Manny’s review of Pippi Calzelunghe > Likes and Comments

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message 1: by Peter (new)

Peter As I read your comments about children’s rights and Switzerland’s late enfranchisement of women, I’m reminded of how some very basic values can vary tremendously among developed nations. Recently I heard someone, I believe from France, say that once a criminal had paid his debt to society, we shun them as an innocent person once again. I may have the country wrong. In America, disenfranchisement of felons is often for life. One of these days I will make a list of the best laws regarding social justice as it affects felons throughout the world and see if a better system can be cobbled together.

message 2: by Matt (new)

Matt Pippi for president!

Indeed. Or perhaps the Red Zora would even be a better choice.

message 3: by Manny (new)

Manny Matt wrote: "Pippi for president!

Indeed. Or perhaps the Red Zora would even be a better choice."

Damn! I actually picked up that book in a Berlin bookshop, considered buying it, and put it down again. Should have stuck with my first impulse :(

message 4: by Peter (new)

Peter As an experienced voter-pensioner I would consider to let vote children and women exclusively.

message 5: by Manny (new)

Manny Thank you Annina! I have been doing this for a while with a bunch of languages... it works well as long as you already know a related language.

message 6: by Manny (new)

Manny Peter wrote: "As an experienced voter-pensioner I would consider to let vote children and women exclusively."

Now there's a radical idea. I love it! The world would be a better place!

message 7: by Peter (new)

Peter Manny wrote: "Now there's a radical idea. I love it! The world would be a better place!"


message 8: by Jim (new)

Jim well, there is a 7-year-old running the US into the ground, so maybe this needs to be debated a bit.... like maybe an upper age limit of 70 years old...

message 9: by Manny (new)

Manny He just thinks he's a 7-year-old.

message 10: by Ms. Smartarse (new)

Ms. Smartarse Wow! You go Manny! I can converse at a basic level in Italian, but I'm nowhere near confident enough to try and read any novels (or even children's stories). :-)

message 11: by Manny (new)

Manny Ms. Smartarse, you've got to ask yourself what Pippi would do. Is she going to let herself be stopped by a little thing like not actually knowing the language?

message 12: by Jim (new)

Jim Manny wrote: "Ms. Smartarse, you've got to ask yourself what Pippi would do. Is she going to let herself be stopped by a little thing like not actually knowing the language?"

What Would Pippi Do?

I think I'm going to order a t-shirt that says that.....

message 13: by Ms. Smartarse (new)

Ms. Smartarse I haven't read Pippi's story in any language... but that sounds like a leading question. :)

message 14: by Francesco (new)

Francesco Complimenti! :)

message 15: by Aravindakshan (new)

Aravindakshan Narasimhan If you haven't seen Jean Vigo's zero for conduct still, I kindly I ask you to do it. :) Kids turn into anarchist in a boarding school.. it's a fun film..

message 16: by Ms. Smartarse (new)

Ms. Smartarse Peter wrote: "this is exactly what I do with German, English or Hungarian! "

It's precisely because I did this with German, that I know how much effort it requires of me. For about half a year, I all but hated reading in German... :\

message 17: by Manny (last edited Sep 05, 2018 07:03AM) (new)

Manny Ms. Smartarse wrote: "I haven't read Pippi's story in any language... but that sounds like a leading question. :)"

I totally recommend the German translation... get some payback for all that pain...

message 18: by Manny (new)

Manny Francesco wrote: "Complimenti! :)"


message 19: by carol. (new)

carol. I'd support Pippi for President.

message 20: by Manny (new)

Manny She's very good at dealing with bullies.

message 21: by s.penkevich (new)

s.penkevich I'd vote for her.

message 22: by Lidia (new)

Lidia Gomez Pinocchio is a beautiful book to read, and it's originally italian

message 23: by ephyjeva (new)

ephyjeva Das ist eine exzellente Idee! Ich möchte mein Deutsch verbessern, vielleicht werde ich mit den Kindergeschichten beginnen? Fantastische Rezension, Manny, wie immer!

message 24: by Jim (new)

Jim Manny wrote: Correction: Greta Thunberg for president!

As soon as she's old enough to hold public office, I'm sending a donation!!

message 25: by Théo d'Or (new)

Théo d'Or Indeed, what is happening nowadays is outrageous. I mean, why does Biden - who has the discernment of a 2-year-old baby - have the right to vote, and the nine-old- children don't ?
Btw, in my district I reached to collect 1016 signatures for Manny - president. Curiously, they are all women. The thing is - would you really wear a tie ?

message 26: by Maren (new)

Maren 1017 signatures for Manny now, another woman of course :)
Since I'm already over 9, I even have the right to vote!

message 27: by Manny (new)

Manny If chosen, I will serve.

My legal staff is currently determining whether I would need to transition to female, they promise to let me know soon. 8-year-old lawyers with AI backup are smart and efficient.

message 28: by Théo d'Or (new)

Théo d'Or Watch out your ears, just in case.

message 29: by Maren (new)

Maren We trust in your candidacy, it is more important today than ever before!
Your (digital) ears will hopefully always be open to our concerns 🙏

Your eight-year-olds in the legal department should use their breaks at school to work hard on your cause.

