Steven Carroll > Steven's Quotes

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  • #1
    Steven J. Carroll
    “...a friend is someone to whom you can tell all your secrets, someone whom you can trust without reservation, a person who is not overawed when you are at your best, and is not turned away when you are at your worst.”
    Steven J. Carroll, City of Words

  • #2
    Steven J. Carroll
    “And it is a strange thing about love... it is that it can take a strength that would seem otherwise insignificant and transform it into a hardly quenchable power.”
    Steven J. Carroll, Worlds Unending

  • #3
    Steven J. Carroll
    “It is hard to imagine the things you have never seen.”
    Steven J. Carroll, All the Worlds of Men

  • #4
    Steven J. Carroll
    “You can always tell the heart of man by what he do, and by what he don't do...”
    Steven J. Carroll, The Road to Jericho

  • #5
    Steven J. Carroll
    “Only worse thing than being cold, and too tired to defend yourself, is to be cold and alone. And I wouldn't ever wish that on nobody.”
    Steven J. Carroll, The Road to Jericho

  • #6
    Steven J. Carroll
    “If you always try to measure yourself with
    money... well, it's like counting backwards, the more you
    keep on, the less you'll have to show for it.”
    Steven J. Carroll, The Road to Jericho

  • #7
    Steven J. Carroll
    “Nearly all men have weak hearts, in one way or another.”
    Steven J. Carroll, In the Window Room

  • #8
    Steven J. Carroll
    “There are secret passages all around you if you know where to look for them.”
    Steven J. Carroll, In the Window Room

  • #9
    Steven J. Carroll
    “It is good practice to never fault someone for their birth name, being that it is always of far greater importance how men speak of you, than the name by which you are addressed.”
    Steven J. Carroll, A Prince of Earth

  • #10
    Steven J. Carroll
    “To travel beyond our world is to change this present one forever.”
    Steven J. Carroll, A Prince of Earth

  • #11
    Steven J. Carroll
    “If only I could be a prince in every world.”
    Steven J. Carroll, A Prince of Earth

  • #12
    C.S. Lewis
    “A children's story that can only be enjoyed by children is not a good children's story in the slightest.”
    C.S. Lewis

  • #13
    Thomas More
    “Men be so foolish as to have delight and pleasure in the doubtful glistering of a trifling little stone, which may behold any of the stars or else the sun itself.”
    Sir Thomas More

  • #14
    Dr. Seuss
    “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”
    Dr. Seuss, Happy Birthday to You!

  • #15
    Steven J. Carroll
    “There are some debts that can't be paid with money.”
    Steven J. Carroll, The Road to Jericho

  • #16
    Steven J. Carroll
    “Sometimes a bus is your bus, and sometimes it ain't, and it's important that you can tell the difference.”
    Steven J. Carroll, The Road to Jericho

  • #17
    Steven J. Carroll
    “History is the guess of old men, sometimes they get it wrong.”
    Steven J. Carroll, All the Worlds of Men

  • #18
    Jonathan Swift
    “Every man desires to live long, but no man wishes to be old.”
    Jonathan Swift, Gulliver’s Travels

  • #19
    Steven J. Carroll
    “It will always take a good deal more courage to do something foolishly dangerous, when it is planned, than when it happens by surprise.”
    Steven J. Carroll, Worlds Unending

  • #20
    Steven J. Carroll
    “And, to be true, an enemy's lair is an enemy's lair, no matter how comfortable or fancy it might appear.”
    Steven J. Carroll, A Prince of Earth

  • #21
    Steven J. Carroll
    “Now, he'd loved money for money's sake. He loved the feel of it, not only in his hands, but also in his heart.”
    Steven J. Carroll, Worlds Unending

  • #22
    Steven J. Carroll
    “A decent life, even a short life, will always be far better than an exceptionally long life lived in ruin.”
    Steven J. Carroll

  • #23
    Victor Hugo
    “Be like the bird that, passing on her flight awhile on boughs too slight, feels them give way beneath her, and yet sings, knowing that she hath wings.”
    Victor Hugo
