A Goodreads user
A Goodreads user asked Courtney Summers:

I'm not sure if anyone has asked this question yet, but I've been dying to know what inspired This is Not a Test? It's quite different to the other zombie-like things I have come across, it's refreshing.

Courtney Summers Thank you so much! I'm so happy to hear it worked for you. :)

Something that always struck me in a lot of zombie apocalypse stories was that many of their protagonists possess this incredible will to survive. They might have moments of self-doubt and despair, but they work past it and fight their way through. But what if you didn't? What if that's just not how you were built? I started thinking about what it would be like to explore an apocalypse through the eyes of someone who didn't want to survive anymore and with that, Sloane's story started coming into place.

Thanks for your question!

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