Sacramento readers

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Sacramento, CA
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Books that take place in Sacramento?
By Camille HR · 45 posts · 649 views
last updated Jan 01, 2020 10:40AM
what qaulifies as a "sacramento-related book"?
By Scott · 4 posts · 20 views
last updated Dec 31, 2019 03:37PM
Sacramento Authorr
By Natalie · 10 posts · 35 views
last updated Dec 31, 2019 02:11PM
Business Book Club?
By Kelsey · 5 posts · 13 views
last updated Dec 31, 2019 02:10PM
Calling all Sacramentans
By Randall · 16 posts · 40 views
last updated Dec 31, 2019 02:08PM
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Camille HR
Camille HR

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