Goodreads asked M.P. Sanders:

Where did you get the idea for your most recent book?

M.P. Sanders Nearly 20 years ago, as an acquisition editor with Alpha books, I was doing research in advance of developing a table of contents for a book I wanted to acquire for our Complete Idiots Guide series, titled The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Theories of the Universe. I came across Many Worlds Theory and was blown away by the idea that everything that can happen does happen in continually separating new universes is that share a past but not a future.
As a movie lover, my first thought was to write a spec screenplay that used MWT as the backdrop for a family drama that would explore the paths not taken in a realistic way, as opposed to a romanticized one, and examine the sacrifices we make for the ones we love. After several starts and stops over the years I finally finished the screenplay titled Interference in 2016. After a year or so of trying to find a home for it, I put it away. But being stubborn person I am, in early 2019 I decided to turn my script into a novel, and here we are.

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