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Monstrous #1

Soul Eater

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M/M Fantasy Romance.

Twenty years ago, monsters rose on earth and began a new age of civilization.

One where humans live in military-controlled, cramped and dirty cities along the coasts, and the majority of the United States is known as the Wastes. A lawless, desolate and dangerous place, teeming with monsters that have claimed the land for their own.

Including Wyn the Soul Eater.

He appears every three years, making his way across the country and slaughtering humans randomly, sucking them dry until they’re nothing but husks.

I’ve only been in the military for six months, but now I’m part of a unit tasked with trying to stop and capture him. And when I’m the only soldier out of hundreds that the Soul Eater leaves alive, I realise that… something about me has intrigued him.

But what is it? What could a twenty-three year old guy from the south, with no one and nothing in the world, have possibly done to capture the attention of a death monster with horns, blackened fingertips and a face hidden in the dark depths of his hood?

Soul Eater is the debut novel of Lily Mayne. It is the first in a planned post-apocalyptic fantasy series featuring monsters and human men falling in love. This m/m love story contains explicit content and is not suitable for young readers. It also contains scenes of violence, but don’t worry—they get their happy ending.

329 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 25, 2021

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About the author

Lily Mayne

25 books4,335 followers
Lily Mayne writes what she loves to read: achingly sweet yet gritty romances against unusual backdrops—dark, futuristic, dystopian and more. She currently lives in the UK with her husband and several fluffballs, who like to make a lot of noise while she’s writing.

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5 stars
9,454 (50%)
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5,968 (31%)
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2,638 (13%)
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624 (3%)
1 star
191 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,788 reviews
October 4, 2022
Just reading the blurb, I didn't think this book would be my cuppa. Post-apocalyptic world? Monsters? Violence? No, no, and more no.

But I'm a curious bitch and wanted to see what all the excitement was about.

And, holy hell, y'all, I loved the fuck out of this book.

The story has it all:

- Tension and angst aplenty. When the shit hit the fan around the 75 percent mark, I started screaming at my Kindle. Knowing something was going to happen, but not how and when, about killed me.

- Unlikely romance. Danny is a poor kid from the South who never wanted to join the military. Wyn is a monster. He doesn't have a human form, and he doesn't need one. My anticipation over Wyn finally allowing Danny to see his face was intense!

- Hurt/comfort (not for those with weak stomachs, but the book is set in a cruel dystopia after all).

- Amazing secondary characters, even the evil ones and especially the monsters. How cute is Edin, seriously?

- Hot (and I mean hot!) sex. Wait until Wyn's genitalia is described. Mmm ....

I longed for Wyn's POV, but that's a small complaint. I'm reading Wyn next, so I'll get his perspective there.
Profile Image for Snjez.
878 reviews801 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
March 6, 2022
dnf @48%

I really enjoyed this to start with. I liked the writing, the world the author created was interesting and I liked the characters. It's been a while since I've read anything post-apocalyptic and I was so invested in the beginning of the story that I almost forgot this was supposed to be a 'romance'. Well, I was reminded of that with an image I did not see coming. 😂 I'm also not too happy with how the 'relationship' between the MCs started. I think I expected something a bit different.
Anyway, I can see why this series has so many fans, but it's just not my thing.
Profile Image for Nark.
700 reviews1,515 followers
September 9, 2021
new favourite author alert!!! that was amazing!!! oh my god!!! literally can’t believe this was lily mayne’s debut novel. ♥️

i absolutely love dystopian novels, but i don’t think i have ever read any that had actual monsters in it. i’m actually quite a noob when it comes to fantasy and paranormal creatures of any kind. but this sounded amazing from the blurb alone, so i couldn’t resist checking it out. i really liked the world the author has created and i hope we get to see more of it in the sequels. absolutely loved the characters too.

danny was such a cute guy, who stayed optimistic, even though he’s had such a hard life. i liked him from the very beginning.

wyn (the soul eater 👀), who’s basically a near immortal, insanely powerful monster and is feared by all humans was so achingly sweet, compassionate and kind. the way he called danny “my sweet human”… my heart burst every single time. he was also so shy, sometimes insecure & adorable at times omg…🥺

the way their relationship progressed was so lovely to witness. they just felt like straight up soulmates to me.

“i love you.” his voice shook the tiniest amount, making my heart swell too big for my chest. “more than anything in this universe. but you can’t tell anyone.” 🤣♥️

also… i just gotta say this… who would have thought human/monster sex could be so hot??? i swear i almost disintegrated multiple times from the HEAT these two brought on to me. i was NOT prepared for this level of hotness.

we also got to meet the monster called edin in this book, who has been a friend of wyn’s for roughly five thousand years…🤣 edin was a great character and i can’t wait to read his book to find out more about him. he was so cocky and funny, but also super sweet. he already stole my heart tbh.

SO glad i read this. straight up gonna buy anything this author releases in the future without even reading the blurbs.
March 8, 2022
The beginning was pretty good, but ultimately ended up being a disappointment.

The writing and worldbuilding were good. There were some decent action scenes, and some really brutal dark scenes. Everything I enjoy in a dark action adventure.

So why didn't it work for me?

Wyn is supposedly an ageless monster who acts like a young adult. ugh! I wanted a mature brooding anti-hero. Danny was an annoying goody two shoes. I can understand him starting off that way, but after everything he goes through, I expected him to toughen up. I mean come on; how can you not want revenge against the people that literally tortured you.

As for the sex scenes, they were just awkward AF. The way that part of their relationship starts felt like it came out of left field.

I think I'll pass on the rest of the series.
Profile Image for KnittingMamaBear-Reads.
263 reviews68 followers
May 22, 2024
4.5/5⭐ 5/5🌶️ 3/5😱 4/5🎧

If you read SPICE, and like M/M romance, and aren't weirded out by Monster smut,
but you aren't reading this entire series, then
WHAT RE you doin' babe?

