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Divorced Men's Club #3

Budding Attraction

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I’ve never thought much about Orson Naples.

He’s a cute guy who I’d seen around town a few times, but then one day he up and left and didn’t reappear until a few years later. No one knows where he went or what he was doing, all this gossipy town knows is that he’s a widower, owns the florist, and is friends with that divorced group that hang out at the Killer Brew all the time.

But then one day I step into his flower shop and go from rarely thinking about him, to him constantly being on my mind.

There’s a restlessness to him that I’m dying to unlock answers to.

And his eyes linger on me a little too long for a straight man …


Ford Thomas is a pest. A delightful one. A tempting one. But I’m too old for games.

The ones I’ve played in the past have always led me to trouble which is why I vowed to settle down and live a quiet life.

So when Ford walks into my shop all uncontained energy and flirty quips in a pair of heavy work boots, I know I should show him the door.

I don’t need fun. I don’t need experiences.

Especially when those experiences have me questioning things I thought I knew about myself.

283 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 16, 2022

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Saxon James

50 books3,974 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 550 reviews
Profile Image for Snjez.
874 reviews791 followers
August 20, 2023
I was looking for something light and sweet to listen to on audio, but I should have known that a book in this series and by this author probably wouldn't work for me.

I didn't care for either of the characters and I didn't buy their relationship. Since Orson is supposed to be straight, I expected some kind of development. Maybe starting as friends first. But from day one there's endless flirting between them and their conversations are full of s*xual innuendos. Not to mention

I don't have much more to say about this. The story didn't feel organic to me, Molly's character was annoying and not even Nick J. Russo's narration could save this for me.
Profile Image for Carol [Goodreads Addict].
2,685 reviews25.1k followers
April 16, 2023
Budding Attraction is book three in the Divorced Men’s Club by Saxon James. It’s been awhile since I read the previous book in this series and I can’t believe I forgot how much I adore this series. I went back and re-read my reviews for the first two books and I use the words swoony, sweet, sexy, and adorable a lot. Well, they all still apply. I couldn’t love Orson and Ford more. I knew by the end of chapter one that I was already in love with these two.

Orson Naples owns the Florist shop in Kilborough. He is forty five years old, a widow, and straight. At least he thought he was. Until Ford Thomas walked into his shop, taking up way too much space in all his tattooed, muscled glory. Orson likes his quiet life. He had accepted that he was going to live out his days alone. Until Ford turned everything upside down.

Ford Thomas owns the auto shop in Kilborough. He is forty two years old. He’s gay but has never been in love. He’s a flirt but mostly uses it to put people at ease since he worries that he intimidates people with his size and appearance. He knew of Orson but had never met him face to face until the day he walked into his Florist shop. After that he was all he could think about. But Orson says he is straight. Ford knows he wants Orson in his life and if he has to just have him as a friend, that’s what he’ll be.

“I’m holding on to the word straight because it’s who I’ve always been, but maybe that word is what’s holding me back from who I could be.”

These two couldn’t have been cuter together. They are both big guys. They start out as friends...sort of. Friends who flirt, who think about the other in ways that are more than friendly. I loved the way that Orson was so open in accepting that there was this side to him that he just didn’t know was there. That he was so willing to explore. I loved the way that they accepted each other, their past mistakes, and only saw each other for the men they had become. They supported each other. There was no big conflict, no separation. They were just all in. This is why I read.

So yes, get ready to swoon, to smile, to sigh. Get ready to fall in love with Orson the florist and Ford the mechanic. The next book in the series, book four, is going to be called Employing Patience. I don’t know who it will be about but I hope it might be Art. That man needs his own Happy Ever After.

For more about this book and so many others, come and visit me at Carol's Crazy Bookish World.

Profile Image for Meags.
2,318 reviews590 followers
August 14, 2024
3.5 Stars

Budding Attraction is one of the most authentic bi-awakening M/M romances I’ve read in a while.

Orson is a widower who’s turned his life around after hitting rock bottom in the aftermath of his wife’s death. He’s moved back to the small-town of Kilborough and become a successful florist, and he’s made friends with the local Divorced Men’s Club, who have all taken him in with open-arms, despite the fact he’s not actually divorced.

