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Resting Warrior Ranch #1

Montana Sanctuary

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Sometimes the worst wounds can’t be seen.

Lucas Everett knows that firsthand. It's why he and his former Navy SEAL brothers created the Resting Warrior Ranch.

They aren’t doctors, but they can offer the healing freedom of their Montana range. And they specialize in training service and emotional support animals to help sooth even the worst emotional scars.

Usually, soldiers show up at their door. But this time it's Evelyn Taylor—a soldier in a very different kind of war.

She's as skittish as one of the horses Lucas gentles. But he’s learned how to be patient with animals, and he’s more than happy to be patient with this quiet beauty too.

When Evelyn’s past nightmares show up in Montana, she thinks she has to run again, but Lucas isn’t going to let that happen. He’s protected his country against the worst types of threats, and he’ll protect her too.

She’s met the rancher, but now she’s about to meet the SEAL.

275 pages, Kindle Edition

First published February 1, 2022

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Josie Jade

16 books184 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 569 reviews
Profile Image for Kristina .
938 reviews585 followers
April 5, 2023
I dunno about this one. It was ok, I guess. Just an overworked Navy Seal trope that has been done to death. Former Navy Seals who somehow can afford a huge luxury ranch where they train service animals, yet don’t seem to have any background in that field or to generate any real income from it. They work together as a tactical team (because why not?) to take down a stalker, yet the stalker seems to get the jump on them time and time again, culminating in a tstl moment by the harassed broken heroine. The heroine, while on lockdown after many creepy and escalating death threats, decides to go give her stranded friend a jump in the middle of the night. I’ve read this type of book before with slight variations more times than I can count and this one was not well done.
The hero himself is a tall former navy seal and that’s about all the description we get of him. No idea where he is from, if he had a good childhood, siblings, why he joined the seals, why he got into training service animals, what experience he has with this line of work, what his deep motivations were for opening the ranch, who these other Navy Seals were to each other. I mean for real the description in this book is severely lacking. The reader has to do some heavy lifting in the suspending of disbelief for this plot and picturing of this setting and imagining of these characters.
Just overall not believable or interesting to me. At least it moved fairly quickly (you know, didn’t have to read a lot of description or stage setting) so I was able to finish it.
Profile Image for Lou-Lou Belle.
560 reviews5 followers
March 21, 2022
“She was a mystery”. No, she really wasn’t. There was nothing mysterious about her. And saying this doesn’t make the MC mysterious.
Profile Image for Tanja OMGReads.
2,127 reviews50 followers
May 4, 2022
I was so excited to start this duo. The cover and the blurb spoke to me from the get go and let me tell you something - it was BETTER than I imagined it would be. For this to be the first book and un intruduction to the series I'm simply blown away.

Evelyn has had things happen to her that I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemies. She is been on the run for so long she's sceptical when she arrives to the ranch that Lucas is running with his friends. I loved how much patience he has with her. He understands the fight and struggles and the more he gets to know her the more he wants to make her trouble fade away. But it not easy to do so but when they finally remove it? It's pure bliss for them and I'm here for all that is coming up next.

I'm absolutely in love with the beginning of the series and I have no doubt this too will rise to my favorite series out there!
Profile Image for Anita.
2,344 reviews193 followers
October 29, 2023
DNF after three hours of the audio. I liked the duo narration, of Connor Brown (loved his deep bass voice) and Emma Wilder, but the female narrator was just over the top on the angst scale, and I understand that the character had a lot to be wary about, but it made for a very unpleasant listening experience. In laying the foundation for the story it was apparent that just about every character introduced had suffered some form of abuse or had PTSD. This book is just not what I care to read at this time.
Profile Image for Lira.
329 reviews27 followers
March 29, 2024
DNFed 31% It was a little bit boring 😏
Profile Image for Darcy.
13.3k reviews516 followers
March 14, 2022
I really felt for Evelyn. Her life seemed pretty good as the book opened, but you quickly saw how that was a fake. Her luck in running this last time ended with her at the perfect place for her, Resting Warrior Ranch. Even at the initial meeting Lucas was gentle with her, he sensed a little of what she was hiding and reached out a hand to help. That one little kindness was perfect for Evelyn and have her the breathing room she needed.