Holy hell.

Now, do you have to like Monster spice in order to enjoy this book?
- No, you really don't.
Wyn, while having interesting anatomy below the belt, is basically a human man dude with monstrous elements (horns & exciting coloring).

But let me tell you, it's been a minute since i have blushed a full cheek blush while listening to spicy scenes, and had to remind myself to exhale. Because boy does this heat up good!

We follow the story of Danny, a soldier in the post-apocalyptic USA, caught in the sights of Wyn, the Soul Eater monster. There are monsters a-plenty, walking the earth, exploring, murdering and pillaging, having fun. Danny hates the military, and so he embarks on the looong hike with Wyn, reluctantly at first. Throughout US Wastes (basically the entire country) they wander, getting to know each other in this strange new hellscape.

A few words about the narration here. It is done by a single narrator who does voices. While i did not love Danny's southern drawl, and the spicy proclamations from his voice, whenever Michael Lesley did Wyn i gaped and started fanning myself. Get yourself a sample and have a listen because oooh boy does it slap.

Romance IO has this book rated as Explicit and Plentiful (🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥) and up till 25% i was in doubt. But once it hits - Gods, does it hit.

This is possibly the hottest M/M spice I have read this year.
The story is also not without serious angst, as our two main guys get into it with people, monsters and overall human garbage on their way.

What i particularly love about Monster romance, is that they are always, inarguably, better than human people, even when the premise suggests they are the devils. Wyn is no exception. He is an absolute Cinnamon roll in Golden Retriever suit, and is just the most perfect specimen of man. So go read this, fall in love with Monsters, fantasize about your own, i will be over here reading Edin next.

All my Monstrous reviews:
Soul Eater - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Edin - ⭐⭐⭐⭐
The Rycke - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Gloam - ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Moth – ♾️⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐♾️
Seraph – ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Lor – ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Lyri - TBR
Profile Image for Mila (Semi-Hiatus).
250 reviews336 followers
May 27, 2023
Third reread- May 2023

****5.0 rating****

3rd time is a charm. I love how progressively this turned out to be a 5 star read😂😂❤

Wyn and Danny win my heart everytime😍 if you haven't read this series yet, I highly recommend that you do.😉


Second reread- Feb 2022

***4.5 rating***

The first time I read this I liked it a lot, the second time around was even better because I loved it more. I'll never get tired of reading about Danny and the sweetheart that is Wyn. 💗💗

***4.0 rating***

“I love you.” His voice shook the tiniest amount, making my heart swell too big for my chest. “More than anything in this universe. But you can’t tell anyone.”

Hi, yeah it's official I am a simp for these two simping for each other. 😩

First time ever reading a book by this author and I must say what a delight!

Wyn, the immortal powerful Soul Eater, who was at times insecure, and shy and Danny the sweet innocent military man, have won me all the way 😍😍.

I know this book is not for everyone or everyone's taste but idc, it had steamy scenes, cute moments, violence and Edin.

Sign me up for the whole series because this girl is hooked😌.
Profile Image for Lily Mayne.
Author 25 books4,335 followers
August 26, 2021
I forgot to do to this when I updated the book! In August 2021, I updated Soul Eater with a couple of new chapters as it is a fair bit shorter than the other books in the series. If you don't have the updated version on your device (there should now be 29 + Wyn's chapter) you can push through the update by going to 'Manage Devices' in your Amazon account. There, you will see that there is an update available for the book. No need to rebuy or anything :)

Full info on the update is available on my blog.


My debut novel is out!

I’ve been writing bits of a million different stories for years, but never forced myself to sit down and really focus on one project – until now.

I had a vague idea for a dystopian world where monsters of all different kinds have risen and taken over huge areas of the earth, forcing humans to reside in cramped and dirty cities along the coasts. I was intrigued by the idea of a young soldier, aimless and already jaded from his short stint in the military, crossing paths with a terrifying monster and journeying through these barren, monster-infested lands together.

But all is not what it seems…

I fell in love with Danny and Wyn writing this. Particularly Danny – I have a soft spot for him. A young, hopeful guy who stays optimistic despite having a pretty tough life, who hasn’t yet found himself and has his own insecurities. But he’s still brave (despite what he thinks) and he’s not afraid to go after what he wants.

And then there’s Wyn. An ancient death monster, near immortal, unfathomably powerful, feared by all… But he has his own insecurities too.

These two brought out the best in each other, and were so achingly sweet. It was a joy to write them, and I missed them the moment I finished the book.
Profile Image for Imme van Gorp.
724 reviews1,128 followers
July 31, 2022
|| 2.0 stars ||

I know this is a pretty unpopular opinion, but I actually found this book extremely boring.

Truthfully, not much happens plot or character-wise.
The two main characters are literally just travelling through this barren place they call “The Wastes”, and that’s about it.
Most scenes are just ever-day life moments where they look for food or a place to sleep, and sometimes they kill a ‘parasite’ or two.
After a while, Wyn and Danny become romantically involved, so after that we also gets lots and lots of long sex scenes, which I couldn’t care less about.

There are hardly any conversations or meaningful moments to be found here. Seriously, the dialogue in this book is minimal. It’s mostly just descriptions of uninteresting actions like walking, driving, sleeping or fucking.

All in all, it’s unsurprising that I didn’t much care for the story, characters or romance.
Quite frankly, I was just bored.
I actually skimmed a lot, because I simply couldn’t be bothered.

