Q&A with A.K. Wrox

Join both halves of A.K. Wrox - otherwise known as Amanda Wrangles and Kylie Fox - online for a chat.

Ask us about our favourite books, favourite authors, greatest influences, our writing habits and, of course, all about Arrabella Candellarbra and the Questy Thing to End All Questy Things.
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If you buy ebooks, which platform do you prefer?
By A.K. · 1 post · 3 views
last updated Mar 12, 2012 07:53PM
Literary Deal Breakers -
By A.K. · 3 posts · 8 views
last updated Mar 11, 2012 04:59PM
Getting to know you... and us!
By A.K. · 5 posts · 10 views
last updated Feb 27, 2012 04:06AM
What are you reading?
By A.K. · 4 posts · 8 views
last updated Feb 25, 2012 04:19AM
Who wants to WIN?
By A.K. · 1 post · 7 views
last updated Feb 22, 2012 03:13AM
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A.K. Wrox

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