Page Turner Quotes

Quotes tagged as "page-turner" Showing 1-30 of 63
Yvonne Korshak
“The softness, warmth and weight of her breast filled his palm. “I’ve imagined this for weeks,” he murmured. Thinking of her out there on the battlefield. In his tent. What more could a woman want? Quite a lot, actually.”
Yvonne Korshak, Pericles and Aspasia: A Story of Ancient Greece

Yvonne Korshak
“My Aspasia. With her, he’d discovered the sweetness in life . . . and she might like to know that. He’d tell her sometime. But he knew he’d given this lovely woman what she’d wanted most, their son’s name. He leaned over to the child. “So, you’re Little Pericles.”
Yvonne Korshak, Pericles and Aspasia: A Story of Ancient Greece

Lisa Kaniut Cobb
“Josh gathered his sense of injustice and faced Rodan Man-to-man, or rather, elk-to-elk, no, Netah-to-Netah.”
Lisa Kaniut Cobb, Down in the Valley

Carolyn M. Bowen
“Life was better than he expected with his new Italian family inheritance, and it felt good to take a deep breath without fear of someone attacking him or his family.”
Carolyn M. Bowen, Legacy of Shadows: An International Crime Thriller

Lisa Kaniut Cobb
“Oh, so now I'm getting in trouble for things I didn't tell anyone I didn't know?”
Lisa Kaniut Cobb, Down in the Valley

Chad Boudreaux
“Amanda, still thinking more about Harry Mize than the issues before the committee, lunged forward and snatched the note from Kershing’s hand. After reading it, she stood up and walked out of the hearing, leaving the receipt on her chair. Rick glanced up as she walked out. Then, he picked up his receipt and read Kershing’s words. Get the trucks in position. It’s time to go.”
Chad Boudreaux, Scavenger Hunt

Chad Boudreaux
“Mize knew that the outcome of today’s hearing was all about politics. Lady Justice wasn’t blind. She was wearing see-no-evil lenses and had been cursed with a more troubling disability—muteness. There existed no doubt in his mind that political machinations had suffocated legal precedent on this day.”
Chad Boudreaux, Scavenger Hunt

Chad Boudreaux
“Home was the one place he wanted to forget, the place from which he’d run away but never could escape. And, yes, home was the place he’d been instructed to leave—the place where the trouble began and the trouble would end.”
Chad Boudreaux, Scavenger Hunt

“A thin, flexible, layer of ice had already formed on the water, and the undulating movement caught the light of the setting sun, like a sparkling curtain of light billowing across the bay. Connie tried to capture the moment in her mind as the thin ice shimmered in oranges and reds as it moved between already forming pieces of thicker ice.”
Sheena Billett, From Manchester to the Arctic: Nurse Sanders embarks on an adventure that will change her life

“Connie followed the tracks of Daisy’s skidoo, passing giant, rosy pink mountains of snow which cast long grey shadows over the ground ahead of them. The sheer vastness of this multicoloured wilderness was hard to comprehend, and Connie was aware of herself and Daisy, speeding along, mere specks in the landscape.”
Sheena Billett, From Manchester to the Arctic: Nurse Sanders embarks on an adventure that will change her life

John Payton Foden
“I understand your position, Dave.  It’s a big story, and you worked hard to get it.  But if you don’t drop me at the Europa, I’ll blow your head off.  Imagine how big that story would be.
There’s no need for these histrionics.  We’ll go to the Holiday Inn.  You can rest, shower, debrief.  You’ll be among friends.
Last chance, Dave.  You can be the hero or the headline.  Your call.
Let’s talk it out.
No.  You talk too much.
He started a new line of argument, but before the words passed his lips his brains passed them on the way out. A dirty reddish slime painted the windshield; it covered the dashboard and console. It poured and dripped from the ceiling to the seat.  The driver was covered on one side of his head and body.  The mess made the crowded taxi undrivable.
-Also, someone crapped their pants.”
John Payton Foden, Magenta

Katie Hall-May
“If I had made another choice that night, would
my life have been less pursued by ghosts? Or just
significantly shorter?”
Katie Hall-May, Puck's Legacy

Jeffrey S.  Stephens
“They were holding their weapons but could not risk opening a window or exiting the vehicle to return fire. Then they saw one of their attackers pull out a grenade.”
Jeffrey S. Stephens, Enemies Among Us

Karl Braungart
“Pistols went under the front seats, and she placed a diplomat certificate on the dashboard. They waited until the men went into the entrance, then trailed.”
Karl Braungart, Triple Deception

