Bat Girl > Bat's Quotes

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  • #1
    Jandy Nelson
    “No woman can resist a man who has tidal waves and earthquakes beneath the skin.”
    Jandy Nelson, I'll Give You the Sun

  • #2
    Cornelia Funke
    “Because fear kills everything," Mo had once told her. "Your mind, your heart, your imagination.”
    Cornelia Funke, Inkheart

  • #3
    Laini Taylor
    “She moved like a poem and smiled like a sphinx.”
    Laini Taylor, Daughter of Smoke & Bone

  • #4
    Cornelia Funke
    “The sea always filled her with longing, though for what she was never sure.”
    Cornelia Funke, Inkheart

  • #5
    Sheila Turnage
    “For me, it was a Gold Star day. I'd identified an enemy, and I'd made a life decision: I might come home tore up from fighting or late from being punished, but I'd never come home crying. So far, I ain't.”
    Sheila Turnage, Three Times Lucky

  • #6
    Sheila Turnage
    “If you like old cars detective, eastern North Carolina is perfect for you” he said smoothing his tie. “We have oodles of vintage vehicles around here, don’t we Colonel? In fact I like to think of them as one of poverty’s little perks.”
    Sheila Turnage, Three Times Lucky

  • #7
    Sheila Turnage
    “I hear whispers the way a knife thrower’s assistant hears knives.”
    Sheila Turnage Three Times Lucky

  • #8
    J.M. Barrie
    “Wendy," Peter Pan continued in a voice that no woman has ever yet been able to resist, "Wendy, one girl is more use than twenty boys.”
    J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

  • #9
    J.M. Barrie
    “There could not have been a lovelier sight; but there was none to see it except a little boy who was staring in at the window. He had ecstasies innumerable that other children can never know; but he was looking through the window at the one joy from which he must be for ever barred.”
    J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

  • #10
    J.M. Barrie
    “If you cannot teach me to fly, teach me to sing.”
    Sir James Barrie, Peter Pan

  • #11
    J.M. Barrie
    “What a glorious boy
    he had meant to be to her. Ah, Peter, we who have made the great
    mistake, how differently we should all act at the second chance. But
    Solomon was right; there is no second chance, not for most of us.
    When we reach the window it is Lock-out Time. The iron bars are up
    for life.”
    J. M. Barrie, Peter Pan In Kensington Gardens & Peter and Wendy [Illustrated]

  • #12
    D. James Smith
    “He’s too tired to squirm clear of her, which is good ‘cause pinching and kissing and hugging will calm an Italian mother-person better than anything.”
    D. James Smith, Probably the World's Best Story About a Dog and the Girl Who Loved Me

  • #13
    Albert Einstein
    “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
    Albert Einstein

  • #15
    J.K. Rowling
    “If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.”
    J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

  • #16
    Oscar Wilde
    “Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.”
    Oscar Wilde

  • #17
    Martin Luther King Jr.
    “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”
    Martin Luther King Jr., A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches

  • #18
    Maya Angelou
    “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
    Maya Angelou

  • #19
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
    “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
    Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • #20
    “Being tender and open is beautiful. As a woman, I feel continually shhh’ed. Too sensitive. Too mushy. Too wishy washy. Blah blah. Don’t let someone steal your tenderness. Don’t allow the coldness and fear of others to tarnish your perfectly vulnerable beating heart. Nothing is more powerful than allowing yourself to truly be affected by things. Whether it’s a song, a stranger, a mountain, a rain drop, a tea kettle, an article, a sentence, a footstep, feel it all – look around you. All of this is for you. Take it and have gratitude. Give it and feel love.”
    Zooey Deschanel

  • #21
    David Sedaris
    “When asked "What do we need to learn this for?" any high-school teacher can confidently answer that, regardless of the subject, the knowledge will come in handy once the student hits middle age and starts working crossword puzzles in order to stave off the terrible loneliness.”
    David Sedaris, Me Talk Pretty One Day

