poll: Preliminary Poll for FANTASY series to start October 15, 2021 —> people who voted for: A Land Fit for Heroes, 3 books, by Richard K. Morgan, starting with The Steel Remains
Showing 1-7 of 7
Conrad 87 books
3 friends
voted for:
A Land Fit f

Todd 1028 books
7 friends
voted for:
A Land Fit f

Antonis 1092 books
133 friends
voted for:
A Land Fit f

Paul 4294 books
531 friends
voted for:
A Land Fit f

aPriL does feral sometimes 3246 books
833 friends
voted for:
A Land Fit f

Philip 1628 books
76 friends
voted for:
A Land Fit f

MadProfessah 1499 books
448 friends
voted for:
A Land Fit f