I loved the friendship that Evelyn and Lucas built, it was key when later her life took a down turn. By having that friendship established and feeling safe, Evelyn took a huge chance and told Lucas what she was running from. And Lucas, being who he was, jumped in to help. It didn't hurt that there was a growing attraction between them.

Things got crazy towards the end as Evelyn's ex was pyscho and not afraid to show it. He came after Evelyn hard, hurting most of those at the ranch and Evelyn's friends. But even being caught didn't seem to stop him, too much powder and influence with his family name. He was finally stopped, but it took his death, which honestly wasn't a big loss. I was glad that Evelyn was finally safe and in place to build a new life. Something she and Lucas didn't waste any time doing.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Lori Tremain.
657 reviews6 followers
January 21, 2024
Evelyn is on the run from apsychopath. She has changed her identity 13 times, but he ex keeps finding her and she runs again. She finds Garnet Bend Montana and a help wanted ad for a ranch. This is where she meets Lukas, an ex navy SEAL. Lukas and 6 other men run the ranch. All Navy SEALs.
The first 1/3 of this book was extremely repetitive with the thoughts of Lukas on overdrive and it got boring.
Profile Image for JP.
131 reviews
February 12, 2022
OK story, like the concept

I think my least favorite romance novel trope is when the hero tells the heroine that he’ll keep her safe…and then proceeds not to. Typically, because of a dumb decision by the heroine and the hero being outsmarted by the villain. And this book lives up to that to the letter. The rest of the story wasn’t bad, but I think the hero could have been better developed…I still didn’t feel like I knew him after 270 pages.

And a lot of other things either don’t make sense or are inconsistent. How is it that one interaction causes Nathan to become a completely different person? Not buying that. And why would Lena ask her friend (who she knows is getting death threats) to come meet her on a dark highway at one AM? She could have called Grace! And why couldn’t Lucas’ guys have called the Linear Tactical IT guru? And how did the SEALs afford to buy what sounds like a luxury ranch? And seem to make good money off of it (when most of what they do is charity-oriented/not likely to pay well? And…how did a bunch of bad-ass Navy seals not see Nathan being at that cabin was a distraction technique. And how did some rich kid get the better of not one, but two of said bad-ass seals. There were also sloppy oversights…the number of horses on the ranch changed, Noah and Liam at one point magically switch places. I can’t remember the other, but anyway…
Profile Image for Lover of Romance.
3,303 reviews1,007 followers
December 11, 2023
Quickie Review (May Contain Spoilers)

Montana Sanctuary is the first book in a series that surrounding a ranch that is about healing and helping people and animals overcome trauma and abuse. This is where we just see the beginnings of this. Its run by a group of ex military friends and I am very curious to see how this series will grow and develop and eager to see what is ahead in future books. I really had a blast with this one here. It was superb in every way. The suspense elements were on point, the villian was truly evil and crafy and cunning and I really adored that and how the plot is developed especially in the third act was super intense. I really appreciated what we see delivered with this story. The heroine is very off putting at times, but when you see the abuse that she has suffered, you can see why acts the way that she does. The hero is so patient and understanding. You can see that he wants to help her and love his steadiness and what it gives to her.

Montana Sanctuary was a pure delight, even though it wasn't perfect, it was a solid story which left me even more curious for more!
Profile Image for Sally.
356 reviews4 followers
February 20, 2022
Great start to a new series, adored all the characters, book was suspenseful enough to keep me engaged, romance was just right, look forward to the next story of the series 😍
Profile Image for Christine Jalili.
1,899 reviews33 followers
January 28, 2022
These authors did an amazing job writing such a great book. I was completely absorbed from page one until I finished, I couldn’t put the book down. It was fate that Evelyn ended up at Resting Warrior Ranch. Lucas was so patient with her. Loved how well they got to know each other and she even tells him all that happened to her. The shock of all that happened to her got to me. Plus the plans her ex plans is very twisted. Can Lucas and his Seals friends keep her safe? I even cried. Loved going through so many emotions and staying on edge. Thankfully there’s a very happy ever after that left me with happy tears. I’m so excited for the next book in this series. I’ll definitely be re reading this book, it’s really fantastic. I voluntarily read an advanced readers copy and I highly recommend this book.
Profile Image for Read All About It.
1,708 reviews24 followers
January 31, 2022
Excellent Series Starter!!