  • #22
    David Sedaris
    “At the end of a miserable day, instead of grieving my virtual nothing, I can always look at my loaded wastepaper basket and tell myself that if I failed, at least I took a few trees down with me.”
    David Sedaris, Me Talk Pretty One Day

  • #23
    David Sedaris
    “People are often frightened of Parisians, but an American in Paris will find no harsher critic than another American.”
    David Sedaris, Me Talk Pretty One Day

  • #24
    Sarah  Miller
    “I'll pretend, I tell myself. Pretending is safer than believing.”
    Sarah Miller, The Lost Crown

  • #25
    Sarah  Miller
    “Behind every successful woman are several confused men who give her something to make fun of.”
    Sarah Miller

  • #26
    J.M. Barrie
    “Two small figures were beating against the rock; the girl had fainted and lay on the the boy's arm. With a last effort Peter pulled her up the rock and then lay down beside her. Even as he also fainted he saw that the water was raising, He knew that they would soon be drowned, but he could do no more.
    As they lay side by side a mermaid caught Wendy by the feet, and began pulling her softly into the water. Peter feeling her slip from him, woke with a start, and was just in time to draw her back. But he had to tell her the truth.
    "We are on the rock, Wendy," he said, "but it is growing smaller. Soon the water will be over it."
    She did not understand even now.
    "We must go," she said, almost brightly.
    "Yes," he answered faintly.
    "Shall we swim or fly, Peter?"
    He had to tell her.
    "Do you think you could swim or fly as far as the island, Wendy, without my help?"
    She had to admit she was too tired.
    He moaned.
    "What is it?" she asked, anxious about him at once.
    "I can't help you, Wendy. Hook wounded me. I can neither fly nor swim."
    "Do you mean we shall both be downed?"
    "Look how the water is raising."
    They put their hands over their eyes to shut out the sight. They thought they would soon be no more. As they sat thus something brushed against Peter as light as a kiss, and stayed there, as if to say timidly, "Can I be of any us?" It was the tail of a kite, which Michael had made some days before. It had torn itself out of his hand and floated away.
    "Michael's kite," Peter said without interest, but the next moment he had seized the tail, and was pulling the kite towards him.
    "It lifted Michael off the ground," he cried; "why should it not carry you?"
    "Both of us!"
    "It can't left two; Michael and Curly tried."
    "Let us draw lots," Wendy said bravely.
    "And you a lady; never." Already he had tied the tail round her. She clung to him; she refused to go without him; but with a "Good-bye, Wendy." he pushed her from the rock; and in a few minutes she was borne out of his sight. Peter was alone on the lagoon.
    The rock was very small now; soon it would be submerged. Pale rays of light tiptoed across the waters; and by and by there was to be heard a sound at once the most musical and the most melancholy in the world: the mermaids calling to the moon.”
    J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

  • #27
    Gabrielle Zevin
    “When dad says he’s going to church, he actually means he’s going to a library or a bookstore.” - Gabrielle Zevin, Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac.”
    Gabrielle Zevin

  • #28
    Maggie Stiefvater
    “I thought you said scrying was a bad idea.”
    “It's like vodka,” Calla said. “It really depends on who's doing it.”
    Maggie Stiefvater, The Dream Thieves

  • #29
    Maggie Stiefvater
    “Right, sure. Because there's no girls in politics! I have no interest. Voting? What? I forgot my apron. I think I ought to be in the kitchen right now, actually. My rolling pin-”
    Maggie Stiefvater, The Dream Thieves

  • #30
    Maggie Stiefvater
    “Gansey's partying with his mother," Ronan said. He smelled like beer. "And Noah's fucking dead. But Parrish is here.”
    Maggie Stiefvater, The Raven Boys

  • #31
    Maggie Stiefvater
    “He's a pit bull," Adam said.
    "I know some really nice pit bulls."
    "He's the kind of pit that makes the evening news. Gansey's trying to restrain him."
    "How noble.”
    Maggie Stiefvater, The Raven Boys

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