The MacHalo Asylum for Mischief and Mayhem (MAM²)

💥 Attention, new victims members! Please report to the Check yoself before you wreckyoself thread and introduce your little selves at once! We will might kick you out if you don't!

Hello and welcome to our haven of accepted insanity. The group started as a Fever series buddy read and then grew into its own special brand of monster. This is one of the few places that you can let your freak flag fly and get no judgement from anybody. Jump in on buddy reads and conversations, pretty much anything
group type
This is a private group. Members must be invited or approved by the group's moderator. This group is accepting new members. This group is for adults only.
Rule #1: sense of humor mandatory

Please join this group to view the discussion boards.
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AWOL Mommy

✘✘ Sarah ✘✘ (former Nefarious Breeder of Murderous Crustaceans)
✘✘ Sarah ✘✘...
Nefarious Daddy

Maraya21 (The Reading Dragon)
Fluffy Disco Muffin

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