Polls For Joe Abercrombie

Showing 1-28 of 37
What fiction book should we read in December 2023?
102 votes | last vote Nov 20, 2023 07:05PM
Voting ended on: Nov 21, 2023 11:59PM PST
Belongs to group The Reading For Pleasure Book Club

FINAL Poll for Series to Start Nov. 1, 2023
43 votes | last vote Sep 25, 2023 01:51PM
Voting ended on: Sep 25, 2023 11:59PM PDT
Belongs to group Fantasy Book Club Series

Preliminary Poll for Series to Start Nov. 1, 2023
49 votes | last vote Sep 18, 2023 05:48PM
Voting ended on: Sep 18, 2023 11:59PM PDT
Belongs to group Fantasy Book Club Series

Maandboek Oktober - Een Fantasy boek
94 votes | last vote Sep 13, 2021 04:44AM
Voting ended on: Sep 15, 2021 11:59PM PDT
Belongs to group Fanatieke Nederlandse Lezers

Ce citim in octombrie?
43 votes | last vote Sep 30, 2020 09:57PM
Voting ended on: Sep 30, 2020 11:59PM PDT
Belongs to group Goodreads România

Qual livro de Fantasia devemos ler em Fevereiro?
9 votes | last vote Jan 29, 2020 02:53PM
Voting ended on: Feb 01, 2020 11:59PM PST
Belongs to group Nerds & Encrenqueiros

Jan/Feb Group Read!
64 votes | last vote Jan 09, 2018 07:17PM
Voting ended on: Jan 09, 2018 11:59PM PST
Belongs to group Grimdark Fantasy

Which is your favorite standalone book by Joe Abercrombie?
18 votes | last vote Sep 16, 2017 08:16AM

Belongs to group Joe Abercrombie Fans

New Year Group Read! Let's kick 2017 off with a bang!
25 votes | last vote Dec 17, 2016 10:03AM
Voting ended on: Dec 18, 2016 11:59PM PST
Belongs to group Grimdark Fantasy

June July Groupread Topics<>: top two selections win. Write-in suggestions welcome.
38 votes | last vote Jun 22, 2016 03:30PM
Voting ended on: Jun 23, 2016 11:59PM PDT
Belongs to group Sword & Sorcery: "An earthier sort of fantasy"

Who is your favorite high-fantasy author?
69 votes | last vote Jun 17, 2016 09:10PM
Voting ended on: Jun 17, 2016 11:59PM PDT
Belongs to group Polls for Our Souls

MAY FANTASY: This polls decides which of the two top vote-getters will become May's Book of the Month in Fantasy.
78 votes | last vote Feb 28, 2016 06:17PM
Voting ended on: Feb 28, 2016 11:59PM PST
Belongs to group Beyond Reality

MAY FANTASY -- This poll decides which two books go into the run off poll to decide the Fantasy Book of the Month for May.
92 votes | last vote Feb 23, 2016 02:02PM
Voting ended on: Feb 23, 2016 11:59PM PST
Belongs to group Beyond Reality

APRIL FANTASY: This polls decides which of the two top vote-getters will become April's Book of the Month in Fantasy.
82 votes | last vote Jan 30, 2016 04:23PM
Voting ended on: Jan 30, 2016 11:59PM PST
Belongs to group Beyond Reality

APRIL FANTASY -- This poll decides which two books go into the run off poll to decide the Fantasy Book of the Month for April.
91 votes | last vote Jan 25, 2016 11:26AM
Voting ended on: Jan 25, 2016 11:59PM PST
Belongs to group Beyond Reality

Please pick a book for a group read for the upcoming month.
46 votes | last vote Aug 27, 2015 05:59PM
Voting ended on: Aug 31, 2015 11:59PM PDT
Belongs to group Grimdark Fantasy

OCTOBER FANTASY: This poll decides which book will be our October Fantasy BotM.
95 votes | last vote Jul 31, 2015 09:10PM
Voting ended on: Jul 31, 2015 11:59PM PDT
Belongs to group Beyond Reality

OCTOBER FANTASY: This poll decides which two books will go on to the run off poll for the October 2015 Fantasy BOTM.
72 votes | last vote Jul 26, 2015 11:31PM
Voting ended on: Jul 26, 2015 11:59PM PDT
Belongs to group Beyond Reality

MAY FANTASY: This poll decides which two books will go on to the run off poll for the May 2015 Fantasy BOTM.
94 votes | last vote Feb 24, 2015 06:10AM
Voting ended on: Feb 24, 2015 11:59PM PST
Belongs to group Beyond Reality

Which Stand Alone novel should we read in November?
40 votes | last vote Oct 29, 2013 02:41PM
Voting ended on: Oct 30, 2013 12:00AM PDT
Belongs to group Fantasy Fanatics

Which series should we start next?

55 votes | last vote Oct 29, 2013 02:40PM
Voting ended on: Oct 30, 2013 12:00AM PDT
Belongs to group Fantasy Fanatics

OCTOBER FANTASY: This run-off poll decides which book will be our October Fantasy book-of-the-month.
82 votes | last vote Jul 30, 2013 09:00AM
Voting ended on: Jul 31, 2013 12:00AM PDT
Belongs to group Beyond Reality

OCTOBER FANTASY: This poll decides which two books will go on to the run-off poll for the October Fantasy Book-of-the-month.
93 votes | last vote Jul 25, 2013 04:17PM
Voting ended on: Jul 26, 2013 12:00AM PDT
Belongs to group Beyond Reality

Which new series should we begin in July when we've finished The Riyria Revelations?
(First book in the series is listed)

31 votes | last vote Jun 12, 2013 11:29PM
Voting ended on: Jun 15, 2013 12:00AM PDT
Belongs to group Fantasy Fanatics

APRIL FANTASY: This poll decides which two books will go on to the run-off poll for the April Fantasy Book-of-the-Month.
26 votes | last vote Jan 25, 2013 09:04AM
Voting ended on: Jan 26, 2013 12:00AM PST
Belongs to group Beyond Reality

Random Fantasy for May
326 votes | last vote Apr 24, 2011 11:43PM
Voting ended on: Apr 25, 2011 12:00AM PDT
Belongs to group SciFi and Fantasy Book Club

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