Qhuinn Quotes

Quotes tagged as "qhuinn" Showing 1-30 of 69
J.R. Ward
I miss you. I miss you so fucking bad it hurts, but I don't know how to find you even though you're right in front of

J.R. Ward, Lover Mine

J.R. Ward
“As Qhuinn looked at his best friend's handsome face, he felt as if he'd never not known that red hair, those blue eyes, those lips, that jaw. And it was because of their long history that he searched for something to say, something that would get them back to where they had been. All that came to him was . . . I miss you. I miss you so fucking bad it hurts, but I don't know how to find you even though you're right in front of me.”
J.R. Ward, Lover Mine

J.R. Ward
“Say the word. Say the word and I won't go.

Say the word, Qhuinn. Do it and I'll spend the night with you.

Better yet, why don't you just kiss me-”
J.R. Ward, Lover Mine

J.R. Ward
“Abruptly, Blay's blue stare found his.
And what Qhuinn saw in it caused him to falter: Love shone out of that face, unadulterated love untempered by the shyness that was very much part of his reserve.
Blay didn't look away.
And for the first time ... neither did Qhuinn.
He didn't know whether the emotion was for his cousin—it probably was-but he'd take it: He stared right back at Blaylock and let everything he had in his heart show in his face.
He just let that shit fly.
Because there was a lesson in this Fade ceremony tonight: You could lose the ones you loved in the blink of an eye-and he was willing to bet when it happened, you weren't thinking about all the reasons that could have kept you apart.
You thought of all the reasons that kept you together.”
J.R. Ward, Lover Reborn

J.R. Ward
“You are perfect the way you are." Blay's voice was strong. "There is nothing wrong with who and what you have always been. I'm proud of you. And I love you. Now ... and always."
Qhuinn's vision got wavy. Hard-core.
"I'm proud of you. And I love you," Blay repeated. "Always. Forget about your old family ... you have me now. I am your family.”
J.R. Ward, Lover at Last

J.R. Ward
“The male who'd just arrived laughed as he embraced Qhuinn. "You have such a way with words, cousin. I would say...trucker meets sailor crossed with a twelve-year-old.”
J.R. Ward, Lover Mine

J.R. Ward
“I have loved you for years. I have been in love with you for years and years and years ... throughout school and training ... before transitions and afterward ... when you approached me and yes, even now that you're with Saxton and you hate me. And that ... shit ... in my fucking head locked me down, locked everything down ... and it cost me you.”
J.R. Ward, Lover at Last

J.R. Ward
“Qhuinn stopped breathing, focusing everything he had on the male who had been his best friend and his never-been lover… and the ever-after that was never going to happen.
Even after all the things that had gone on between them, and all the fuckups on his end, which were legendary, Blay still had his back.
“I love you,” Qhuinn blurted into the silence.”
J.R. Ward, Lover Reborn

J.R. Ward
“I catch you without your ahstrux nohtrum again, I'm turning you in."

Qhuinn cursed. "Yeah, and then I'll get fired. Which means V'll Donald trump my ass with a dagger. You're welcome.”
j.r. ward, Lover Mine

J.R. Ward
“As always, Blay was the anchor who kept him from being swept away.”
J.R. Ward, Lover Reborn

J.R. Ward
“Call me," she whispered to him with a confidence that would fade as the days passed.
Qhuinn smiled a little. "Take care."
At the sound of the two words, Blay relaxed, his big shoulders easing up. In Qhuinn-landia, "Take care" was synonymous with "I'm never going to see, call or fuck you again.”
J.R. Ward, Lover Mine

J.R. Ward
Hey, as you leave, Qhuinn wanted to say, will you do me a favor? I think my left ventricle is on the floor, so don't step on it as you pull out? Thanks. Great.
J.R. Ward, Lover Reborn

J.R. Ward
“When he turned back around, his characteristic smart-ass smile was back in place. "Your wish is my command, prince of mine."
Don't call me that.
"How about good ol'-fashioned 'master'?" When John just glared over his shoulder, Quinn shrugged. "Fine. I'll go with fathead then. But that's your damage, I gave you options." [John & Qhuinn]”
J.R. Ward, Lover Enshrined

J.R. Ward
“God...this was who he loved, he thought. And always would. It was the thrust of that stubborn jaw, and the dark, slashing eyebrows, and those piercings up his ear and in his full lower lip. It was that thick, glossy black hair and the golden skin and that heavily muscled body. It was the way he laughed and the fact that he never, ever cried. It was the scars on his inside no one knew about and the conviction that he would always be the first to run into a burning building or a bloody fight or a car wreck. It was all the things Qhuinn had been and was ever going to be.”
J.R. Ward, Lover Mine

J.R. Ward
“And it was because of their long history that he searched for something to say, something that would get them back to where they had been.

All that came to him was...I miss you. I miss you so fucking bad it hurts, but I don't know how to find you even though you're right in front of me.
J.R. Ward, Lover Mine

J.R. Ward
“You're looking at that chick like you want to roll her up in a taco and put your hot sauce all over her.”
J.R. Ward, Lover Avenged

J.R. Ward
“With stumbling feet, he blindly walked somewhere, anywhere. When he got to the king's study, he looked over his shoulder and checked the carpet over which he'd trodden. No trail of his blood. Which, considering the way his chest was hurting, was a surprise. Sure as shit felt like he'd been shot in the heart.”
J.R. Ward, Lover Mine

J.R. Ward
“You could lose the ones you loved in the blink of an eye—and he was willing to bet, when it happened, you weren’t thinking about all the reasons that could have kept you apart. You thought of all the reasons that kept you together.