I’m honestly disappointed. I was expecting this book to be a paranormal romance, but it actually started out as a half-arsed dystopian and ended as a paranormal erotica. I’m sure that’s something plenty of people like, but it’s not what I was hoping for.
Profile Image for Chelsea.
279 reviews128 followers
September 6, 2024
I see girlies into monster/human and I'd think to myself….
Hmmm 🤔🤔🤔 not for me bestie, but you do you boo...
But then I got intrigued enough because I liked the cover of soul eater…
soooooooooo I read this to test the waters on mm monsterish/human relationships… turns out, yeah I’m into it.

The flood gates are now opened.


/edited my old review.
Profile Image for moonlight ☾ [semi-hiatus].
685 reviews1,434 followers
February 28, 2022
4.5 stars

Wyn made a frustrated sound. His hood moved side to side, as if he was glancing around to make sure no one was hiding in the room, listening in. When he turned back to face me, he exhaled a hard breath as he dragged his cool thumb across my cheekbone. ❝I love you.❞ His voice shook the tiniest amount, making my heart swell too big for my chest. ❝More than anything in this universe. But you can't tell anyone.❞

i haven't really read enough monster romances to know if they're my cup of tea or not but one thing i know for sure is i loved this so much. i loved wyn. i adored danny. their romance was so sweet and filled with fluff, i can't help but smile when thinking about them. 🥺

wyn was definitely the character who stood out to me the most, and it was bc he was known as this terrifying creature for humans who sucks others' souls and yet, when we actually meet and learn about him through danny's eyes... he was just so much more. the way he cared about danny, always wanting him to be happy and safe, protecting him from anything that could possibly hurt him, what more can you ask for? 😭

there wasn't much going on, plot-wise, bc we basically just followed wyn and danny (sometimes edin, wyn's friend) through different places while wyn would continue his task but i simply adored every interaction wyn and danny had—even if they weren't doing anything at all—that i still enjoyed this book, regardless. it did have a lot of telling > showing, which i'm personally not a fan of, and the ending felt abrupt that i literally thought, "that's it??" but, overall, i'm glad i finally decided to give this series a chance! can't wait to read the other books bc i already love this world lily mayne has created. 😌

p.s. the sex scenes were hot, which is something i never thought i would say in a monster/human romance...yet here we are. 🤪
Profile Image for Kathleen.
1,409 reviews132 followers
April 23, 2021
After a solid start, it just started to fall apart. Sketchy world building, a human protagonist who was not particularly interesting, and a dystopian culture that couldn’t deduce the obvious. Add that to the author using sex to propel the plot and major skimming ensued. I lost interest at about the 75% mark.

ADD: Ok, I went back and finished it. There should be a trigger warning for the very graphic torture scene. That was eventually followed by a helping of melodrama. So I’m just going to let my rating stand.
Profile Image for Astra.
98 reviews162 followers
September 20, 2023
Every time I put this one down I would end up thinking about it… and thinking about it. Till I would pick it up again and everything else would just turn into background noise. It was so sweet! And the end was a rollercoaster of emotions.
Profile Image for Ruby Dixon.
Author 145 books16.3k followers
August 13, 2022
Was expecting a very dark romance from the cover and title, but this was surprisingly sweeter than I expected? Danny is just pure and Wyn is besotted from the get-go.
Profile Image for Darien.
861 reviews322 followers
February 10, 2023

Mixed feelings about the audio. I feel like the voice for Wyn could have been done better and based on the performance I’m so glad I read it first before I listened, because I def would not love it as much.



I’ve always wanted a world where not only humans existed because humans suck and I hardly wanna fuck any of them.

I had no expectation going to into Soul Eater but I left a fan. Like I was expecting the regular ass humanoid anatomy but I got slits with a peekaboo cock and I AM LIVING.

The story is pretty simple but I love the world of monsters, survival, fucking monsters, and just down to basics of nature.

I love me some Wyn especially in his hooded cloak. Like Danny was all “I need to see your face it’s important” and I was like ….


Like the mystery made things ten times hotter imo 🤷🏽‍♀️ just saying….

I am gonna devour the entire series I know it. On to more monster fucking 😏

What I wanted: I wanted to read when Wyn destroyed the military dudes and had blood everywhere and I’m sad I didn’t get to read it😩. The fade to Black violence is not for me.
Profile Image for Heather K (dentist in my spare time).
3,994 reviews6,233 followers
February 14, 2023
A nightmarish alien creature with a terrifying voice that can turn into smoke to murder people in a post apocalyptic world falling in love with a human? YES, Lily Mayne, hell yes.

To be honest, I'm not much of a fan of violent books, but I'm in love with Lily Mayne's Folk series, so I knew I had to read this one. And it was juuuuuust right. I've been a fan of alien/human pairings for some time, and this one w-o-r-k-e-d for me. I was here for the oh-so-scary faces and oh-so-interesting appendages... I'm here for it.

The world-building was a little rushed but I got the idea and I really enjoyed it. It left me wanting more, and it left room for lots of other characters and their stories.

There is hurt/comfort galore, there is SEX galore, and there is excitement galore. I'm just so down with this series.

My new obsession- I love you, Lily Mayne.

Profile Image for Lucie V..
1,130 reviews3,055 followers
September 17, 2022
✅ Pace
✅ Post-apocalypse
🆗 World-building
🆗 Smut
🆗❌ Characters
🆗❌ Romance
🆗❌ Plot
❗️❗️ Explicit smut

DNF at 50%

The Wild Hunt happened every three years, when the monster Wyn appeared from fuck knew where and swept across the country, massacring humans in seemingly random fashion.
He was apparently one of several monsters that made up the Hunt, with Northern America his turf. He’d been shot at, stabbed, disembowelled, set on fire, blown up by several land mines, doused in acid… Whatever method of killing someone you can imagine, it’d been attempted to take out Wyn. None of them had worked.

The beginning of this book is great. It’s dark, intriguing, and compelling, but then it just becomes a boring and purposeless sex fest.

