Riley Hart > Riley's Quotes

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  • #1
    J.R. Ward
    “In so many ways, he had wanted this his whole life—or at least ever since he’d survived his transition and had any sexual impulse at all. This moment was the culmination of countless daydreams and innumerable fantasies, his secret desire made manifest.”
    J.R. Ward, Lover at Last
    tags: love

  • #2
    J.R. Ward
    “Straightening up so the full force of that cold blast hit him square in the face, Qhuinn glared into the rush, picturing those pines ahead that he couldn’t see because his eyes were watering from the wind. Opening his mouth, he screamed bloody murder, adding his voice to the maelstrom.
    Godd*mn it, he wasn’t going down like a pussy. No ducking, no pathetic oh-please-God-no-saaaaaave-me. F**k that. He was going to meet death with his fangs bared and his body braced and his heart pounding not from fear, but from a whole boatload of . . .
    “Blow me, Grim Reaper!”
    J.R. Ward, Lover at Last

  • #3
    J.R. Ward
    “I am very comfortable with conflict, be it of the legal or mortal kind. My father was a mediator, a bridge maker. I am a grave maker.”
    J.R. Ward, Lover at Last

  • #4
    J.R. Ward
    “Shit. With Qhuinn looking at him like that, he couldn’t remember his own name. Blaysox? Blacklock? Blabberfox? Who the fuck knew…”
    J R Ward, Lover at Last

  • #5
    J.R. Ward
    “You are perfect the way you are." Blay's voice was strong. "There is nothing wrong with who and what you have always been. I'm proud of you. And I love you. Now ... and always."
    Qhuinn's vision got wavy. Hard-core.
    "I'm proud of you. And I love you," Blay repeated. "Always. Forget about your old family ... you have me now. I am your family.”
    J.R. Ward, Lover at Last

  • #6
    J.R. Ward
    “I think you and he need to talk. And once you do, I won’t have to worry about being jumped like a felon again.”
    Blay frowned. “He and I have nothing to say to each other—”
    “With all due respect, the ligature marks around my neck would suggest otherwise.”
    J.R. Ward, Lover at Last

  • #7
    J.R. Ward
    “Let me kiss you.” Qhuinn groaned as he leaned in. “I know I don't deserve it, but please ... it's what you can do for me. Let me feel you....”
    Qhuinn's mouth brushed his own. Came back for more. Lingered.
    “I'll beg for it.” More with the caress of those devastating lips. “If that’s what it takes. I don't give a fuck, I'll beg...”
    J.R Ward, Lover at Last

  • #8
    J.R. Ward
    “I have loved you for years. I have been in love with you for years and years and years ... throughout school and training ... before transitions and afterward ... when you approached me and yes, even now that you're with Saxton and you hate me. And that ... shit ... in my fucking head locked me down, locked everything down ... and it cost me you.”
    J.R. Ward, Lover at Last

  • #9
    J.R. Ward
    “Because I was, and I remain, utterly and completely and totally…in love with you.”
    J.R. Ward, Lover at Last
    tags: blay

  • #10
    J.R. Ward
    “Love, after all, was universal. Qhuinn closed his fist up tight, and knew he would never, ever take that ring off. “Always,” Blay murmured. “Because family is an always kind of thing.”
    J R Ward, Lover at Last

  • #11
    Katie McGarry
    “The worst type of crying wasn't the kind everyone could see--the wailing on street corners, the tearing at clothes. No, the worst kind happened when your soul wept and no matter what you did, there was no way to comfort it. A section withered and became a scar on the part of your soul that survived. For people like me and Echo, our souls contained more scar tissue than life.”
    Katie McGarry, Pushing the Limits

  • #12
    Abigail Roux
    “What do you want, MacGuffin, a duel?”
    “No.” Julian held out both hands, one palm flat, the other held over it in a fist. “Rock, paper, scissors. Two out of three.”
    Ty rolled his eyes and held out his fist, apparently willing to play. Julian hit his palm three times, and Ty kept time with his fist in the air. But when Julian threw a paper, Ty reached into his jacket with his other hand and pulled his gun, aiming it at Julian.
    “Ty!” Zane said in exasperation from the front seat.
    “Glock, paper, scissors. I win.”
    “You are an ass,” Julian muttered.”
    Abigail Roux, Armed & Dangerous

  • #13
    Abigail Roux
    “I love you" Ty said, the quiet words devoid of any self-consciousness of his usual bravado. " And I've never been able to say that before with such conviction. I can't remember a time when you weren't the first thing I thought of, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I don't care what stands in our way.”
    Abigail Roux, Armed & Dangerous
    tags: love, ty, zane

