Leonard’s review of Dostoïevski: Du double à l'unité > Likes and Comments

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message 1: by Pedro (new)

Pedro Very good review, of this interesting book, on recurrent issues in literature. I probably misses something, because although tour review Is very clear, mi understanding of french Is quite basic. Have a nice day.

message 2: by Leonard (new)

Leonard Gaya Thanks, Pedro. And sorry about the French; feel free to run it through Google Translate or some such.

message 3: by Pedro (new)

Pedro That´s what I usually do; but in this case, seeing that I was able to go along, I took it as a challenge. :)

message 4: by Leonard (new)

Leonard Gaya Ha, great! :)

message 5: by David (new)

David Fabulous review Leonard. This does sound like a valuable resource on Dostoyevsky.

message 6: by Leonard (new)

Leonard Gaya Thanks! And absolutely, Girard’s insights are fascinating!

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