The post-apocalypse setting and the dark harbinger of death roaming America and leaving a trail of bodies behind him did remind me of Pestilence, but this time we get a badly developed and weak romance instead of a bad Stockholm syndrome case.

The world-building is very minimal and we know nothing besides the fact that the world has gone to shit (not sure why) and the Wild Hunt happens every 3 years (not sure when it started). People can either live in the military secured zone (not sure how that works or where the zones are) and obey the military, or try to survive in the Wastes (not sure how that works either).

The character development is very minimal. We do not know much about Danny or Wyn and they both just feel boring and empty, so their relationship also feels boring honestly. I couldn’t really get into it. Danny has no purpose in life, he wants nothing except to live, but again, he has no purpose. Wyn is more intriguing, but he still remains very bland. I loved him at first, he was scary and dark and intimidating, but then he turned out to be nice and kind and so human-like (I mean, he was insecure about his appearance big time, but he is an apex killer who murdered thousands of people and views humans as inferior beings!). I didn’t feel like it was a monster-human romance anymore because Wyn didn't feel like a monster... Except for the parts where his weird penis is described, that reminded me that he was not human... 😬

The story revolves mainly around Danny and Wyn trying to stay alive and away from the army after Wyn got Danny out of the military base he was living in. The fact that Danny suddenly started to feel attracted to Wyn was just weird. I did not feel the relationship develop between them, or Danny’s feelings changed and evolve. I just read that he was attracted to Wyn and thought “ Oh really?! Oh well, if you say so...” because I did not feel any sexual tension between them. At all.

There is smut, but honestly, it made me cringe more than anything. The dialogues were also weird at times… Especially the dialogues while they were having sex. And the plot gets even weaker once they start having sex on a "regular basis". It’s basically just them having sex, killing demons, getting some rest, and doing it all again. There is no real goal or endgame for Danny besides following Wyn as he is “fulfilling his mission” and killing people.

Since the story is all about the romance between them and I did not really care for them or the weak and shallow romance, it was hard for me to stay engaged in the book and I found myself skimming the pages a few times. Honestly, I lost interest around the 30% mark but decided to push through. I couldn’t make it past the 50% mark though, I’m just too bored to continue.

Follow me on Instagram 🙂
Profile Image for Jenn (The Book Refuge).
2,273 reviews3,525 followers
March 8, 2023
Reread with audio 2023
Reread for 2022 Favorites

This book... this might be 6 stars. I am still stunned. I need a minute to process.

This was an epic love. It was beautiful and frightening and strange. So wonderful.

5 stars (at least)
4 on the spice scale.
Profile Image for Eleanor .
258 reviews504 followers
August 21, 2023
Soul Eater is a unique MM monster romance set in a dystopian modern earth where monsters have risen and as a result of panic the military has taken over. When Danny is sent on a suicide mission to kill a dangerous monster, he is the only one spared by said creature. After, the military takes him in for questioning, during which Danny comes to the realization that maybe the military isn't as good as they claim to be. When the monster, Wyn, comes to Danny's rescue, Danny decides to go with him into the wastelands rather than stay in the overpopulated cities the military has control over. The two make their way through the wastelands of former America, searching for somewhere to call home; and along the way, the two forge a bond.

This is such a captivating monster romance, I love the world-building and plot that Lily Mayne came up with; I was kept engaged the whole time. Danny and Wyn were so cute and the way their relationship developed was so natural. I loved how perceptive Wyn was to Danny and how the two warmed up to each other. The cherry on top of the story is the steam, Danny and Wyn had so much chemistry inside and outside of the bedroom; I couldn’t get enough of it.
Profile Image for Gabriel.
550 reviews969 followers
December 16, 2022
Voy a ser lo más corto y conciso porque creo que no hay tanto por decir sobre esta novela.


La he disfrutado, la novela se lee prácticamente del tirón y sabe de lo que va. Tiene como telón de fondo un ambiente post-apocalíptico del que no me trago nada ya que su línea argumental y solidez es como el agua, no tiene bases lo suficiente cimentadas y hay cosas poco creíbles y verosímiles. Pero eso es lo de menos si sabes a lo que vas con este tipo de historias.

Los monstruos, bichos y parásitos que aquí aparecen sí que dan un poquito de repelús (no escondo mi sensibilidad con eso). De resto, esto va sobre la relación de un humano y un monstruo, sus idas y venidas y su constante calentura, no miento, se la pasaban todo el tiempo hornys y teniendo sexo. De eso va.

Eso sí, es una relación curiosa por lo tierna que puede ser aunque el contenido sexual está para soltar unas buenas risas por lo imaginativo que es. Otra cosa que se puede resaltar de la relación entre ellos es que son versátiles y tienen personalidades muy marcadas, cada uno con sus propias inseguridades pero a la vez firmes en su actuar, no manejan actitudes ni comportamientos tóxicos. Lo cual es una verdadera sorpresa que no se esperaba para nada mi mente prejuiciosa.
Profile Image for Sarah.
327 reviews109 followers
March 22, 2024
Danny boy did the Monster Smash. (Click the link, you know you want to)

The world is overrun by monsters and I am overrun by horniness. JESUS CHRIST, that was good. Danny really got that W (get it? cause Wyn? No, don't worry, I also hate me.)

I AM FUCKING OBSESSED. Every single thing about this was absolute perfection.

Worldbuilding? Amazing. Characters? Phenomenal. Panties? Drenched.

I am SO impressed with Lily's writing. I feel like it's pretty damn hard to write a romance where the fluff level is at the max and the spice level is also at the max but the book is still wonderfully non-cringey but ding ding ding, we have a winner! Not only was this sweet as can be but good golly god those sex scenes were...scorching.