When local mechanic and perceived bad-boy, Ford, starts showing up regularly to buy flowers, Orson finds himself drawn in by Ford’s charming pull. Ford is openly gay and makes no efforts to hide his attraction to Orson, flirting up a storm every time he’s near, but it’s in their easy conversations and effortless banter that the two decide becoming friends is a worthy venture.

After spending increasing time together, having countless hangouts and dinners and local adventures, Orson realises he hasn’t felt this happy—this himself—since before his wife died, and he owns that all to Ford. What Orson doesn’t expect (but thankfully doesn’t fight) is this feeling that what he and Ford have been doing feels more like dating than simple friendship… and he’s surprisingly okay with it.

I loved how these two communicated. As two men in their early-to-mid-forties you expect a level of maturity and self-awareness that doesn’t often translate in romance reads, but it most certainly did here. Orson and Ford have had life experience and it showed. Being with a man may have been wholly new to Orson, but beyond that initial surprise and questioning stage, I loved how he embraced his new feelings and came at the situation with an open-heart and open-mind.

The way their relationship progressed was perfection. All the getting-to-know-you stuff felt natural and unencumbered by the pressures of sex and romance, because at that point in the story they really were just building a solid friendship. Their friendship became the foundation for everything that came after, making it a smooth transition from friends-to-lovers once they acknowledged their mutual attraction and started slowly exploring the physical possibilities that Orson became oh-so-eager to experience with Ford and Ford alone.

Once again, this series strikes the perfect balance with character growth, relationship development and sexy times. Helped along by the fact that James writes some fun banter, great secondary characters, and some seriously delicious intimate scenes—that strip-tease scene?! F*CK ME SWINGING!!

Overall, Budding Attraction was a lovely addition to this series and I continue to feel that spark of eagerness in anticipating the stories still yet to come.


Audio Edition:

The series continues to be wonderfully narrated by Nick J. Russo, who always brings his characters to life and adds dimension to all the stories he works on. It’s become an expectation that, with this series, I will be one-clicking the e-book and immediately whispersyncing the audiobook upgrade, so I can enjoy jumping back-and-forth between the two at my leisure.
Profile Image for Renae Reads.
589 reviews549 followers
December 20, 2022
*** I reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.***

Budding Attraction is the third entry in the Divorced Men's Club. This story focuses on the relationship between Orson and Ford. I really enjoyed the slower nature of this story as Orson is processing his grief after losing his wife, opens a floral shop and begins a friendship with Ford that slowly morphs into more.

I love a bisexual awakening and Orson's awakening is slow, deliberate and utterly charming due to his cluelessness as his feelings for Ford deepen. Ford is completely on board with which ever type of relationship possible with Orson, making their bond stronger and incredibly sincere.

Overall this is a great low-angst romance that is so utterly charming that I enjoyed every second of this world. Cannot wait for the next couple!!!
Profile Image for Jamie.
630 reviews107 followers
February 4, 2023
I really needed to read something light and fluffy, something funny with no angst after finishing an intense book, and this book was exactly that.
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,740 reviews378 followers
November 16, 2022

Oh this was just wonderful, it’s a true exploration of how you think you know yourself but then someone comes along who knocks you off balance and you find that maybe there’s more than you ever expected.

Orson has been through a lot. He found his love but then his wife died suddenly, he hit the rails and eventually, thanks to the efforts of his friend Art, found himself back in his previous hometown.
Given this second chance, he opens up a florists and has been muddling along when his path crosses with Ford’s.

There’s something there from the start but Orson’s straight…

However, the more time the two men spend together, the more Orson finds himself craving Ford’s company and wanting to find out more about him, he’s feeling all sorts of feels and not sure exactly what that might mean.

What I loved the best about this latest from Saxon is that these two men don’t mess about, they talk, constantly, about their feelings, about how Orson doesn’t quite understand this new attraction to Ford but how he’s not willing to throw it away by not exploring.

And ooooh boy do they explore! The sexual awakening and exploration scenes in this are not only seriously smoking, they’re filled with an incredible tenderness as Ford lets Orson set the pace and push his own boundaries.