And, no doubt, how you wished you’d had more time. Even if you’d had centuries…

When you were young, you thought time was a burden, something to be discharged as fast as possible so you could be grown-up. But it was such a bait-n-switch—when you were an adult, you came to realize that minutes and hours were the single most precious thing you had.

No one got forever. And it was a fucking crime to waste what you were given.”
J.R. Ward, Lover Reborn

J.R. Ward
“The Old Language really was beautiful, Blay thought. Staring at the symbols, for one brief, ridiculous moment he imagined his own name across Qhuinn's shoulders, carved into that smooth skin in the manner of the mating ritual.
Never going to happen. They were destined to be best friends...which, compared to strangers, was something huge. Compared to lovers? It was the cold side of a locked door.”
J.R. Ward, Lover Mine

J.R. Ward
“Just once" Blay said softly. "Do it just once. So I'll know what it's like."

Qhuinn started to shake his head. "No...I don't think–"


After a moment, Qhuinn slid both his hands up Blay's thick neck and captured the male's sturdy jaw in his palms. "You sure?"

When Blay nodded, Qhuinn titled his friend's head back and to the side and held it in place as he slowly closed the distance. Just before their mouths touched, Blay's eyelashes fluttered down and he trembled and–

Oh, it was sweet. Blay's lips were incredibly sweet and soft.

The tongue probably wasn't supposed to be part of it, but there was no helping that. Qhuinn licked inside and then sank deep as his arms slipped around Blay and held him hard. When he finally lifted his head, the look in Blay's eyes said he would let anything happen between them. Let it all happen.”
J.R. Ward, Lover Enshrined

J.R. Ward
“No one got forever. And it was a fucking crime to waste what you were given. Enough, Qhuinn thought. Enough with the excuses, and the avoidance, and the trying to be someone, anyone else. Even if he got shanked, even if his precious little ego and his dumb-ass little heart got shattered into a million pieces, it was time to stop the bullshit. It was time to be a male.”
J.R. Ward, Lover Reborn

J.R. Ward
“They never held hands. Never kissed in front of anyone. And there were no covert hot glances, either. But then again, Blay was a gentleman. And Saxton the Classy Slut put on a good show.

His cousin was a straight-up whore—”
J.R. Ward, Lover Unleashed

J.R. Ward
“I'd better go,” he said, without leaving.
That one eye, the blue one, just kept staring up at him. Bloodshot, with a cut across the brow above it, the thing shouldn’t have been able to focus. But it was.
“I have to go,” Blay said finally.
Without leaving.
Damn him, he didn't know what the hell he was doing—
A tear escaped from that eye. Welling up along the lower lid, it coalesced at the far corner, formed a crystal circle, and grew so fat it couldn't hold on to the lashes. Slipping free, it meandered downward, getting lost in dark hair at the temple.”
J.R. Ward, Lover Reborn

J.R. Ward
“See, this was the thing with Qhuinn. He could be out there and he could let his edge get away from him, but he always came back and made you feel like you were the single most important person in the world to him and that he was truly sorry for hurting your feelings.”
J.R. Ward, Lover Enshrined

J.R. Ward
“As a collective exhale hit the airwaves, Qhuinn found himself looking over at Blay. Aw, hell, talk about a suck zone—this was why he avoided the guy like the plague. Just one glance and he was locked on, all kinds of reactions rolling through him, until the room spun a little—
For no good reason, Blay’s eyes flipped up and met his.
It was like getting goosed in the ass with a live wire, his body spasming to the point where he had to hide the reaction by coughing while he glanced away.
About as smooth as a crater. Yup. Fantastic.”
J.R. Ward, Lover Reborn

J.R. Ward
“But by God, he was going to stop running from his cowardice. He had to own his shit - even if it made him hate himself to the core. Because maybe if he did, he'd stop trying to distract himself with sex and drinking, and figure out what he did want.
Apart from Blay, that was.”
J.R. Ward, Lover Unleashed

J.R. Ward
“As the two of them came up against each other, Qhuinn's mouth
dropped open. But not because he was shocked and not because he wanted
in on the action.
He simply couldn't breathe. It was as if his ribs had frozen along with
his heart.
No . . . no, goddamn it, no . . .”
J.R. Ward, Lover Mine

J.R. Ward
“How ironic. Now that he wasn't with Blay, he was being faithful to the fucker.”
J.R. Ward

J.R. Ward
“I suppose this is for the best," Blay said into his shoulder. "You can't cook."
"See? I'm so not Prince Charming.”
J.R. Ward

J.R. Ward
“He thinks I love him. As in… in love with him. Yeah. Go fig. Me in love with Qhuinn… a guy who, when he’s not moody, is a slut and smart-ass. Except you want to know what the most fucked-up thing is, though? He’s right.”
J.R. Ward

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