While I can't wait to absolutely devour the rest of this series, I'm already looking forward to reading this one again.
Profile Image for Alexandra.
238 reviews27 followers
March 29, 2023

I finished listening the audiobook.
Wyn voice was a winner! Danny’s in the other hand … the narrator gave him a very different personality. In the book I imagined him shy and naive, here he was cocky and confident. Felt like it’s a different book.
So in one hand it was a bit disappointing and the other hand it was a new book.. so yay?

I had to reread it after Seraph 🥰

This book is freaking awesome!!


Is it a debut novel? I can’t believe it!! This book is EPIC and I can’t wait to start the next book.
-fantastic world building
-amazing characters
-terrific plot
And the romance?? Oh boy! The longing, tantative steps to each other and then the steam... perfectly balanced.
I can’t put this book down, I kept reading when my eyes felt like full of sand:)
I beg the author to write a second book with them! And yes I would love to see Soul Eater offsprings too!;) So debut novel heh? Nr1 book for me in this year! Congrats!
Profile Image for Nelly S. (on semi-hiatus).
584 reviews142 followers
December 15, 2021
DNF @ 73%, in middle of sex scene

I tried. I really tried, but this monster romance isn’t for me. I was so bored. Yes, Wyn is really sweet with Danny and they have many cute moments, but there is no plot. It’s just the two of them going on the equivalent of a monster walkabout in a bleak wasteland populated by monsters, raiders and the army. Oh, and a lot of hot monster sex. But I do need more of a story to hold my interest. Most people love this book so it’s probably a case of “it’s me, not you”.
Profile Image for Surajat Debbie.
171 reviews56 followers
June 23, 2024
5 ⭐️ “I love you. More than anything in the universe. But you can’t tell anyone.”
“Because no one can know Wyn the Soul Eater has a heart?

My heart? FULL. You guys are trying to tell me this was Lily’s DEBUT? This MASTERPIECE of an M/M monster romance??? Liesssss.

Here I am, simping for a fictional monster who can literally turn into smoke. Am I ashamed? Nope xo

The story picks up with our baby boy Danny Sullihan, a 23 year old soldier living in a post-apocalyptic world following the rise of monsters 20 years ago. Danny is a sweetheart. He’s a super vulnerable guy with no family, so choses to join the army instead of facing poverty of the cramped cities. It’s clear Danny is NOT made for the army (rightfully so because the army here is EVIL - capturing and torturing monsters who have never even done anything to them but simply exist). Anyways, the opening scene is the mission Danny has been sent on to capture the evil Soul Eater Monster allegedly responsible for the deaths of thousands of humans. Danny and other young soldiers are sent as bait, and he’s scared out of his mind.

Enter, Wyn the Soul Eater 🥵🥹🤝🏾🤌🏾🖤
Wyn, this terrifying ancient being who literally kills with almost just a look, is untimatley captured and held back at the army base. Of course the army want to use Wyn and get intel from him. The problem? He will only speak with soldier 5797, AKA, DANNY.

From here, the most beautiful relationship develops. The romance, is 5/5 with no notes. No complaints. Guys, It’s gut wrenchingly beautiful ⤵️
“How did you know where to find me in there?” Wyn stirred, brushing his lips over my hair. “You’re in my blood now, Danny Sullihan. I’ll always be able to find you.” 🥹🥹 CRYING AS I TYPE.

Lily Mayne, you can have all my coins.


I LOVED lily’s Folk series. Hoping this is something like that 🤞🏾
Profile Image for D.L. Howe.
Author 23 books559 followers
July 19, 2022

Thanks to my girl Cass for the recommendation.

Gah! This was surprisingly adorable!

Never thought I would describe a monster as sweet, conscientious, protective and possessive. But that’s exactly what Wyn is, he’s freaking perfect.

He reminded me of Wesley from The Princess Bride, I wouldn’t have been surprised if he uttered those words; as you wish.

I loved Danny too but I’m not gonna lie, I found his character to be rather feminine. Not as in androgynous but at points I had to remind myself that this is a guy. I think it stemmed from his sassiness, he reminded me of strong heroines I’ve read in the past. This isn’t a bad thing, just something I noticed.

My only drawback is the traveling, it’s just not my cup of tea. I’ve been told this is an ongoing trait in the series but honestly, that’s to be expected.

But then if you give me all the monster smut, I’ll be satisfied. Like seriously, Soul Eater did not disappoint in the steam factor. Wyn had very interesting genitalia, (I was shocked I’d seen something similar once before) it’s interesting enough that I would recommend this book for that alone.

Beyond that their chemistry is off the charts! The neediness, the possessiveness and come together in red hot steam. And there was a lot of it.

Then of course the emotions were just as sky high. What Wyn did when he was scared and the fallout totally had me balling my eyes out. Just so much love between that monster cinnamon roll and his feisty sweet boy. I’m gonna miss the crap out of them.

I’m looking forward to Edin, I hope my boys make all the appearances.
Profile Image for aleksandra.
654 reviews2,874 followers
October 29, 2023

Probably not a popular opinion, but after seeing the rating and reviews I thought I will be obsessed with this series from the first book, but it sadly didn’t happened.

It might be just me not the book, but oh man, it was just boring. There was some action in the book, I won't deny it, but it was usually resolved quickly and all the main characters did was wander through the Wastes. There was one moment when I shed a tear and swoon for them being cute, but that was not enough for me to be obsessed with it.

The book being boring is probably my main problem here. The characters were great and the relationship, even though I had a lot of questions, because hello how did it work, a man and a Soul Eater? How could it have worked? Somehow, it made sense and I even thought it was cute. They were giving shy, sometimes clueless boyfriend x really overprotective, will do anything for his man boyfriend. Wyn, despite being one of the most dangerous monsters, was so gentle and sweet for Danny. Him calling Danny 'sweet' and asking him every time if he for sure wanted something, was ughh soo cute.