They’re mature men, having discussions and conversations, there’s not a jot of unnecessary drama caused by miscommunication.

Even the one niggly moment at the 80% odd mark isn’t dramady for the sake of it, it comes directly from the narrative and has a very satisfying outcome which gives the reader another insight into how perfect both men are for each other.

There’s the usual dry humour that’s been a hallmark so far from the Divorced Men’s Club books, the rest of the gang is on hand to dish out totally unhelpful advice and take the mickey out of both men and the small town setting is explored a bit more in this one.

With potential new set ups being introduced in this book, as well as the Art/Joey pairing I am DYING for, this series from Saxon is shaping up to be an absolute cracker.
Profile Image for Dani (Daniiireads).
1,467 reviews244 followers
May 2, 2024
- widower
- bi awakening
- friends to lovers
- older MCs (40s)
- opposites attract
- ex con

Ok, Orson and Ford may be my favorite DMC couple. There’s is the sweetest love story ever 😍

Ford has had his eye on the cute florist Orson for a while and ends up shooting his shot, but Orson shoots him down letting him know he’s straight. Ford takes it in stride and then pair hit it off, but the easiness between them and the flirty banter has Orson questioning everything.

There are a few hiccups to their budding (😏) relationship—Orson’s unsure of his sexuality AND scared of falling for someone and losing them like he did with his wife. Ford is self deprecating about his ex con status, and isn’t sure if that’s a problem. Plus there’s a 26 year old little cutie who can’t take no for answer.

BUUUUTTT things work out in the end and Orson and Ford get their happy ending (in more ways that one). It’s romantic and sweet, and I just love them so much.
Profile Image for Julia (bookish.jka).
765 reviews214 followers
November 18, 2022
"He's the calming breath you take before a deep dive, the first gulp of water after a long run, the low rumble of a V8 engine right before it accelerates. Everything about him has set up camp in my chest and lit a warm fire that refuses to go out."

Another fabulous Saxon James read, this time it's Budding Attraction, which is book 3 in her Divorced Men's Club series; all inter-linked but can be read and enjoyed as standalones (but why would you when you can read them all?!)

This is Ford and Orson's story. Orson is straight, a widower and doesn't have any expectation of finding love again. Ford is gay, enjoys playing the field, keeping it simple and doesn't want to settle down.

When Orson Naples moves back to Kilborough after his wife's death and opens his own florist business, he doesn't expect to become friendly with Ford Thomas, the town's flirty, tatooed, auto mechanic. He certainly doesn't expect to be going out on non-date dates with him. And he definitely doesn't expect to be attracted to him. Because he's straight, right?

This is such a gorgeous, second chance, older guys, opposites attract, love is love, small town romance and seriously, what's not to love?!


4 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Profile Image for taylor :) (in a slump).
210 reviews41 followers
December 4, 2022
Orson and Ford were very cute. This whole book was very cute, and it made me :D They were absolutely perfect for each other, and I loved seeing their relationship develop and seeing them work through things together.

Orson is our straight floral shop owner (honestly this book made me want to be a florist), and Ford is our gay mechanic. You can obviously see where this is going. It wasn’t that straight forward, though. Orson is a widow, so we had some dead wife stuff to work through. It wasn’t one of THOSE books, though. Sometimes the dead spouse trope is really hard to read because the MC will feel guilty about loving someone else and constantly comparing the love interest to the dead spouse, and it’s just not fun to read. Orson was good, though. He didn’t put in any unnecessary stuff like that. He knew that his love for his late wife wouldn’t dim his love for someone new. What a man.

I loved Ford. He is such a sweetheart. I felt bad for him, though, because he’s this big dude that people can’t helping being scared of him, plus add in some rumors about his past, and Ford faced some not so fun talking behind his back. He would go out of his way to be there extremely nice to people and make them comfortable, so they wouldn’t be scared of him. My darling little angel baby didn’t deserve that.

The sex was verrrryyy good. I don’t expect less from this author. She even added some sex toy use in this book and THAT was fun!!!

We met some new characters that I’m really excited for. Except for Molly. Well okay I take that back. I feel bad for the man, I really do. He just wanted his own love, but man did I want to give him the old one-two in the book. What a butthead, but I get it. I think he’ll get his love in a new series. But some of the other characters she showed????? Oh yeah I am reading that.