The start of this new series was so much more than I expected. We got a glimpse of the Wounded Warrior Ranch in Code Name Virgo.

Evelyn Taylor has been on the run for four years.Evil is about to catch up with her.

It was a strange feeling. Years had gone by since I’d trusted anyone.

Lucas Everett runs the ranch in Garnet Bend Montana for people in need of healing and rest.

Last night was the first time I’d told someone everything. Really everything.

The first story in this new series sets a high standard for all the coming books. It’s a page turner.
Profile Image for Jo Pilsworth.
Author 19 books195 followers
February 14, 2022
Why make him a SEAL?

The story is good for suspense, but I felt that Lucas was almost surplus to requirements, along with his friends. Would a civilian be able to sneak up on two former SEALS in a situation which screamed “It’s a trap!”? Would an experienced horse trainer not consider that a traumatised horse might fear people who resembled its abusers? The only reason for the SEALs angle seems to be that it is a trope that sells well.
Profile Image for ♥ℳelody.
686 reviews741 followers
November 8, 2023
I read this mainly for the concept. Small town romantic suspense, former Navy SEALs owning a ranch where they help veterans and abuse victims suffering from PTSD recover, rest and provide therapy, specifically animal therapy. Do we actually get to see that therapy? No. The couple here Lucas and Evelyn were sweet while very insta-lovey but the connection was there. The world building is insanely thin though, with characters moving around without any indication with very little sense of atmosphere. And the fast and loose writing really shows in the last leg of the book when the "suspense" part comes into play with the characters doing some questionable stuff and letting the loony villain get the upper hand much too easily. Twice. Which is to be expected in a RS book but bummed that the animal therapy part was barely touched on. That's what the whole premise of this book and series is based on but you aren't going to show it? Very odd. They live on this huge compound where they take in patients/victims recovering but it just felt like the 7 guys on the ranch and 1 cook and that's it. Where is everyone else? That and zero description is given on the other 6 SEALS who run the ranch with the hero, Lucas. The other guys get plenty of page time in this too but are just walking blobs. Considering each of these men got their own book I thought missing important details like that was underwhelming and weird. But I'll give a few of the other books a go when I'm in the mood for easy brain food.
Profile Image for Dena.
4,174 reviews13 followers
March 16, 2022
go Evelyn

I was pleasantly surprised by the character development of the story. I thought the characters were well written and very cool despite the situation. I was however very disappointed by the story development and having the ending be so anticlimactic. The reason was due to the other stories that are written in the same format that at times it becomes predictable.

Overall this story deserves a 3.5 however I gave it 4 because the characters really deserved it and I mean all of them.
434 reviews4 followers
February 14, 2022
I liked the concept, but I do get peeved when things progress so quickly in situations where the h is on the run and has an abusive past. Most of the drama and plot seemed outlandish and unrealistic. Another peeve of mine is when the h doesn’t remember that she is being stalked. Of course those black roses are for you!!!! Ugh!
Profile Image for Abby Boss.
415 reviews1 follower
February 12, 2022
Had tons of potential but was incredibly far fetched. Lucas & Evelyn’s story.
Profile Image for Frances Phillips.
206 reviews12 followers
January 31, 2022
Story: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
POV: Dual 1st Person
Stand alone? This is an interconnected series but there is no cliffhanger ending demanding that you read the next book right away. So I would say stand-alone-ish.

There is absolutely nothing about this book that isn’t absolutely perfect. The story progression for the couple is not your average protector romance romantic story progression but that is what makes it absolutely perfect. The standard over protective, possessive, “mine” mentality that we all know and love would have made this book a disaster and I am so glad that the authors chose to take another direction with this book. It sealed the truly protective nature of the hero and his genuine feelings for the heroine by highlighting that those tactics wouldn’t have worked.

