
Follow @PattiMurin on Twitter for a daily book recommendation through all of 2018! #PattiReadsBooks
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Book You're Most Excited For?
By Patti · 19 posts · 43 views
last updated Sep 09, 2018 02:03PM
Favorite Book of All Time!
By Patti · 36 posts · 84 views
last updated Aug 05, 2018 06:19PM
Recommendations! Read Carefully :)
By Patti · 15 posts · 85 views
last updated Jul 15, 2018 09:11AM
Celebrity Book Recs?
By Patti · 10 posts · 49 views
last updated Jun 16, 2018 07:20PM
Favorite Quotes
By Patti · 20 posts · 72 views
last updated Apr 27, 2018 09:30AM
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