Jeffrey S.  Stephens
“He remained quiet, his movements studied. He was still not certain the intruder had gone and, if an attack was coming, he was going to be ready.”
Jeffrey S. Stephens, Enemies Among Us

Karl Braungart
“While they sat, random noises came from the electronic transmitter inside the office. They heard a door open, followed by footsteps on the wood floor.”
Karl Braungart, Triple Deception

Jeffrey S.  Stephens
“Treason is a judgment based wholly on perspective.”
Jeffrey S. Stephens, Enemies Among Us

Rebecca Rosenberg
“The anchor symbolizes clarity and courage during chaos and confusion,” my Grand-mere says. “Chaos and Confusion, aren’t those your cats names?” Now I know her story is a delusion.”
Rebecca Rosenberg, Champagne Widows: First Woman of Champagne, Veuve Clicquot

Jeffrey S.  Stephens
“The United States has taught the world how to outsource war, which in turn has created a new breed of fighter. Trained in the armed services, they become highly efficient and highly paid killers.”
Jeffrey S. Stephens, Enemies Among Us

Michael G. Kramer
“Kurt said, “I have always wanted to wipe that self-satisfied smug look from the face of thee Prussian Pickle!”
Michael G. Kramer, His Forefathers and Mick

Rebecca Rosenberg
“Optimism is the madness of insisting that all is well when we are miserable.”
Rebecca Rosenberg, Champagne Widows: First Woman of Champagne, Veuve Clicquot

Katie Hall-May
“Secrets breed other secrets. That’s how they work.”
Katie Hall-May, Puck's Legacy

Stuart Woods
“Holly Barker series was a great read for me. Stuart gives short chapters and continued action all through his books.”
Stuart Woods

John Burnside
“The definition of a page-turner really aught to be that this page is so good, you can't bear to leave it behind, but then the next page is there and it might be just as amazing as this one.”
John Burnside, The Glister

“I am the Captain of my own life.”
Lexis De Rothschild, The Cat Letters: A Tale of Longing, Adventure and True Love

Michael Chapman Pincher
“Although Balboa is in the American-controlled zone, it’s a suburb of Panama City, which ranks along with New York as one of the world’s most dangerous places. Be that as it may, the girls bully their parents into letting them go out for the evening if Jerry and I take responsibility—a commitment I have doubts about.”
Michael Chapman Pincher, Long Lost Love: Diary of a Rambling Romeo: Outclassing the Men: Fearless females take the lead on this Epic Voyage

Elizabeth Tebby Germaine
“There is no father,’ he said eventually, ‘And I believe you’re running away from something. You’re a lovely woman trying to hold it all together but it’s too much for you. You think I’m a stupid old man who doesn’t care what he looks like and sits here day after day with nothing to do. And doesn’t notice anything. But you don’t know what’s here inside …’ he laid his arm across his chest, ‘My soul and my heart and my mind. There is so much in here it’s bursting and roving around the world like a lost soul with no home, endlessly looking and searching. I feel the mystery, I sense the mysteries – and the endless joy and the wonder and incredible beauty of the world and the pain and the cruelty. You feel all this too Sarah, but you pretend you’re a shallow woman with some sort of story, and underneath you think about … many things. Which of my books are you itching to get your hands on, huh? And you’re carrying the pain around with you, and something has just happened, and you are worried and, something has happened in the last few minutes and it’s all more than you can bear, and you need to tell me, yes me, Samuel. I am so much more than you think I am, and I can understand, and I can help.’ Ruby looked up startled and their eyes met. ‘I am so tired,’ she said, ‘Yes, you are right. I am so very tired of it all.' ”
Elizabeth Tebby Germaine, A MAN WHO SEEMED REAL: A story of love, lies, fear and kindness

Alan    Bradley
“What seemed at first like an act of incandescent self-destruction turned out to be the onramp to a bleak treadmill, one that felt designed to eradicate my personality and identity. It didn’t end my self-recrimination and misery. Instead, it illustrated just how good I’d had it living on the street.”
Alan Bradley, The Sixth Borough

Alan    Bradley
“Look around! Look what we’ve done to the world. We fucked everything up. In a few years it’s going to be unlivable. We don’t deserve to be stewards of this planet. And that pales to the things we do to each other. We’re monsters, Sander, and someone needs to end it.”
Alan Bradley, The Sixth Borough

“Each chapter felt like unwrapping a beautiful surprise.”
Rendi Ansyah, Beyond the Bouquet: A Symphony of Love in Fifty Movements

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