I have honestly never (and I really do mean never) seen such a natural ebb and flow progression of romance in a story that didn’t in any way detract yet showed the time and effort to form a trust bond as strong as this couple had. It was natural. It was effortless. No part of the story made you think “That would never happen in real life.” It was actually like the characters were real people telling you how they met. It was absolutely, breathtakingly, heart stoppingly beautiful.

I can’t say this often but I have no critiques of this book. There is nothing in this book that gave me pause in the story. There were no noticeable editing needs. There were no over the top aspects that made me wonder “what were the authors thinking?”…. It was just an amazing tale of two people fighting their own demons while being drawn to each other. Two people learning what love really was and how far they would go to hold on to it.

I consider myself a romance cotnnesiour and in my humble opinion this book is the embodiment of what a romance novel should be.
Profile Image for Elora Maxwell.
Author 3 books39 followers
April 1, 2024

4.5 ⭐️

My first and certainly not last book by this author. Her style of writing is so engrossing I simply couldn’t put this down. I love these characters and though parts felt extremely far fetched, I still went into this novel expecting the thrill and it delivered. The moments of suspense were so incredibly well done and I can’t get over how the intimate scenes were handled. The way the author focuses so heavily on the emotions of the characters over what is happening physically was just wonderfully done. I’m so excited to read the rest of this long series.
1,893 reviews20 followers
January 22, 2022
Wow this was a brilliant start to the new series.  I loved this new team.  They were all in with each other.  Brilliant!
This was about Evelyn who had been in the run from her abusive psycho ex fiancee and ended up in Garnet bend and met Lucas at Resting Warrior Ranch.
The strong connection between Lucas and Evelyn was a slow build but not because of the attraction which was alive and thriving early on,  but because she was scared,  scarred and terrified.  Lucas was great and I loved the approach he took with her.  So sweet and protective.
I also enjoyed the team spirit.  The guys were all in and had each others backs.  Charging through, and getting it done.  Evelyn was lucky to have had that support.
I also enjoyed her journey,  from meeting Lena to from being scared to coming to terms and opening up to Lucas.  One brave lady.  Everything was so believable.
This was a fantastic book and can't way for more in the series.  So good and can't recommend this book highly enough!!
This was an ARC and this is my honest review.
Profile Image for E-Reader Addict.
1,199 reviews44 followers
December 13, 2023
This was a decent story. Nothing earth-shattering or ground breaking (former SEAL saves woman from stalker has been done thousands of times) and I almost gave this one two stars, but the heroine didn’t do the totally too-stupid-to-live thing at the end (as I was expecting) so I felt generous.
597 reviews4 followers
January 28, 2022
What a wonderful fast paced read. Evelyn and Lucas’s story is full of twists and turns that keep you reading till the very end. Lucas with his Seal buddies own and run Resting Warrior Ranch. It’s a safe place to come and heal. Evelyn is hiding from an abusive ex-fiancé and purely by accident ends up at the ranch. Lucas realizes she’s in trouble and offers a safe place to stay. How their friendship evolves and how they find their HEA makes for a really great read !
Profile Image for Jenn.
72 reviews29 followers
January 24, 2023
Lucan and Evelyn. This woman has gone through so much trauma and devastation that she needs a break. When she runs (for the last time) and ends up finding RWR and a safe place to stay, she also finds a safe person to fall in love with. Lucas has his own demons, but no way is he going to let anyone hurt his woman. The end of this book was a rush but it all went together so perfectly! Amazing start to a new series.
Profile Image for Susan.
4,594 reviews113 followers
February 2, 2022
Fantastic start to a new series about a group of retired SEALs and the ranch they started to help others who also have PTSD. This collaboration between newcomer Josie Jade and veteran author Janie Crouch sucked me in from the first page and didn't let me go until I turned the last one. I've been looking forward to this book since Janie introduced the Resting Warrior Ranch in her latest book, Code Name: Virgo , and I was not disappointed.

