glittery_bananas asked Neil deGrasse Tyson:

What advice do you have for aspiring astrophysicists?

Neil deGrasse Tyson Take the hardest classes you can possibly tolerate. Even if you earn a slightly lower grade for doing so. While everyone else takes easy classes to boost their grades, you'll be taking classes to boost your mind.

Math is the language of the universe. Make sure there's no shortage of that in your lineup.

Enjoy the learning. There is no destination. There is no arrival. There is only the journey of discovery. If you do not like the journey, having been duped by the press into thinking that science is all about eureka discoveries they report in their headlines, then you're in for a big disappointment.

The greater the struggle, the greater the reward -- emotional and intellectual -- when you succeed.

Good luck. We all need a little bit of that too.

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