Goodreads asked Sameer Khan Brohi:

Where did you get the idea for your most recent book?

Sameer Khan Brohi I was sitting at the back bench of the physics classroom and the class that exceeded to the heap of nonstops. So at that time I realized the way coaching centres put their hard work on students, which was more than school or any other institute and when a students gets a good score we always appreciate the student, school or parents but no one never ever compliments coaching centre. Well that’s how the idea popped up, that a proper novel should be out there crediting the coaching centres. But then the obstacle of choosing the city, well I chose Hyderabad definitely that is overcrowded with coaching centres and and the owner I chose for the fictional coaching centre was a girl Irum and that’s how Irum Coaching Centre came into the being. But then how come the topic of women empowerment embedded to it? Well if I am writing about an independent girl living in Pakistan, owning a renowned coaching centre in the conservative neighborhood of a small city then how come that I don’t add the topic of equality and empowerment. And at the same time I find the city of Haider to be a real space where women work shoulder to shoulder with men, which is wow. That’s the way the idea for Irum Coaching Centre came.

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