"I love you.” His voice shook the tiniest amount, making my heart swell too big for my chest. “More than anything in this universe. But you can’t tell anyone.”
I burst out laughing, happiness filling every inch of me, every cell, until it felt like I would burst. I shoved at his chest. “Because no one can know Wyn the Soul Eater has a heart?” He leaned in and nuzzled my face, his cool lips brushing my mouth. “Exactly,” he murmured,"

There was some things which I couldn’t wrap my head around. I know the author wrote at the end that readers finding them like that are right, and she changed for example the car for a military track, because how after 20 year of human world being occupied by monster the car could possibly work, but still. I don't know how Danny lived. He was eating food which should expired at least 15 years ago, and he was supposed to still survive on that while they walked through the Wastes till idk when.

If you love Danny and Wyn, don’t read that. The thing I can't even think about or I'll probably cry is that Wyn is immortal, while Danny obviously isn't. This basically means Wyn will outlive Danny and live after he dies. I don’t remember them talking about that, so it freaking sad. The book ends, at least for me, in HFN, so they'll just wander around until Danny dies? I hope this will be explained in future books.

The whole idea for the series is truly amazing and I will probably try to finish it one day, but maybe I’m not in the mood right now. I saw someone saying that the next books are better and more interesting, so I will give them a try when I’m in the right mood for it.
Profile Image for hope.
361 reviews223 followers
June 10, 2023
5 stars
❝You’re in my blood now, Danny Sullihan. I’ll always be able to find you.❞

These two did not only get put into my fav couples shelf but they are now one of my ultimate fav couples of all time (like top 5). I’ve always had a solid top 5 and it hasn’t changed in ages but Danny and Wyn completely obliterated it. They had me so spellbound, I could not stop reading. I would read countless books about Wyn and Danny, it could be about them just sitting there eating plain cereal and I’d be in love. I’m not used to reading fantasy, but this world was so fascinating and then the romance was perfection on top of that.

❝I don’t know what humans need. You need so many things to stay alive, it’s pathetic.❞ — Wyn 🤣

mini synopsis ✦ — Twenty years ago, monsters took over earth and now the world is military controlled. Danny is a solider and his unit are trying to capture the Soul Eater, who is deeply feared by everyone, even the other monsters are afraid of him. He only comes out every three years and he sucks the souls out of humans. No one knows why he does this or why he only comes out every three years. But what happens when Danny goes out in a raid against the Soul Eater and the Soul Eater kills everyone but him and takes an immediate liking to him 👀

❝You’re the strongest person I know, Danny,❞ he told me, and leaned forward to press a kiss to my stomach. ❝No matter what life has thrown at you, you’ve carried on. Making the best of what you have.❞ He shook his head, forehead brushing against my abdomen. ❝You’re brave. Fearless. Too good for me.❞

Danny (23) ✦ — He despises being in the military and doesn’t feel like he fits there. He has no family left and he hasn’t had one single friend in his life but the last thing he would ever want to do is hurt someone. Danny has had a tough life but he’s still hopeful and optimistic despite the circumstances. He’s fiercely brave but he still has his own insecurities. He’s a character who is easy to adore and cherish. I’d do anything for him if someone hurt him (and so would Wyn).

❝You were the first human to treat me with something other than contempt or disgust.❞

Wyn (aka the Soul Eater) ✦ — This sweet sweet monster. He may be basically immortal, so powerful you can’t comprehend, and thousands of years old, but he is the cutest, sweetest, most beautiful, endearing, soft, perfect monster ever 🥺 (sorry for all those adjectives). He’s feared by everyone but he’s secretly has his own insecurities too. Wyn can kill someone with the snap of his fingers yet he acted so flustered and embarrassed around Danny and it had my heart warming.

❝I want you all the time, Danny Sullihan.” His nose nudged mine. ❝My sweet human,❞ he murmured.

The terms of endearment—Wyn called Danny “my sweet” or “my sweet human” and it was so cute I cried 🥰

❝I won’t let anyone hurt you, Danny,❞ Wyn said in his low, raspy voice, reaching up and gripping the back of my neck.

Wyn gave touch him and you die and he’d protect Danny with his whole life. He would search every piece of land on earth if it meant getting what Danny needed. And how Danny never wanted to leave Wyn’s side even if it meant he was putting his life on the line. They are true soulmates and it showed in the little thing they did for each other 🥺

Edin (amazing side character) ✦ — He brought some amazing humour into this book. I always love when books can make me laugh out loud. This has its angst and the stakes are high in this world so it was nice that Edin brought some funny moments. I loved his character and his relationships with Wyn and Danny were precious. I can’t wait for his book.

❝You want me, Danny?❞ Wyn asked. His distorted voice was intimately deep. Raspy. ❝You want my body? You want to get off?❞

the steamy scenes ✦ — I never read monster sex scenes before so I didn’t know what to expect. To be honest, I didn’t expect a vers dynamic between them (although I was hoping) since Wyn is a huge 6’5 monster with a monster 🍆 …. so when I actually got to the scenes, I was pleasantly surprised and even found myself blushing. Chapter 21, I read it through twice before I moved on and then I went back and read it again after I finished the book.

❝You’re all I want, Wyn. You and me.❞ I swallowed, glad he couldn’t look at me while I said this. ❝My whole life has felt like I was just kind of drifting. No purpose. No aim. But now… This feels like where I’m meant to be. This feels right.❞

What to expect:
🖤 monster x human
🖤 steamy first times
🖤 virgin mc
🖤 friends to lovers
🖤 no ow/ow drama
🖤 touch them and you die
🖤 soulmate vibes
🖤 spicy spicy spicy

’Monstrous’ series
Book 1 - Soul Eater - 5 stars
Book 2 - Edin - 3 stars
Book 3 - The Rycke - 4 stars
Book 3.5 - Wyn - 5 stars
Book 4 - Gloam - 3.5 stars
Book 5 - Moth - 5 stars
Book 6 - Seraph - 5++ stars
Book 6.5 - A Monstrous Christmas in the Camp - 4 stars
Book 7 - Lor - tbr
Book 7.5 - A Collection of Monstrous Short Stories - tbr
Book 8 - Lyri - tbr
Profile Image for haletostilinski.
1,360 reviews552 followers
February 28, 2022
Oh, I absolutely adored this. *Lots and lots of happy sighs*

Now, if you got a little bit of a kink (or a big kink ;)) for a human/non-human pairing, this is the book for you.

