

⮑ When it comes to the characters in the book, it's true that a lack of depth or complexity can sometimes make them appear bland. Exploring the characters' backgrounds, motivations, and relationships in greater detail could potentially help to bring them to life and make them more engaging and scary for readers. By giving into their past experiences, fears, and aspirations, the characters can become more relatable, evoking a stronger emotional connection. Like pip here she was getting herself in life threat danger solving these cases just for the thrill. And Ravi doing it all just bc he loves her, Holly Jackson THAT IS NOT a real motivation. Then she gave me a FUCKING serial killer but not giving me any glimpse of his past or why he became that way was absolutely boring.

⮑ To enhance the spooky elements, the author could consider incorporating more vivid descriptions of the setting, utilizing sensory details to evoke a sense of foreboding, and employing subtle hints or foreshadowing, utilizing tension-building scenes, and introducing unexpected twists and turns can contribute to a heightened sense of unease and anticipation throughout the story. But AGAIN all of it didn’t happene.

⮑ Predictable plots can indeed diminish the overall impact of a book. the author should’ve incorporated more intricate and layered storylines. weaving in unexpected subplots, introducing complex and morally ambiguous characters, and implementing well-executed plot twists, the narrative can take on a fresh and unpredictable direction, keeping us engaged and eager to uncover the next turn of events.
She should’ve gave way too many suspects. With many motivations Till the reader lose their mind.

⮑ Lastly, the issue of what you perceive as horrible writing is subjective, as writing styles can vary greatly depending on personal taste. Personally I think, to enhance the quality of the writing, the author could’ve focused on refining the prose, paying attention to sentence structure, vocabulary choices, and overall clarity.

the book had no the potential to overcome the criticisms l mentioned and offer a more immersive and satisfying reading experience. Remember, though, that every reader's preferences differ.

【Pippa Fitz-Amobi 】

I get it. I said I love complex characters but what happened in here was a disaster. A work of an author who tried to write a complex character but failed.
Pip? Popping pills? Are you fucking serious? If there’s one thing that boils my blood is author making out of characters things. It was literally after she committed murder that she decided that she won’t take them anymore, Through the book I was reasoning with her and I kept saying she’s gonna gain back the control that was portrayed she always had But that didn’t happen.

And she didn’t learn from her mistake. Bc if you read kill joy as a prequel like me The Murderer’s identity as SHE said “was way too easy” but when the IRL murderer’s identity is way too easy she complicates it. She kept keeping secrets from Ravi but at the end she hit him up and was like (come help me hide a body)
PIP YOU STUPID FUCK! if u told him everything from
the start the whole murder could’ve been avoided!!

Now let’s talk about the murder. I’m always real so I’ll stay Real. Killing a serial killer and putting the blame on a Rapist felt Really damn refreshing to me. The way she almost escaped but remembered the corrupted justice system and fucking turned BACK to him and killed him? Talk about female rage. Like yesss that’s a complex that I’ll love to see. It was realistic. the buildup from the previous injustice that she witnessed lead to this moment it was Really Good.
The whole plan starting from changing the body’s temperature/ assuring an alibi/ the clean up, was amazing. And the fact that she had a tiny hole in her plan was amazing as well. Yes. I liked that she forgot her headphones Bc that hole was the only scary scene and it made Ravipip’s relationship 10 times more stronger.

This is the pure reading of why I gave 2 stars instead of 1.


❝It's me and you, trouble. Team Ravi and Pip❞

Omg? I actually never thought the relationship will develop this deep 🥹 If my man don’t love me enough to be willing to hide a body with me then I don’t want him (I’m joking)
I love how they are literally each other’s comfort person. Every time pip’s mind starts dragging her she start thinking of Ravi I swear it reminded me of how Andie always wants to save sal from herself, because he was the best person to her.

❝No thoughts beyond the first insane things that came into her head. No deeper, no darker. Ravi was the fence in her head that kept it all back❞

When she was locked her mind found solace in imagining it was Ravi talking to her 😭

❝You're my person. My little one. My Sarge. And I'm supposed to protect you."
“You do protect me,” she said, holding his eyes.
“Even when you're not here❞

❝No, no way. Not you, you're too important❞

My Roman empires is literally the fact that 1 year, 8 months and 16 days later, 3 minutes after the verdict was read in The Crown vs. Max Hastings, Ravi texted Her 😭


Hey Sarge, remember me?

Oh and one last thing? If you hate Andie bell please stay away from me. I’m her number one defender.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
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66 reviews85 followers
May 23, 2024


And the best spotlight stealing main character award goes to...(drum roll pls 🥁🥁🥁): THE HAMMER 💥🔨

Absolute fav book out of the series. The book made me feel all sorts of emotions. Def the best one. Had me on my tippy toes the whole time. Actually so brilliant it had me questioning my IQ. Made me itch my head multiple times. I'm stunned and astounded. GAPED. Not mentally ok anymore. I'm gonna miss Pip and Ravi sm. I'm going crazy. Also, it's raining and thundering outside, LITERALLY the perfect weather to end this book off with. WAS AN EPILOGUE TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR??? 😭

1st part of the book was CRAZY.
2nd part of the book was INSANE.
3rd part of the book had me SHITTING MY ASS OFF nervously.

Live love Holly Jackson. Team Pip and Ravi forever. How do I move on now?

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