Etta Pfleider > Etta's Quotes

Showing 1-14 of 14
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  • #1
    Behcet Kaya
    “Lieutenant Belguzar? Did you hear me?”
    “No, sir. Sorry. Could you repeat your question?”
    “What happened on the second of April? I want every detail; everything you were contemplating.”
    Behcet Kaya, Murder on the Naval Base

  • #2
    Merlin Franco
    “Let your ego go . . . This is how the world is. Everyone chases love, but very few recognize it. Because to love unconditionally is the toughest task on earth. Learn to accept it.”
    Merlin Franco, Saint Richard Parker

  • #3
    Lisa Kaniut Cobb
    “Oh, so now I'm getting in trouble for things I didn't tell anyone I didn't know?”
    Lisa Kaniut Cobb, Down in the Valley

  • #4
    Yvonne Korshak
    “We’re not here to argue with you about the wisdom of our alliance that has kept the Persians at bay for forty years. An argument requires a measure of equality between those in the dispute and Samos is not the equal of Athens.”
    Yvonne Korshak, Pericles and Aspasia: A Story of Ancient Greece

  • #5
    Therisa Peimer
    “A virgin," Flaminius smiled deviously. "I'll take her." Instantly, surprised chatter erupted. Mother Guardian held up her hand for silence. "You cannot be serious, Sire." "Oh, but I am," he replied with a smirk.”
    Therisa Peimer, Taming Flame

  • #6
    Ami Loper
    “Jesus is telling us that redemption is more than having our sins forgiven; it is an intimate relationship He came to restore between us and God. If we are going to live out the first and greatest commandment of loving God completely (Matt. 22:36-37), this is the type of experiential intimacy which ought to be the objective of our lives.”
    Ami Loper, Constant Companion: Your Practical Path to Real Interaction with God

  • #7
    “Used in combination with genomics, AI could help pharma companies to develop new drugs for rare diseases. The rarer a disease is, the smaller the market is and so the less likely it is to have been addressed. Big pharma is hesitant to take on the high development costs for new drugs if there’s no sign of a return on investment. Biological processes are complex, and that means that they lead to multidimensional data that human beings struggle to wrap their heads around. The good news is that AI is the perfect tool to spot patterns in this kind of data.”
    Ronald M. Razmi, AI Doctor: The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare - A Guide for Users, Buyers, Builders, and Investors

  • #8
    Max Nowaz
    “He was planning to take my shape and marry you. Then he was going to kill your father and take over his business empire."
        "And you? What are your plans?"
        "I have no plans to kill your father.”
    Max Nowaz, The Polymorph

  • #9
    Susan Cain
    “I don’t want my heart to be broken,” they say. Or, “I don’t want to fail.” “I understand,” Susan tells them. “But you have dead people’s goals. Only dead people never get stressed, never get broken hearts, never experience the disappointment that comes with failure.”
    Susan Cain, Bittersweet: How Sorrow and Longing Make Us Whole

  • #10
    Harold Bloom
    “What could Yeshua of Nazareth have made of Martin Luther's outburst "Death to the Law!" which in many German Lutherans who served Hitler became "Death to the Jews!" The Germans would not have crucified Jesus: they would have exterminated him at Auschwitz, their version of the Temple.”
    Harold Bloom, Jesus and Yahweh: The Names Divine

  • #11
    “There is a wide difference between speaking to deceive, and being silent to be impenetrable.”

  • #12
    Robert Frost
    “New' is a word for fools in towns who think / Style upon style in dress and thought at last / Must get somewhere.”
    Robert Frost, The Poetry of Robert Frost

  • #13
    David Mitchell
    “It'll be all right." Julia's gentleness makes it worse. "In the end, Jace."
    "It doesn't feel very all right."
    "That's because it's not the end.”
    David Mitchell, Black Swan Green

  • #14
    Dean Koontz
    “Sometimes complex and difficult moral choices are decided less by reason and by right than by sentiment. Perhaps such decisions are paving stones on the road to Hell; if so, my route is well paved, and the welcoming committee all ready knows my name.”
    Dean Koontz, Odd Thomas