This is set in a future not too far from now, where there's been an apocalypse when some big tears in the universe(s) brought forth many, many monsters from other realms/universes onto earth. Now not all of them meant harm - some did, sure, but not all - but you know humans....

And soon they all evacuated every part of the US that wasn't near water - the monsters didn't get through the tears there and generally don't go there either, so the "normal" population has been reduced to extreme overcrowding in all the costal cities and land, where there is extreme poverty for about 99% of people who live there.

The other options are being a nomad of sorts, or part of a group that travels through the "Wastes" as the land in the US is now called, or joining the Military.

Danny, a 23-year-old who lived in one of the coastal cities from when he was 3 when the 'monster apocalypse' happened his whole life until he was 22 when he mom died, joined the Military a year back to just get out of his life in a cramped, poor city where he had no family and no hope, really.

But Danny hates the Military too. He doesn't want to kill anyone or anything, and the Military has, of course, captured many Monsters over the years and has kept them locked up, chained and tortured, which Danny vehemently disagrees with but can't do anything about.

When he and hundreds of other shoulders are sent out to try to kill Wyn, the Soul Eater, it's a blood bath. Well, they're there to be lambs to the slaughter, used to try to distract Wyn so another unit could try to capture him.

Danny sees Wyn kill all the soldiers, but doesn't move to do anything himself. While he's terrified of Wyn, there's also something intriguing about him, and Danny doesn't want to kill anyway. In the end, of the first unit, Danny is the only one left alive.

Wyn is seemingly captured, and says he'll only speak to Danny. Of course, Wyn isn't a human and so doesn't have human restrictions, but of course humans - and the Military as an entity, because of course - are just too stupid to realize that and think they can control Wyn, keep him captured, and torture him. Spoiler: they can't.

When after several visits Wyn makes something happen, which Danny basically passes out for, he wakes to find himself in a hotel room, with Wyn himself.

Turns out Wyn let out all the other monsters, and they got free to kill most of the humans at the base - except, Wyn took Danny.

And when he gives Danny several options of what he could do, Danny chooses to go with Wyn.

As Danny learns more about Wyn and that he isn't just a soulless, mindless serial killer who doesn't give a shit about killing innocent people, and what his purpose on earth even is, Danny finds himself softening towards Wyn and slowly falling for him.

Wyn isn't human, but he is humanoid, and Danny finds himself very attracted to him, even without getting to see his face, as Wyn keeps a hood on around Danny at all times.

But as they start a physical relationship, they get closer and closer emotionally too, and as they go on their journey, fall more and more in love.

The Military doesn't leave them alone for good, though, so they pop up later to be sufficiently horrible.

I loved these two. They had chemistry right off the bat, I loved how deeply they fell in love, and how Wyn would do anything to keep Danny safe - I'm a total sucker when one is so badass that they can take down basically anyone who tries to hurt their love. Inject that shit into my veins - and Danny wanted nothing more than to be with Wyn.

It wasn't always perfect for these two, obviously, but not just the outside world, but in their relationship as well. They were both idiots who didn't discuss their feelings, fears, wants, etc etc and it caused problems, but I understood why. I mean, Wyn isn't a human, first of all, so it's all new to him, and Danny is young, and has also never been in a relationship. I understood them being idiots even as it frustrated me.

But they worked it out and I loved how they worked it out.

I was a little disappointed to see their story won't continue after this one, BUT I do see that book 3.5 is them again, from Wyn's POV and I'm excited for that. PLUS the next book is about Edin, who I loved in this. Plus he's a huge purple monster who is ripped and handsome, and problem has a big cock, just saying ;) Can't wait to read his book next.

So overall, LOVED this. HIGHLY recommend. It was so wonderful, and I loved it - also the steam was fucking HOT. It took me a second to get used to Wyn's slightly different anatomy, but I did get used to it. Like damn, these two were fucking intense! - and I will definitely be picking up the second book in this series.

Give me more human/"monster" romances with hot sexy times mhmm ;).

Two MASSIVE thumbs up from me!
Profile Image for Ariana  (mostly offline).
1,502 reviews70 followers
May 26, 2023
Reread May 2023

Throughly enjoyed this the second time round. So much fun and such imagination! And Wyn…. I think he is still my favourite monster. He is just such a softie under that grumpy facade and dark hood!

Original review:
Monsters, violence and a post-apocalyptic society?
Certainly not my usual read, and despite the glowing reviews (yes, I read them this time which shows how unsure I was about trying this) I was very skeptical and hesitant.

All I can say is: WOW!
I loved it.
It’s one of the first books in a long time I could not put down, and when I had to (regrettably), my mind was still there, with Danny and Wyn.

And here is why it’s 5 stars from me:

.) fabulous MCs:

Danny is just lovely. Yes, he is young and inexperienced (and rather sweet – in a good way!), but I loved how he intuitively knows what’s right and wrong, and how he’s able to feel compassionate for everyone, even horrible monsters or a*****e officers.

Nothing deserved to be locked up in a cell for the rest of its life for simply being different.”