Five years earlier, Evelyn was young and in love. She had no idea that the handsome, wealthy, and charming Nathan West was a psychopath until she ran afoul of his obsessive jealousy. After what he did to her, she was fortunate to escape when she did, but she has spent the last four years running. The book opens as Evelyn receives a delivery that shows he's found her again. Once more on the run, Evelyn ends up in Garnet Bend, Montana. When she shows up at the ranch holding a year-old advertisement for a job, Lucas immediately recognizes the fear and desperation in her eyes. He offers her a house on the ranch and finds her a job in town at Deja Brew, all while attempting to harness his protective instincts.

I loved watching the relationship between Lucas and Evelyn develop. They are immediately drawn to each other, but like the horses he gentles for the ranch's therapy use, Lucas realizes that Evelyn needs time, space, and patience to heal and believe in her safety. Those scenes as Evelyn slowly learns to trust Lucas are intensely moving. And when her past comes calling, that trust allows Evelyn to stop running and let Lucas and the others help her.

The twists and turns of this story kept me reading long into the night, unable to put it down until I swiped through the last page. Lucas's caring and support gave Evelyn the strength to stand her ground and trust the guys to stand between her and Nathan. The emotion ramped up as Nathan's actions escalated in intensity. The ending had me on the edge of my seat as Evelyn faced her worst nightmare, Lucas fought to prevent his greatest fear, and the men of Resting Warrior Ranch came together to help one of their own. A final twist provided an intense finale, and Evelyn and Lucas looked toward a brighter future.

The vivid descriptions of everything from Evelyn's injuries to the Montana landscape to the ranch and its activities gave the story an extra layer of realism. I also enjoyed meeting and getting to know Lucas's co-owners and Evelyn's new friends, Lena and Grace. I can't wait to read the next book and learn more about the source of the tension between Harlan and Grace.

Profile Image for Sandy S.
7,248 reviews189 followers
February 2, 2022
MONTANA SANCTUARY is the first instalment in the contemporary, adult RESTING WARRIOR RANCH romantic suspense series co-authored by Josie Jade and Janie Crouch- a spin off from Crouch’s ZODIAC TACTICAL series. This is former US Navy SEAL Lucas Everett, and Evelyn Taylor’s story line.

WARNING: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there may be triggers for more senstive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Lucas and Evelyn) MONTANA SANCTUARY follows Evelyn Taylor as she is forced to run from a past that refuses to let go. Landing in Montana, Evelyn seeks sanctuary at the Resting Warrior Ranch co-owned by seven former US Navy SEALs including Lucas Everett, the man with whom Evelyn will fall in love. What ensues is the building romance and relationship between Evelyn and Lucas, and the potential fall-out as Evelyn’s past is determined to reclaim our heroine, ending her life in the process.

Evelyn Taylor hasn’t stopped running for close to four years but every time she begins to settle, her past returns seeking retribution and revenge. Staying at the Resting Warrior Ranch allows Evelyn some form of security but even the best security is not enough as history proves over, again and again. Lucas Everett never expected to fall for the woman with the haunted eyes. Lucas knows Evelyn is hiding dark and dangerous secrets but not until Evelyn reveals the truth does Lucas call in reinforcements, in an effort to save the woman with whom he is falling in love.

The relationship between Lucas and Evelyn is one of immediate attraction but Lucas doesn’t do relationships, and Evelyn hasn’t stopped running for many years. Falling for Evelyn was easy, but keeping her safe was proving to be more difficult than anyone could have ever imagined. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

We are introduced to Lucas’ business partners and former Navy SEALS: Liam, Harlan, Jude, Grant, Noah and Daniel, as well as Evelyn’s co-workers Lena and Grace, and therapist Dr. Rayne.

MONTANA SANCTUARY is a story of betrayal and vengeance, power and control, money and manipulation, obsession and madness, acceptance and love. The premise is gritty and haunting; the romance is seductive-the chemistry is palpable; the characters are animated, energetic and spirited.