Overall, this book was really sweet. It wasn’t a book where I was on edge and was like and what happened next?????? It was just a comfortable read that I could just take my time with. I need those sometimes. Read about Ford and Orson. Let me know if you swoon over them like me. Peace, love, and flowers. xoxoxo
Profile Image for Iman.
718 reviews209 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
November 18, 2022
Time of death: 25%

This is so sad to write since I love this series so much, one of my anticipated this year. There’s a lot of things I didn’t like compare to what I liked (can’t even finish it) so let’s make it simple:

Please take note this is my review as far as I read. I truly do not care what ever happens next :)

1. Orson and Ford, the MCs. Nothing likeable and no personalities can’t even differentiate between those two, except one straight and one gay. Really, these two never stop talking about that. Details below.

2. Why is Orson so concious of Ford seeing him as gay? Calm down old man.

3. They argue about being gay and straight for like the first 20% - the only thing they talked about. Again, no personalities no storyline.

4. The DMC group chat is getting boring - my problem I admit.

5. Insta lust - no explanation

6. Boring storyline at the beginning. Do not have the pull on me. No development, just flirts and stupid innuendos between these two. I had to check the blurb couple times to make sure I’ll get something afterwards. This line: “But then one day he up and left and didn’t reappear until a few years later.” - The Blurb. Was waiting for some storyline about that but nope!

7. The word “straight” being mention like twenty times by 20% of the book. I swear it’s the only Orson’s personality.

8. Ford flirts a lot, not bothered by that at all. But somehow, the flirts were such a pushover. I was actually annoyed by him. I’d be pissed if someone actually do that to me. The way he talks about cock everytime with Orson, (bear in mind it was only 18%) and the way he flirts and calling Orson hot was off putting. Maybe just me, but blerghh don’t like him at all.

I’m waiting for Art’s story in the future. Please be good for the next one 🙏🏻
Profile Image for Dani.
944 reviews107 followers
December 5, 2022
This was nice but I didn't particularly care for either MC, not even the widower angle had me feeling any feels 🤷🏼‍♀️.

Personally I'm more intrigued by the potential best friends dad story for Will and Keller! I'm already over Art and Joey because it's been hinted at for so long 😂🤦🏼‍♀️

I'm also really hoping Molly ends up being Aleks' boyfriend, (Puckboys) I could totally see them together 🤞
Profile Image for haletostilinski.
1,351 reviews548 followers
November 20, 2022
⭐︎ 4.25 Stars Rounded Down! ⭐︎

Overall, I enjoyed this a lot. Orson, 45, isn't a divorced man, but a widower. It's been some years since his wife died, and after Orson was in a bad place right after she died and made some bad choices, he's since healed a lot and is in a much better place. He thinks he's going to be alone for the rest of his life, and thinks he's straight, so when Ford, 42, comes walking through the door of his florist shop, he doesn't know what to do with the man.

Because Ford is very gay and very interested in Orson. Orson has thought himself straight his whole life, and maintains that at the beginning of their budding friendship.

But Ford is a force of nature. Naturally a very flirty man, but he means every word with Orson, and tells him as much. He never plays around, and shows his interest in Orson from day 1, and tells him that he is too.

But Ford has never really had a serious relationship before, and Orson, if he ever does date again, wants something serious. He wants eventually fall in love again. Or at least, feel very strongly about someone, especially before having sex again.

There's just something different about Orson, and Ford, for the first time in his life, finds himself wanting to pursue one person for more than just getting off a few times together.

I liked these two together. I liked their chemistry together, especially when, eventually, they started having sex. The sex was top notch in this and my reason for going to 4.25 stars instead of just 4 stars. These two were fire together.

I guess I didn't give this 5 stars mainly just because, honestly, it took a long time for these two to heat up for me. I liked them, I was enjoying their kinda slow burn, but maybe it was just a tad too slow for me. I guess because quite a few times Orson had trouble imagining having sex with a man, even Ford, before they got together, so I wasn't quite getting that attraction from him that I was getting form Ford.