The author does a fabulous job at ‘unveiling’ Wyn. We get to know him together with Danny (it’s his POV only) and I was totally captivated just as Danny. The mystery of Wyn’s face and the fact we don’t know for so long what it looks like added to the tension throughout. And once we get to know Wyn, it’s hard not to love the guy. Horns, hood and all!
What made me chuckle most is how chuffed he is when he manages to scare people out of their skins. Cheeky monster!

.) captivating, intriguing plot
What a fabulous movie this would make! I was literally on the edge of my seat for most of the book. The turns and twists and surprises, the tension and angst really kept me on my toes!

.) wonderful, highly unconventional romance
How can you love a monster? Particularly one that has killed thousands of people in the most horrible way?
Danny sees past the ‘monster’ right from the beginning. He looks at the being in front of him, and judges by nothing else but his experiences with Wyn and his sense of justice and what’s right and wrong. He certainly doesn’t go by Wyn’s outer appearance!

“You were the first human to treat me with something other than contempt and disgust” (Wyn)

And isn’t there a lesson in this for all of us?

Btw, just in case you’re put off by Wyn’s ‘serial killer’ vibe … there are reasons for Wyn’s actions. That’s all I can say!

.) Hot, hot, hot
Yeap. Danny and Wyn certainly know how to burn the sheets! – once they get there. And their journey is wonderfully described, scorching, sensuous and full of feels!

.) age gap
LOL. It’s the second time I’ve come across an age gap as big as this: Danny is 23 and Wyn is … basically immortal. That’s as big as it gets, but not that it matters here, as Wyn is totally different from top to toe, anyway!

And just a word about the 'not so nice' bits:
I'm not very good with extreme graphic violence, but while some parts here are rather grim and gory, I did not find them overdone or so horrifying that I'd felt the need to hide under a blanket. 😁

All in all a fabulous debut by this author, and I can’t wait to read the rest of the series.
What a great way to end this year's reading!
March 15, 2023
Gripping start to what quickly became one of my favourite fantasy series ever.


After seeing this series FINALLY got audio versions, I simply HAD to re-listen to it, especially as I had the niggling feeling that I didn't fully appreciate Wyn (and Danny) until later. On top of that, we have Michael Lesley narrating, and he's one of those who manage to give each and every character a very unique voice.

To make it short: It was a good decision. While it took me a bit to get used to Danny's southern drawl, it was perfectly in character, seeing as he's from Louisiana. Wyn's deep growl was... everything. It gave me all the best shivers, and made me appreciate Michael Lesley even more.

As to the story: after having read all the upcoming books, I'm in awe to realize how many hints Lily Mayne dropped in book 1 - not only about the "good" raiders camp, but about the Rycke, and Seraph, or Collector Mary. She's truly an expert in creating new book universes. Also, already "knowing" Wyn made me appreciate his sarcasm and his absolute devotion to Danny more, that's why I couldn't help but upgrade my original rating from 4 to 5 stars.

Original review:

4 dark smoky stars for my first real “monster romance”

I REALLY liked the world building. It’s set up in a post apocalyptic world of sorts, where 20 years earlier some openings to the “monster world” appeared and all kind of more or less threatening beings invaded Earth. Humans live mostly in some crowded cities, and the military is hunting monsters, primarily because they want to use all those powerful beings to further their own agenda.

Danny is cannon fodder, and he knows it. So when he’s sent out with others to ambush and capture the powerful Soul Eater, a monster that seemingly feeds on humans and leaves only empty husks in his wake, he’s more that surprised that the monster in question leaves him alive. His superiors forced him to meet Wyn (said Soul Eater) again and again, trying to find out more about him. Needless to say, Wyn is more powerful that he’s led them believe and he escapes with Danny.

The rest of the book is more or less Wyn and Danny wandering around, killing bad guys (monsters and humans alike), and getting to know reach other. And, ofc, having sex.

I really liked both Wyn and Danny, even though I wanted to shake some sense into them at times - esp when they didn’t talk their issues out and tried to be too selfless for their own good. Also: when a powerful monster tells you to stay put while he kills evil beasties, you don’t run after him and almost get yourself killed *insert eye rolling*

But other than that, I really liked it and will continue reading this series.
Profile Image for oshiiy.
342 reviews53 followers
November 15, 2021
4 ‘my sweet human’ stars ⭐️ Why didn't anyone say that monster sex was fucking hot? I can't believe this is the debut novel by Lily Mayne. Man, she deserves an award! I just love this story. It's amazingly enjoyable.

The book ticked almost every box of mine.

✔️ reading this book without getting a break. The book had me hooked to every chapter in there.
✔️ reading every sex scene without missing a line. They were amazingly hot.
✔️ making my heart flutter.
✔️ making me still think about the story. Can't stop thinking about Danny and Wyn.
✔️ making me cry. Their love was cry-worthy.

Our monster, Wyn was unbelievably sweet for a monster. I wanted to wrap him up in a big thick blanket and keep him safe and warm. Oh my God, I loved how he always care for Danny. He was so thoughtful and it made me cry, and I wanted to have Wyn for myself. He was the best thing in the book.

❝ I breathed his scent in, closing my eyes. “You’re all I want, Wyn. You and me.” I swallowed, glad he couldn’t look at me while I said this. “My whole life has felt like I was just kind of drifting. No purpose. No aim. But now… This feels like where I’m meant to be. This feels right.”
Wyn wrapped his arms around me and squeezed almost too tight. “It does,” he rasped. “It is. You’re mine, Danny Sullivan. I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.❞

On the other hand, I loved how Danny address every insecurity our sweet Wyn had. He was the perfect fit for Wyn. Wyn was the best boyfriend in the universe!!!

The world-building was okay for me. The plot was very easy to read, and the story was somewhat unique and I'm impressed with the author!

But I expected more angst between Danny and Wyn. I wanted them to have fights with each other and reunite together.
I wanted to know Wyn’s thoughts on Danny (There was only Danny pov in the book)

Highly recommended!
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