If you really have to switch to a woman, please promise us voters that you will still look just as good afterward!!

message 30: by Manny (new)

Manny Thank you Maren, but I have everything covered! My six-year-old gender reassignment surgeon says her AI can make me as beautiful as Mommy.

message 31: by Maren (new)

Maren That is very reassuring to hear, Manny. As a six-year-old, this surgeon has been able to gather enough experience, and it will be sufficient for you!

message 32: by Manny (new)

Manny Madison's AI tells me her first word was "prognosis". They are a great team and I trust them implicitly.

message 33: by Maren (new)

Maren Madison is a wonderful name for this highly gifted girl.
That's really a very good word, because it can be seen as both a medical and political term (at least in German).

So, she already knew (subconsciously) that one day she would work for the future president, Baron Manny Raynor, and beautify him.

message 34: by Manny (new)

Manny Madison tells me to say thank you for "highly gifted", but most of the kids in her class could do it if they and their AIs weren't so busy working on the next revolution in physics.

message 35: by Maren (new)

Maren Madison, you’re welcome!
If you’re busy preparing the next revolution in physics, I don’t want to distract you with my silly questions.

But I am very curious about what you’re planning.
Who knows, maybe the Nobel Prize will come sooner than expected?!

message 36: by Manny (new)

Manny I've tried to get them to explain it to me, but it's difficult to follow when you haven't been doing Loop Quantum Gravity under AI supervision since you were two.

Anyway, Madison says they're silly, politics is more interesting.

message 37: by Théo d'Or (new)

Théo d'Or Strange coincidence. Trump said the same. It's starting to get worrisome.

message 38: by Théo d'Or (new)

Théo d'Or I still wonder which tie you'II be wearing when you get elected. The one with axioms, or the one with teddy bears ?

message 39: by Théo d'Or (new)

Théo d'Or I did an instant survey within a radius of 47 meters. Seven out of ten girls want teddy bears. Don't neglect details, most of the time they are decisive.

message 40: by Maren (new)

Maren Mr. President (from 2025),
I must admit that Madison and the kids understand more about Loop Quantum Gravity than I do, since I was unfortunately raised by humans.

Théo's thoughts are important (as always).
A suitable tie can decide the election.
So can hairstyle (Trump!!).

By the way, another question:
How well do you play Chess 960?
It could be used for the campaign.

message 41: by Manny (new)

Manny I'm not sure why, but I have never played Chess 960! I will ask my campaign team whether I should start now.

message 42: by Maren (new)

Maren Would you please be so kind as to tell the team that I find you very creative, which is, why I think you are predestined for Chess 960.
This will impress the voters.
They can also be influenced by photos in a hero's pose.
Think about it....

message 43: by Théo d'Or (new)

Théo d'Or Meanwhile, I composed your campaign slogan - Vote Grumpy Bear !

message 44: by Théo d'Or (new)

Théo d'Or @ Maren, what you mean by that " hero's pose " ? Are you trying to get Manny to wear his suit with that " S" on the chest ?

message 45: by Maren (new)

Maren @Théo Yesterday a picture went around the world that will win someone a lot of votes...
Since Manny certainly doesn't want to recreate this situation just to get a similar photo, your Superman suit wouldn't be a bad idea.
It will depend on what these clever AI kids advise him....

message 46: by Théo d'Or (new)

Théo d'Or Anyway, I don't think he'II be wearing that suit again. Last time, while he was flying to save a cat from the top of a tree, he was intercepted by the Control Tower, for exceeding the legal speed, and received a stinging fine.

message 47: by Maren (new)

Maren Maybe Manny should wear an invisibility cloak next time or just get a license as a rescue pilot. Who would've thought you could get a ticket for rescuing a cat?

That's the price of heroism in times of strict traffic regulations :-(

By the way, Théo, was it your cat up in the tree again?

message 48: by Manny (new)

Manny Harsh words have been exchanged between my campaign staff and their physicist classmates. The latter consider the Superman suit to be a frivolous and entirely unjustified way to exploit their recent discoveries in Loop Quantum Gravity.

The various AIs involved are doing their best to smooth things over, but a number of six-year-olds have already said that other six-year-olds aren't their best friends anymore.

message 49: by Théo d'Or (new)

Théo d'Or @ Maren - No, it wasn't Sex, it was Finley. Do you know Finley ? He's a great writer. His latest work , " #####(*** ggg D " - exceeded all expectations.

message 50: by Maren (new)

Maren That sounds like a scientific-political drama! Maybe the parents should organize an interdisciplinary discussion round to come to a peaceful solution?
Perhaps the clever kids might even discover a new theory for the unification of physics and politics ;)

Manny, luckily your superpowers in loop quantum gravity theory are still sufficient to maintain world peace; someone has to continue ensuring that the world is safe from evil forces and boring physics lessons!

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