Then as Ford intrigued Orson more and more, I began to like these two more and more. But even farther into this as Orson and Ford were taking tentative steps towards more, he had a hard time imagining Ford's dick and wanting it. It wasn't until they actually did stuff like 2/3 into this that he started to, well, appreciate Ford's cock lol. And once they had full on sex and Orson became so into it, that's when I really felt that sizzle of very good chemistry between these two.

Also, this is small comparatively, but we never get an 'I love you' from Orson. Ford tells him he's in love with him, so that was enough for me, but we never get the words from Orson. And I know I should't care, because he says as much in so many words to Ford, just not the exact words and idk, I wanted the words *pouts*

So while this wasn't 5 stars for me, it was still very good and enjoyable.

I'm also excited for the next book in the series, which is most likely Keller and Will -who is Keller's son's best friend. Yeah, son's best friend/friend's father trope FTW ;). Can't wait to read it. Although I'm also excited for Art and Joey, whenever we're getting that one. Feels like we've been waiting ages. So I'm excited for both. Can't wait!

Definitely recommend this one. Now onto the next!😁

My Ratings for the Divorced Men's Club Series:

🔆 Making Him Mine: 3 stars (my review)
🔆 Roommate Arrangement: 5 stars (my review)
🔆 Platonic Rulebook: 5 stars (my review)
🔆 Budding Attraction: 4.25 Stars
Profile Image for Ash &#x1f349;.
564 reviews117 followers
November 20, 2022
3 bored stars

I am begging SJ to change things up a bit, every chargers feels the exact same with a minor change. Molly was the only exciting character in this book even if I didn’t love the way SJ introduced him to the series, but I’m praying his book is gonna be good.
Profile Image for ☆Kylie☆.
280 reviews4 followers
July 11, 2024
I DNF way to soon so I won't put any rate, if you follow my reviews you know it's rare for me to dnf, one of my pet peeves is : I hate insta-love-lust.

I can deal with it in some instances, if it's well written or it's fated mates, but not normally.

When one of the reviews I read told me "it's insta from the first page" I really thought it was an exaggerated review so I gave it a shot... It wasn't 😂
Profile Image for Lauren.
251 reviews
April 11, 2024

Orson and Ford are so special to me 😭 This book has such cozy, flirty, teasy vibes and combine that with greying middle aged men and I'm sold. I adore everything about this book from how Orson's past is discussed, how Orson treats falling for a man for the first time, how Ford flirts relentlessly, and how Ford tries to let Molly down easy. (can't wait for Molly to get his own book.) Also top tier spice per usual for Saxon James (especially the first spicy scene in this book omfg I could die.)

Another wonderful installment of my favorite romance series. 💕

First read Feb 9-10 2023 (ebook)
Reread May 29-30 2023 (audiobook)
Reread August 24 2023
Profile Image for Vanna (on-hiatus).
712 reviews85 followers
January 16, 2023
4.5 Loved it Stars!! 😍❤️ Another great book from the DMC series. This was a slow-slow burn with bi-awakening trope mixed with lots of sweetness and flirting between acquaintances-to-friends-to-lovers 💘. The MCs are in their 40s so it was a mature romance, which made it more likable and relatable to me. There was no real angst or gimmicky miscommunication that happens in 90% of M/M books. This was just a sweet and simple romance that develops between 2 lovable individuals. Yes, they have some baggage from the past, but they are moving on and what better to move on that to find that special someone. 😍 Highly recommended to all fans of light but steamy M/M romances!! 👍👍
Profile Image for babygyalreadit.
473 reviews813 followers
August 18, 2024
Orson and Ford <333

Gosh all the reasons I love a meet cute/friends to lovers romance. Nothing was forced and everything happened so naturally and perfect. I love how they handled telling a story about a man who is discovering something new about his sexuality. Plus I love a good bi/pan awakening// i only wanna be with you romance.

This one hit me right in the feels and was sweet but also sexy and fun. This series is turning out to be my favorite ever, I’m having so much fun!

Tropes: friends to lovers + bi curious MC
Profile Image for Kaity.
1,651 reviews20 followers
January 30, 2024
Audio: 5 stars Nick J Russo does an amazing job (audio can be found on Everand)
Book: 3.5 stars but rounding up!