  • #14
    Abigail Roux
    “Ty is like... a ninja on crack.”
    Abigail Roux, Armed & Dangerous

  • #15
    Abigail Roux
    “He'd seen a phoenix waiting to rise from the ashes, and he still did. every time he looked into Zane, he saw something extraordinary.”
    Abigail Roux, Armed & Dangerous

  • #16
    Abigail Roux
    “Who are you, Zane?"
    Zane cocked his head. "I'm an artist. I'm a geek." He felt Ty smile. "I am one badass motherfucker on a motorcycle."
    Ty began to laugh.
    Zane dipped his head until they were staring into each other's eyes. "And I'm yours.”
    Abigail Roux, Touch & Geaux
    tags: zane

  • #17
    Abigail Roux
    “I love you," Ty said out of the blue, his voice almost sing-song.
    Zane laughed. "You're drunk."
    "I loved you before I was drunk.”
    Abigail Roux, Stars & Stripes

  • #18
    Abigail Roux
    “You’re not dessert, Zane. You’re the main course, Ty informed him in a husky drawl. And you have about five seconds to take your pick of flat surface before I do it for you.”
    Abigail Roux, Divide & Conquer

  • #19
    Abigail Roux
    “Had a gay bull I had to sell last year. That was a damn nuisance. Gay son? That don't cost me nothing.”
    Abigail Roux, Stars & Stripes

  • #20
    Abigail Roux
    “When Ty was truly hot and bothered, it could be an amazing experience, like being mauled by a lion without the fuss of needing stitches after.”
    Abigail Roux, Fish & Chips
    tags: ty, zane

  • #21
    Abigail Roux
    “Zane heard Ty whuff from within the bathroom, and by the time he looked back, Ty had shoved Julian’s face against the shower wall and was holding him there by the back of his head.
    “Watch the elbows.”
    “Watch your fingers,” Julian snapped.
    “Welcome to TSA training, bitch.”
    “Want the other set of cuffs?” Zane asked, hoping to appease his cranky partner. “You could spread his arms out.”
    “Will someone please tell me the safe word?” Julian asked.”
    Abigail Roux, Armed & Dangerous

  • #22
    Abigail Roux
    “First time I saw you, after I got over hating you, I knew,” he said, echoing Ty’s words, “I knew I’d fall in love with you”
    Abigail Roux, Divide & Conquer

  • #23
    Abigail Roux
    “What are you two up to today?"

    "Oh, I just figured I'd show Ty some more of Texas. Head down to San Antonio and visit the Bureau office there," Zane said. He shot a sideways look at Ty. "Maybe spend the night in Beaumont."

    Ty smacked his forehead and turned his head away.

    "Not much in Beaumont to see," Harrison said with a frown.

    Zane grinned. "Even so, we're going to try to get it in." Ty had his hand over his mouth, his head down. He was either going to throw up or he was laughing. Harrison felt he'd missed a joke, but he thought maybe he didn't want to know.”
    Abigail Roux, Stars & Stripes

  • #24
    Abigail Roux
    “I don't think I've ever been gayer than I am right now.”
    Abigail Roux, Armed & Dangerous

  • #25
    Abigail Roux
    “Zane.” Ty’s voice was harsh in his ear. “Don’t speak geek to me when you’re naked. It shatters the illusion.”
    Abigail Roux, Touch & Geaux

  • #26
    Abigail Roux
    “Falling in love or just plain falling : they were both terrifying at any speed”
    Abigail Roux, Fish & Chips
    tags: love, ty

  • #27
    Abigail Roux
    “Cameron found himself smiling as he thought about the two tough, acerbic FBI agents. "It's so cute. They're in love."
    "It's like watching two kittens fight with machetes," Julian muttered.
    "What? Its weird!"
    "No its not. They're perfect for each other. Poor Zane though," Cameron murmured. "In love with Ty Grady." He couldn't imagine how frustrating that would be. Then Julian inhaled, and Cameron chuckled slightly. Yeah, he could actually.”
    Abigail Roux, Armed & Dangerous

  • #28
    Abigail Roux
    “He sighed heavily and lifted his chin stubbornly, meeting Zane's eyes without flinching. "I didn't just say it to get you to jump. I'm in love with you Zane," he admitted in a calm,clear voice.
    "I have been for a while.”
    Abigail Roux, Fish & Chips
    tags: love, ty, zane

  • #29
    Abigail Roux
    “You totally just outed us to the criminals.

    -Ty to Zane”
    Abigail Roux, Armed & Dangerous
    tags: humor, ty, zane

  • #30
    Abigail Roux
    “He loved Ty Grady with all there was to give of his heart, and in the end, all it had taken was one wink for Zane to finally come to terms with it.”
    Abigail Roux, Divide & Conquer

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