893 reviews11 followers
March 7, 2022
Terrible. Really depressing plot that isn’t realistic!

Well, what can I say, apart from I hated it?

Evelyn has been on the run from her psychotic ex, for four years. Every time he manages to find her, she gets a new identity and moves to a new place. No idea how she gets a new identity, or how she gets jobs without a bank account, or how she manages to survive working in cafes, and having to leave without being paid. None of that is explained. So she moves to a new area, and applies for a job at the ranch that Lucas and his friends own. They are all ex forces and they run the ranch to help people with ptsd or mental health problems.

Again with the plot holes. How did they all afford to buy the ranch? Where did the money come from? How do they sustain it? A couple of clients are mentioned at first, but then disappear, never to be seen again!!

No idea where she stayed when she first got into town. Or with what money as she had to leave her job, without getting paid. So she goes to stay in one of their houses, on the ranch, and gets another job in a cafe without references or anything!

Lucas is an ex navy seal, who recognises that Evelyn has been abused. He’s really good with her and let’s her come to him, rather than scaring her. That part of the book is actually quite sweet. Then it gets so crazy that it doesn’t make sense! Her ex Nathan tracks her down, and manages to break into a secure compound to terrorise her. And somehow changes the recording so that it doesn’t show him on tape!!! Erm yeah right, okay…. And of course her ex is a genius so manages to set a trap for Lucas and his friends, and then tricks Evelyn out into the open. Oh good grief!!! I can’t believe that someone wrote a plot this bad!!

Sex scenes are really clunky and didn’t feel sexy at all, and their relationship feels weird! It feels like Lucas fell in love with her because he wanted to save her, as he didn’t save his mother from being abused. They don’t build up to a relationship, one minute she’s terrified of him, the next she’s having sex with him. If she’s so traumatised by her ex, it would take a lot more time for her to relax into doing anything.

Profile Image for Books and Spoons.
1,613 reviews31 followers
February 6, 2022
An Intense, captivating, beautifully written, and smoothly flowing story that stole my heart.
Despite being co-written with Josie Jade the tale has a strong Janie Crouch voice to it, a love story filled with drama, trouble, healing of hearts, and mending of past wounds.
I loved just about everything about the story, the premises, the characters, the built-up of the danger and drama, the angst that was tangible on each moment, the sweetest, most tenderly passionate romance that stays with you and lingers in your mind and heart.
It is written from the first point of view, from dual sides of the tale, the hero and the heroine, thus the 'just about' when loving the book. Though I do admit, it worked here, so maybe I am getting over my dislike of the 1st POV.
Resting Warrior Ranch is a new series, that delivers from the start with a powerful storyline, with likable and charming characters, relationships that go deep into the emotions, under your skin. I loved how much there was suspense from the danger and threat from the start of the tale, yet the built-up to the crescendo was fiercely intense.
From the beautifully painted Montana scenery to the life-threatening menace and violence, to the recovery and healing, and most of all, the preciously luscious, adorably sweet, and delightfully captivating story of Lucas and Evelyn; Montana Sanctuary is an appealing and pleasing tale from the first to the last scene delivering strongly on all fronts.
~ Five Spoons
Profile Image for Jewlsbookblog.
2,156 reviews72 followers
January 30, 2022
Evelyn perked my interest when she appeared in Code Name: Virgo, but Holy Hades, I wasn’t expecting her backstory to be so heartbreaking! No one could survive her circumstances without issue, but Evelyn manages to keep a piece of herself that’s rekindled when she meets Lucas. Call it kismet, because these two were obviously made for one another!

Lucas is battling his own issues and I appreciated how he and his friends kept an eye on one another—especially when things start to get too hot to handle alone. That showed a solid camaraderie between the guys and made things more believable when they extended that same assistance to Evelyn.

Montana Sanctuary was a strong start and I enjoyed a lot about this book. The twisty suspense, the guy’s ranch and service animal plans, and then there’s all the characters-minus the bad guy! Yay for a new series!!

I voluntarily read an advanced copy of this book from the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 569 reviews

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