Can be read as a standalone!

I liked Ford and Orson more than Will and Keller. It did feel like we were pushed right in to this story, might have been a better transition if I read in order.. but either way I can’t wait to read about Art and Joey!
423 reviews22 followers
November 17, 2022
My favorite in the series.
Could be 5 stars if not for so much time spent on setting up future books/series: Art and Joey, Keller and Will, Molly - the most annoying of them all.
Profile Image for Jenna ✨DNF Queen.
432 reviews50 followers
March 6, 2023
4.5 stars, rounded down
Loved it. LOVED. 💖

Holy smokes this was hot.
And sweet.
And emotionally mature.

I don't even... I'm a little speechless

✨ RTC!! ✨

What keeps it from being 5 stars?
Profile Image for TrippyBooks.
892 reviews393 followers
November 18, 2022
Saxon James simply doesn’t miss. She really gives each character their own fleshed out personality & makes you root for their happiness.
Another great installment & a swoonworthy couple. I loved Ford & Orsons banter and chemistry & look forward to all the couples to come!
Profile Image for Grace.
3,029 reviews182 followers
December 24, 2022
Sigh. DNF ~62%

This book barely makes sense. Each characters backstory was cobbled together in such a bizarre way and with no real organic continuity that it's all so annoying obvious the author was just writing what they felt like without putting in any effort to make sense. Orson, the "straight" character, is so clearly and blindingly not straight from the first page that it made for a very confusing reading experience to have him and everybody else insist they is while he blatantly eye-fucks Ford and thinks about him in a very not straight way. And then suddenly he's also an ex-stripper??? Why? It was so random, as were basically all of the scenes. The smut and dynamic did absolutely nothing for me, and these really just didn't read at all like 40-year-old men. I think I'm going to have to start passing on Saxon James. Unless that best friend's dad pairing hinted at in this one becomes I thing...
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
2,772 reviews230 followers
Shelved as 'did-not-finish'
June 20, 2024
DNF at 7%.

Insta-lust combined with bi-awakening is not my thing.
Profile Image for Caitlin (The Love Librarian).
608 reviews1,220 followers
August 31, 2024
4.5 stars - Love snuck up on Orson in the form of Ford. I loved watching Orson not only explore his sexuality, but also learn to love again after the death of his wife. They were supportive of each other as a couple, and one of my favorites in the series!

Profile Image for Kristel (hungryandhappy).
1,582 reviews84 followers
August 12, 2024
They were so cheesy!! Everything I needed and wanted!

He leans down to replace the latest bouquet, and my gaze lands squarely on his ass. Damn, that’s a booty.

This is a second chance, bi-awakening, low angst, medium burn, steamy, full on tension that arises curiosity. This is the story of how Orson and Ford start their relationship and it's full of flowers, smiles, swoony moments, inner challenges, but just simply about two men in their early 40s navigating something totally new for both of them; for Ford an actual relationship when he usually doesn't have one, and for Orson the attraction to a man when he's always believed himself straight.

I really liked that, no matter how Ford showing very clearly he liked Orson as more than a friend, he gave him all the space he needed to understand what he was feeling once he realised he didn't see Ford only as a friend anymore. It was the little things, like being there, supporting each other, and allowing the other to be themselves. Being open and honest. I really liked that. Communication. Being raw and bare and vulnerable. Being afraid to show everything about ourselves but knowing you can trust the other person. I loved that about Ford and Orson and about this book.

He’s giving me everything I didn’t know I needed. So I’m going to do everything to give him the same.
Profile Image for ❀ Jess ( Semi hiatus ).
682 reviews57 followers
February 18, 2023
Another very easy going M/M

Ford 🥺
Not much to say, I really like this author tho if you read the stories too close together they might get a little repetitive. This is definitely good as a low angst pallet cleanser.
Profile Image for Mx. T *Chaotic Reader*.
349 reviews34 followers
January 12, 2024
This was so sweet and hot. I do love my bi-awakenings and friends-to-lovers. The DMC chat is as funny as always. My man going for flowers just to see his crush. The lap dance was 🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽. The protectiveness, the soft love, the tender moments. I loved this.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 550 reviews

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